Chapter 5

Mated to a Dork [Kryber]



Jessica woke up to the smell of frying bacon and the sun shining on her face. As she opened them, she instantly regretted it.

“Morning, sleeping beauty” said a voice next to Jessica. Her head snapped as she saw Yuri sitting cross-legged on the floor next to the bed Jessica was in.

“What- how did I… why are you- where am I?” Jessica said dazed and confused.

“You were drunk, you didn’t have a place to stay, I took you my house” Yuri explained calmly.

“That explains the hangover” Jessica grumbled. Her eyes widened. “We didn’t…”

“Oh god no, I would never take advantage of you” Yuri said quickly, running a hand through his hair. “I slept on the floor and I kept my door open and I told my foster father everything”

“Oh” Jessica said sheepishly. “Sorry”

“S’kay” Yuri grumbled. Just as he said that, a young man walked in carrying a glass of red liquid.

“Good morning” he smiled, placing the glass on the bed stand next to Jessica. “How are you feeling?”

“Like ” Jessica sighed.

“I don’t blame you. You passed out cold last night” the man said running a hand through his hair also. “Drink this, it will make you feel better” he gestured to the glass.

Jessica picked it up and felt her stomach churn. “Is this blood?”

“What do we look like? Vampires?” the man laughed. “It’s a hangover cure my dad showed me. Works every time”

Jessica looked at him skeptically.

“Oh, where are my manners? I’m Changmin, I take care of Yuri and all the others” he smiled.

“The drink does work. We use it on Taeyeon all the time” Yuri said looking at Jessica.

It’s worth a shot Jessica thought before she gulped down the drink. It tasted sweet like strawberries.

Jessica instantly felt her head clear up and the sun did not hurt her eyes anymore.

“Oh my god” Jessica gasped. “Was that like a magic potion or something?”

Yuri and Changmin exchanged nervous glances before turning back to Jessica.

“Ha ha ha” Changmin said obviously forcing the laughter. “You’re funny. There’s no such thing as magic. It’s just an ancient family recipe”

“Family recipe?”

“Um yeah, hehe” Changmin scratched the back of his head. “Anyways, I made breakfast if you want to come and eat-”

“Oh crap! I have cheerleading practice! What time is it? Am I late?” Jessica said frantically looking for her phone.

“Whoa hey, chill. It’s 8:15” Yuri said. Jessica sighed in relief.

“What time is your practice?” Changmin asked.


“Alright, you got time. Come and eat, then Yuri will drive you”

“Thanks” Jessica mumbled sliding out of the bed. She almost fell over when she stood up but Yuri grabbed her arm to steady her.

“Be careful!” Yuri snapped. Jessica flinched.

“Oh, I’m sorry” Yuri said blushing. “I just don’t want you to hurt yourself”

“You’re so cute Kwon Yuri” Jessica giggled. Both of their eyes widened.

“Crap, I mean-”

“Guys! C’mon the food’s getting cold” they heard Changmin yell. Both of them awkwardly walked down the stairs from Yuri’s room side by side, not looking at each other.

At the table, Jessica saw Key and Taeyeon sitting down drinking Changmin’s magic elixir. Key almost spit out his drink when he saw Yuri walk in with Jessica.

“It’s you” Key gasped looking at Jessica with wide eyes.

Jessica shifted uncomfortably. “Um, hello”

“Don’t mind him, he’s probably hungover and hallucinating” Yuri said sitting down at a seat. Jessica took the seat next to him.

“Aren’t there more of you?” Jessica asked, not processing what she was saying. “Wait, no I mean-”

“Sooyoung and Hyoyeon are sleeping, so are Yoong and Lun. Victoria-noona is in the shower, and Jonghyun went home” Taeyeon said rubbing his temples. “I have no Idea where Aiden is”

“The last time I saw him, he was shoving his tongue down the Luna’s throat” Key shrugged. His eyes went wide when he realized he said that in front of a human.

“What’s a Luna?” Jessica asked.

“Like I said,” Yuri cut in “he’s hallucinating”

Changmin set a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon in front Jessica. She felt her stomach rumble.

“Just don’t eat too much. I don’t want you to puke at practice” Changmin winked. He instantly regretted it when he saw the glare Yuri was sending him.

“Thank you” Jessica said before digging into the food. She looked next to her to see Taeyeon halfway done with his meal already.

“Wow. You really wolfed that down” Jessica remarked. Everyone in the kitchen froze.

