Chapter 1

Mated to a Dork [Kryber]

“Your father doesn’t know how to tie ties either,” Mrs Jung muttered as she helped her daughter, Krystal, put on her new school uniform. The Jung family had just moved from San Francisco, California, to Seoul, South Korea, after Mr. Jung, Krystal’s father got a job transfer to Korea. Seoul is the capital of South Korea and there new home. Thing was, it was way different then to what Krystal grew up in.

Today was the first day of Krystal’s junior year, her sister Jessica as well because well they’re twins. Her new school, SM High, had a different uniform than the one they wore at her old school back in California. SM High’s uniform consisted of a red skirt, white button down, a choice between a red and black tie or a red and blue tie, and the choice of a red blazer or a blue blazer. It reminded krystal too much of harry potter.

“Are you nervous?” Mrs. Jung asked as she and krystal walked into the kitchen. Krystal shrugged, “I mean transferring to a new school where I know no one in the middle of high school isn’t ideal, but i’ll be fine.”

Mrs. Jung sighed, “I’m really sorry about that, sweetie. Your father tried his hardest to stay in California.”

“Hey hogwarts,” Jaehyun, Krystal’s younger brother, smirked, walking into the kitchen. “I’ve always pegged you for a Slytherin, noona, not a Gryffindor.”

“Wipe that grin off your face, you’ll be in this uniform next year.” Krystal said shooting Jaehyun a glare.

“Now let’s not fight before your big day.” Mrs. Jung insisted. “You should leave soon, new student orientation starts at 7:30, plus you wouldn’t want to keep your sister waiting.”

“SOOJUNG LET’S GO!!” they can hear Jessica, Krystal’s twin sister yelling from outside, “Speak of the devil” Krystal rolled her eyes, “I’M COMING NO NEED TO SHOUT WOMAN”. Mrs. Jung chuckled at her daughters antics.

“Have fun, kid.” Jaehyun smiled as Krystal left, going to the car. “Jeez Soojung you take forever I swear” Jessica said pulling out of their driveway and heading to there new school. I could just skip today she thought to herself, but then i’ll miss all that touring crap and probably miss my schedule and instructions from my teachers. Krystal let out a long dramatic sigh as her sister parked the car, “What’s wrong with you?” asked Jessica “Nothing, I just hope this school is different” she told her twin sister “Hey it will be cheer up yeah? And hey maybe here we’ll find our prince charmings” Jessica wiggled her eyebrows, Krystal chuckled and said “maybe”

Not many people were at school yet, but she noticed a table of students that were probably the welcoming committee. “Hi!” a tall cheery brunette said as the sisters walked up to the table. The guy was wearing a nametag that said HELLO! MY NAME IS LEE DONGHAE. “Are you here for the new student orientation?”

The sisters nodded. “Okay, why don’t you follow Minho down the hall to the gym. You sit in the bleachers depending on what year you’re going to be entering” Donghae said giving the two a warm smile.

The boy, Minho, gave Krystal a flirty smile, which she ignored. When they walked into the gym, the sisters saw a dozen kids scattered around the room.

“The junior section is over there” Minho said, pointing to the far side of the room where a group of girls sat. The girls thanked him and walked over to the bench.

They sat down next to a girl who jumped in surprise not noticing they walked over because she was too immersed in a conversation with one of the other new girls.

“Hi i’m Krystal, and this is my twin sister Jessica” she smiled.

“Hi! Nice to meet you I’m Sulli” the girl who she now knows as sulli said.

Another girl who is quite short said “Hi, I’m sunny one of the new juniors”

The rest of the girls quickly introduced themselves. “Names Tiffany” “I’m NIcole” “Hello my name is Seohyun”. “I hope we can all be good friends” Jessica said and bowed to them.

“So where are you two from?” asked sunny, “well we moved from california to here” replied Krystal, “omo! You guys are from the states too!?” Tiffany asked excitedly, “Yeah. you as well I assume?” Jessica asked “Yeah I’m a cali girl” Tiffany said proudly, “jinja? What part” “San Francisco” “hey that’s cool we are too”

Well this conversation isn’t going anywhere the twins coincidently thought at the same time. “So do any of you play any sports?” Krystal asked “I’m into dancing, but I think I’m gonna try out for cheerleading” Nicole said. “Oh that’s cool we could try out together cause I was planning on trying out as well” Sunny said, “why don’t we all try out? I mean if you guys want to” Jessica said. “Yeah that’d be cool!” Sulli excitedly said, a chorus of yeah’s and ok’s were said

“Hi girls!” all the girls looked towards a guy who was waving at them enthusiastically. “My name is Park Lun and i’m going to be your mentor”.

Lun gave them all a warm smile as he walked over to them. “I think you’ll like SM High it’s a really good school”

This guy seemed to nice. Krystal thinks he’s fake.

“Do you guys have your schedules? Can i have a look?” Lun asked, the grin never leaving his face. All the girls handed them over while exchanging glances. There was something off about this guy.

“Oh, we all have the same chemistry class! Second period with Mr. ok. He’s a really good teacher, super chill”

“Ah-hem,” a man stood up on stage behind a podium. “Welcome, new students to SM High School. I am headmaster Lee Soo Man…”

The man went on and on about how SM high was a prestigious school and how you have to wear the colors of black, red, and blue with dignity, yada yada yada. Krystal tuned out most of it. After the short speech, Lun jumped up.

“Now it’s time for the tour! It’s 7:50 now, and usually we have to be in homeroom by 8:30, that should be enough time to show you guys everything!” Lun gestured for the girls to follow him, exiting the courtyard.

