Chapter 6

Mated to a Dork [Kryber]

I am so sorry for going MIA on you guys.









“Bite, like, ually?” Jessica asked raising an eyebrow.

“Uh, I’m not sure, it’s just… a bite” Yuri said scratching the back of his head.

Aiden was looking at Krystal, who was staring off into the distance.

“Krystal?” he croaked weakly. “Please say something”

Krystal didn’t move. Jessica tried nudging her, but still, no reaction.

“Talk to us dammit” Yuri said shaking Krystal’s shoulder. Krystal still did nothing.

Yuri picked up a pillow from the bed and began to hit Krystal with it.

“YO! BABY JUNG! QUIT IGNORING US!” Yuri screamed. Krystal brought her arms to shield her face.

“Ow! Yuri- what? Would you ing stop!” Krystal yelled grabbing one end of the pillow and wrestling with Yuri to see who would get it. (Yuri won)

“Are you okay?” Jessica asked her sister.

“No I’m not okay! Werewolves don’t exist! They’re crazy, Jess! They are actually, truly-”

“Hey, this is probably not the best time but Yoong found another body” Changmin said rushing up the stairs.

“B-body?” Jessica choked out.

“They’re killers!” Krystal gasped. She tugged at her hair. “They are the crazy people who kill runners in the woods! They, they,” Krystal was hyperventilating, Jessica was rubbing her back, trying to sooth her.

“I’m really sorry” Changmin panted “but Aiden, they really need you”

Aiden bit his lip, glancing at Krystal. “Can I talk to you later?”


Aiden felt tears brim in his eyes, before rushing down the stairs following Changmin. Yuri looked Jessica, who was Krystal’s back.

“Can you take her home? You can take my car” Yuri asked, Jessica nodded.

“Wait!” Jessica called as Yuri was rushing down the stairs. Yuri ran back up since Jessica sounded scared.

“What is it?” Yuri asked.

“How will I contact you? I want answers”

“Oh” Yuri looked down at his feet, his face turning bright red. “I uh, put my number in your phone last night. It’s under Kwon Yuri”

Jessica’s mouth formed an ‘o’

“So, um, I’ll call you” she said before Yuri ran down the stairs again.

“They’re liars” Krystal mumbled.

“It’s going to be okay, Soojungiie”


“So she just… died?” Key asked staring at the body.

“Obviously not” Yuri rolled his eyes. “There are claw marks everywhere”

“What do we do with it?”

“Bury it?” Jonghyun offered.

“Throw it in the lake?” said Yoong

“Cremate it?” Key suggested

“No, sooner or later someone will come looking for her” Victoria said crouching down next to the body. “These claw marks seem like they were recent, I’d say she died last night”

“Does it look like an animal attack?” Aiden asked biting his lip

“I mean it looks like a werewolf attack, but the full moon isn’t until next week” Victoria took a deep breath “but Aiden, look at this”

Aiden kneeled down next to Victoria, examining the girl’s neck. His eyes widened

“Are those…?”

“Vampire bites”


When the twins arrived home they were bombarded with questions.

“Where were you?” Mrs. Jung demanded. “Practice ended at 11, it’s 2 in the afternoon! No text, no calls, no nothing! You could have been dead”

Jessica stayed quiet and had her head down. Krystal, still in a daze, tried to move past her mom to get to her room.

“Don’t you girls dare ignore me!”

“Mom!” Krystal yelled rubbing her temples “I am tired, hungover, and probably on something due to the day I just had. Please leave me alone”

Mrs. Jung stood there mouth wide open. Meanwhile Jessica was facepalming herself for her sisters stupid confession.

Hungover?” Mrs. Jung exclaimed

“Can we talk later? I’m exhausted” Krystal groaned, walking up the stairs with Jessica trailing behind wanting to also get away from this mess her sister pretty much caused.

“You both are in big trouble when you wake up!” Mrs. Jung shouted.

“I know, I know, I know” Krystal grumbled

Krystal flopped down on her bed, burying her face in her pillow. She was convinced the thing Aiden and his gang pulled was some sick joke on the new kids. Werewolves don’t exist… right?

Suddenly, Krystal remembered about the guy who died. The police said it was an animal attack… a wolf attack. Could it have been…

Krystal shook her head. Werewolves don’t exist, she told herself they aren’t real.


Two deaths, Aiden! Two! You said you would take care of this!” Yunho shouted, outraged. He gestured to the TV.

Jeon Soyeon, age 15, was found dead in the Blue Moon Forest. Police assume Soyeon was attacked by the same animal that killed Mark Lee…”

Yunho shut off the TV.

“A teenage girl is dead because you couldn’t find the killer! How many people have to die before you finally own up to your Alpha duties? I can’t keep cleaning up your mess, you’re almost an adult” he snapped.