“Uh, yeah!” Taeyeon said nervously. “But i’m not an animal, I’m a boy. A human boy”

Jessica thought that was weird but was too busy eating to make a comment.

“So, why did you join cheerleading?” Key asked. “Especially since that bloodsucking Dara-”

“Kibum” Yuri warned narrowing his eyes at the guy.

“Well, I’m not really friends with Dara, but my friend Nicole loves to dance, plus I used to do gymnastics” Jessica said. “Oh and all the girls and I decided to join together”

“Oh” was all Key replied.

“Do you need any clothes for practice?” Changmin asked, walking in with Victoria. “I’m sure my clothes would fit you” Victoria said. “Okay, thank you” Jessica said.

Victoria ran to get clothes from her room.

“Yuri, can you get the car started to drive her to school?” Changmin asked. “Taeyeon, you’re going to help me clean up”

“But why can’t I drive instead?” Taeyeon whined.

“Because i said so. Now get moving!”

Victoria handed Jessica clothes while she was walking out the door. Yuri silently lead Jessica to one of the (many) cars in driveway.

When the car started, 'Mr. Mr'. by SNSD blared through Yuri’s speakers. Embarrassed, Yuri quickly lowered the volume.

“Sorry” he muttered.

“You like SNSD? They’re queens!” Jessica squealed, a grin on her face.

Yuri smiled widely. “Are you kidding? I love them!”


“Oh no” Aiden panicked. “No, no no no no”

Krystal was still fast asleep. She was lying on her front with her dark hair scattered around the bed. Aiden looked for any evidence that he might have marked her the night before.

“No marks on the back… that’s good” Aiden muttered. As he went to turn Krystal on her back, Krystal groaned, stirring slightly. Aiden held his breath.

Krystal sighed in her sleep and turned over on her back. Aiden was relieved that he didn’t wake her up, otherwise that would be an awkward conversation.

Aiden checked Krystal’s shoulders and neck for any bite marks or tattoos before lifting up the sheet to inspect her other areas.

He felt his mouth become dry when he saw Krystal in her black lace bra and matching .

Aiden sighed in relief. There was no marks on Krystal’s s, stomach, or legs.

Aiden silently thanked the moon goddess for not making his first time be during a drunken one night stand. But another part of him felt kinda disappointed.

“TO ANY CHEERLEADER STAYING IN ONE OF THE ROOMS, IT IS 9:30 AND WE ARE LATE FOR PRACTICE” a booming voice rang through the house. Aiden thinks it’s Jieun.

Krystal jolted awake, not aware of her surroundings. It suddenly dawned on her that she was only in her underwear… and that she wasn’t alone. Her eyes widened when she saw Aiden in a similar situation.

Krystal gasped. “Did we-?”

“I don’t think so” Aiden rushed.

“Are you sure?”

“I don’t know”

“Oh my god”

The door flew open and there stood Jieun with a wild look in her eye.

“KRYSTAL! We have to go! NOW!” she screeched, before running off.

Krystal looked at Aiden, then back at the door.

“I’m so sorry” Krystal said getting up. “I have to go”

Aiden had the most hurt expression on his face. Krystal felt her heart break.

“Aiden, I-”

“No, I get it” Aiden said looking down. “This was just a one night thing”

“Hey” Krystal climbed back onto the bed, cupping Aiden’s face before placing a soft kiss on his lips. “We will talk about this later, okay? I have to go”

Aiden watched Krystal go, contemplating what to do next.

Aiden, where are you? Yuri sent on the private link.

I’m still at Lee’s Aiden sent back.

I am at the school. I will come pick you up

Why are you at the school? It’s saturday

It’s a long story


“It’s obvious that they are never going to get together on their own” Sooyoung said to Key as the played video games.

“What a shame” Key muttered not really paying attention to what Sooyoung was saying.

“Wait a minute” Sooyoung said pausing the game. “I have an idea”


“When we get home, wanna work on the chem homework together?” Jessica asked Krystal as they were leaving practice. Since half the girls showed up late and hungover, Momo the coach went easy on them that day. Jessica and Krystal stayed late to shower in the locker room.

“Hey Jess?”


“Where did you go last night?”

“Oh, um,” Jessica blushed. “I was with-”

There they are!” a voice said before Krystal felt a hand clamp around . She tried to scream but it was muffled. She saw another figure taking Jessica.

Krystal swung her elbow back and hit her attacker in the face.

Ow! ing hell!” the gruff voice said, but didn’t let go. Krystal felt herself being lifted up and placed into a car.

