Chapter 13

Sunshine In The Darkness

Taecyeon’s POV:

It had been a week since the meeting with Jinyoung hyung and I’ve been mentally and emotionally preparing myself for what I’m about to do. With the cooperation of SM and JYP, hyung has organised a press conference with Sunny and I to address our dating rumour and to go public with our relationship. Right now I’m sitting in the makeup room just passing time since I was a bit early and the conference doesn’t start for another half hour. Sunny’s yet to arrive but I received a text not too long ago that she was on her way. I can’t wait to see her we haven’t been able to meet up since the meeting with hyung due to conflicting schedules but we have made sure to keep in constant contact through texting and calling. Which if I may add have resulted in long calls till the early hours of the morning but what can I say this girl is worth the late nights.

“HYUNG! LET US IN!” several voices shouted from outside the room.

Looking in the direction of the voices there wasn’t any time to answer before my members all barged in without an invitation.

“Hyung do you have anything to eat I’m hungry?” Chansung said while scanning the room.

“Sorry food’s the last thing on my mind right now maknae,” I answered him.

“Yah Chansung-ah do you ever stop eating. You ate before we left and you’re hungry already,” Minjun hyung started lecturing the maknae using his Daegu satoori.

Chansung looked disappointed because of the lack of food and just shrugged off Minjun’s lecturing as if he wasn’t saying anything. I swear this kid could be in serious trouble and still be more worried about food.

“Anyway Taec, you ok man? This is an important day,” Minjun said focusing his attention to me.

“I’m doing fine a bit nervous but I’m more worried for Sunny,” I replied. “She’s the one that matters not me,”

“Haha this love sick fool. He’ll be fine,” Nichkhun chuckled to the side.

“What can I say I’m a romantic at heart,” replying to Khun’s comment.

Looking over to the side both Wooyoung and Junho were fake gagging and throwing up while laughing to themselves. Shaking my head these two are going to be single forever.

“Hehe yeah. Who knew our Ok Bingu had any sort of romantic bone in his body? Guess you’re full of surprises,” Khun said.

“What’s even more surprising is how quickly he got over Yoona? I mean…” Junho was cut off by a nudge from Wooyoung.

“Yah keep your mouth shut sometimes will you,” Wooyoung said reprimanding him.

“Nah its fine Woo I’ve resolved everything with Yoona so there’s nothing to worry about now. It’s all in the past and I’m looking forward to the future now,” I said smiling. “In any case finding the right girl really helps a lot with the moving on process,”

“Believe us Taec we’re really happy for you and we’re glad you’re out of that depressive state. Because I can tell you now the way you were before wasn’t good and we had to suffer too just worrying about you,” Minjun said.

I looked down. I did feel guilty about how I acted when all this drama began. I need to find a way to make it up to the rest of the members.

“I’m not complaining. We’ve been able to hang out with SNSD a lot recently because of all this,” Junho said nonchalantly.

“Yah Lee Junho do you have a crush on one of them? I’ve noticed you’ve been the most excited about meeting them every time we talk of hanging out with them,” Wooyoung said accusingly. “Don’t try to deny it I’ve been watching you,”

“I’m not required to answer that so I won’t,” Junho said trying to palm off the question.

“Anyway Taec we were just checking up on you we have to go take our seats in the conference. As much as we’d like to be up there with you this is all you,” Minjun said before signalling all the members to get up.

“Ok guys I’ll see you later,” I said before getting up and all the members came in for a group hug.

“TAECYEON FIGHTING!!” They shouted in unison before exiting the room.

Now it was just me alone again to wait.

Sunny’s POV:

Right now I couldn’t be anymore more nervous and anxious in my life. Sure press conferences are things I’ve done before but never was it for anything other than promotions. We’re already on our way to the press conference, we meaning all of SNSD as the girls already promised that they would all be there for me. Everyone was doing their own thing to pass the time in the van. Sensing my nervousness Taeyeon who sat beside me poked me on my side to get my attention.

“Sunny-ah how are you feeling about all of this?” She asked obviously concerned.

“’I’ll be ok Taetae, I just really want to get this over and done with you know,” I said while sighing. “The sooner this is over so I can look forward to life,”

Smiling seemingly satisfied at my answer she nudged me with her elbow. “Yeah you’ll be fine. Just promise you won’t forget about you’re Dandyu partner after all this,”

“I would never do that Taetae. Who else would be there to stop them from bullying you because of your height,” I answered back.

“But Taeng you still have me remember,” Tiffany said in the back.

“Yah Fany since you and Nichkhun oppa started dating you’re always on the phone and not paying attention to me at all,” Taeyeon retorted.

“Oops sorry Taeng I’ll make more of an effort with you from now on,”

“Better make that a promise Fany otherwise I’ll be really hurt,”

“Oh of course I promise, do you forgive me now,”

“Yah of course. But now to the topic at hand,” Taeyeon said before moving her attention back to me. “Do you know what you’re going to say?”

