Chapter 12

Mated to a Dork [Kryber]





Yunho carried Aiden inside the apartment. The apartment looked messy, like two reckless teenagers lived in it. Clothes and books were thrown everywhere while there were bras hanging off the ceiling fan.

“Bring him up here” Irene demanded, opening a door that led to a staircase. Yunho followed Irene to an attic filled with cauldrons and spellbooks, similar to the basement in Aiden’s house.

“Lay him here” Irene cleared off a table and gestured for Aiden to lie down. Yunho set him down and Irene immediately yanked off Aiden’s shoe.

“Ow!” he winced. A part of his foot was bent at a funny angle.

“Once again I am so sorry” Wendy gushed. “I didn't mean to crush your foot”

“Okay, here we go” Irene said. She shut her eyes and held both of her hands over Aiden’s body.

Crushed by an idiot’s act with a door, make this wolf’s foot hurt no more” Irene chanted. Aiden’s foot instantly went back to normal. Yunho and Aiden stared at her.

“That’s not one of the ancient incantations” Yunho gawked.

“I discovered that you don’t need to use the ancient spells, as long as you know what you want to do and the thing rhymes, it’s a spell” Irene said inspecting Aiden’s foot to see if it was alright.

“How did you find that out?” Aiden asked.

“I’ve been experimenting. Loads of warlocks think I tapped into dark magic but honestly I stumbled upon this by accident. I was trying to get the words in my mind to be written on paper, then I said words that rhymed, the pen moved itself and I had my song for class” Irene confessed. “Now they all think I’m either a child prodigy or an evil sorceress”

“They also talk about her cause she found the secret of immortality” Wendy said, standing at the end of the table Aiden was lying on.

“Really?” Yunho asked.

“Again, totally on accident. I was looking  for a spell that would butter my toast without me moving and then all this information about immortality spells came rushing into my brain” Irene rolled her eyes. “It’s so annoying”

“I was told you were clairvoyant” Aiden said holding himself up with his elbows. “I didn’t hear anything about the immortality or spell thing”

“I’m not clairvoyant. I mean I kind of am, but to an extent”

“Care to explain?” Yunho said crossing his arms.

“Okay. it goes like this” Irene took a deep breath. “Basically, I know everything about a person when I touch them. I know every memory, every thought, everything”

Aiden’s eyes widened. “So when you touched me-”

“Your name is Yiyun but you hate it when people call you that. You are the Alpha of a small pack, the youngest is a boy named Lun and the oldest is a girl called Victoria. Your witch is Victoria and you live with a foster father named Changmin. Your Beta is named Kwon Yuri. Your mate is a girl named Krystal Jung and you think her eyes are the prettiest things you have ever seen. You want to ask Krystal out but is scared of rejection. You love mangoes but are allergic to them. Am I correct?” Irene asked. Aiden’s mouth was wide open.

“You know all of that just by one touch?”he said in shock.

“I know everything about you, llama” Irene said. She turned to Yunho.

“Now you” Irene reached over and took Yunho’s hand into her own.

“Your name is Jung Yunho. You’re 28 years old and your Beta is Kai Kim Jongin. You are afraid of heights and have a birthmark on your neck. Your mate is Lee Sunmi but you were in love with a girl named Park Bom who is dead. You blame your old best friend Changmin for her death and kicked him out of your pack. You wanted to be a firefighter since you were a kid and you were a track star in high school” 

The room was silent after Irene made the revelation. No one knew how to respond to it. 

“And to answer you question, I don’t know how the people are dying in your town,” she said. “I wish I did, but I’m as stumped as you guys” 

“Can you help us in any way?” Aiden pleaded.

“I mean, I can look in these ancient spell books but it’s gonna take a few days. Plus, I have school, and my boyfriend’s pack asking me to do everything… I could probably tell you by Friday the latest” Irene said looking at the two sympathetically.

“I can help” Wendy offered.

“We can all look in the spell books” Aiden said.

“Even if the four of us all do it it’s still going to take awhile” Irene sighed. “I can also ask my boyfriend’s pack to help, but they also have school and stuff”

“What does your boyfriend do in the pack?”

“He’s a Beta, but a bitten one” Irene explained. This was odd, usually the Alpha-Beta succession was passed down by birthright.

“How so?”

“It’s different here. We don’t have that many blue blood werewolves, only those that come from bites. He was bitten on a trip to Jeju. His pack is small but they could help us a lot” Irene sighed. “But from what I can decipher, it seems like this is some sort of weird ritual”

“You’ve never seen something like this before?” Yunho asked

“No, I can’t say I have. There’s bound to be an explanation somewhere”




It was Thursday and Jessica was worried.

