Chapter 11

Mated to a Dork [Kryber]




When Aiden got to the lake, Yunho and Jimin were already waiting for him.

“Good morning, Mr. Aiden! Fun night?” Jimin asked smiling, totally ignoring the fact that there was a dead body at his feet.

Yunho rolled his eyes, scoffing at the vampire. “How can you say that?”

“Just asking the boy how his night was-”

“Someone died, Jimin, it’s not the time to be all bright and cheery” Yunho scolded.

Aiden studied the body. It was a guy, probably a senior from his school. He was wet, Aiden assumed they pulled him out of the lake.

“Scratches again?” Aiden asked. Yunho nodded.

“Why do bodies keep coming up on your territory, when you swear your pack is innocent?”  Yunho said suspiciously.

“This was the first time it happened during a full moon” Aiden pointed out. “My guys were with me last night” 

“No one was in the cellar?”

“Well, one, but he was still locked up when we got back”

“Don’t you think the town will send the feds to hunt down the wolf thingy?” Jimin chipped in. 

“Well they won’t find the wolf cause whoever is killing these people is definitely a supernatural” Yunho said gesturing to the body. “Animals would have torn off limbs or decapitated or eat the flesh, every part of the body is intact. The only difference is the throat has been torn out”

“Do we have any leads?” Aiden asked.

“As of right now, no. Are you sure your pack-”

“My pack is innocent” Aiden gritted his teeth. “What reason would I have to kill civilians?”

“Just asking” Yunho defended. “It always seems to happen on your territory”

“Well maybe i’m being framed. If I were to kill someone do you honestly think I would be stupid enough to put it on my own grounds?”

“I think the person who is doing this has a justified reason” Jimin said nudging the body with his boot. “I mean who kills for sport?” 

“Vampires” Yunho muttered.

“Aye, I heard that. Watch it, wolfie” Jimin said jokingly. Aiden and Yunho shared an uneasy glance.

“I smell humans” Jimin pointed out. “Park rangers are probably coming. Let’s scram”




Yunho was walking Aiden back home to his house, discussing what happened the night before. 

“It seems like the person killing these people are trying really hard to make it look like it’s me” Aiden said running a hand through his hair.

“That’s understandable. What I don’t understand is the motive behind it though. Are they trying to get you guys hurt? Your pack already suffered enough due to Hanbins punishment on your-” Yunho stopped when he saw Aiden’s face fall.

“I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to say that” Yunho said wrapping an arm around Aiden’s shoulder.

Aiden shrugged. “It’s fine, I guess. I’ve accepted it”

“What Hanbin did was wrong, your father was innocent”

“I know, but it’s kinda hard to beat a thousand year old vampire with just your word”

Yunho looked down apologetically. “You have a heart of a warrior kid”

They arrived at Aiden’s house, Changmin was sitting on the front steps. Aiden frowned; he did not want to be here to witness Yunho and Changmin interacting.

Changmin stood up as Yunho stopped walking. It was silent between the three of them.

“Where’s Krystal?” Aiden asked breaking the tension.

“I sent the twins home” Changmin said staring at Yunho. “They’re with Victoria”

“Hello, Changmin-shi” Yunho said politely.

“Yunho” Changmin nodded. “Anyways, I found something I think the both of you want to see”

Changmin headed inside, Aiden saw that a  cue for them to follow. He signaled Yunho to follow him into the house.

They followed Changmin into the basement, where he was leaning over a spellbook and an address book. Yuri was next to him, sniffing a steaming potion.

“Baby dino, what happened?” Yuri asked. “Who died?”

“Some guy, I didn’t recognize him”

“Marks like the others?”


“The nerve of these people” Yuri said clenching his fists. “I swear, when I find out who ever is doing this, I’m giving them a piece of the black pea-”

“Anyways” Changmin interrupted “i found the name of a witch who could help us. She’s out west, but she’s a prodigy. So many people have told me about her power. She’s clairvoyant”

“How could this Claire Voyant know more about what’s happening here than you?” Yuri asked. “Does Claire know everything?”   

Changmin dragged his hand down his face as he sighed. “Yuri, her name is not Claire Voyant. She’s clairevoyant. And yes she knows everything”

“Where is this witch?” Aiden asked.

“Hong Kong”

“Do we know her name?” Yunho questioned. Changmin stared at him long and hard before answering.