Drive, Yoong, drive!” the voice said trying to blindfold and gag the twins

They tried to scream. They tried to kick and punch things. Anything.

It didn’t work.


“That was good. I needed that. Thanks Yul” Aiden smiled. Yuri took Aiden to a diner once he picked him up, and after that they went to the gym to de-stress for a bit.

“You’re welcome. We deserve it after this hectic week” Yuri said slinging his arm around Aiden’s shoulder as they walked into their house.

“They will MURDER you when they see what you’ve done!” the two heard Victoria scream. Yuri and Aiden shared an uneasy glance.

“What do you think they did?” Yuri asked.

“I’m too scared to find out” Aiden sighed. They walked into the house to see Victoria reprimanding Sooyoung, Taeyeon, and Yoong. Krystal and Jessica were tied up and gagged  at their feet.

“What the is going on?” Yuri asked anger filling his voice.

“These idiots thought it would be a good idea to kidnap these poor girls so the marking process could be over with!” VIctoria said shooting a disappointed look at the trio. Krystal looked up at Aiden with pleading eyes.

“Are you okay?” Aiden asked totally ignoring the members of his pack and dropping to his knees to untie Krystal’s hands. “Did they hurt you?” Krystal shook her head.

“Did they scare you?”

Krystal nodded.

“I’m so sorry” Aiden sniffed.

“It wasn’t your fault, Aiden” Victoria reassured.

“Okay” Aiden let out a breath. “I’m going to remove the gag now. Do you promise me you won’t scream?” Krystal nodded

Aiden carefully untied the bandana from Krystal’s mouth.

Krystal took a deep breath. “WHAT THE FU-”

Aiden quickly stuffed the bandana back into Krystal’s open mouth.

“You told me you wouldn’t scream!”

Krystal removed the bandana from since her hands were free. “Your friends kidnapped me! Of course I was going to scream!”

“Why are you mad, Aiden? She’s your mate, you should be happy” Sooyoung said. Aiden turned to glare at him.

“I’m his what?” Krystal asked.

“Mate. You’re his mate. He’s our Alpha and you’re our Luna. Surprise, we’re werewolves!” Sooyoung said with fake enthusiasm.

“I will ing kill you” Aiden growled lunging at Sooyoung. He threw him against the wall with a thud. He growled at him, his fangs barred and his eyes turning gold. Aiden punched Sooyoung in the face, causing his lip to bleed. Victoria quickly wrapped her arms around Aiden’s waist trying to pull him off of Sooyoung. Aiden threw her off, Victoria falling to the ground, before slapping Sooyoung across the face. Sooyoung was screaming, trying to get Aiden off.

“Do something!” Victoria yelled at Yuri, who was untying Jessica.

“I’m kind of busy, noona”

“NOW Yuri! Jessica isn’t going anywhere!”

Yuri sighed giving Jessica an apologetic look before getting up. Krystal was frozen with fear, trying to process what happened.

Werewolf. Aiden. Mate… me? Luna? Krystal thought. Jessica let out a whimper, causing Krystal to remember that she was not in her own world, and her sister was tied up while her crush slash the guy she possibly had with was attacking someone.

Yuri pried Aiden off of Sooyoung, whose face was pretty messed up. He crumpled to the ground while Aiden hissed at him, fangs still barred. Taeyeon and Victoria quickly rushed over to help Sooyoung while Yoong went to go call Changmin, who was at the shop with Lun, Hyoyeon, Key and Jonghyun.

“Was it really necessary to wolf up, Aiden?” Yuri sighed, still holding Aiden by the waist. His eyes went back to brown but his teeth were still out.

“He deserved it” Aiden said bitterly.

“As much as I agree with that, you needed to stop. Knowing you you’ll regret this later” Yuri put Aiden down steadying his shoulders. He glanced over to Jessica and Krystal who both looked shell shocked.

Aiden’s gaze softened and his teeth went back to normal. A look of guilt washed over his features.

“Do you think I scared them?” he whispered.

“I think you wolfing up might have added to the trauma of the three stooges kidnapping them” Yuri said coolly.

“” Aiden muttered. “I-I didn’t mean for that to happen”

“I’m aware” Yuri glanced at the two humans again. “Maybe you should tell them that”

Aiden quietly walked to Krystal and Jessica. He knelt in front of them. Jessica was shaking in fear while Krystal just sat there.

