Chapter 4

Mated to a Dork [Kryber]



Lee Jieun is having a party tonight! Aiden heard Victoria say while he was taking down notes for Mr. Park. It was Friday before lunch, and Aiden was looking forward to the first weekend.

Is she now? Aiden sent back.

Yup, she invited all of us, I think she has a crush on Hyoyeon

Ew said Key. Why would you think that?

That hurts, Key they heard Hyoyeon say.

Well Jieun basically said “Hey I’m having a party you’re invited bring Hyoyeon… and the rest of your gang Victoria said

All the ladies love Hyo Hyoyeon chuckled.

Hey, It’s our first high school party Aiden pointed out.

That not true. Changmin and Yunho took us to a rave in Busan this summer remember? Yuri said.

Okay but this is OUR first high school party. Aiden said

Yeah, I was talking to that new girl, Jessica, and Jieun walked up, inviting us both Victoria said

Jessica? Taeyeon asked Key, Yuri, is that the girl in our gym class? The one who Yur-

I don’t want to go Yuri said quickly.

What’s wrong with Jessica? Aiden asked

Key cleared his throat well, I think her and Yuri are m-

Watch your mouth, Kibum Yuri growled. Aiden heard Key scoff behind him.

Wait, is Jessica your mate? Aiden asked.

“Did you get the answer to number five?” Krystal whispered to Aiden. Aiden jumped, startled by the voice.

“Oh, I’m sorry for scaring you” Krystal said sheepishly.

“It’s okay” Aiden said barely a whisper. “For number five I got B”

Krystal looked down at her paper, then back at Aiden. “This wasn’t multiple choice”

“Are you serious?” Aiden asked snatching Krystal’s homework out of her hands. Aiden was so busy looking for the thing that attacked that guy last night that he didn’t have the chance to do his homework, so he copied Sooyoung’s.

Oh Aiden thought I have seen the error of my way

“Aw, crap” Aiden groaned, running his hands through his hair nervously.

“Here, copy mine” Krystal offered. “Mr. Park isn’t looking”

“Are you sure?” Aiden bit his lip.

“Positive. Hurry, class is ending soon”

“Thank you so much” Aiden muttered.


“Hi, girls!” Jieun said happily as she sat down at her lunch table. “How’d your first week go?”

“It’s not over yet, Ji” Sunny pointed out.

“Oh, you know what I mean. So how’d it go?”

“I think it went well, right girls?” Krystal smiled, the girls nodded in agreement. The girls quickly became friends with the captain of the cheerleading team.

“Oh by the way you guys are invited to my party tonight” Jieun announced.

“Is someone special going to be there, Ji?” Tiffany asked wiggling her eyebrows. “Someone by the name of Hyoyeon-”

“Yes, yes” Jieun blushed. “I talked to that Victoria girl and invited her and her whole gang”

“We should find ourselves boyfriends tonight!” Nicole said to the girls. Krystal told them about how she went through a messy breakup a few months prior with her ex-boyfriend, Taemin.

“I don’t know” Jessica shrugged. You see Jessica also had a bad break up with her now ex-boyfriend Minhyuk.

“C’mon, you guys broke up with terry and minyu in what? June? It’s September! There are so many hot guys here in Seoul you can hook up with!” Nicole said.

“Hey, Lee!” said a voice the twins found extremely annoying. “Heard you were having a party tonight”

“Yeah and you’re not invited, Park” Jieun sneered.

“That’s mean” the girl shot back.

“Mean? You’re the one who purposely forgot to spot me freshman year, which caused me to break my leg and get a concussion!” Jieun fired back, glaring at the girl.

“You have no proof of that”

“The scars on my leg should be proof enough!”

“Just go away, Dara” Seohyun sighed. “Go back to your pathetic friends” Jieun finished.

“Fine” Dara glared. “But i’m only leaving because I want to, not because you told me”

“Whatever” Tiffany muttered. The twins watched as the other girl her heal and quickly walked away.

“I hate that ” Jieun grumbled

“Who is that?” Krystal asked.

“That’s Dara” Seohyun said

“Dara who?” Jessica asked

“We barely met her a few days ago, but she’s also on the squad. But she has her own little minions who follow her around,” Sunny told them. “We learnt that she and Ji have bad blood between them”

“There is no way in hell I’m letting her come to my house,” Jieun said. “If you see her tonight, kick her out”

“So anyways, I have something to tell you girls” Sunny said smiling widely.

“What’s up?” asked Tiffany.

“Well, you guys obviously know Aiden’s group right?,” Sunny paused while the girls nodded “um, Sooyoung, you see h-he and I are dating now” Sunny started to blush furiously.

The girls gasped at first but later squealed, “Sunny! That’s amazing but it’s your first week here” Nicole said wide eyed. “I know but it feels right I don’t know!” Sunny responded

“Well we’re happy for you, right girls?” Jieun said

All the girls nodded.


“You’re going”

“You can’t make me, llama”

It was ten minutes before Aiden and the rest of them were going to leave for Jieun’s party. Aiden spent the last half hour trying to convince Yuri that running into Jessica shouldn’t scare him.

“Actually I can” Aiden threatened. Yuri’s eyes widened.

“You wouldn’t”

“I would, since you’re acting like a big baby!”

“But I don’t want to see her!” Yuri pouted.

“Kwon Yuri-”


“You’re going!” Aiden practically screamed. He was staring into Yuri’s eyes. “And that’s an order”

Yuri was the first to break away from the staring competition. “Fine, but I won’t enjoy myself”

“Okay, you can be the designated driver” Aiden said happily.

