Chapter 3

Mated to a Dork [Kryber]

Enjoy! also I have nothing against anyone I just wanted to add them to the story somehow.





“Mark Lee, age 24, was found dead Monday afternoon in the Blue Moon forest. A civilian found Lee’s body on one of the running trails surrounding the lake. Cause of death: animal attack. It is unknown what kind of animal killed him, but police assume it was a mountain lion, bear, or wolf-”

Mrs. Jung shut off the TV and sighed.

“Of course your father has us move to the town where wild animals attack the residence” she huffed turning to her three children. “I don’t want you guys anywhere near that forest until they catch that beast”

“This is so cool” Jaehyun said. “You wouldn’t find this in California”

“Jaehyun! A wild animal mauling a poor guy to death is not ‘cool’, it’s horrid” Mrs. Jung scolded. “I hope they catch that animal soon”

Krystal took a look at the clock and then got up and called Jessica. “Going to school, see you later”

“Wait!” Mrs. Jung called. “I need you girls to take the car for an oil change after school”

“Where would we do that?” Jessica asked.

“I saw an auto shop near your school, I think it’s called Shim’s. Why don’t you guys ask one of your new friends to show you where it is?”

The twin’s first day was the definition of the word awkward. They hadn’t met anymore people besides the group of new juniors, and she wouldn’t exactly call those girls in her history class her ‘friends’. They missed their friends back in Cali. They were fairly popular back there.

The girls walked up to the twins at their lockers which were next to each other, before homeroom.

“Hey girls, any news from the cheer squad?” Jessica asked. You see they tried out after school the other day and now are waiting for the results.

Sunny who had a wide smile said excitedly “We got in!” the twins who had wide eyes jumped and squealed with the other girls, “wait, but were such a big group how did we ALL get in” Krystal asked.

“Well the coach was actually looking for cheerleaders urgently because apparently, some girls decided to just drop the squad” Tiffany said

“Who cares why they left, we’re in!” Nicole said.

“Congratulations to us!” Sulli said.

“How did the rest of your day go?” Seohyun asked

“Pretty boring. Nothing out of the ordinary” Jessica replied. “Did you guys hear about the murder?” Sunny asked “yeah, that’s pretty awful” Seohyun replied.

The doors to the hallway flew open. In a line, almost like it came out of a movie, walked in Aiden’s posse. But… wait…

“Where’s Aiden?” Krystal asked the girls.

The girls looked at the group “I’m not sure” Sulli said, the group turning back to face the twins. “Jieun told us about them” Tiffany whispered. Since the twins had to leave earlier they were not told.

“What’d she say?” Jessica asked

Tiffany glanced at the group to make sure they were out of earshot, then back at the group.

“All of them except Jonghyun, are orphaned and their foster father is some 26 year old guy. They live in a cabin in Blue Moon forest. Apparently they don’t really talk to anyone besides the members of their group. Jieun told me there was something sketchy about them, like they’re hiding something, only no one knows what it is”

“Yikes” Krystal frowned. “Blue Moon forest? The place where that guy died?” Jessica asked

Nicole nodded. “I kinda understand why everyone is so afraid of them”

“They seemed pretty normal when I spoke to them” Krystal told them.

“You talked to them?” all the girls were shocked including Jessica, Krystal nodded shyly.

“At least one member of that group is in every one of my classes”

“Same here” Jessica said.

“What are they like?” Sulli asked with wide eyes

“That guy who showed us around yesterday, Lun, he introduced me to the girl you see there,” she said pointing to the one who looked older “her name is Victoria, she’s a senior here she acts like a mother towards all of them. They all listen to her, even Aiden who I thought was the leader,” Krystal paused. Yuri was eyeing them from down the hall. He was too far away to hear them, but it looked like he knew who Krystal and the girls were talking about.

The girls shuddered, then Krystal continued lowering her voice even more, “most of them keep to themselves in class, they’re all really quiet. They’re all super attractive. Especially Aiden, he’s so handsome” Krystal sighed.

“Don’t compare yourself to them, you’re beautiful!” Seohyun assured.

“I’m not comparing myself to them i’m just thinking of the things Aiden could do with me” Krystal said slamming her locker.

Krystal’s eyes widened while the girls gasped. Down the hall, Lun was pounding on Yuri’s back, who was choking on water. Yuri heard everything due to his werewolf super hearing (but the girls didn’t know that).

“I-I didn’t know you weren’t, um,-” Tiffany said but Jessica cut her off

“Innocent?” she chuckled “because let me tell you she’s not”

“Jess!” Krystal glared at her sister.

“No! That’s not what I meant! Um, so Aiden! You like him?” Tiffany said rushed

“Well, I mean I don’t really know him, I just think he’s hot” Krystal shrugged.

“That’s great! I mean you guys do have chemistry… class! Chemistry class. We all take the same chemistry class” Nicole said awkwardly.

Krystal’s face fell “look if it bothers you that i’m into Aiden-”

“No, that doesn’t bother us! What is bothering us is that Aiden’s friends are looking at us like we’re a meal” Sunny motioned to the group behind them. When they turned around, Yuri, Lun, Taeyeon and Sooyoung quickly turned away pretending to be in a conversation.

