Chapter 11

Sunshine In The Darkness

Taecyeon's POV:

I was just lying down in my room resting since I had been busy most of the day with different schedules finally having some peace. Being fairly late at night it occurred to me that I hadn't had the time to send Sunny a message at all today. Knowing full well she won't be happy, I grabbed my phone from the desk next to my bed and texted Sunny.

To Sun:

Sorry I haven't been able to call or message earlier just had a really busy schedule today. Just wanted let you know I'm fine and ask how your day was?
Sorry again, Love Taec.

Putting down my phone I was about to drift off to sleep barely able to keep my eyes open from the long day I heard someone shouting from the living room.


Feeling a little annoyed about being disturbed I reluctantly got out of bed and left my room for the living room. Walking into the living room slowly finding everyone seated uncomfortably, an air of uneasiness filled the whole room.

"What's so important that you had to call me out just as I was about to sleep?" I asked airing my annoyance as the words left my mouth.

"Dude look at the TV," Nichkhun said as I noticed all the other members staring at me waiting for me to look at the screen.

Moving my attention from my member's strange behaviour to the screen my eyes widened as soon as I read the text displayed. It was on an idol watch program and the headline in bold capital letter's "2PM's Taecyeon and SNSD's Sunny Dating".

News Broadcast:

Breaking news in the idol world as photos of Ok Taecyeon from the group 2PM and Sunny Lee of SNSD have surfaced supposedly of the two spending time together. Some of the photos were reported to have been taken a month ago where as some of them were taken as recently as a couple of weeks ago. At home you’ll be able to see the photos as they will be displayed on repeat for viewers. The question that we really want to know is how long these two have been romantically involved. Though we don’t have much information on their dating situation it’s evident the two are really close as one of the more recent photos shows the two kissing at an amusement park whilst on one of the rides. Please stay tuned as the story develops and we get more information.

Finally turning off the TV, I sit down on the nearest seat I could find putting my head in my hands not knowing what to do. Losing concentration and drifting into my thoughts, a million things were going through my mind and they were all coming at me at the same time.

“Taec are you okay man?” Minjun asked me but I stayed silent.

I finally snapped out of it when there was loud banging on our front door. All the members looked up in joint confusion and curiosity as they noticed the banging as well.

”Who could that be?” Junho said as he got up to answer the door.

Moments later Junho came back with a figure following him, it was Jay. All the members were surprised to see him visit and simply stared at him.

“Hey guys, sorry for intruding but I came as soon as I saw the headlines. Yo Taec bro are you ok?” Jay asked focusing his attention towards me.

”I don’t know hyung I wasn’t expecting our relationship to be exposed to the public like this,” I answered. “What am I supposed to do?”

“Doesn’t matter right now, your first priority is making sure Sunny’s ok and calming the both of you down before make any other moves,” Jay stated.

I simply nodded my head and tried to call her but to no luck her line was busy. After another few attempts of trying to call Sunny I settled for sending her a text message and hoping she would answer me back. Jay was right I needed to know how she was doing and it’s a little worrying that she’s not answering her phone right now.

“Hey guys I just got a message from Tiffany,” Nichkhun said catching the attention of everyone in the room. “It’s not sounding good, looks as though Sunny and the rest of SNSD saw the headlines too. Fany said Sunny just shut down and isn’t responding to anyone,”

When the words left Nichkhun’s my thoughts went straight to Sunny and the worry in me seemed to spike to an all-time high. I tried calling her again. Still unavailable. I threw my phone aside.

“Aish why isn’t she answering me?” I said aloud starting to pace back and forth.

“Dude would you sit down this isn’t helping anything. Khun can you try getting a hold of Tiffany again and I’ll try to get a hold of Sica and we’ll see if we can get a little more info about what’s going with Sunny. Ok Taec?” Jay suggested.

Stopping my pacing around, I sat back down on the couch to try and calm myself down as both Jay and Nichkhun called their respective girlfriends. Sitting in my spot focusing my attention intently at the two boys on their phones hoping for an answer. After a couple of minutes both of them put their phones down and turned to look at me as I perked my head in anxiousness. They both seemed to be a little disappointed as they both frowned and shrugged their shoulders.

