Chapter 22

Mated to a Dork [Kryber]


“You’re weak”

Aiden looked at the reflection in the mirror to see Irene lingering in his doorway.

“I feel fine” Aiden brushed off

“You know I can tell when you’re lying to me” Irene scoffed, crossing her arms.

“Is this a clairvoyant thing?”

“No, it’s a common sense thing. You at lying”

“I’m fine”

“I don’t think you realize how serious this is,” Irene said sternly, walking into Aiden’s bedroom. “The bullets were laced with wolfsbane, it’s in your system. It’s tearing you from the inside out. Eventually, yes, you will be fine. But you’re in no shape to fight”

“Bae, I told I’m fine” Aiden rolled his eyes.

“Look” Irene sighed. She made Aiden face her. “I’m coming to you as a friend, and also as a mentor. Sit this one out. Let Yuri take the lead. Right now he’s physically stronger than you, and he doesn’t have the wolfsbane slowing him down”

“No” Aiden said sternly. “I’m doing this. My pack, my responsibility”

Irene pursed her lips. “I have a meeting with HanBin in a couple hours”


“Lisa, Changmin and Jimin are coming with me to meet with him. If we had an Alpha with us-”

“No” Aiden said firmly. “I don’t want to see him”

Irene nodded, expecting this answer. She handed Aiden a vial.

“More healing meds,” she said. “Just in case”




“Wherewolf?” Jessica asked, a playful smirk on her face.

Krystal pointed at Yuri. “Therewolf” 

“I will rip out your throats” Yuri grumbled, holding up a beaker of pink steaming liquid. “What is this again?”

“Sleep serum,” Irene explained. “Just in case we need it”

“Where did Aiden go?” Victoria asked, looking at Irene’s spell book.

“He’s trying to convince my parents to take Jaehyun away during the eclipse” Krystal explained. “He doesn’t want him here while the vampires come”

“And I got them to go to California early” Aiden announced, walking into the basement. “They’re going to stay there until New Years”

“You guys too?” Key asked the twins

“No, we told our parents that we’ll stay with Seohyun” Jessica pushed her hair back. “I want to look that er in the eye and tell him to burn in hell”

Irene felt a shiver run down her spine. “Speaking of ers…” 

“Is he here?” Aiden asked, walking towards the witch.

“He’s close” Irene said, eyes shut. “I can feel it”


“Of course” Irene nodded. “You can’t be that old and powerful and not radiate a strong aura”

“Lisa and Jimin are on their way” Changmin said, grabbing his backpack. “You ready?”

“Yes” Irene sighed. She could have been at home in Hong Kong now, waiting for her early acceptance letter to The University of Hong Kong. instead she could possibly die in the next week.

Go big or go home right?




“So, um” Lisa shifted on her feet awkwardly. “Do you… like boba?”

“Course I do” Jimin smiled happily. “My favorite is Mango flavor”

“Nice, nice” Lisa bit her lip. She felt weird around her newfound mate. Where was Changmin? Lisa begged for him to hurry up to save her from this embarrassment.

“Hello, creatures” the voice sent chills down Lisa’s spine.

“Hello, sir!” Jimin greeted cheerfully. Lisa turned around to see a tall, pale, raven haired vampire. But he wasn’t as handsome as Jimin in Lisa’s eyes. No, not even close.

“HanBin-shi” Lisa said politely. 

“Please, Just HanBin” he said, looking around his surroundings. “It smells like mutt in here”

“I’m a werewolf”

“That explains it” HanBin said rudely. He spat on the ground.

“Boys, and Lisa” Irene said, walking up to the group. “Glad you could make it”

“Make it quick, Bae” HanBin snapped. “What do you want?”

Irene held out her hands to HanBin. HanBin rolled his eyes, before begrudgingly placing his cold pale hand into hers.

“Interesting” Irene murmured, before pulling away. “What do you know about hybrids?”

“Don’t you already know that?” HanBin crossed his arms

“Say it to the audience so I know if you’re lying or not”

HanbBin stomped his foot like a child. “They’re vampire-werewolf thingys. I don’t think you need a witch to make them because it’s blood magic. They’re also supposed to be the end of the vampire-werewolf line. Am I correct?”

“Yes, and what do you know about Kang Daniel?”

HanBin thought back for a minute. “I think I recall him, I’m not sure. Short? Brown hair? Devilishly handsome?”

The other two men nodded, except Irene and Lisa they only see their men.

“If I remember correctly, he tried to join my coven ages ago. Something about power”

“What did you say?”

“No, obviously” HanBin glared at Irene. “I didn’t need the leader of another coven trying to challenge me for the power of mine”

“Well if he succeeds with the hybrids, there’s no doubt he’s coming after you first” Changmin said, crossing his arms.