“This is where most people spend their time before school. They have picnic tables and food and stuff, plus it rarely ever rains so you have the nice weather,” Lun explained. “Most people also hang out here for their free period, too”.

“Nice” Sunny said politely, the rest of the girls nodded.

Lun smiled again ‘’mostly people-”

“Lun” said a stern voice. The girls turned around, behind them was a tall, intimidating guy with a good athletic build, his tan skin was flawless.

“Hi Yuri-Hyung!” Lun said all cheery, “These are our new students, Jessica and-”

“Your assistance is needed” Yuri interrupted, not bothering to look at the group of girls next to Lun.

Lun pouted, “but i’m giving a tour”.

“Aiden’s orders” Yuri said giving Lun a pointed look. “We need you. Now”.

Krystal saw the color drain out of Lun’s face. “Right, um. I’ll just find someone else to give the tour”.

“Lee!” Yuri barked, causing the group of girls to jump. The guy Krystal saw at the table when she walked in, rushed up to the group.

“Y-yes, Yuri-ssi?” the guy asked nervously.

“Show the newbies around. Lun has to come with me”. Yuri turned around swiftly, Lun running to catch up with him.

Krystal heard Donghae let out a sigh of relief. “Damn, that guy scares me so much”

“Who was that?” Jessica asked

“Those were Kwon Yuri and Park Lun. They’re in a gang” Donghae said lowering his voice in case Yuri overheard him.

“That nice guy is in a gang?” Sulli gasped “he looks like he wouldn’t hurt a fly!”

“Well I mean it’s not like a gang gang, but they are one of the most scariest cliques this school has,” Donghae shuddered “everyone in their clique is so attractive, but they have this bloodthirsty look in their eyes. Their ringleader is Aiden Liu”.

“I’m not sure who that is” Krystal said.

“You’ll know, he’s always around either Yuri or Taeyeon and his eyes are stone cold. It’s rumored that everyone in their clique goes to fight clubs at night”.

Krystal wasn’t one to judge since she didn’t  know the guy personally, but she wouldn’t be surprised if this clique were the type who would get into fights, judging by the looks of Yuri. she spent the rest of the tour thinking about how someone could be that afraid of a person.

First period, English, flew by fairly quickly. The collective gasp that went around the classroom when the teacher called “Choi Sooyoung” did not go unnoticed by Krystal, who turned to see who everyone was looking at (a tall boy with a bored look on his face). She didn’t understand what was so special about him.

When she walked into chemistry she saw the girls from earlier are there, Jessica waved her over to a lab table.

“Hey sis be my lab partner” she said, “sure” Krystal nodded before noticing the tall boy from her english class walk in with Lun and a blonde haired boy, behind them were Yuri who was talking to a shorter guy and another one who looked quite similar to Yuri and then two other guys that are holding hands.

“Is that the gang Donghae-Oppa was talking about?” Sunny asked from behind them, puzzled. “They don’t seem that scary”

“Alright class, settle down,” the teacher, Mr. Ok called out as the bell rang. “I will do attendance shortly”

A well built guy with a nike headband on his head walked in seconds later. He shot a glance at the teacher before looking over at Yuri and Lun.

“Aiden, how nice of you to join us. Pick a seat” Mr. Ok instructed.

That’s Aiden?” Krystal said quietly, shocked. “He’s not that intimidating! Actually he looks kinda dorky”.

Aiden made his way to the back of the class where his friends were. As he passed Krystal and Jessica’s table, his foot got caught on Krystal’s chair causing him to tumble over and spill all of his belongings.

“” Aiden cursed quietly, dropping to his knees to gather his stuff. Krystal looked down at the guy before also getting on her knees to help.

“Thanks” she heard Aiden mumble. They both reached for Aiden’s calculator, hands grazing each other slightly, before Krystal felt a sudden warmth fill her body.

Aiden’s eyes snapped up and met Krystal’s gaze. For a second Krystal thought she saw Aiden’s brown eyes turn golden. The warmth left Krystal’s body as soon as it came, with Krystal gazing into Aiden’s brown eyes.

“Um,” Aiden coughed “thanks”

They both stood up, Krystal handing Aiden his stuff back before sitting down. She couldn’t help but watch Aiden make his way to the back of the classroom, sitting down between Yuri and Lun.

Is that who I think it is? Aiden heard Sooyoung say in his mind, the telepathy link between the pack letting them all feel what their leader just felt.

I think so, Aiden told them, eyeing the new girl. She’s my Luna.






So that's the first chapter. Hope you guys like it! 

Also I will be posting every Tuesdsay.




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So after awhile of finishing this story I decided to kind of update some things, which is most likely just Victoria's son, his name is still going to be SungWoo but he will be portrayed as Asahi from treasure. Also i'm thinking of making a sequel but in their kid's POV idk yet. Stay safe!


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Chapter 17: Nice
1139 streak #2
Chapter 26: 😍😍
Ikunikun #3
Chapter 2: Kenapa sih si Amber selalu dikasih nama Aiden kalo jadi cowo? Sering deh bukan selalu. Gak ngerti deh
bluesky2275 #4
Chapter 26: Thank you for sharing this fiction. Me love reading it.
yongseo14 #5
Chapter 26: Boystory!!!
Chapter 26: completed already :(( but nice one author nim!!
nancylau0301 #7
Chapter 25: Thanks for the updates. Take care.
Feichin #8
Chapter 22: ?
AmKrys #9
Chapter 22: :'(