Chapter 7

Mated to a Dork [Kryber]













“Aw, that’s no way to treat your elders, mutt” Chaerin smirked looking up and down at Aiden’s body.

“Elders shmelders. I’m only talking to you cause I was ordered to”

“But aren’t you the Alpha? Didn’t know you were somebody’s , mutt”

“Quit calling me mutt! I’m a purebred” Aiden said slamming his locker.

“You’re not, actually. You’re a half-breed since your mom was a,” Chaerin shuddered “human

“Don’t you dare talk about my mother” Aiden glared “she would be here if it wasn’t for you”

Chaerin’s glare hardened, looking straight at Aiden. “I told you I had nothing to do with that”

“It was your species”

“Don’t be racist, Liu”

“How the was that racist?”

They glared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Aiden, for a scare factor, flashed his eyes gold and bared his fangs. Charein’s eyes widened as she squealed. Aiden grinned

“Hanbin isn’t in my coven. I couldn’t have stopped him even if I tried. You know that” she glared at the floor, avoiding Aiden’s eyes.

“You could have tried” Aiden grumbled.

“What did you need, anyways?” Chaerin asked crossing her arms and leaning against the lockers.

“I need a way to contact Daniel” Aiden said slinging his bag across his shoulder.

“Great. So do I”

“Wait, what?” Aiden furrowed his eyebrows. “He’s the leader of your coven”

“Actually, no he’s not” Chaerin said dusting off her blazer. “He left like, last year”


“Actually we kicked him out”

“What the ”

“A new guy replaced him. Some short guy”

“Kang’s gone?

“Yeah, is your animal brain too dumb to function or something?” Chaerin asked annoyed. “It’s like you’re not even listening to me”

“If Daniel is gone, why didn’t any of you bloodsuckers tell us?”

“We didn’t want to associate him with dogs, he’s pure”

Aiden rolled his eyes. “Well tell this new guy Yunho and I need to talk to him”


“Because we need to talk to him about the murders”


“Cause they happened in our woods”


“I don’t know, that’s why I need to talk to him”



Chaerin glared at him. “You have some nerve-”

Aiden grabbed Chaerin’s head before slamming it into the lockers, making a dent into the wall. He then grabbed her arm and twisted it until she screamed. His eyes were golden.

Chaerin screamed in fear; Aiden was only like this when he was extremely annoyed or when he was about to attack something. This happens to all werewolves when they get angry.

“You are going to do exactly what I say Lee,” Aiden growled his voice getting deeper. “You are going to march back to your territory and tell the shortie to meet me and Yunho to talk about the deaths. I will hunt you down if you don’t”

Chaerin nodded fear all over her face. Aiden’s eyes softened turning back to brown.

“Oh my god” Aiden gasped in horror. “The wolf came out”

“You should get that checked out” Chaerin suggested pulling out her phone to check her reflection.

“Did you have to get me all bloody?” Chaerin whined watching the gash on her forehead close but the blood remaining.

“I-I didn't mean to lose my temper” Aiden said embarrassed.

“It happens to all mutts, doesn’t it?” Chaerin said pulling a brush out of nowhere to brush her hair.

“It hasn’t come out in awhile” Aiden looked down at his shoes not knowing what to say.

“I mean it was going to develop sooner or later. You can’t help your rage. No mutt can. Don’t beat yourself up kid”

Aiden looked up quickly and gave Chaerin a weird look. “Why are you being nice?”

Chaerin’s eyes lit up with fear. “I’m not being nice! I hate you! Ew, dogs!”

Aiden scoffed. “Yeah, okay. Just make sure you tell the shortie to meet me”

“Fine, whatever mutt” Chaerin said. Aiden felt a breeze whoosh by him and Chaerin was gone.


“Maybe you should talk to him” Jessica suggested as her and Krystal stretched at practice the next day. “Yuri explained a lot to me yesterday”

“I already told you, I’m not going to talk to him. It’s a joke, Jess” Krystal said rolling her eyes.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, what?” Krystal said giving her sister a weird look. “You honestly believe werewolves exist?”

“Also vampires and witches”

“You’re delusional” Krystal snapped

“Am I though?”

“Yes” Krystal crossed her arms. “And tomorrow I’m confronting Aiden to tell him his ‘Lunar claim” on me is something so messed up that I’m actually concerned for his health”

“So you’ll talk to him?”


“But you just said-”

“I know what I said!”

“So you are going to talk to him?”

“No, I mean, yes, I mean, um”

Jessica smirked crossing her arms. “Yuri told me it would be impossible for you to stay away from him”

“Yuri is also in on this joke”

“I believe him though”

“And I worry for that”


“New coven leader?” Yunho asked eyes looking wild. “How come we didn’t know about this ‘new coven leader?”