“Why do you say that?” HanBin raised an eyebrow warily

“Think about it” Changmin said. “You’re the most powerful vampire in the world. You were born in BC. You have the wisdom of all the kings and rulers from the ancient times. If he eliminates you, he’ll be feared even more so than he is now”

HanBin was silent, running through all the scenarios in his head. He may be arrogant, but he was a smart man. He would do whatever it took to save his skin.

“You make valid points” HanBin caved. “As I do not wish to be devoured by the flesh of wolf and bat, I will accompany you in your quest to defeat Kang. What do you need me to do?”




“It’s beautiful” Aiden murmured, running his hands over the fabric of Krystal’s dress. “You’ll look great in it. Stunning, actually”

“You’re sweet” Krystal grinned. “Oh god, I’m so nervous”

“Don’t be” Aiden comforted. “I thought you’ve been to a thousand of these dances back in California?”

“Not about that, dork,” Krystal laughed at her boyfriend. “The eclipse”

“Oh, right” Aiden bit his lip. “Me too”

“But it feels like it’s a huge finale” Krystal ran a hand through her hair. “Like all the events since I came to Korea is leading up to this moment”

“Like we’re in a story” Aiden nodded

Aiden stared at the dress, before jumping up and screaming, standing on Krystal’s bed.

“What” Krystal asked, startled. Aiden hoisted her up with him.

“Spider! On the wall!” Aiden pointed at the bug on the wall

“Well… kill it!” Krystal said, somewhat confused. She didn’t see a spider anywhere.

“No, you do it!”

“You’re the werewolf! You probably eat spiders”

Aiden screamed again, going behind Krystal.

“What on earth-?”

“It moved!” Aiden cried. “It moved and I’m scared!”

“Nam ing Jesus” Krystal mumbled. “Why do people think I’m the bottom?”

“Cause you are,” Aiden gave her a ‘duh’ look. “Also I just ing hate spiders” Aiden whimpered. He back hugged Krystal tightly.

“Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? Everyone. What is the big bad wolf afraid of? Spiders. And he lives in the forest”

“I will ing break up with you” Aiden grumbled. He hugged her even tighter. “Kill it”

“No, you’re acting like a baby. Lit it live”

“Let me live, Krystal. The spider is going to kill me”

“You’re such a drama king

“I’ve been raised with Victoria-noona, what do you expect?”

Aiden’s phone rang and Victoria’s personalized ringtone was heard. Aiden picked it up while still hugging Krystal.

THE DISRESPECT!” Victoria yelled through the phone, before hanging up.




“Aiden’s going to be drooling” Jessica smirked, putting the last finishing touches on Krystal’s makeup. “And his little buddy might even say hey”

“Gross, Jess” Krystal screwed her eyes shut. “I think his mind is going to be a little preoccupied tonight”

“Yeah, preoccupied with the thought of you out of your dress-”

“That’s not what I meant” Krystal shook her head, sighing. 

“Lighten up” Jessica smiled smally. “Everything is going to be okay”

“But what if it’s not?” Krystal asked, turning to her sister. “What if they don’t stop the vampires? What if the hybrids come to life? Oh god, I can’t lose Aiden, because I love-”

Krystal’s voice stopped, her eyes widening as she realized what she said. Her cheeks flushed red.

“What was that?” Jessica asked, smiling widely.

“Nothing” Krystal blushed

“Did you just say you-?”

“No, no I didn’t” Krystal assured, looking down at her hands.

“You love him”

“No I don’t shut up”

“You love him!” Jessica said louder, clapping. “Krystal loves Aiden! Krystal’s in loooove-!”

“And your in love with Yuri!” Krystal said remembering Jessica was going to confess at the hospital.

Now that made Jessica stop all her teasing and blush furiously. 

“Shut up!” Jessica said 

“Huh, now you know how it feels” Krystal smirked.

“Fight me” Jessica whined

Mr. Jung called for the girls to come down. Aiden and Yuri were here.

“It’s now or never” Jessica pursed her lips. “Are you ready?”

“Does it matter?” Krystal sighed. “I’m going to try to enjoy it before it all goes to ”




Krystal woke up, the sun peeking through the window and onto her eyes. Her surroundings were unfamiliar.

The front of her shirt was wet, and it was warmer than usual. Aiden was fast asleep in her arms, clinging to her. Tear stains ran down his cheeks.

She had the feeling that she was being watched. Changmin stood at the foot of Aiden’s bed, watching the two of them.

“How long have you been there?” Krystal asked softly.

“Not long” Changmin said. “I want to talk to you”


“No, come with me, he’s going to be okay”

Krystal looked down at the sleeping guy. “I don’t want to leave him”

“He’ll know you’re still here” Changmin assured. “But I do need to talk to you. Alone” 

The two of them sat in the living room. Changmin handed Krystal a cup of tea, before sitting on the table adjacent to Krystal.

