Chapter 10

Mated to a Dork [Kryber]

Double update >.<








“What are your plans tonight?” Krystal asked her sister as they were packing up from practice. It was Friday afternoon, she would meet up with Aiden but she decided to have some sister time with Jessica.

“Oh, well it’s the full moon tonight” Jessica said pulling the last things out of her gym locker.

“Okay?” Krystal raised an eyebrow. “So?”

Jessica gave her sister a look. It took a few seconds for Krystal to register what that meant.

“Oh, right. Wolf time”

“You know for someone who claims to be as smart as you are, you’re a pabo” Jessica smirked

“Shut up. Why does the full moon affect what you’re doing?”

“Yuri invited me to watch movies with Victoria-unnie and Changmin-oppa while they go run around”

“That’s a weird invitation”

“Eh. it couldn’t hurt. You should come. I’m pretty sure it would just be us four” Jessica and Krystal exited the gym. It was about 5, Jessica told Yuri she would be over at 8.

“Do you think they would mind?” Krystal asked. She either had the option of hanging out with Jessica and those weird wolf people or spend the night at home, and have to deal with the family alone, their dad would probably force her to watch one of those cheesy family movies. She decided to go with the first one.

“It will be fine, I think. Yuri said it’s basically going to be an empty house”




“Noona… I told you I don’t want you to smother her” Yuri said pinching the bridge of his nose.

“I’m not going to smother her!” Victoria insisted as she put the fifth batch of cookies in the oven. “Maybe all these cookies are for the boys!”

Yoong popped his head into the kitchen. “Cookies?”

“They’re not for you they’re for the guest” Victoria said wiping her hands in her apron.

“Jessica won’t eat four thousand cookies, noona” Yuri sighed

Victoria shrugged. “You never know. Besides you can eat them tomorrow morning”

“If you don’t eat a bunny or Bambi or something” Lun muttered

“Oh my god, Lun, that was one time!” Yuri exhaled. “You need to get over it! We’re wolves, we eat meat!”

“That was a precious animal!”

“The others AND you eat animals all the time!”

“Boys! You need to calm down!” Victoria said

Both Yuri and Lun glared at each other, then suddenly dropped to the floor laughing.

“I live with idiots” Victoria muttered

After a while Yuri and Lun stopped laughing and stood up.

“Pabo” said Yuri

“Meanie” Lun said

Yuri checked the clock; it was 7:55. Jessica would be here soon and sundown was at 8:14. Yuri thought she would have about five minutes to spend with Jessica before he had to leave.

Reminder that it is 7:55. Put on your comfy clothes now, we head out at 8:08 Aiden sent. Yuri trudged into the den to see Changmin sitting with Aiden at the coffee table looking over a map, BoA mindlessly flipping through the TV channels next to them.

“Hey, Yul, we have something you need to see” Changmin called over. Yuri saw that the map they made had giant X’s on some areas.

“This is the general area of where you should stay tonight” Changmin instructed. “Don’t go past Bangtan Rock barrier, cause of the… you know” Changmin nodded towards BoA.

BoA rolled her eyes. “Oh for ’s sake, Changmin. Oh no! Stay away from the badlands! Those are where vampires are from!” she mimicked.

“Anyways” Changmin continued. “These are the trails where the people ended up dead, I’d stay away from those, too”

“Also I noticed some people fishing earlier today, I’d stay away from the perimeter of the lake, just in case” BoA added taking a look at the map

Aiden scrunched his eyebrows. “That doesn’t give us a lot space, hyung”

“You have some” Changmin pointed. “But, if you feel like you have to, you could go onto the other pack’s property, I think they would be fine with that, due to the circumstances”

“And if we see the animal that’s been attacking?”

“Kill it. Eat it. Drown it in the lake. Do whatever” Changmin shrugged. Aiden nodded. Sooyoung and Taeyeon bounded down the stairs in sweatpants and boxers, chains on Sooyoung’s hands.

“Heading down to the cellar?” BoA asked. “What’d you do?”

Sooyoung looked down embarrassed. “I, uh, kidnapped Krystal”

“Nice!” BoA nodded. “How long is your punishment?”

“Just for tonight”

“I’d chain you up longer if it was up to me, but kidnapping! You’re becoming more and more like a vampire everyday!”

“Uh, yeah” Sooyoung stood there awkwardly holding the chains. Taeyeon snickered behind him.

“Well, off you go. Key, Jonghyun, Lun. Hyoyeon and Yoong already headed off. Tae, why don’t you meet them at the usual spot” Changmin ordered waving him off.

“He must have pissed you off a lot if you’re chaining him up” BoA grinned. “You’re becoming more and more like a true Alpha everyday, my baby is growing up” BoA pretended to wipe away a tear

Aiden looked down at the table. “This seems like a harsh punishment, maybe I should-”

“No, Aiden, you need to act like the leader, and everyone should know not to with the leader”

There was a knock at the door. Yuri jumped up. “I got it!”