“Chaerin said they kicked Daniel out of the coven last year and they replaced him with some short guy” Aiden said. Yunho asked him to come over to his place after meeting with Chaerin. The rest of his pack was lurking in the living room pretending not to listen while Yunho and Aiden talked in the kitchen.

“Another short guy? Yunho asked amused. “That’s the second short vampire leader” he chuckled.

“I mean, seems like they don’t care” Aiden shrugged the icing off of the cinnamon bun Yunho gave him.

“Is this why we haven’t heard from the vampires in what, a year?”


“I don’t believe this” Yunho ran a hand through his hair. “We had a deal!”

“Well maybe the new shortie doesn’t wanna be a part of this deal” Aiden said calmly. “Chaerin said something about not wanting to tarnish this guy’s purity or something”

“Purity? Like, ity?” Yunho took a sip of his coffee, leaning on the counter.

“Not sure”

“I don’t understand. I mean obviously this guy knew about us since we divided our woods into three sections and the other vampires know about us, so why hasn’t this guy-”

Suddenly there were three sharp raps at the door. Aiden and Yunho shared a glance.

“Were you expecting company?” Aiden asked.

“No, just you, did any of the members of your pack say they were coming over?” Yunho said crossing his arms.

“Um, Yunho-Oppa, Aiden, you might want to see this” Lisa, a member of Yunho’s pack called out.

Yunho and Aiden walked towards the door. They saw Lisa along with the members of Yunho’s pack standing around a red haired man in the doorway.

“Heyo, what’s up?” the man asked giving all of them an eye smile.

“The sky?” Jongin smartly replied.

“Well, yes, but uh…”

“Who the hell are you?” Kyungsoo asked crossing his arms.

“Oh, where are my manners?” the short man laughed. “My name is Park Jimin. One of my coven members told me you wanted to speak to me?”

Yunho and Aiden looked at each other surprised.

You’re the new Wolf’s Point coven leader?” Aiden asked shocked. “But you seem so happy-”

“Aiden, shush” Yunho ordered covering Aiden’s mouth with his hand. He bit him before he took his hand away.

“What the boy means is” Lisa said pausing. “You seem so cheery for someone who is… um, dead”

“I prefer undead” Jimin gave them another eye smile.

It’s a trap Minseok sent in the link between Yunho’s pack

Are we sure? Eunha asked

He seems so nice… Lisa said

Because of the awkward silence, Aiden knew the older pack was having a telepathy conversation. He nudged Yunho, silently asking him to tell him what they were saying.

“Um,” Yunho coughed “it’s nice to meet you, Jimin-ssi”

“Please just call me Jimin” Jimin smiled. The awkward silence lingered.

“So…” Kyungsoo said twiddling his thumbs. No one knew what to say.

Sowon cleared . “Do you want to co-”

Umji slapped her hand over Sowon’s mouth, then looked at Yunho. Her eyes silently asked him should we?

“Why don’t we all sit outside in the front yard? We have a table and um, chairs. I’ll get us all some beers” Yunho suggested avoiding inviting Jimin in, being cautious in case he would regret it later.

Aiden’s eyes lit up as he looked at Yunho excitedly.

“Not you,” Yunho said “you get sprite”

Aiden grumbled, walking outside with the rest of Yunho’s pack.

“So, are you the little one Chaerin was telling me about?” Jimin asked Aiden walking up beside him

“Excuse me?” he said forcing a smile.

What did that brat say about me? Aiden thought

Who? Yuri asked in Aiden’s head.



“Chaerin told me about some teenage werewolf Alpha that goes to her school, the one who told her that the wolves wanted to meet with me, i’m guessing that’s you?” Jimin flashed Aiden a toothy smile.

“Yeah. I’m Aiden”

How’s the meeting with Yunho? Key asked

Great. I’m talking with the new vampire leader right now Aiden answered.

WHAT? Yuri yelled making AIden wince

New vampire leader?! Victoria exclaimed

Long story, tell you later Aiden said

Aiden Joseph Liu Yiyun, you tell me right now! Victoria demanded

“Where’s your pack, sport?”

“Oh… back home…” Aiden ran a hand through his hair

Yunho walked out with cases of beer and a can of sprite. He passed them out to everyone then sat down next to Aiden

“So, Jimin, thanks for meeting us” Yunho said giving the vampire a smile.

“No problem” Jimin grinned. Aiden wondered if he would ever stop grinning or smiling.

“How come you haven’t come sooner? Chaerin told Aiden you’ve been coven leader since Daniel left a year ago” Minseok asked.

“Didn’t know you wanted to meet. I thought you’d be the one to contact us vamps” Jimin said casually popping the cap off his beer.

Yunho cleared his throat “well, since the deaths in the forest-”

“You know what” Jimin said leaning forward. “This is my first meeting with you guys, let’s not make it a downer”

The werewolves all looked at each other uneasily.