Aiden had tears streaming down his face. “Yunho I tried my best-”

“Don’t give me that crap, Yiyun” Yunho fumed. Aiden grimaced; Yunho only used his first name when he was furious.“I told you what would happen if someone else got hurt”

Aiden’s eyes widened. “Not them”

Yunho nodded gravely.

“There were vampire bites on her neck, Yiyun! You even told me you thought it was Kang’s gang. We have to have a meeting”

“The vampires have been giving us radio silence for the past year! How on earth are we going to contact them?”

“You already know that answer” Yunho said softly, watching Aiden’s face fall.

“Oh no” Aiden groaned. “Not her”


Monday at school, Krystal avoided Aiden like the plague.

Aiden tried to talk to Krystal, or get her to acknowledge him, the entire day, but Krystal coldly ignored him.

“You’re going to have to talk to me eventually” AIden hissed to Krystal in history. Krystal said nothing.

“Ignoring me? How childish” Aiden scoffed, crossing his arms. Krystal rolled her eyes.

What do I do? Aiden sent to Yuri.

She’s in denial, the only thing we can do is wait Yuri sent back.

Krystal barely talked to anyone that day, a few words to her sister but she mainly kept to herself.

“You need to snap out of this” Jessica told her in gym class. “Personally, I find this all really cool”

“Werewolves existing is ‘cool’ to you?” Krystal asked. “They’re pulling some lame joke on us, werewolves don’t exist”

“Okay, Yuri told me you were going to be in denial-”

“You talked to him?” Krystal asked shocked. “You saw them after they kidnapped us?”

“Yuri and Aiden had no idea their friends were going to do that, they were outraged” Jessica told her. “If you just talked to Aiden he would explain it to you”

“There’s no way I’m talking to that freak” Krystal said, her eyes widening, “You have company” she squeaked before stomping off.

Jessica turned around to see Yuri standing in front of her.

“Hi” Yuri smiled “sorry I couldn’t really talk this morning, there was an emergency pack meeting”

Jessica tried to contact Yuri before school, wanting answers about the werewolf stuff. Yuri had no time to be around Jessica, since Victoria called for help after accidentally turning Taeyeon’s hair purple.

“Is everything okay?” Jessica asked.

“Yeah” Yuri smirked. “Taeyeon’s hair now looks like chowder though”

Jessica giggled, making Yuri smile.

“So what did you want to ask me this morning” Yuri asked.

“Oh, right. I was wondering if we could meet up after school, I want to know all about the werewolf-mate stuff” Jessica said shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Yuri grinned. “Yeah we can do that”

Jessica smiled. Why were people so afraid of Yuri? He was literally one of the cutest people Jessica has ever seen. He was like an eager puppy.

“Okay, I get out practice at 5:30, want to meet at that coffee shop near school at 6?” Jessica offered.

“Okay! I can see if I can get off work then” Yuri confirmed, before running off.

Why was I so afraid of this mate thing? It’s so great! Yuri thought, all giddy.

Aw, the black pearl is in looooove Aiden mocked.

Yulsic strong Victoria cheered, Yuri could practically see her smiling in class.

Key walked up behind Yuri with Taeyeon in tow.

“I’m proud of you Yul” Key beamed. Taeyeon gave him a thumbs up.

“I’ve never seen you this happy. Jessica must have you whipped”

“Shut up, Kibum”



Jessica walked into the coffee shop to see Yuri waiting for her at a table. Yuri’s eyes lit up when he saw Jessica.

After Jessica got her drink, she sat down across from Yuri.

“Hi” she greeted. “Thanks for meeting me here”

“No problem” Yuri smiled. “How was practice?”

“It was okay, my coach was being overdramatic, it was so funny. How was work?”

“Pretty boring. Yoong accidentally hit Sooyoung with a wrench. He deserved it”

Jessica flinched. “Did Aiden kill Sooyoung after the whole ‘kidnapping’ thing?”

Yuri shrugged. “I mean he beat him up pretty bad, but you saw that. His punishment is that he’s going to be shackled during the full moon”

“That’s a punishment?”

“Yeah, cause when we transform it’s a painful process. When you’re shackled during the full moon you can’t run around and the transformation process is so much more painful because you’re restricted”

“Oh my, that sounds awful”

“Yeah, Aiden only has us shackled if he feels like we deserve it. It hasn’t happened often. If he feels like there’s a threat, then he’ll shackle all of us”

“Has that ever happened?”

“Once, when poachers were out. Changmin-hyung saw them before sundown, and warned us. Aiden then had all of us go to the basement. It was awful” Yuri shuddered. “Anyways, what would you like to know about the freaky supernatural world?”

Jessica hesitated, not knowing where to start. “How does one become a werewolf?”