“That was strange. Why do you think they were staring at us?” Sulli asked the girls

“Who knows?”


Aiden didn’t show up for chemistry… or history, or any class he had with Krystal.

“It’s the second day of school, why would anyone miss this? Like the first day of school is when you meet your teachers and classmates, but the second day of school is when you start learning. Why would he miss something so important?” Krystal asked the girls as they stretched for gym class.

“I’m not sure Krys, why is Aiden not being here such a big deal to you?” Jessica asked laying on the ground.

“It’s not, i’m just… worried about him”

“Aiden’s a big boy, he can handle himself. He’s probably sick or something” Nicole said

“I suppose” Krystal replied.

“Gather around, kids!” Coach Choi, a tall skinny guy with pink hair and deep voice called. “Today we’re playing dodgeball. Pick a side”

Krystal hated dodgeball. It always ended with someone with a bloody nose.

She was never the one with the bloody nose, but either Jessica or herself who are usually the ones who walked their friends to the nurses office after they experienced a ball to the face.

The girls which were only Krystal, Sunny, Jessica and Nicole, opted to use Yuri as a human shield, staying at least ten feet behind the guy.

“I heard he’s really athletic” Jessica said watching Yuri pelt balls at Key. “He’s on the basketball team and baseball team”

“Damn” Sunny said.

They heard Yuri roar with laughter when a ball nailed Taeyeon in the face. Krystal grimaced, feeling sorry for the boy but he dusted it off and walked off the court with a goofy grin on his face.

“You four, in the back! Get to the front!” coach Choi called, pointing to the girls.

“No thanks, i’m good” Jessica replied.


“Damn it” Jessica grumbled. Walking past Yuri with her sister and the girls trailing behind, Jessica squealed as she sees balls flying past her face. She heard Yuri chuckle behind her.

What an Jessica thought.

Jessica screamed as a ball almost hit her chest, tumbling backwards onto the ground.

Or at least she thought.


A pair of strong arms held Jessica inches off the ground. Jessica found herself looking into a pair of dark brown eyes that she thought, for a second, turned silver.

Yuri felt a rush of warmth fill his body when he held Jessica in his arms.

Yuri? He heard Key ask in his head.

Yuri growled, dropping Jessica and storming across the court. He got to the doors of the gym and threw them open, walking into the courtyard.

“Get back here, Kwon!” coach Choi yelled.

“I got him, coach!” Key shouted grabbing Taeyeon’s arm and running after Yuri.

“Are you okay sis?” Krystal asked kneeling next to Jessica who was still on the ground.

Jessica rubbed the back of her head where Yuri dropped her. “Krys, does Yuri have gray eyes?”


“You know who did this” Victoria said calmly.

She was at her weekly session with Changmin after school. On Tuesdays, Changmin would take Victoria to the basement of the house to help her practice her magic.

“Did what?” Changmin asked looking through a spellbook.

“You know who killed that guy”

“Hmm. No” Changmin looked up at Victoria. “It’s not certain. I have theories, but nothing definite”

“Care to tell me your theories?”

“They’re probably wrong”

“Please?” Victoria begged. Changmin looked up. Victoria was using her innocent beg face. No one could resist that face.

“Fine” Changmin muttered. “I know you rascals didn’t kill that guy because almost all of you were with me. Sooyoung was with some girl, I think his mate, named Sunny because he sent me a picture of the both of them. Jjong was at his moms, he called me distraught after Yoong told him what happened. And Yoong is, well, Yoong. He couldn’t kill anyone if he tried”

“We’ve established it wasn’t us last night at dinner. Who do you think it is?”

Changmin shut the spellbook and sighed. “Don’t you think it’s weird how the body was on our side of the border, but it was on the boundary line between us and Kang’s vampire county? The body suffered major blood loss, and the scratches could have easily been faked with the right material. Not to mention the guy had two bite marks on his neck” Changmin wiped his brow.

“I’ve seen this happen before. With my old pack, ten years ago. It’s happening again” he said.

“What are you saying?” Victoria asked wide eyed.

“I’m saying I don’t think someone’s been honoring our deal”


“I swear to the moon goddess, my pack is innocent!” Aiden shouted, his voice hoarse from yelling.

“A corpse shows up on your territory, founded by a member of your pack-”

“Yoong stumbled across the body, he didn’t kill him! Do you honestly think Yoong could hurt anyone, Jongin?” Aiden stated annoyed.

Kai huffed “You never know what a pack of dirty teenagers-”

“Control your Beta, Yunho” Aiden snapped, glaring at Kai.

“Kim, fall back” Yunho said obeying Aiden’s wishes. “How do you explain this death, Aiden?”

“Maybe it was an actual animal, i’ve been saying this all day!” Aiden groaned. “Whatever it is, i’ll have my guys hunt it down! It won’t be a problem anymore!”

Aiden skipped school to talk to the Alpha of the other pack in Seoul. They were discussing the consequences of the body found by the lake. Yunho was understanding with what Aiden had to say. His Beta, Kai… not so much.

