Chapter 10

Sunshine In The Darkness

Sunny's POV:

I've never felt more nervous to meet up with the girls since Taec and I were caught out last week, we organised a dinner for tonight inviting all the members of our respected groups to tell them about our relationship. Of course we didn't tell them the true purpose for the dinner except that we just wanted to eat out. Those who already knew and made sure to leave the fact that the other group was going to be there since they wanted it to be surprise. It would be good for everyone anyway to just hangout since both our groups were close and haven't been together since the special collaboration stage we had a few years ago. We also invited Jay along as well since Jessica insisted on having him there and Taec decided it would be good for the 2PM members to talk to Jay.

So here we are at the arranged meeting place, just Taec and I were here since we came a bit early to prepare everything. Jessica had organised for her and Jay to arrive a bit earlier than the everyone else to add yet another surprise for everyone.

"Are you nervous right now?" Taecyeon asked while we were waiting. I nodded as my answer, while looking at me with caring eyes he took hold of my hand and gave it a light squeeze. Though the gesture was really small it was comforting and reassuring, making me feel a little more relaxed about everything. As the weeks have gone I've noticed all the little things he does when we're together and for that I'm so appreciative. Never in my wildest dreams did I see my self with Taecyeon as anything more than friends and now that we're together I've been so much happier.

"You're really great you know that,"

"Hmmmm?" Seemingly taken aback from the comment for a second. He recovered quickly and smiled at me. "Of course I'm great, that's why they call me the nation's beast idol,".

"Yeah but they also call you Ok Bingu and fashion terrorist as well," I responded while laughing as his smile turned into a frown.

"Yah there's nothing wrong with the way I act and dress," he complained.

"Well you have improved. It's a good thing too since we're together and I know when we're out in public we don't need the extra attention you get with your choice of clothing. Now shut up and quit complaining," I said and before he could protest I kissed him on the lips.

"Woah dude cut all the sappy stuff in public please," Recognising that voice it had to be Jay.

"Awww you guys are just too sweet," said a high pitched voice that could only belong to Jessica. "Yah pabo don't be so rude,".

Breaking the kiss I looked up to see Jay and Jessica walking towards us. Taking seat at the table we exchanged greetings and settled down in our seats again waiting for everyone else to arrive.

"Please forgive my boyfriend for his manners seems all that hip hop has gotten to his head which seems to be getting bigger everyday," Jessica said whilst glaring at Jay.

Shock was plastered on Jay's face. "Wait what's with you always insulting me all the time? Anyway I don't feel comfortable with Taec and Sunny ruining my innocence,".

"Sweety there's nothing innocent about you especially with the stuff you try to pull on me," Jessica said reprimanding Jay.

“Oh you mean like this?” Jay said cheekily before giving Jessica a quick peck on the lips causing Jessica to blush violently red as a small grin crept on her face.

“Now who’s the one doing sappy stuff?” Taecyeon retaliating from the earlier comment.

“Oppa don’t even start, we don’t need the two of you acting childish especially where other people around. How did we end up getting with these two kids any way right Sica?” I said quickly looking over at Jessica. She only shrugged as her answer.

The two boys went quiet and started sulking to themselves looking genuinely hurt by what I said. Suddenly feeling bad about it I put my hand on his to comfort him. How does this boy have this effect on me? Even when he’s acting so childish I still care about him. He looked at me with his toothy grin and pulled me into his bear hug. It was slightly suffocating but it felt nice just to be there in his arms. Adjusting my head as best as I could I looked over at the other couple at the table it seemed as though Jessica had successfully cheered up Jay. After a while we all went back to sitting waiting.

“Did you get any messages from anyone saying if they were close or not?” Jessica asking me as a group of familiar girls just walked into the restaurant. We both turned towards them. “Oh I guess they’re here,”

And not long after they entered so did the boys of 2PM bumping into the girls as they walked in. From where I was sitting observing them it all looked a little awkward as both were surprised to see each other but they exchanged friendly greetings. When they were done they were all looking around probably searching for us I presume. It wasn’t long before they spotted Taec and me sitting at our table and they all walked towards us with looks of confusion. Nichkhun and Tiffany managed to manoeuvre their way to the back of the group and stood behind everyone.

Third-Person View:

“Hey Taec, man was this all your doing?” Minjun asking Taec when he finally noticing Sunny. “And Sunny as well?”

A look confusion became apparent on his face as he tried to comprehend the whole situation. His brain working overtime.

“Oh I know you guys are together right?” Junho said jumping out in front of the group pointing at Taecyeon and Sunny. Taecyeon gave a nervous smile and just as he was about to answer Sooyoung moved in front of the whole group.