“Yul, we leave in five minutes!” Aiden called out behind him.

Yuri opened the door to see Jessica and Krystal standing outside.

“Sup Ice Princess” Yuri smiled while he hugged Jessica.

“We’re on a nickname level now, are we?” Krystal asked an amused smile on her face.

“I give everyone a nickname. It’s an honor” Yuri did his signature hand sign ( pinky and thumb only )

“Hey Yul I’m gonna head out- hello” Aiden paused at the door, surprised to see the Jung sisters at his house when there was a full moon.

“Hi Aiden!” Jessica smiled while Krystal gave a polite nod.

“Hey Jess, c’mere I have to show you something” Yuri said grabbing Jessica’s hand and leading her inside.

“Yuri! The moon!” Aiden called after. He noticed Krystal was still waiting outside.

“Hey” he said politely

“So now is when you wolf up?” Krystal asked laughing slightly

Aiden smiled. “Yeah, I guess”

“So is the wolf like the one in Harry Potter, or the one in Twilight?”

Aiden shuddered. “Ugh, Harry Potter is so much better than Twilight”

“Right? Right?” Krystal asked completely forgetting the first question. “Jessica and my mom keep raving about how good Twilight is and how it’s so much better than Harry Potter, but I read Twilight and I hated it! There were so many more interesting characters than Bella” Krystal rambled.  

Aiden stepped outside. “I know right? Like Rosalie and Alice were my favorite characters, I would have rather heard about their lives than Bella” ( lol Aiden your nerd is showing )

“Plus, do vampires even sparkle?”

“No, they burn” Aiden said casually. “They wear these rings or amulets that keep them safe, though. Twilight was so off when they talked about the supernatural stuff”

Yuri suddenly burst out the door screaming something incoherent, running towards the heart of the woods. The two didn’t notice.

“Whoa, seriously? Like in The Vampire Diaries?” Krystal asked in awe

“Now that show is accurate” Aiden laughed. “Key watches it religiously and I have to say they’ve done a pretty good job. The vampires in that do burn, and there is such thing as vervain but it doesn’t burn them, it just makes them weak. That’s like wolfsbane for us”

“And the werewolf stuff?”

“They got the painful thing down, cause like, or bones reconstruct and that hurts like hell, but they don’t really talk about Alpha’s and Beta’s.

Teen Wolf does”

“Now that show makes me want to rip my hair out!” Aiden exclaimed. “The storyline is good and all, but they totally messed up the werewolf part! The guys and I only watched it cause Key and Vic-noona would always put it on so we were forced, and they only watched it cause and I quote ‘Dylan O’Brien is a hottie’”

“I was more into Crystal Reed” Krystal chuckled. “I was so sad when she died”

“Wait, Allison died?” Aiden asked shocked.

“You didn’t know?”

“I stopped watching after the Alpha Pack season!” Aiden looked so shocked and hurt it would have been hilarious if Krystal didn’t feel like she just hit him with a truck of feels.

“Are you okay? Are you going to cry? Do you want a hug? Krystal asked not sure if Aiden would burst into tears.

“Why would they kill her? She was my favorite! That was my ship! I love Scallison!” Aiden said. Neither of the two noticed that it was slightly getting darker…

“I’m not sure” Krystal put her arm around Aiden’s shoulder. “If it makes you feel any better, my brother cried when she died”

“This will kill Key and Victoria-noona, I don’t think they know” Aiden sniffed. If anyone were to see them right now they would think they were being sad over a person and not a fictional character.

“Is Stiles still alive?” Aiden asked.

“Yeah, but he’s dating this girl named Malia that I don’t like-”

“Not Lydia? This show sounds like it’s going down the drain”

“That’s what I’ve been-”

Aiden suddenly screamed as Krystal heard a sickening crack! Aiden was on all fours, his left leg bent at a funny angle. In the distance, Krystal heard other people screaming.

“Oh my god, Aiden, are you alright?” Krystal asked. She instantly scolded herself for asking such a stupid question. Of course he wasn’t alright.

After another crack and scream from Aiden, Krystal realized it was dark. She looked up and saw the full moon rising.

“Holy ” she whispered.

Aiden was on all fours, panting heavily. His back was arched while his limbs were at funny angles.

“Aiden?” Krystal croaked.

Aiden’s head whipped up. Krystal felt her breath catch in and she felt like she might pee herself. It might have been the scariest thing she had ever seen.

Aiden’s eyes looked like pure gold as his teeth grew into wicked sharp canines. He was growling and panting while Krystal saw his body twist and turn and change right in front of her.

“Get. Away.”  Aiden growled looking at Krystal dead in the eyes.

Krystal couldn’t move. She was too scared.