“Sorry man I’ve got nothing for you. Sica just told me that Sunny when silent and locked herself in her room,” Jay stated, disappointment laced in his voice.

“Fany didn’t say much more either. She just said Sunny looked really petrified before she went to her room,” Nichkhun added with similar disappointment.

“Hey guys, thanks for trying anyway it’s really appreciated. And Jay thanks for coming over,” I said trying to cheer the guys for their efforts.

“Hyung I’m sure everything will turn out fine,” Junho said encouragingly.

“Yeah Taec so try to stay positive about this,” Minjun was the next to speak.

I could only stay silent and try to calm myself down and try to listen to my friends’ advice but all I could think about was Sunny. We were all caught by surprise when a loud banging could be heard from the door. Looking at each other in confusion wondering who could be at the door now.

“BOYS OPEN THE DOOR NOW!!!! WE HAVE SOMETHING TO DISCUSS,” the voice of our manager shouted.

“I’ll get it guys,” Chansung said slowly getting up out of his seat getting the front door.

“Taecyeon what is this all over…..,” our manager was saying something no doubt questioning about the headlines but paused as he saw Jay with us. “Jaebeom-shi?”

“Ah hey long time no see hyung,” Jay said nervously.

All our manager could do was shake his head and turned back to me. “Look I don’t why Jay is here but that isn’t my concern right now. Right now I’d like you to explain to me what all these headlines are about?”

I managed a heavy sigh and gulped down the now large lump at the back of my throat. I explained everything to our manager since there was no point in hiding the truth. After what seemed like an eternity I finished speaking he nodded his head in understanding.

“Ok is that all?” Nodding my head at his question. “Look Taecyeon personally I couldn’t be happier for you but as it stands it’s not my decision as to what happens with this it’s all up to the company. But I wish you had told me sooner and we could have sorted something out and for future reference I’d like to know a little sooner,” as if talking to the rest of the members as a warning.

As if on cue his phone started ringing immediately answering it my heart went to my throat and threatened to come out as the anxiety built up.

“Hmmm yes-yes sir……….Yes he’s given me an explanation……..Ok thank you sir we’ll head there now,” Finally finishing up on his phone. “Come on Taecyeon we have to go the president’s office right now,”

“Hyung do you mind if I come too, I need some things I needed to sort out as well,” Jay said suddenly taking our manager by surprise.

“Ye-yeah of course just come along I’ll drive us,” Manager seemed a little hesitant but still agreed to his request. My main priority was the situation at hand but I was a little curious as to what Jay needed as well. “Ok we need to get going now boys. And the rest of you keep out of trouble,”

Sunny’s POV:

All of SNSD were sitting down in the living room watching TV, I had just received Taecyeon’s text and I was about to answer when the broadcast started. Dropping all my attention to the broadcast, a collective gasp came from the girls as they all came to the same realisation. Immediately freezing in my place, I didn’t know how the press had found out but all I knew was that it wasn’t going to be good.

“Unnie?” Seohyun tried to get my attention but the shock of everything happening kept me from answering.

“Seohyun sweety I think we should just leave her be for now,” Taeyeon said to Seohyun. “Fany and Sica why don’t you take Sunny to her room I think she’ll need some rest for now,”

The other girls didn’t argue any and just followed Taeyeon’s instructions. Tiffany and Jessica approached me and grab my arms to motion me to get up.

“Sunny why don’t we get you to your room ok? It might give you time to process everything properly,” Tiffany trying to persuade me to move.

I could only follow their instructions as I slowly got up from my seat and walked slowly to my room. When I got to my room both girls were about to follow me inside so I turned around to face them.

“Hey girls can I just be by myself right now?” I said wanting to be alone with my thoughts. Right now I just needed to be by myself, of course I wanted to see how Taecyeon was doing but I couldn’t even answer his calls and messages. I didn’t know what to do or how I was feeling at the moment but I found comfort in knowing s were there with him for support.

“Of course just let us know if you need anything ok? We’ll always be there for you,” Jessica said with comforting words. I knew she meant every word said and I appreciate having SNSD around they’re my second family and I wouldn’t trade them for the world. A moment later they closed my door and left.