No one would tell her where Aiden is. She tried talking to Yuri but he brushed it off and told her it wasn’t important. When she asked Krystal she got a similar answer.

She knew they were hiding something from her. Maybe they took Aiden into the woods and killed him.

And now Jessica is terrified.

She wished she could text Aiden to ask him if he was ok but her brother accidentally broke her phone by dropping it off the roof of their house (long story). The only thing she could do is hope Aiden isn’t dead.

She was currently sitting in her car, lost in her thoughts. It was after practice. Everyone already went home and apparently so did Krystal. She realized she had been staring at nothing for the past ten minutes.

Her car door opened and she almost had a heart attack when Yuri slid into the passenger seat.

“What are you doing?” she asked startled

“Oh sorry, did I scare you?” Yuri asked fixing the snapback on his head. He was in his work uniform, except the nametag on the shirt said Yoong.

“It’s okay” Jessica muttered trying to steady her heartbeat.

“So how are things?” Yuri asked flashing Jessica a smile.

“Okay I guess” Jessica shrugged. “What about you?”

“Great!” Yuri said enthusiastically. “Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask you something. What are your plans tomorrow night?”

“Nothing, I think. Why?” 

Yuri’s smile grew wider. “So the theater in town is showing ‘Teen Wolf’. It’s something they do every month, play old movies. Do you want to go with me?”

Jessica’s eyes lit up. She hoped this was Yuri’s way of asking her on a date. “Sure I’d love that!”

“Great! So I’ll text you about it, or talk to you about it at school since your phone is broken. Okay, bye!” Yuri said starting to blush as he hurriedly exited the car. Jessica smiled to herself, happy that she decided to stick around after practice.




At 3:30 on Wednesday morning Aiden was eating ramen with Irene, Wendy and Irene’s boyfriend Seulgi were in their pajamas. Irene was flipping through a spell book while the others were listening to a story Wendy was telling about her sister. Yunho was in the other room sleeping.

Irene sighed as she shut the book. “That’s the third one i’ve looked through, still nothing” 

“How many books do you have?” Aiden asked.

“A lot, like 12 or 14” Irene ran a hand through her hair. “It’s going to take ages until we find it”

“That’s okay” Aiden said putting a snapback on his head. “I just want to make sure no one else is dying” 

“This sounds a lot like something that happened in Jeju” Seulgi said. “It was blood magic, did you look into that?”

Irene’s eyes snapped up as she looked at her boyfriend with an almost angry expression.

“You thought to tell me this now?” 

“I just remembered. Sorry babe” Seulgi pouted giving Irene that ‘puppy dog’ look

“This narrows it down” Irene said as she rushed to the attic

“What happened in Jeju?” Aiden asked

“I was visiting my uncle and that’s when I got bitten. The guy who bit me was the leader of some weird werewolf cult that was sacrificing people to appease some guy or something in return for something else. I’m not sure. I left before anything happened” Seulgi shrugged. “I’m sorry I forgot. All I know is that they didn’t succeed”

“That’s scary. Why would someone do that?” Wendy shuddered

“Some packs are weird like that. Asia has some strange werewolves. It’s gruesome, but I wasn’t going to intervene. I mean, whatever floats their boat”

“I wonder if the same thing is happening in my town” Aiden said nervously. “I hope not”




Jessica was waiting for Yuri outside of the movie theater. They had arranged to meet in front ten minutes before the film started. It was a good turnout, mainly people in their 20’s and 30’s were at the theater but there were a few teenagers around. 

Jessica spotted Yuri walking down the sidewalk towards her. She smiled, butterflies in her stomach. She doesn’t know why Yuri makes her nervous; she considers herself good friends with the guy.

“Hey” Yuri smiled. “Ready to go?”

Jessica nodded as they headed into the theater. Yuri bought the tickets and snacks before leading Jessica upstairs to the upper balcony.

Jessica thought the theater was beautiful. It was nothing like the movie theaters in California. It looked like it was once a theater where one would perform plays, but was later transformed into a movie theater.

“I think this movie is good” Yuri commented as the lights dimmed. “Inaccurate, but good” 

Jessica only smiled and nodded. She never really watched werewolf movies; she was more of a Twilight girl, although she was Team Jacob.

Yuri could be my Jacob she thought to herself as she looked over to the guy next to her. She was glad Yuri hadn’t bit her yet; Krystal told Jessica that after they bite you they can hear every thought in their head, and vice versa.

When Scott transformed into a werewolf, Jessica heard Yuri chuckle.