“Soojung!” Jessica called from inside. “Get inside!”

Krystal started to see gray hair cover Aiden’s body as he howled in pain. Krystal started to back up slowly towards the door, but tripped over a root and fell on her . She shut her eyes, not wanting to see anymore.

“Krystal!” Jessica called again. Krystal started to shake her head terrified.

Suddenly, Krystal felt hot breath on her face and a low growl. She felt like she was about to throw up.

I could have been home watching movies with my family, but now I’m about to die Krystal thought to herself. She felt a tear roll down her cheek.

The tear was quickly replaced with something warm and wet. Krystal’s eyes snapped open as she stared at a big grey wolf in front of her.

“Did you just me?” Krystal asked, mouth hanging wide open.

The wolf snorted, which Krystal assumed was Aiden laughing at her, before running away. Jessica rushed out to help her sister up.

“Are you okay?” Jessica asked worried “he didn’t hurt you, did he?”

Victoria rushed out of the house. “Oh my gosh! Are you hurt? Did he bite you?”

Krystal shook her head. “No, I’m fine”

Victoria’s eyes widened. “That’s the first time he’s ever done that”

“First time he’s ever done what?” Jessica asked.

Victoria took a deep breath. “That’s the first time Aiden faced a living thing that wasn’t a wolf and didn’t kill it”




“Well, Hotel Transylvania is over, what’s next?” Victoria asked. It was midnight, Changmin, Jessica, Victoria and Krystal were watching halloweenish movies until the pack came back.

“I heard they are making a sequel to Hotel Transylvania” Jessica commented.

“We should see it together!” Victoria said excitedly. “I love that movie”

“How does that sound, Krys?” Jessica asked, nudging her sister on the shoulder. She was still shaken up about what she saw earlier.

“Hmm? Okay” Krystal muttered.

“Which movie now?” Changmin asked.

“What about Train to Busan?” Krystal suggested trying to get the image of a guy transforming into a wild animal out of her head.

Jessica looked at Krystal for a moment. “You sure? I mean I don’t want you to get nightmares Soojung” she sister.

“Oh shut up miss ‘I can’t sleep without watching cartoons after scary movies’” Krystal shot back

“Hey in my defense it makes me feel less scared” Jessica pouted.

Victoria just watched amused as the twins bickered while Changmin tried to find the movie. Not long after the twins drifted off to sleep.

Krystal woke up smelling muffins and cinnamon rolls. It was sunrise, Victoria and Jessica were asleep next to Krystal while Changmin was in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

Krystal yawned and stretched before hearing the door open. She saw the Key guy walk in covered in dirt and leaves. Instead of saying hi, Key walked straight upstairs; Krystal thinks he was probably going to take a shower.

Next walked in Taeyeon, who looked a lot cleaner than Key. he waved and smiled at Krystal before walking into the kitchen to greet Changmin.

They both walked into the den and sat down quietly, not wanting to wake Jessica and Victoria. The door opened again and Aiden walked in with twigs in his hair and blood surrounding his mouth. He gave Krystal a weak smile.

“I’m sorry if I scared you last night” he said quietly

“Why are you covered in blood?” Krystal asked.

“Oh, uh” Aiden wiped his mouth with his shirt, which made the shirt red which didn’t help settle Krystal’s stomach. “Yuri and I fought over a hog last night”

“Who won?” Changmin asked. Yuri then walked in covered in more blood than Aiden and a satisfied smirk on his face.

“Yuri did” Aiden sighed

“You’ll get ‘em next time” Yuri clapped Aiden on the shoulder before walking upstairs.

“Where’s Yoong and the other boys?” Changmin asked.

“Unchaining Sooyoung” Aiden looked down at Krystal. “Did I hurt you last night?”

“No” Krystal said. AIden sighed in relief.

“Oh thank the lords. Cause if I did, and something happened to you, I would never be able to live with myself, and-”

“Aiden! I’m fine” Krystal smiled a little. “You didn’t do anything to harm me”

They smiled at each other. It was a sweet moment, but it was ruined with the one thing that Aiden did not want to hear.

Hey, Aiden? Yoong said in the link I have bad news

Aiden groaned Don’t tell me-

There’s another body.







It's what you deserve. ^-^



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So after awhile of finishing this story I decided to kind of update some things, which is most likely just Victoria's son, his name is still going to be SungWoo but he will be portrayed as Asahi from treasure. Also i'm thinking of making a sequel but in their kid's POV idk yet. Stay safe!


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Chapter 17: Nice
1149 streak #2
Chapter 26: 😍😍
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Chapter 26: Thank you for sharing this fiction. Me love reading it.
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Chapter 26: Boystory!!!
Chapter 26: completed already :(( but nice one author nim!!
nancylau0301 #7
Chapter 25: Thanks for the updates. Take care.
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Chapter 22: ?
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Chapter 22: :'(