Third-Person View:

Both Tiffany and Jessica had come back to the living room after taking Sunny to her room. The other girls were sitting around discussing everything that had just happened and what they thought about it all.

“Hey is she alright?” Sooyoung asking the two girls that had just returned.

“We’re not really sure she didn’t open up anything just that she wanted to be by herself for now,” Jessica answered. When Jessica finished speaking both Tiffany’s and Jessica’s phone started ringing.

“Guess that will be the boys calling better answer them and tell them what’s up. Please excuse us for a bit,” Tiffany said to the group as they both left the room to take the calls.

The rest of the girls returned to their discussion. After a short while both Korean-American girls came back to join the group.

“Aish, why did it have to happen to one of us? I mean I know we’re idols but sometimes all this attention from the press and news is just horrible. We can’t even live proper private lives without being followed on every turn. I’m really worried for Sunny and the public reaction,” Hyoyeon stated with all of SNSD nodding their heads in agreement.

“I know we lead a hard life but we endure it if regardless and we’re like sisters aren’t we and we’ll always have each other’s back,” Taeyeon the kid leader said addressing the group. “But we can’t worry about the press and public opinion. First and foremost priority is Sunny’s wellbeing because right now is when she needs all our support,”

“I hope unnie is okay, I know my situation is a bit different but still I emphasise with her,” Yoona being the next to speak.

“What do you think’s going to happen? Once the company finds out who knows how they’ll react,” Yuri asking the one thing all the girls were all worried about.

“Who knows? There’s nothing we can do about it we’ll have to sit back and let the situation play out,” Taeyeon said.

As if on cue there was a knock on the door. All the girls looked at each other in horror not knowing what to do. Sooyoung got up and answered the door. Coming back a bit later with SNSD’s manager following looking around the room at all the girls gathered in the one room.

“Where’s Sunny? I need to her somewhere right now and before you ask I’ve been told not to tell you guys anything. My hands are tied even if I wanted to tell the rest of you what’s happening,” the manager said.

“She’s in her room we’ll fetch her out now,” Taeyeon said getting up to grab Sunny from her room.

“Anybody else got anything to confess before the public hears about if before I do right now?” the manager said aloud.

Everyone kept silent not speaking a word as they waited for Taeyeon to come back with Sunny. They weren’t waiting too long as shortly after Taeyeon came walking back in the room with Sunny following behind looking at the ground as she walked.

“Look Sunny I know right now might not be the best time but I’ve been asked to take you somewhere I’ve only been given the address and we have to go now,” the manager explained to Sunny.

“Ok,” Sunny answered.

“Ah right let’s go then. Sorry girls the rest of you are to stay here I’ll let you know what’s going on once this is all settled,” the final words the manager spoke as they both left the dorm.

Chapter 11 all done thank you guys for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry for the wait got really busy at uni the last couple of weeks. And of course leave a comment.

I've also wrote a wootae one-shot if you're interested in more reading:

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Sorry for the longer wait I've been busy but here it is for you guys


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BrightSunshiner #2
Chapter 13: OMG this story already finished :) thanks for make a good fanfic, i hope u can make another fanfic of sunny :D
once again THANKS
peuleya #3
Chapter 8: 4 persons... maybe a couple? XD
as always, waiting for next chapter, it's interesting
and that kiss......<3 :)
Ji-hyo101 #4
Chapter 7: Omo! Can we just ship Taec with the whole Snsd hihihi TaecGG!
peuleya #5
Chapter 6: OMG!!<3<3<3<3<3 XD XD XD TAECNY SCENE
I swear I was screaming almost the middle of chapter, awwww a beautiful couple, I want to know if you gonna put other couples 9pm ;)
nice chapter keep udating \(° 3 °)/
peuleya #6
Chapter 5: aww so cute \(° 3 °)/
sica and fany are my favorite after sunny. best friends, how cool
next chapter please!~~
lily-leo-vvip #7
Chapter 5: Omgggg cant wait for the next chapter >~< Loving it so far unnie...fighting
lily-leo-vvip #8
Chapter 4: Moreee please