“Well oppa said he would do most of the talking so I don’t have talk much anyway,” I replied. “But the butterflies in my stomach didn’t get the memo,”

“See nothing to worry about then,” She answered back while patting my shoulder.

“Unnie regardless of the public’s opinion’s we’re all here for you. We’re your sisters and you can count on us to be there,” Seohyun spoke up.

“Thankyou maknae that’s so sweet,” Turning around to address everyone. “Are we sure Seohyun isn’t actually the oldest one here she always has the most mature answers for everything,”

“Aniyo unnie I just try my best,”

“Yah Seo you always make everyone look bad whenever you’re so polite,” Yoona and Yuri both said simultaneously.

“Mianhae unnies,” Seohyun apologising to the two.

The last reaction from the maknae caused everyone to start laughing and helped me ease my mind a little. Everyone returned to doing their own things as we travelled to our destination. I just stared out the windows lost in thought. I wonder how Taecyeon oppa is right now he said he was already there waiting for everything.

*20 minutes later*

The van finally made stopped and the members made their way out. Our manager stood in front of us and address the whole group.

“Ok now girls you guys are to head to the conference room while Sunny needs to head to the makeup room right now and wait at the back for the press conference to start. If you want to say anything now make it quick everyone was waiting for us to arrive,” our manager said before walking inside.

“Ok girls put your hands in. This is a really important event for Sunny and hopefully everything goes wall,” Taeyeon said with everyone huddled in a circle. “Now on three. One. Two. Three,”

“SNSD FIGHTING!!!” we shouted in unison.

Everyone wished me luck as they headed off. “I’ll see you later girls,”

Walking through the building my mind had settled a little and I was less nervous. Making my way to the makeup room I didn’t bother knocking on the door before just walking in. Taecyeon oppa was just sitting down on a sofa looking bored and he didn’t seem to notice me yet. My mischievous side took over and I jumped on him taking him by surprise.

“Yah you scared me,” he said putting his hand on his heart.

“Sorry oppa I had to take the opportunity since you were vulnerable,” I said laughing.

As I looked at him, he smirked slyly and in a second he grabbed me and moved our positions so I was straddling him. In the heat of the moment my arms instinctively moved to around the back of his neck for support. Our faces were only inches apart and I felt my face grow red.

“Yah Ok Taecyeon this is a scandalous position what if someone walks in?”

“Well I haven’t seen my girlfriend for a week and texts and phone calls aren’t enough to satisfy me. So forgive a guy for missing his girlfriend. What you didn’t miss me at all,”

“No, not really,” I answered cheekily.

He looked down feigning disappointment and hurt before quickly lifting his head up and planting a quick kiss on my lips. Causing me to smile from ear to ear.

“Now are you sure you didn’t miss me?” he asked again. Aish the cheek of this boy.

“Well does this answer your question?” I said before leaning in and kissing him.

He quickly responded and it didn’t take long before the kiss became more passionate as our lips moulded together. Losing ourselves in our own world we didn’t hear the door open.

“Taecyeon, Sunny it’s time for the press conference to start,”

It was Park Jinyoung. I quickly hopped off of Taecyeon and immediately turned red from embarrassment. I can’t believe I got making out in front of my boyfriend’s boss. Turning over to face Taecyeon he was grinning to himself, how can he be grinning in this situation?

“Aish give a guy a little warning next time Taec,” he said.

“Sorry hyung,”

“Doesn’t matter right now we have to go it’s about to start. Don’t be too nervous just answer all the questions as truthfully as you can and the companies will handle everything else ok,” he said looking over the both of us.

“Yeah thanks hyung for everything,”

“No problem Taec it’s about time you settled down anyway and hopefully Sunny-shi is the right girl for that,” he spoke again. “All the best guys,”

Third-Person View:

Both Sunny and Taecyeon made their way to the conference room and all the press were already there cameras, mics and everything. They made it up to the stage and took a seat. Looking around the room searching for their band members finding them sitting in the back together in a big group talking amongst themselves. Park Jinyoung and Lee Soo-Man were both attending and found seats on either side of Taecyeon and Sunny as they were the company representatives.

“Ok now that everyone’s hear time to start the press conference,” Jinyoung said.

“Yes you may begin questioning now,” Soo-man added.

“First question, the rumours about you two dating can you confirm or deny these rumours?” the first reporter asked.

“Regarding the dating rumours I am happily announcing that they are true. Sunny-shi and I are in fact dating,” Taecyeon said replying.

“Ok could you tell us how you two started dating?” another reporter asked.

“Well we’ve been very close friends for years prior but only a month or two ago I confessed my feelings, she accepted it and we’ve been happily dating ever since,” he answered again.

“Ok could you go into any more detail?” the same reporter asked.