“I don’t know her name, but when the other warlocks tell me about her, they use the initials  I.B.J., it’s rumored her ancestors were druids”

“So what are we going to do about this ‘I.B.J.’ person?” Yuri asked putting on a snapback.

“We could give her a visit?” Aiden suggested. “You said she lived in Hong Kong?”

“Sha Tin, I think” Changmin said.

“I could probably drive that” Yunho offered scratching the back of his head.

“That’s like, more than 30 hours” Changmin scoffed. “You would drive more than 30 hours for this?” 

“If it stops people from dying, then yes” Yunho snapped. “Aiden, come with?”

Aiden looked between Changmin and Yunho, before looking at Yuri.

What do you think I should do? He asked.

I think you should go for it Yuri said find out if this ‘I.B.J’ person can help us

“It would take five days, a week tops” Yunho urged. “If two Alpha’s go, maybe this chick will know this is the real deal”

“You’ll be missing school” Changmin defended. “It’s the first few weeks back”

“Oh he can miss one week, papi”(lol I tried to make a song reference) Yunho mocked. “It’s not going to kill him” 

“This could be important” Aiden said quietly. “I think I should go” 

Changmin’s eyes hardened. “Fine. But don’t come crying to me when you find out you’re failing most of your classes”

Changmin stormed out, leaving the three werewolves in the basement.

Yunho scoffed. “He needs to get over his pride” 

“It’s been seven years” Aiden sighed. “Can’t you at least try to talk to him?”

“I’ve done that” Yunho said harshly, but Aiden knew it wasn’t aimed towards him. It sounded like Yunho was aiming it towards himself.

“Pack your bags, Aiden” Yunho said walking up the stairs. “We leave tonight”




Monday morning came along and the twins were greeted by Jieun dragging them across campus.

“Did you hear?” Jieun asked, stopping at the front of the steps.

“Hear what?” Krystal asked out of breath. She was out of it for the weekend, expecting a call from Aiden that never came.

“Jo Kwangmin’s brother died. He was in the woods, and an animal attacked him”

The twins paled; well they were already pale so nothing really happened.

“In the woods?” Jessica asked

Jieun nodded. “They found his body Saturday morning. Poor Youngmin”

“Where’s Kwangmin?”

“He’s out, obviously. Seohyun said she dropped by his house because her mom made tteokbokki for his family, and he was completely out of it”

Yuri and the group then walked by the three girls. Krystal noticed that Aiden was not with them.

“Do you think they know anything?” Jieun whispered. “They do live in the woods, after all”

“Just cause they live in the woods doesn’t  mean they had anything to do with it” Jessica snapped. “It was a vicious animals, do they look like vicious animals to you?” 

“Whoa, just asking” Jieun said taking a step back. “No need to get so defensive”

The twins sighed. Jessica pushed her hair back. “Sorry” 

“Yeah, it’s okay” Jieun shrugged 

“Let’s go” Krystal finally said something.

Aiden was all Krystal could think about during the day. It wasn’t until after lunch that she realized she had a way to contact him: her mind.

Aiden where are you? She thought.

Guangzhou, I think Aiden almost replied immediately. I slept for a little but last time I checked we were in Guilin, but that was two hours ago 

Why the are you in China? Krystal asked.

Well hello to you too, Princess

Answer me

Changmin thinks someone can help us in Hong Kong. Me and a friend are driving there to meet this girl.

Who is this friend Krystal demanded, not knowing why a feeling of jealousy crept into her stomach.

His name is Yunho, he’s another Alpha

Krystal felt her blood boil. Why didn’t Aiden tell her he was going on a surprise road trip and to look for some random girl?

Cause he’s not your boyfriend, Krystal said to herself

What did you just call me? Aiden asked

I, uh, that wasn’t for you

Krystal subconsciously rubbed the moon tattoo on her wrist, something she had been doing a lot lately. Her parents haven’t noticed it, due to Krystal’s strategic placements of her bracelets and wristbands. It actually looked pretty cool; Krystal liked it.

She spent the rest of the day wondering when Aiden would come back, thinking about all the questions she wanted to ask. Aiden promised her answers. There was so much she wanted to know.