“That’s not even close to what we look like” Yuri whispered into her ear. “It’s actually really funny what Hollywood thinks we look like”

Jessica giggled. Yuri seemed so amused. It was cute. Slowly, Jessica reached over and locked their pinkies together. Being with Yuri made her feel safe. She wanted to be close to him.

She felt Yuri stiffen, then relax. Jessica looked over and saw him smiling, but still staring at the screen. She grinned.

The two spent the rest of the time smiling like idiots, stealing glances from time to time.

When the movie finished, Yuri’s smile never left his face as he took Jessica’s hand in his own as he led her out of the theater.

“Was the movie really that inaccurate?” Jessica asked as they were walking to her car.

“Well I mean they got the wolf transformation wrong, and the times when they transformed, but it’s funny how they describe it,” Yuri said looking down at their intertwined hands.

They stopped at Jessica’s car

“Thanks for inviting me, I had a lot of fun” Jessica smiled. She tried to think of a time this night that she didn’t smile.

Yuri was smiling too. He was always smiley around Jessica. Jessica remembered on her first day at SM High how Yuri looked so scary and intimidating when talking to Lun. Jessica feels bad for the people who are afraid of Yuri; they don’t know what they’re missing.

Her eyes fell to Yuri’s lips. Her mind was screaming kiss him! While everything around her seemed to freeze. Yuri seemed to understand what was going on as he blushed, but started to lean in.

Their lips met in a soft kiss. Jessica loved the way Yuri’s mouth fit on hers, like they were meant for each other. Butterflies filled her stomach as fireworks went off in her head. Yuri’s lip were soft and he was gentle.

Jessica loved it.

She decided then that kissing Yuri was her new favorite thing. When Yuri pulled away, she was sad.

Yuri had a huge grin on his face. His cheeks were tinted pink as his eyes sparkled. It was cute.

“Okay, um, I’ll see you later?” Yuri said all happily. Jessica giggled as Yuri scurried away like a little puppy

She was in deep




“So you slept with her?” Seulgi asked Aiden. It was Friday afternoon and everyone was in Irene and Wendy’s attic.

“Well, no. I don’t think so” Aiden sighed. “We were drunk. All I know was one minute I was talking to her in the kitchen, and the next thing I know I’m waking up next to her half in bed”

“Was there a mark?” 


“Then you didn’t sleep with her, right? Aren’t werewolves biters?” Wendy asked

“Yeah that’s right” they heard Irene mutter from across the room. She was looking through another spell book.

“Was she upset?” Seulgi said, turning back to the other werewolf.

“I mean, she told me we would talk about it later ‘cause she had to go, but then my pack kidnapped her and all this stuff happened that freaked her out and now things are just kinda awkward between us” Aiden said looking down at his hands.

“I could brew you a love potion if you want” Wendy offered

“No that’s okay. I want it to happen naturally” 

“That’s so sweet,” Wendy gushed. “You two sound so cute”

“I ship it” Seulgi smiled

“Aha!” they heard Irene yell out. The girl rushed over to the four of them and threw the spell book down. The writing was in old English so basically none of them could read it except for Irene and Wendy

“What does it say?” Aiden asked. Based on the illustration in the book, it didn’t look good

“Human sacrifices, claw-like scars, vampire marks, this is most likely what is happening in your town!” Irene explained. “But let’s pray to everything that this is not the case”

“Why?” Yunho asked

“This spell is blood magic. In order for it to work you need to kill a certain amount of people” Irene explained. She looked scared

“What does the spell do?” Seulgi asked leaning over Irene’s shoulder to look at the book

“It’s demonic! Whoever is trying to make this happen is either an idiot or suicidal” Irene started to hyperventilate. She fanned herself with her hands.

“What does it do?” Yunho said again

Irene looked like she was about to faint. Terror overtook her features as sweat started to form on her forehead. Seulgi placed both hands on her shoulders as he tried to calm her down

Wendy took the book from Irene. dropped open when she read the words on the page

“Holy ” she murmured

“Wendy, what does it say?” Aiden asked nervously

“This is a spell to make hybrids. Vampire-werewolf hybrids”



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So after awhile of finishing this story I decided to kind of update some things, which is most likely just Victoria's son, his name is still going to be SungWoo but he will be portrayed as Asahi from treasure. Also i'm thinking of making a sequel but in their kid's POV idk yet. Stay safe!


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Chapter 17: Nice
1149 streak #2
Chapter 26: 😍😍
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Chapter 26: Thank you for sharing this fiction. Me love reading it.
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Chapter 26: completed already :(( but nice one author nim!!
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Chapter 25: Thanks for the updates. Take care.
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