“Genetics. Or you get a bite from an Alpha”

“How did you become one?”

“My dad, Jiyong, was Yunyoung’s Beta. Yunyoung is Aiden’s dad, and I’m Aiden’s Beta.

Jessica remembered Sunny saying all of Yuri and his friends were orphaned, and how Yuri said Changmin was his foster father. She smiled sadly.

“Are you guys the only werewolves in town?”

“No, there’s another pack, but they’re in their 20s. The people in my pack are between the ages 15 and 17”

“Isn’t Changmin in his 20s?”

“Changmin-hyung isn’t a werewolf, neither is Victoria. They’re the designated magical advisors to us”

“So they’re like witches?”

“I guess” Yuri laughed. “Changmin-hyung hates being called a witch though, we call him a wizard instead”

“It’s just you guys?” Jessica asked taking a sip of her drink.

“No, there are also the vampires” Yuri said calmly

Jessica spit out her drink. “Vampires?

“Yeah. They all look different ages. Some of them actually go to our school”

“That’s unbelievable”

Yuri chuckled. “So you can believe werewolves and witches go to prep, but not vampires?”

“Well, I mean, if vampires are thousands of years old, why would they waste their time in school?”

“To blend in. They don’t want authorities knocking on their door because a 5000 year old vampire who looks like they’re 16 isn’t in the 10th grade”

“That’s understandable. Do I know any of them?”

Yuri’s face darkened. “That’s not my secret to tell”

Jessica nodded wondering if any of her new friends are actually bloodsucking demons.

“How is the whole um…” Jessica paused.

“Yes?” Yuri asked encouraging Jessica to go on.

“How does the whole, uh, biting mark thing go?”

“Oh” Yuri’s ears reddened. “Well, um, wherever I bite you is where you get your tattoo”

“What is it a tattoo of?”

“Um” Yuri paused. “Jonghyun and Key have tattoos of the crescent moon. I think it’s the same for everyone”

“So werewolves also get the tattoos?”

“What?” Yuri asked, confused. “Oh, no. Jonghyun and Key are mates so they both got the tattoos. I don’t think I get one”

“Oh, so… when do you bite me?” Jessica asked nervously

“Whenever, I guess” Yuri said looking down embarrassed. An awkward silence dawned over them.

“So… Krystal and Aiden…” Jessica said after awhile

“Me and the rest of the pack call them Kryden” Yuri smiled. His smile dropped quickly. “Oh no, Aiden doesn’t know that. Please don’t tell him”

Jessica giggled. “That’s cute. How long do you think Krystal would ignore him?”

“I mean, it’s going to be hard since they’re fated” Yuri said scratching the back of his head


“Like you and me, they’re mates”

“So what does that mean?”

“It’s going to be impossible for them to stay away from each other. The moon goddess chose them to be mates. They’re always going to be drawn to each other”


The day after, Aiden was dreading the mission Yunho gave him. He walked into the school with the others, before quietly slipping away.

Aiden walked down the senior hallway, trying to find the locker he was looking for. When he reached his destination, he quickly shoved the note in the locker before walking away, praying that no one would see him.

Krystal ignored Aiden, again. Aiden scoffed, calling Krystal immature before becoming angry. Yuri and Jessica shared a knowing look, remembering what Yuri said the night before.

Nearing the end of the day, Aiden was anxious about what was going to happen. His phone dinged

New text from: Jung Yunhoe

You can’t back out of this. We have a deal. We can’t avoid the vampires any longer.

Aiden rolled his eyes. After school he stayed after with Mr. Ok for help on his chem homework (but really he was trying to delay what was about to happen).

Aiden was at his locker, putting his books away before feeling a chill run down his spine.

Now or never he thought.

Good luck Yuri said.

Fighting! Said Yoong.

Make sure to cover your neck said Sooyoung. He ignored that.

“I thought you’d be a no show” Aiden said coolly, placing his books in his bag.

“What, and miss seeing my favorite mutt?” said the extremely annoying voice that Aiden hated. Aiden rolled his eyes.

“Let’s get this over with, Lee”



















I'm back!! ok so I am very much sorry for being silent for like 2 months now but hey I am very happy to be back, also the only reason I was absent for so long it's because I graduate soon! yay lol I haven't been able to update because being a senior is so stressful T_T  but I'm going to be updating more from now on but please be patient for I am still trying to graduate ^-^ 

Also comment who you think this 'Lee' is. Well until next time 


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So after awhile of finishing this story I decided to kind of update some things, which is most likely just Victoria's son, his name is still going to be SungWoo but he will be portrayed as Asahi from treasure. Also i'm thinking of making a sequel but in their kid's POV idk yet. Stay safe!


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Chapter 17: Nice
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