“Where is everyone?” Krystal mumbled, drawing her legs to her chest and hugging her knees.

“Resting, but it’s been two days” Changmin sighed. “I think right now, they’re just grieving”

“We all are” Krystal ran a thumb along her mug.

“How are you?”

“Alright, I guess”

Changmin leaned, eye level to the teenager. He rested his arms on his knees, folding his hands. “Look at me”

“I need to know that you understand all of this” Changmin said calmly. “It might be hard for a human mind to comprehend everything. Even as a witch, it’s still hard for me to comprehend”

“I think I know everything” Krystal shrugged, a solemn expression on her face.

“Do you now?” 

“Bits and pieces” Krystal said. “Fragments. Some faded out”

“Like what?”

“The fight. I don’t remember most of it”

“That’s because you ” Changmin said, leaning back. “Why don’t you tell me everything you remember”

“We were by the lake” Krystal recalled. “Daniel was there, standing in front of a fire. So were those other werewolves, from the pack”

“Do you remember their names?”


“Kyungsoo, Sowon, Jongin, Eunha and Minseok. Ring a bell?”


“Those were the initials Irene gave us, the ones of the people involved” Changmin explained. 


“Daniel trapped us, all of us, including that vampire, HanBin, with a spell. How was he able to perform magic?”

“Blood magic, any supernatural being can perform it”

“And Daniel started chanting. It was a different language”

“Celtic, language of the Druids”

“Right. And he told HanBin to come and join him. And HanBin said yes”

“Do you know why?” Changmin asked. Krystal shook her head.

Changmin took a deep breath. “A hybrid has a great amount of power. Daniel taunted HanBin, telling him how he will be more powerful with his pack of hybrids than HanBin’s coven. After this, Daniel told HanBin that if her were to join them, HanBin would become even more powerful than he is now. It was an offer no one could give up. HanBin would have been an idiot no to”

“So Aiden staked him”

“But do you know why?”

“Because he broke the deal?” Krystal guessed

“Close” Changmin sighed. “Do you understand how Aiden broke the bonding spell?”

“His status?”

“His status of a true Alpha, yes” Changmin nodded. “His mental and physical will are stronger than the others. Aiden staked HanBin as an act of anger, and an act of revenge”

“Wasn’t HanBin the one who killed his father?”

“Exactly. He never trusted him in the first place. It was his way of finding peace for what he did all those years ago”


“What happened next?”

“I don’t remember”

“Because this is the part where you out” Changmin said. “What do you remember when you woke up?”

“Daniel was dead” Krystal shuddered. “So was HanBin. And Yuri…”

Changmin looked down, biting his lip. He tried not to cry.

“The other werewolves were rounded up” Krystal continued. “Lisa and Yunho were yelling at them. What ever happened to them?”

“They were exiled” Changmin said, his voice hollow. “Yunho threatened to kill them if he ever saw them again”


Changmin and Krystal looked over to see Aiden standing in the doorway of the living room. He looked tired, and broken.

Walking over, he made Krystal stand up so he could take her seat and bring her to his lap and hugged her waist, leaning his head on her shoulder he sniffled. Krystal wrapped her arms around him.

She looked up at Changmin, who looked like he was about to break. He cleared his throat, getting up.

“I, um, I should go check on him” Changmin said sadly.

“Hey” Krystal said softly, caressing Aiden’s cheek. She kissed the top of his head.

“It hurts” Aiden whimpered. “I miss him”

“I know baby” Krystal said, “I miss him too”

“Why won’t he wake up?”

“I don’t know” Krystal ran a hand through Aiden’s hair, feeling the tears soaking her shirt. For a while, the two sat there, the only sound between them was their breathing and Aiden’s soft cries.

“I’m glad you’re okay” Aiden said shakily. He buried his head into the crook of Krystal’s neck. “I love you”

Under any other circumstances, Krystal would have been over the moon. But they were here, early morning after a long anticipated battle, grieving over someone they could lose at any moment.

“I love you, too”


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So after awhile of finishing this story I decided to kind of update some things, which is most likely just Victoria's son, his name is still going to be SungWoo but he will be portrayed as Asahi from treasure. Also i'm thinking of making a sequel but in their kid's POV idk yet. Stay safe!


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Chapter 17: Nice
1149 streak #2
Chapter 26: 😍😍
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Chapter 26: Thank you for sharing this fiction. Me love reading it.
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Chapter 26: Boystory!!!
Chapter 26: completed already :(( but nice one author nim!!
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Chapter 25: Thanks for the updates. Take care.
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Chapter 22: ?
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Chapter 22: :'(