“I don’t want to go too far into it as it is too personal but she was there for me in a difficult time in my life and I fell for her charms. That is all,”

The questions continued for another 20 minutes asking about various things such as dates and Taecyeon answered most of them with enough information to satisfy the curiosity of the press. Sunny would answer some as well which Taecyeon was thankful for.

“Well I think we’re all done here with Taecyeon-shi and Sunny-shi you two may leave,” Jinyoung said motioning for the two get up and leave.

“I’d also like to make a second announcement while we’re here. Park Jaebeom-shi would you like to come up,” Jinyoung announced much to the surprise of everyone in the press conference. “As per a new agreement Park Jaebeom-shi will be collaborating with 2PM for a special reunion album as agreed by JYP and AOMG officials. The album will be released in the coming months so please wait in anticipation and support the album,”

The 2PM members were absolutely stunned by this announcement though some started smiling and inwardly cheering once they were fully able to comprehend the situation. Jaebeom was standing in the back of the conference room disguised so as not to garner attention but immediately revealed himself after the announcement was made. Slowly making his way up to the stage and took a seat before speaking.

“Haha well what a surprise for everyone right? It will be an even bigger surprise for my former band members but I’m sure it will be an enjoyable experience for all of us. Now if anyone would like to ask some questions about this collaboration now is the time,”

All the while Taecyeon and Sunny had made their way to the back of the room and had stayed long enough to here all of it before leaving.

Taecyeon’s POV:

After leaving the conference we were all alone again and I was still excited about the news of Jay hyung collaborating with us. To say it came as a surprise was an understatement but I figured this must have happened the same day we had the personal meeting with Jinyoung hyung since he accompanied us that day. Turning my attention now to Sunny I was extremely relieved of the outcome.

“Oppa what do you want to do now we have a free day now?” she asked me.

“I don’t really feel like doing anything right now. I just want to relax and spend some time with you since we haven’t had the chance all week,”

“Ok why don’t we go back to my personal apartment and I’ll make us some food hmm?”

“That’s fine with me let’s go,”

We both left taking taxi and headed back to Sunny’s place and it didn’t take long before we arrived. After the taxi dropped us off I paid the driver and we headed in.

“Sunny-ah I’m feeling nice, jump on my back and I’ll carry you to the apartment,” I said crouching down in front of her.

“Okay oppa if you say so,” she said joyfully quickly jumping on.

“So now that we’ve gone public how do you feel about us?”

“I’m feeling good now we don’t have to try so hard in hiding ourselves. Should be more enjoyable,”

We talked most of our way to her apartment and in no time we were there and already inside. Putting her down, we both sat down on her sofa cuddling together.

“This is perfect just the two of us here don’t you think?”

“Aha oppa I agree just nice to be able to relax,”

“You want to know something Sunny?” I asked.

“Mmm. What is it?”

“This is the place I first felt I was falling for you, something about waking up with you in my embrace just triggered something,” Observing her reaction I could see she was going red. “Oh but there is one thing I haven’t been able to do the last time I was here,”

“Yes?” she answered still quite embarrassed from my previous statement.

 I moved her to straddle me again before kissing her lightly on the lips. When our faces pulled away I stared into her eyes.

“Sunny do you trust me?” I asked with some hesitation.

“Of course oppa,”

“Well do you want to, you know?” I said while indicating towards her bedroom.

She blushed a crimson red before shyly nodding. That was all the indication I needed before I stood up while holding her while she was still straddling her and carried her all the way to her bedroom door. Staring in her eyes before I kissed her again with as much as passion as I thought possible before opening the door.

And I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.




Hey subscribers I know I left it months before uploading this final chapter and I hope you can forgive but I had a massive case of writer's block and I couldn't think of a way to end the story. Hopefully you enjoyed the story if as it was my first fan-fic ever and thankyou for all those that stayed subscribed and supported the story. Peace out.

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Sorry for the longer wait I've been busy but here it is for you guys


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BrightSunshiner #2
Chapter 13: OMG this story already finished :) thanks for make a good fanfic, i hope u can make another fanfic of sunny :D
once again THANKS
peuleya #3
Chapter 8: 4 persons... maybe a couple? XD
as always, waiting for next chapter, it's interesting
and that kiss......<3 :)
Ji-hyo101 #4
Chapter 7: Omo! Can we just ship Taec with the whole Snsd hihihi TaecGG!
peuleya #5
Chapter 6: OMG!!<3<3<3<3<3 XD XD XD TAECNY SCENE
I swear I was screaming almost the middle of chapter, awwww a beautiful couple, I want to know if you gonna put other couples 9pm ;)
nice chapter keep udating \(° 3 °)/
peuleya #6
Chapter 5: aww so cute \(° 3 °)/
sica and fany are my favorite after sunny. best friends, how cool
next chapter please!~~
lily-leo-vvip #7
Chapter 5: Omgggg cant wait for the next chapter >~< Loving it so far unnie...fighting
lily-leo-vvip #8
Chapter 4: Moreee please