Chapter 3

Sunshine In The Darkness

Taecyeon's POV:

Ok 2 weeks have past since the incident at the SBS building and I've been regularly going to my schedules, thankfully I haven't ran into Yoona. In my mind I've resolved to try and avoid her at all costs distancing my self at an attempt to save my heart from more pain. When making public appearances I try my hardest to put up a strong face acting as though there's nothing wrong. This was just a facade though internally it's still eating me inside coping with this heartache. When ever I'm off schedule it's been much the same when I get to the dorm I return to my solitude of self pity that my room has become. Making sure the curtains are always closed since I've grown accustomed to the darkness. In a weird way the darkness is a medium through which I can describe my feelings, just empty. I know my best course of action is to try to get over Yoona but like I said before to Chansung that's easier said than done.My members were still concerned with me and always made sure to keep an eye out on me. Though there attempts to help me are getting annoying having their support is something I can't help but feel thankful for.

"YO Taec we're going to a club tonight since we don't have schedule," Nichkhun said through my door. Over the last couple of weeks they've learned not enter my room to not disturb me so they way they communicate is through the door.

"Ok then have fun," I replied back.

"Come on, come out with us this could be good for you and who knows you might be able to meet some girls," he said. "Anyway I'm not leaving your door until you come,"

"Aigo~ I really don't feel like going, I'll just ruin the mood," I said in a meek tone.

"YAH HYUNG WE AREN'T LEAVING EITHER SO HURRY UP GET READY," shouted a couple of voices. Unmistakably those voices belonged to the two maknaes Chansung and Junho.

"I know you don't want to miss out on my ssanti dancing," Wooyoung said teasingly.

"How can you deny your brothers Taec? We just want to have fun and play with you," Minjun added.

"Aish ok since all you guys insist how could I say no," I finally gave in. "Just give me a couple of minutes to get ready,"

"JINJA!" Nichkhun said excitedly. "Guys he's going,".

"WOOOOHOOOO," A resounding cheer from all the members.

*At the Club*

Everyone seemed to be in a festive mood as soon as we got to the club and I tried to sound excited like the rest of them but in the back of my mind all I could do was think of Yoona. Aish this really needs to stop I want to forget about her but I can't and whenever I do it hurts. This is turning into a vicious cycle that I can't seem to break out of. Maybe some drinks might help ease my thoughts.

As we walked into the club Wooyoung and Junho headed straight to the dance floor, whilst Khun, Minjun and Chansung found some seats where they were immediately surrounded by girls. I made my way to the bar and ordered a glass of soju and surveyed the club. Normally I might be able to appreciate the club's atmosphere the music blaring, the flashing lights and lasers and the euphoric mess that was the mess of a full dance floor but not tonight. I finished my soju and ordered another.

"Taec?" said a voice behind me.

I turned around to see who had called my name. I didn't recognise who it was at first but as he got closer I finally realised who it was. Park Jaebeom or Jay Park as he liked to be called.

"Jay hyung?" I asked. "What are you doing here?"

I admit it was a huge surprise seeing Jay in the club as neither I nor the rest of 2PM had talked or contacted him since he left us all those years ago. There are no bad feelings between us it's just we never really had talked ever since.

"Having fun what else?" He replied with a smirk on his face. "The real question is what are you doing here on your own drinking?".

He took a seat next to me by the bar and ordered a drink of his own.

"Ah it's nothing, how have you been?" I quickly asked trying to change the subject.

"Taec, seriously I know we haven't talked in a while but I can still tell one something's bothering you. Now spill it," he said catching me off guard.

"I guess you learned something after all, being our leader but I really don't want to talk about it," I replied.

"I think I know what's bothering you, it's Yoona isn't it?" he said.

I looked at him with a surprised look how could he have possibly known about my feelings for Yoona and I guess he got the message cause he continued to say something else.

