Chapter 9

Sunshine In The Darkness

Taecyeon's POV:

I guess the shock of seeing them here while I'm out with Sunny really got to me as I stood petrified like a statue with Sunny standing next to me in a similar position. As the figures walked closer to us there was no doubting it anymore. It was Nichkhun, Tiffany, Jessica and Jay, from here you could see them walking in couples with Nichkun and Tiffany on the left and Jay and Jessica on the right. One of two thoughts crossed my mind as they approached what were they doing together like this and why was Jay with them and the other how I'm going to explain what I'm doing here. Jay might not be as surprised as the others since he was the only person I talked to about the whole incident with Sunny and I guess he may have been going along with their reaction. 

"Ah hey guys," waving as they got within talking distance.

An awkward silence fell over the group.

"Oppa what a surprise to see you here with our Sunny. I mean she disappeared earlier today without telling any of us. I guess we have an explanation now," Tiffany the first to break the silence.

She gave Sunny a questioning look when she finished asking her question, all Sunny could manage was a nervous shrug whilst looking at me for any signal as to what we should do. Looking into her eyes I could tell she was really uncomfortable and didn't know what to do. Truthfully I don't have a clue either I really hadn't planned into running into any of our members much less a group.

"Ah yeah," was all I could answer.

Another awkward silence. Seems as though they don't know how to react either.

Finally getting the courage to say something. "So-so what are you guys doing together? It's a bit of surprise to see you guys here as well especially Jay hyung,"

"Well there's no point in lying to you Taec we were on a group date were just on our home when we ran into you two," Nichkhun the one answering.

Looking at the way they were standing I assume the pairs were Nichkhun and Tiffany and Jay and Jessica.

"There's no surprise seeing you with Fany since you've liked her for such a long time and I can only assume you finally plucked up the courage to finally ask her out. Anyway it's good to see two of my best friends together and looking happy," I said.

Nichkhun gave me a shrug and a nervous smile earning him a light punch from Tiffany. I suppose this is the first time for Tiffany hearing about this of Nichkhun.

Next turning to Jay and Jessica. "You guys are a bit of a surprise though, I didn't even know you had kept in  contact let alone were close,"

"Haha well you see we saw each other at the club that same night and we kind of hit it off. So we exchanged numbers decided to meet up again and here we are," Jay answering. "And I guess since Jess and Fany were friends and obviously told each other they suggested going on group dates and there didn't seem to be any awkwardness between Khun and I. This has become a regular thing with us and....,"

"We-well explained our parts oppa then what about you two huh?" Jessica quickly asked cutting Jay off. Why did she just cut off Jay like that? Nevermind out of all the people I was most nervous about Jessica since she was the 'ice princess' and I knew she wouldn't be happy that we kept this secret from her since were good friends as well.

Looking over at Sunny again she was staying silent and it looked as if she didn't have the courage to say anything not right now anyway. I thought to my self since they told the truth there was no point in keeping it hidden either. I held Sunny's hand in mine giving it a light squeeze for surprise before facing the group again letting out a sigh. 

"Like you guys we're a couple as well. As you could probably already tell," holding my that held Sunny's to the group. "We're on a date right now, our 1 month anniversary to be exact,"

"Ehhh 1 month! Oppa Sunny why didn't you guys say anything to any of us?" Tiffany.

"Look it's not as if we wanted to keep it a secret from everyone it's just we weren't comfortable yet with people knowing about us.And we were planning to gather everyone and tell you guys when we ready but I guess that plan failed," I replied truthfully.

"Congrats Taec, I see you followed my advice from before and you look good together," Jay said encouragingly.

"Wait what advice who would ask you for advice Jay?" Jessica added bluntly.

"What's that supposed to mean? I'll have you know I'm pretty good at dishing out the helpful advice when needed and frankly I'm a little insulted," Jay said pouting.

Jessica stood laughing at Jay's reaction and sticking her tongue out at him.

"Enough of that from you two. Wait you and Jay talked? What about us you know you could have come to advice we're like brothers?" Nichkhun having been just a little bit hurt by my actions. "Never mind that's not really important right now. Congratulations Taec and of course you too Sunny but I'm still hurt you didn't come out to us straight away and it isn't me that you should worry about it's the others,".

"Ah yes sorry oppa we forgot to say congratulations as well though I'm still a little surprised at how you kept this a secret from me your best friend and Sunny as well we sure don't make it easy to keep secrets among the girls," she said while gesturing towards Jessica.

"O-Ohh ah ye-yes I agree congrats you two," Jessica nodding her head furiously.

"Well thanks but I need to ask when you guys were explaining you said group date as if you weren't alone, is there someone else with you guys?" I asked.

A slow silence fell upon the group with them giving awkward glances to each other. Thinking to my self what other surprises could there be that would make this whole thing even more awkward than it already is.

"Um what's the best way of putting this week we actually go on group dates along with Yoona and Seungi hyung," Nichkhun cautiously obviously trying to be sensitive about the whole Yoona topic.

Looking over at Sunny and seeing her reaction, I knew this was a topic that made her uncomfortable and something we avoided discussing. Frankly I'm really thankful for the way she's been patient with me not trying to push progress in our relationship and more often than not it would be me that dictated any sort of progress in the relationship. I gave her a reassuring look as she looked at me before turning to the group.

"Oh is that all. Why all the awkwardness then? Where are they by the way I didn't see them with you?" I said trying to sound as indifferent as I could.