When AIden didn’t show up the next day, Krystal felt a longing feeling. She would never admit it out loud, but she missed the raven haired boy, even though she saw him three days ago. She found herself staring at his empty chair during the classes they shared. Even though they could communicate telepathically, Krystal missed Aiden’s physical presence.

They would talk daily, usually about silly little things like people from school, or Aiden would tell a lame pun that Krystal found hilarious. Aiden said he would probably be back next week, and Krystal felt her heart drop.

Why the am I feeling this way? She asked herself.




Around Monday afternoon Aiden and Yunho finally arrived at their destination. It was a hot and sunny day in Sha Tin, everyone walking around on the streets, so many in suites trying to go home or getting to work.

This ‘I.B.J’  person lived in some apartment near Shing Mun river. Changmin was able to get a warlock to find the address of the girl, who then sent it to Aiden. They still didn’t know the girls name.

Aiden checked the address on his phone one last time before knocking on the door. It was around 4 o’clock, they assumed the girl was probably home.

The door opened slightly to reveal a petite girl whose hair was in a ponytail. She was eyeing the two werewolves cautiously.

“Yes?” the girl asked

“Hi” Aiden said awkwardly. “Does anyone with the initials I.B.J. live here?”

“What?” the girl raised an eyebrow. “Who are you looking for?”

“Someone with the initials I.B.J.? Maybe the initials could stand for Ji Ah, Ji Woo, Ji Yo-”

“You mean Irene? Irene Bae Joohyun?” the girl asked, opening the door a little wider.

“Yes! That could be it. Are you her?” Aiden asked excited. After all this way they were finally about to see the girl that could potentially help them.

“No. I’m not Irene” the girl said. Aiden’s smile fell.

“But I know where she is” the girl offered. Aiden smiled again

“Can you tell us?” Yunho asked.

“Why?” the girl at the door said. “Why are you looking for Irene?”

“It’s urgent” Yunho pleaded.

“If it’s so urgent then tell me what it’s for” the girl said calmly, crossing her arms.

“I’m not sure if that’s the best idea-”

“Then it’s obviously not that important. Goodbye” the girl went to slam the door.

“Wait!” Aiden called out, stopping the door with his foot. He yelped out in pain as it crushed it.

The girl gasped, throwing the door wide open. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!”

The girl knelt down next to Aiden, Yunho was kneeling down on the other side of him.

“Does anything seem broken?” the girl asked.

“I’m not sure” Aiden cried, tears threatening to fall as he cradled his injured foot on his lap.

“I mean I know it hurts but wouldn’t the werewolf healing thing work pretty quickly?” the girl asked, starting to panic. Yunho’s eyes widened.

“You know-”

“I could sense it!” the girl said. “Do you want some ice or something?”

Aiden shook his head, biting his lip to stop himself from screaming out. With the healing factor, the pain was subsiding, but Aiden was sure the girl broke a few bones in his foot. It would be sore for a few days.

“Who are you?” Yunho asked gaping at the girl.

“I’m Irene’s best friend,” the girl said. She had one hand on Aiden’s shoulder. “I feel so bad, I’m so sorry”

“It’s fine” Aiden huffed out. “You can repay me by telling me where this Irene is”

“Why do you want to know?” said a voice. Aiden turned his head to see a girl standing with a bag slung over her shoulder. It looks like she just got  back from school. The girl couldn’t have been older than 17, her raven hair flowing down her shoulders.

“Are you Irene?” Yunho asked.

“Yeah, why?” Irene said boredly. “Wendy what the hell did you do to the poor boy?”

The girl who crushed Aiden’s foot started to blabber.

“I didn’t mean to! They were wondering where you were and I didn’t know what they wanted so I tried to have them go away but the boy stuck his foot out when I went to close the door and now he’s hurt!”

“For god's sake, Wendy, use a spell to fix it!” Irene said walking over the three.

“I forgot the spell!”

“Oh my god” Irene sighed. “Bring him in. I feel like we have a lot of talking to do”



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So after awhile of finishing this story I decided to kind of update some things, which is most likely just Victoria's son, his name is still going to be SungWoo but he will be portrayed as Asahi from treasure. Also i'm thinking of making a sequel but in their kid's POV idk yet. Stay safe!


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Chapter 17: Nice
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Chapter 26: completed already :(( but nice one author nim!!
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Chapter 25: Thanks for the updates. Take care.
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