“I’m sorry” he muttered. “I know this is a lot to take in”

Krystal had a faraway look in her eyes. She was looking at Aiden, but she wasn’t really looking at Aiden.

“I’m still drunk aren’t I?” Krystal said barely a whisper.

“What?” Aiden asked eyebrows knitting together.

“I’m drunk, and I’m hallucinating. I will wake up tomorrow at Jieun’s, this is all a dream my mind has come up with” Krystal stated calmly. Her eyes were glassed over

“Krystal, this is real. I’m actually a werewolf”

“This is all fake!” Krystal shouted her hair. “I’m going to wake up, and forget all of this! This isn’t real! You’re not actually here! You’re not a mon-”

Krystal suddenly slumped forward into Aiden’s arms. She was unconscious. Aiden looked next to him to see Jessica in the same situation.

Victoria stood behind them, a guilty look on her face.

“What did you do?” Yuri demanded rushing over to Jessica.

Victoria looked like she was about to cry. “I’m sorry! She was freaking out and Changmin recently taught me a sleep spell so, I, well-”

“How long will they sleep for?” Aiden asked still holding Krystal in his arms

“Half hour maybe? I’m really sorry Aiden-”

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it” Aiden looked over at Yuri who lifted Jessica up bridal style

“Where should we put them?” he asked

“We can keep them in my room” Aiden said lifting up Krystal

After the two of them laid the girls down on Aiden’s bed, both of them sighed.

“They didn’t take the news well” Yuri muttered

“I know” Aiden said biting his lip. “What are we gonna do?”



Krystal wakes up to a pounding in her head. She opened her eyes to see herself in an unfamiliar room. From the looks of it, it looks like this person lived in the attic. She turned over to see Jessica next to her, sleeping soundly.

“Hey” Krystal muttered shaking Jessica’s shoulder. “Wake up”

“Hmm” Jessica grumbled.

“Jess, wake up, I had the strangest dream-”

“Hi” said a nervous voice. Krystal saw Aiden standing at the edge of the bed, fidgeting with his hands. “How are you feeling?”

Krystal tensed up. “It wasn’t a dream.”

Aiden bowed his head running a hand through his hair. “I’m afraid not”

“So you’re really a-?”


“And i’m your-?”


“But… werewolves don’t exist, right?” Jessica asked. Aiden bit his lip

“Hey, are they up?” Yuri said walking up the stairs

“Yes” Aiden said quietly

“How you holding up?” Yuri asked the two girls on the bed handing them bottles of water

“Unbelievable” Jessica muttered. “What a great way to end the first week of school, being kidnapped by werewolves”

“We had nothing to do with that” Yuri assured. He glanced at Aiden who was staring at Krystal who was staring at the bed sheets. “That was all Sooyoung”

“What was he talking about, with the mate thing?” Jessica asked looking at Yuri.

“Do you want to explain?” Yuri asked Aiden. He shook his head.

“Okay” Yuri said. “A mate is the person the moon goddess assigns as a partner for the werewolf”

“And what’s a Luna?”

“A Luna is the mate of the Alpha. They kinda have some powers, but it’s limited. They are like the den mothers for the other wolves”

“Who’s the Alpha?”


“How do you know who is your mate?”

“Remember in gym class when I caught you? Did you feel your body heat up?” Yuri asked. Jessica nodded. “That’s how I know”

“I think I saw your eyes turn gray”

“They were silver. That’s the color of the Beta”

“What’s a Beta?”

“The Alpha’s second in command”

“So, because I’m your ‘mate’, does that mean I’m also a werewolf?”

“No” Yuri chuckled a little. “But I do have to bite you, to have you marked”

“Marked?” Jessica asked. “Like the thing in Twilight?

“No” Yuri said eyeing Aiden and Krystal. “Marked like when I bite you, you get a sick tattoo to show everyone you’re my mate”

Krystal’s eyes widened as she froze in place. Aiden studied this, waiting for a reaction.

Krystal didn’t want this. She wasn’t meant for this. She didn’t want to be a Luna.






I am so sorry for disappearing on you guys! but I have been studying for my finals, and I got so busy! I hope this chapter can make up for it tho. Also expect slow updates until further notice. Again I am so sorry! 

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So after awhile of finishing this story I decided to kind of update some things, which is most likely just Victoria's son, his name is still going to be SungWoo but he will be portrayed as Asahi from treasure. Also i'm thinking of making a sequel but in their kid's POV idk yet. Stay safe!


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Chapter 17: Nice
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