“Wait a minute who’s that you’re with Jess? Is that Jay oppa?” Sooyoung asked as the whole group turned to face Jay looking surprised all except Nichkhun and Tiffany.

“Hyung you’re here as well?” Wooyoung said shyly.

”Ah hey guys long time no see,” Jay speaking for the first time to his former group members.

“Um how about everyone take a seat first before any more questions are asked. So please everyone take a seat and make yourselves comfortable,” Sunny speaking up.

Everyone sat down and settled down. An air of awkwardness swept everyone as they all stayed silent not knowing what and if to say next. After about a minute of sitting in awkward silence Sunny broke the silence.

“So I guess we better explain what’s going on then, how about we start first oppa?” Sunny said while looking at Taecyeon.

Taecyeon let out a loud sigh and gulped back the large lump forming at the back of his throat. He didn’t think he would be this nervous in front of everyone. It took all his will power to get any words out of his mouth.

“Ok well thanks guys for coming I know it’s a little surprise for everyone but here we go,” Taecyeon said pausing at the end looking at Sunny again giving each other encouraging looks.

After reassuring each other they both looked over the large table with everyone sitting around it and begun explaining everything from the beginning. First talking about the night at the club, they’re meeting after SNSD returned from Japan and how they got together and all the time in between then and this dinner. Taecyeon did all the talking and Sunny just added any important details he missed except of course intimate details between the two. Everyone sat listening intently throughout the whole thing, at first a lot of them were surprised about the news and were shocked with mouths dropped and eyes wide open. After the story ended the group returned to sitting in silence with slight incomprehension as they tried to wrap their minds about everything they just heard.

“So anyway that’s what we wanted to tell you guys the truth and to explain everything before the rest of you found out on your own. And please know that we’re sorry we didn’t say anything sooner we just felt it would be better to say something about us when we felt ready,” Taecyeon said.

“Wow this is a huge surprise I can’t believe Sunny managed to keep this a secret to all of us,” said SNSD’s leader Taeyeon.

“And Taec hyung as well,” Wooyoung added.

“Well that’s not completely true,” Jessica spoke up.

“What do you mean Sica?” Yuri asked raising an eye brow at Jessica.

“Well last week Jay, Khun, Fany and I ran into them last week when we were out together,” Jessica explained. Yuri was going to ask another question but was cut off by Jessica. “I guess we should explain as well since your all here. Jay oppa and I are together as well,”

“Khun oppa and I are a couple as well,” Tiffany said feeling as though now was a better time than any to reveal her relationship with Nichkhun to everybody.

“You two as well. Geez is anyone else in a relationship without telling me just spit it out now please,” Taeyeon said to the whole group still taken by surprise at the three of her group members who were in relationships. “Ah never mind you girls better be willing to dish out all the details when we get back to the dorm,”

“Well congrats to everyone I guess though I’m not happy with Taec keeping a secret from us but I can understand why he did what he did,” Minjun said to all the couples and then turning to look at Jay. “And hyung it’s nice to see you again it’s been so long since we've seen each other let alone talked. I think I speak for the rest of the group in what I say now and that is we don’t hold any grudges towards you. You’re still our brother and will always be our leader,”

“And hyung what we said back in 2009 MAMAs…we meant everything we said,” Wooyoung said.

After the two boys from 2PM finished what they were saying the whole table erupted in noise as loud congratulations flew across the table to the couples. Some of the 2PM members went up to Jay and gave him hugs removing any awkwardness that may have been between the former bandmates. The SNSD girls ended up trying to interrogate the group members in relationships to try and get all the juicy details of their time together with their partners. Overall a happy and joyous atmosphere surrounded them as they talked to each other and enjoyed themselves.

Taecyeon’s POV:

I had excused himself to use the restroom. Thinking to myself what a success the night has been, all the nervousness I had previously had all disappeared. After washing up I walked out of the bathroom and bumped into someone. The person I bumped into fell back luckily I was able to react fast enough to grab them before they fell on the ground.

“Oh I’m so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going,” I apologised.

“It’s ok please be more careful next time,” said the person. “Oh oppa it’s you can’t believe you’re still so clumsy,”

Stopping for a second for my brain to register all the information. I finally realised it was Yoona that I had bumped into just a second ago. My body almost froze it was still a bit awkward to be around her and I wasn’t prepared to bump into her on my own but I guess I couldn’t avoid this any longer.

“Ah hey Yoona how are you? I don’t think we’ve had a chance to talk tonight at all,” I asked politely.

“I’ve been good oppa but it just seems it’s been so long since we’ve talked or spent any time together almost as if you were avoiding me. I’ve missed having you around you know,” she said to me leaving me a little confused at her words.