“I knew a teenage guy can’t handle his own pack” Kai sneered.

“Give it a rest Kai” Yunho scolded. “You have until the next full moon to figure this out, Aiden. Otherwise we’re going to have to call a full pack meeting. All of us. Kang included”

Yunho and Kai turned around to head back to their territory. Aiden looked at his watch. It was 3:30. He groaned. Since Victoria and Changmin had their magic lessons on Tuesdays, Aiden had to run the auto shop. He hoped his meeting with Yunho would take over his shift, but he had to go since his shift just started.

It was a pretty slow day at the auto shop. Yuri was working behind the counter with Key and Jonghyun while Aiden and Taeyeon were working on fixing the cars in the garage. Sooyoung was once again with Sunny and Yoong teaches guitar to children after school.

Taeyeon was currently on a test run with a car they just fixed, and Aiden was under a car. He’d been under there for a while now.

“Hello?” a voice called out. Aiden froze under the car when he heard that voice.

The twins walked into the garage and looked around. It looked abandoned. “Anyone here?” Krystal tried again. She noticed a pair of black converse sticking out from under a silver Audi.

“I can see you”  Krystal said talking to the shoes.

Aiden slid out from under the car, looking at Krystal as he fiddled with the wrench in his hand.

Krystal did a double take. She spent the entire day thinking about this guy and what she was going to say once she saw him again, and here he was, sweaty, in a tank top and open short sleeved blue button down showing off his toned arms, with a backwards snapback on his head and oil on his forehead, staring at her. Krystal didn’t know why this looked so attractive. It was a typical grease monkey uniform, but it looked really hot on Aiden.

“Aiden! Um, hi” Krystal chuckled suddenly very interested in the floor, looking down. Jessica could only smirk at her twin.

“Krystal and Jessica, right?” Aiden asked trying  to seem cool.

Of course you know their names, Aiden scolded himself.

“Yeah, that’s us”  Krystal smiled a little “Um, I was wondering if you could help us with our car”

“Sure” Aiden said wiping his hands on a rag before standing up. “What seems to be the problem?”

“Um” Krystal thought for a moment. What did mom say was wrong? “I-I don’t know”

“You don’t know?”

“I mean I knew, but then I forgot”

Aiden chuckled. Krystal thought it was cute. Jessica just kept quiet watching the interaction between the two.

“I could check it out for you” Aiden offered. The twins led him over to their car. Aiden popped the hood and observed the inside. While he wasn’t paying attention to the girls, Krystal found herself checking Aiden’s back profile out. Jessica was watching carefully smirking to herself.

Krystal hadn’t realized she’d been staring until Aiden started talking.

“You need an oil change”

“Hmm, what?” Krystal asked, her eyes snapping up to look at Aiden’s face.

Aiden had a tint of pink on his face. Oh , Krystal thought I think he caught me

“Your car,” Aiden said “it needs an oil change”

That’s what mom said to me this morning, now I remember Krystal said to herself. Stupid Soojung she scolded, mentally hitting herself on the head.

“Right” was all Krystal could manage.

“Here, let me take it in the garage”

“You weren’t at school today” Krystal said trying to make small talk with Aiden as he fixed her car.

“I know” Aiden replied.

DAMMIT THAT SOUNDED RUDE Aiden screwed his eyes shut, feeling a blush come to his cheeks,

What was rude? Yuri asked. Aiden must have accidentally sent it in the Alpha-Beta link.

Krystal’s here… I think she thinks I’m an Aiden sighed.

Nonsense that girl is in love with you Aiden could hear Yuri smirking

Wait what?!

I’ll tell you when we get home llama

No, Yul, tell me now!

Bye, Llama


“Sorry, I mean, I was out for personal reasons. I didn’t think you would have noticed” Aiden laughed nervously.

“I mean you are in half of my classes” Krystal smiled.

I’m an idiot Aiden thought.

Yes you are Yuri laughed.

off, Yuri

“Right” Aiden muttered. “There you go, you two should be all set”

“How much do we owe you?” Jessica asked.

Aiden wiped his hands on his jeans, then scratched the back of his neck. “Don’t worry, it’s on me, I mean us”

Krystal gave him a nervous smile, “thank you, see tomorrow?”

Aiden nodded shyly. After this, the twins got in their car and drove away.

Yuri peaked his head out the door with Key’s head right under his.

“My ship is sailing” Yuri smiled. Aiden rolled his eyes.

Come sail away, come sail away with meee” Key sang.

“Both of you shut up, Alpha’s orders”




This was a bit on the boring side but bare with me, It gets better, promise!



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So after awhile of finishing this story I decided to kind of update some things, which is most likely just Victoria's son, his name is still going to be SungWoo but he will be portrayed as Asahi from treasure. Also i'm thinking of making a sequel but in their kid's POV idk yet. Stay safe!


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Chapter 17: Nice
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Chapter 26: Thank you for sharing this fiction. Me love reading it.
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Chapter 26: completed already :(( but nice one author nim!!
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Chapter 25: Thanks for the updates. Take care.
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Chapter 22: :'(