“Um, we asked you to come here to talk about-”

“Yeah, I know” JImin stated “but let’s get to know each other first. How about a barbecue?”

“What?” Yunho asked “you want a barbecue?

“Why not” Jimin gave them a silly smile. “How about it, all of you guys, plus Aiden’s pack, come over to vampire county for a good ol’ fashioned BBQ”

Aiden raised his eyebrows. Yunho nudged his shoulder, silently asking what the other Alpha thought.

“Sure, okay” Aiden sighed “when?”


“How about instead of vampire county, why not just have it her?” Yunho suggested. “We already know the coven, they hate us, but why not the two packs and Mr. Smiles over here have some quality bonding for ourselves”

“Okay!” JImin grinned. “I could use a night off from the coven, thanks”

“Aiden, message your pack” Yunho murmured, “tell them to bring meat and stuff”

Guys, come to Yunho’s, and bring meat Aiden said

What? Why? Yoong asked

Yunho and Jimin want barbecue, I guess

Who’s Jimin? Sooyoung asked

Long story, just come now, and bring groceries


“I don’t understand why we’re doing this” Yuri muttered to Aiden. They were currently sitting in front of a bonfire with Yunho’s pack and Jimin. Jimin was telling everyone stories about growing up in a small village in Busan.

“What year were you born?” Key asked while laughing at one of JImin’s stories.

“1613” JImin giggled. “I was turned when I was 21”

“Jeez, you’re old grandpa” Lisa joked

Yunho sat down next to Yuri and Aiden and offered them plates of food.

“Where’s Changmin?” he asked quietly

Aiden gave him a sympathetic look. “He didn’t come, I think you know why”

Yunho looked down sadly. “I just- I just thought…”

“I know” Aiden put an arm around Yunho’s shoulder. “I’m sorry”

“Just… have him call me. Please?” Yunho asked before getting up and walking away.

“I feel so bad” Aiden said digging into the food that Yunho gave them.

“It’s not your fault” Yuri comforted as he shoved steak into his mouth. “Changmin-hyung chose to leave, we didn’t force him to do anything”

“I know” Aiden sighed. “But I feel like they kinda blame us for what happened”

“That was not our fault either” Yuri said “you know that”


“Okay, come on Soojung, you can do this” Krystal said to herself as she sat in the car, alone because Jessica had already went ahead of her.

She’d been sitting there for twenty minutes, preparing herself for what she was going to say to Aiden.

“Aiden, you’re nice and all, but I think you need psychiatric help” she tried. “No, that’s mean”

“Aiden, I do not want to be your ‘mate’ or whatever, so I hope we can still be friends?” was another thing Krystal tried.

“You are not a werewolf because they do not exist so leave me alone” was the last one. Krystal decided the second one was the nicest.

Krystal walked into school with her head held high. She looked through the crowded hallway to try and find Aiden, which wasn’t hard since his minions surrounded him.

As Krystal walked up to Aiden, his friends scattered, leaving Aiden looking confused.

“Hey” Krystal said tapping Aiden on the shoulder. He turned around, wide eyed; surprised Krystal was willingly talking to him.

“Uh, hello” Aiden said nervously

Krystal decided to go right into it. “Okay, you seem nice and all, but I have no interest in being your mate-”

“Believe me, you were not my first choice either” Aiden huffed running a hand through his hair.

“I-what?” Krystal was taken aback.

“I mean, if it was up to me, I would have chosen Bae Suzy or Kim Hyuna, but it’s not up to me, it’s up to the moon goddess, and she chose you” Aiden said calmly

“There is no moon goddess!” Krystal said, slightly offended that Aiden said he wouldn’t have picked her for a mate.

Wait a minute Soojung, there us no such thing as mates! Krystal scolded herself.

“Denial is common” Aiden shrugged

“I’m not in denial” Krystal scoffed crossing her arms. “You’re not a werewolf”

“Yes I am”

“No you’re not”

“Yeah I am, and I can prove it”

“I’d like to see you try”

“I will!”

“Yeah right”

“I’m serious, Krystal!”

“Oh bite me, Liu” Krystal said rolling her eyes

Aiden paused. “Okay”

Before Krystal could react, Aiden grabbed Krystal’s arm and sank his teeth into her wrist.














Bet y'all weren't expecting CL huh, lol ok so I know vampires don't have reflections but in my story they do :') 

hope you liked this one. 



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So after awhile of finishing this story I decided to kind of update some things, which is most likely just Victoria's son, his name is still going to be SungWoo but he will be portrayed as Asahi from treasure. Also i'm thinking of making a sequel but in their kid's POV idk yet. Stay safe!


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Chapter 17: Nice
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Chapter 25: Thanks for the updates. Take care.
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