Looking at everyone moving in their spot uncomfortably I could tell they wanted ask me some questions. Fortunately they decided not to pursue the topic and I was really thankful. If I'm honest I have mixed emotions about Yoona but there is one thing I'm certain is that I'm with Sunny and I feel like I'm in the right place.

"They were with us but they had made other plans and left the amusement park earlier so that's why they're not here with us," Nichkhun answering again.

"That explains it then. Anyway Sunny and I were heading home as well I guess it might be easier if she went home with you guys," talking to Tiffany and Jessica. "By the way how did you guys get here?"

" I drove here with Fany in my car. Jay oppa drove here on his own," Jessica explained.

"And I got manager hyung to drop me off since," Nichkhun added.

"Oh ok cool that works out then. I'll take you back to the dorm Khun and you guys can drop off Sunny if that's ok with you and her?"

"Of course oppa," BothTiffany and Jessica saying simultaneously.

"And you Sunny-ah are you ok with the arrangement?" Looking at Sunny again. I was getting worried because she hadn't said anything this whole time.

"Nae oppa it's more convenient to do so," she answered.

I could tell she wasn't her self soI grabbed a hold of her hand and begun to drag her away from the group.

"Excuse us for a second," I said while waking away.

Once we were far away enough from ear shot I turned to Sunny to gauge how she was she was staring blankly at the ground in complete silence. I did the only thing I could think of. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in a for tight embrace.

Sunny's POV: 

To say I was shocked may have been a huge under statement but accidently running into some of my members while I was on my date with Taecyeon left me so shocked that I couldn't get my self to say anything. I just stayed silent while Taec did all the talking which I'm really sorry for but I couldn't control my self and I just froze. Listening this whole time I was a bit taken a back about the two couples but ultimately I was happy for my two friends that they found guys to care about and be cared for.

For a minute there my silence must have really bothered Taec cause he dragged me away from the group and before he could say anything he pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly.

"Look Sunny you don't need to say anything right now and I know you weren't expecting this but sometimes life doesn't work the way you want it to," he said softly into my ear. "But you know it may work out for the best since we don't have to hide it from everyone close to us and regardless of what happens I'll always be there for you,".

Hearing these wors come from his mouth was very touching and soothing helping me relax. And I felt safe and secure in his arms.

"Thank you oppa," I let out quietly snuggling my head into his chest.

"Now are you going to be fine because I will drop you off home if that's what you want?" he asked worry completely evident.

"Aniyo I'll be fine now," truthfully I don't know if I am but I'm happy to have his support.

"Ok then we better get back to them or they'll start getting worried," he added while giving me one last squeeze in the hug and a light kiss on the lips.

We walked back to the group and they were all smirking when we joined them. Looks as though they were watching the whole time and I could feel my face redden from embarassment.

"We better get going before the others start wondering where we are," I said while pushing the embarassment away briefly.

"Of course sorry just you guys were so cute to watch over there," Tiffany said.

"Yah! Pabo they weren't supposed to know we were watching them," Jessica snapped while slapping Tiffany lightly on the arm.

"WHAAAT!! You guys were watching us?" Taecyeon shouted in surprise. "Aish I'll just it let it go anyway guys can we keep this a secret for now. SInce we've been revealed we'll organise a time for everyone meet up and we'll tell the other, that fine with you Sunny?".

"No point in hiding it anymore right. I don't feel ready but no time like now," I concurred.

"Ok see you guys later. Oh and Sunny have safe trip home," Taecyeon finishing.

The group dispersed and went their separate ways. Once we had reached Jessica's car and got in, I took the back seat while Tiffany sat in the front passenger seat next to Jessica. I had just settled in and put my seatbelt on when they both turned around to face me.

I have a bad feeling about this they have suspicious faces and they both look very determined.

"You have a lot of explaining to do when we get back to the dorm," Jessica speaking up first.

"Like a whole months worth of info that you conveniently have kept from us," Tiffany followed suit.

"Aigoo~ I understand," I said defeated.

We pulled out of the car park at the amusement park and headed home. Feeling a bit sick in the stomach this was going to be a long night of talking and explanations.

Chapter 9 for you loyal readers :) hope it was good and you enjoyed. Again leave a comment and let me know what you think, any and all feedback is welcome.

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Sorry for the longer wait I've been busy but here it is for you guys


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BrightSunshiner #2
Chapter 13: OMG this story already finished :) thanks for make a good fanfic, i hope u can make another fanfic of sunny :D
once again THANKS
peuleya #3
Chapter 8: 4 persons... maybe a couple? XD
as always, waiting for next chapter, it's interesting
and that kiss......<3 :)
Ji-hyo101 #4
Chapter 7: Omo! Can we just ship Taec with the whole Snsd hihihi TaecGG!
peuleya #5
Chapter 6: OMG!!<3<3<3<3<3 XD XD XD TAECNY SCENE
I swear I was screaming almost the middle of chapter, awwww a beautiful couple, I want to know if you gonna put other couples 9pm ;)
nice chapter keep udating \(° 3 °)/
peuleya #6
Chapter 5: aww so cute \(° 3 °)/
sica and fany are my favorite after sunny. best friends, how cool
next chapter please!~~
lily-leo-vvip #7
Chapter 5: Omgggg cant wait for the next chapter >~< Loving it so far unnie...fighting
lily-leo-vvip #8
Chapter 4: Moreee please