“I guess it has been a while now that I think about it. I wasn’t trying to avoid you I just thought it would be better if you spent more time getting to know your boyfriend. Speaking of which how have you two been? I hope you’ve been happy,” I said to her.

“Oh so that explains it,” she said sounding slightly disappointed. Why did she sound disappointed? I tried pushing the thought to the back of my mind. “Anyway, Seungi oppa and I have been well I suppose,”

“I suppose?” I questioned. “Listen Yoona, do you mind if we talk about something alone for a minute?”

I guess in the back of my mind I needed to resolve whatever feelings I had for Yoona through this talk as a way of truly moving on. It wouldn’t be fair to Sunny if I wasn’t 100% committed to our relationship and talking to Yoona now would be the way of accomplishing that.

“Ah of course oppa,” she answered.

We walked a bit further down the hallway that the restrooms of the restaurant and around a corner to where it was quiet.

“So what was it you wanted to say?” Yoona asked.

“To tell you the truth a while back when we met up and you said you were in a relationship with Seungi hyung, I was going to confess my feelings to you,” I said trying to not choke up the words.

Yoona looked extremely shocked at the question as the magnitude of my words hit her. She looked dazed and I had to cough rather loudly to finally snap her out of it.

“Well anyway when you told me I was devastated and honestly I was avoiding you as best as I could because it killed me every time to see you knowing I couldn’t be with you but I digress,” stopping for a second to allow Yoona to comprehend everything. Waiting for a sign she nodded her head for me continue. “Like I was saying it was pretty bad but then Sunny came along and helped me out and I grew feelings for her obviously and we’re together now. But there’s always been this weird feeling when I think about you or when you’re mentioned. I don’t know why I just told you all this right now but it doesn’t even matter, I just thought you should know and I apologise for being a bad friend and ignoring you,”

“Ok oppa I’ll just ask one thing then. What do you feel in your heart now and tell me what you see?” she asked me.

Looking into my heart my thoughts didn’t fall towards Yoona instead to that night with Sunny when I first held her in my arms if I can’t remember properly I remember the warmth and the complete feeling I had when I was with her. I guess I had my final answer.

“I see Sunny. Only Sunny,” I said quietly.

“Well there you have it oppa. I am a little shocked with your confession and honestly if you had said something sooner I might have said yes but I guess life had other plans for us,” she said. When did she get this mature I asked thinking to myself. “But to continue from what I was saying before I guess you found someone else to make you happy rather quickly but you deserved it oppa and it kinda saddens me that I hurt you and I didn’t even know I had. And one last thing can, we return to back being friends like we were before? I still need you as my rock for support and silly okcat that makes me laugh,”

I smiled a genuine smile from her words. “Of course Yoona, I can do that well I have been a pretty bad friend so I guess I might need to catch up for lost time come here,”

Spreading my arms for a hug, she quickly came in for the hug as well.

“Thanks oppa. I’m really happy for you and unnie but if you ever hurt her we won’t be friends any more,’ she said while in the hug.

Laughing at her comment we broke from the hug and went back to the dinner table with a feeling of being able to move on fully with my life. The future is looking really bright and I can see it with Sunny by my side.

Chapter 10 completed, so please anticipate the next chapter and hope you enjoyed reading this one. Looks as though the story is finishing up maybe a few more chapters left and remember guys I’ve got another fic ready to go after this one is done. Please suscribe if you want to be up to date on this fic. As always please leave some helpful comments or just what you think.

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Sorry for the longer wait I've been busy but here it is for you guys


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BrightSunshiner #2
Chapter 13: OMG this story already finished :) thanks for make a good fanfic, i hope u can make another fanfic of sunny :D
once again THANKS
peuleya #3
Chapter 8: 4 persons... maybe a couple? XD
as always, waiting for next chapter, it's interesting
and that kiss......<3 :)
Ji-hyo101 #4
Chapter 7: Omo! Can we just ship Taec with the whole Snsd hihihi TaecGG!
peuleya #5
Chapter 6: OMG!!<3<3<3<3<3 XD XD XD TAECNY SCENE
I swear I was screaming almost the middle of chapter, awwww a beautiful couple, I want to know if you gonna put other couples 9pm ;)
nice chapter keep udating \(° 3 °)/
peuleya #6
Chapter 5: aww so cute \(° 3 °)/
sica and fany are my favorite after sunny. best friends, how cool
next chapter please!~~
lily-leo-vvip #7
Chapter 5: Omgggg cant wait for the next chapter >~< Loving it so far unnie...fighting
lily-leo-vvip #8
Chapter 4: Moreee please