“Yeah, whatever”


Krystal doesn’t remember how many drinks she had, only that whenever she finishes one, at least one member of her friends is shoving one in her hand.

“I’d like to make a toast” Jieun slurred hopping on one of her tables. A few guest turned their heads, but most of them continued to do what they were doing. The party was full swing at this point, and so many guys had hit on Krystal but each and everyone has been ignored.

“My dear, dear friends Krystal-ah,” Jieun hiccupped causing her to break out in a fit of giggles “the twins and the rest of my new cheer squad, have survived their first week at SM High! Hip hip-”

“HOORAY!” a chorus of drunk teens called out. The twins giggled as they took a shot. The liquid courage made it seem like they could do anything.

“Have you seen Aiiiden~, sis?” Krystal asked her sister, who was talking to some guy (Krystal thinks his name is Tyler)

“No. Hold on” Jessica cupped her hands over . “LLAMAS !” she yelled. Everyone in the whole school knew that Aiden was obsessed with llama’s considering he looks like one.

“WHO THE SAID THAT!? FIGHT ME!” yelled a raspy voice.

“There he is” Jessica giggled, turning back to Tyler.

Krystal threw herself in the crowd of people to find the voice. When she did, she saw an Intoxicated Aiden talking to Yuri on a couch.

“Aaand that’s the story of how I ate a wombat” Krystal heard Aiden say with a silly grin on his face.

“Dude, that’s not what happened. I was there” Yuri said, obviously bored.

“Hi llaaaama” Krystal said lazily sitting on Aiden’s lap and draping an arm around Aiden’s shoulder. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere”

“Hiya Soojung” Aiden chuckled. From the corner of his eye he saw Yuri slowly retreating.

Yuri was the only sober one in the bunch of his drunken classmates. He rolled his eyes. He could be at home watching Rick and Morty, but no, Aiden had to command him to come to this stupid party.

Yuri checked his phone. It was 12:28. Changmin never set a curfew for them since he knew they could protect themselves.

“No, I don’t want to” Yuri heard someone say. He stopped in his tracks. That was Jessica’s voice.

“C’mooon, babe”  said another voice. Yuri turned a corner to see Jessica being trapped between a wall and Tyler Kwon.

“It will be fun, I promise”

‘What if my parents find out?”

“They won’t, I pro-”

“She said no, Tyler” Yuri said staring coldly at the couple.

Tyler scoffed. “Don’t you have some children to scare? off, Yuri”

“I’ll off once you get a ing brain” Yuri snapped. Tyler stepped forward, rolling up his sleeves. Just as he was about to raise his fist, Yuri grabbed him by the shoulders and kneed him in the crotch. Tyler fell over, groaning in pain, while Yuri grabbed Jessica’s hand.

“But i don’t wanna goooo” Jessica whined. “I told… I told my mother I was sleeping over at S- S- Suuunyyyy’s”

“” Yuri cursed to himself.

I could take her home to the cabin Yuri thought to himself.

But I don’t want to go home! Yuri heard Taeyeon say on the telepathy link. He was wasted like the rest of them.

Not you, loser Yuri sighed.

We’re takin’ the long way hooooome Sooyoung sang before giggling.

Please don’t get yourselves killed while i’m gone Yuri begged.

His plan was to drop off Jessica off at his house, have Changmin take care of her and come back to pick everyone up.

I don’t know what those idiots would do without me Yuri thought, smirking.

I don’t know what i’d do either. We looooove you Yuuuuul Victoria said through the telepathy link.

“Damn” Yuri said while driving. “I should just talk to myself instead of thinking”

“Where are we going?” Jessica slurred, head leaning on the glass.

“I’m taking you to my house. Changmin-hyung can help you”

“Noooo” Jessica wailed. “There are monsters at your house. Monsters in the Blue Moon forest”

“Well you’re not wrong” Yuri shrugged.

When they arrived, Yuri scooped Jessica up bridal style and carried her into the cabin.

“Yuri are you okay? Where are- who is this?” Changmin asked getting off the couch.

“This is Jessica. She’s um, she’s my, um… we’re-”

“I get it” Changmin said. “How is she doing?”

“She’s wasted. She fell asleep on the way over”

Changmin looked at the sleeping girl before deciding.

“She can sleep in your room, but you have to sleep on the floor”

Yuri grumbled, walking away and towards his bedroom. He laid Jessica down and covered her with a blanket. As he was about to leave Yuri felt a hand grab his arm.

“Don’t go” Jessica muttered.

Yuri felt something stir in his stomach. Holding onto Jessica’s hand, he sat down next to the bed.

They’re probably fine without me Yuri thought.


“You’re so handsome~, Llama” Krystal giggled running her hand through Aiden’s hair.

“You are the princess. The princess of my heart” Aiden slurred, poking Krystal on the nose.

“Can I ask you something?” Aiden said. Krystal nodded.

Instead of talking, Aiden slowly leaned in capturing Krystal’s lips in a kiss.

“Oops” Aiden chuckled pulling back. “That wasn’t a question. Sorry”

“Do it again” Krystal demanded, before Aiden brought their lips back together. This time Krystal took control, biting Aiden’s bottom lip before slipping her tongue in the guy’s mouth.

That is the last thing Aiden remembered of that night. When he woke up the next morning in a bedroom that was not his, half next to a sleeping Krystal, the first thing that came to his mind was what the happened?!













I'm back! told ya it get's better, hehe


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So after awhile of finishing this story I decided to kind of update some things, which is most likely just Victoria's son, his name is still going to be SungWoo but he will be portrayed as Asahi from treasure. Also i'm thinking of making a sequel but in their kid's POV idk yet. Stay safe!


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