"Look man I know wasn't around but I still watched you guys and I could see from the way you looked at her on all the shows you were together that you had feelings for her. And I saw the tabloids when her relationship with Seungi was made public and from looking at you know I just had to put the puzzle pieces together. Now are you going to talk?" he said.

"Well you hit the nail right on the head hyung, there really isn't much else to say about it. Except they were really strong feelings, I love her," I replied back nearly choking on my last few words trying to hold back the tears that were forming.

"Ok that's really heavy Taec. I'm so sorry man," He replied sincerely. "I'm probably not the best person to get advice from about life especially with all the mistakes I've made in the past. But what I can say is that you can't let that stuff stop you from living life otherwise it's no good you'll just end up feeling worse,"

"Thanks hyung," this time replied genuinely. "Oh and I don't blame you for what happened with us when you left,"

"It's ok man you guys were like brothers to me and still are. So if you ever need someone to talk to, you can always count me," he said smiling. "Alright man I'm going to head to the dance floor, you coming?"

"I think I'll pass" I replied back.

He just shrugged his shoulders and disappeared into the sea of people dancing.

I went back my attention back to the bar and finished off the drink I had before ordering another one, in a way it was helping me forgot about her. It wasn't long before the drinks started piling up and I was way too drunk to focus on what was happening around me. Not noticing who had come into the club.

*Meanwhile on the other side of the club*

Sunny's POV:

We had planned to have a girls night out just us SNSD but Yoona insisted on bringing Seungi oppa along. As we walked into the club I noticed some of the 2PM boys sitting down in a booth. I wonder if Taec oppa is with them. The rest of the girls were quick to disperse and explore the club while Yoona and Seungi found a spot to sit together. I was making my way through the club to the bar when I bumped into someone.

"Oh mianhae," I said apologising.

"Gwenchana, wait is that you Sunny-shi?" said the person who I had bumped into.

I looked up and I recognised him almost immediately.

"Oh Jay oppa it's you. It's nice seeing you," I replied.

"Guess it's a reunion today I keep bumping to people I know " he said."By the way who else is with you?"

"All the SNSD girls and Seungi oppa, wae?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing it's just I saw Taec earlier. He's by the bar," He finished saying before walking away.

Omo if Taec oppa is here then this is bad he can't see Yoona and Seungi together here it will kill him and I can't see him hurting again. I need to find him wait Jay oppa told me he was by the bar. I wonder why he told me where he was? Aish this no time to be thinkinh about that I need to get to Taec before a disaster happens. I headed in the direction of the bar as I got closer I spotted him and he looked really drunk and I moved closer towards him. I saw him looking around his eyes stopped and widened I was scared to see what his eyes had stopped on. I finally looked in the direction he was staring at it was Yoona and Seungi sitting together smiling and laughing together. I looked back over to his direction and he was moving to leave the club well trying to leave the club. He was stumbling all over the place and the fact he was in a rush didn't help. I moved to him just as he fell over and helped him up putting his arm over my shoulder.

"Oppa what are you doing getting so drunk?" I said aloud. It was more of statement rather than a question cause I'm pretty sure I know why.

"Oh S...S...Sunny what are you doing here?" Taec said in a slur.

"Now's not the time to discuss what I'm doing here. You're too drunk I need to get you out of here," I said .

We made our way outside the club. Aish I just realised I don't know where he lives I guess he'll just stay at my apartment for the night. I have my own private apartment for when I just feel like being away from the girls. I mean the girls are like sisters to me but sometimes it can get too much and I just need the extra space. I hailed a taxi and gave the driver adress of my apartment. by the time we had reached my place he was already fast asleep.

"Thank you ajusshi," I said to the driver as we reached my place.

*Inside Sunny's Apartment*

I helped him into the spare room and onto the bed and he was sleeping deeply.

"Goodnight oppa hope your dreams are kind to you," I said before kissing him on the forehead.

Aish why did I do that, I couldn't control my self and it just happened. I better go now before he wakes up but just as I was turning to go he stirred.

He said "Don't leave me alone please,".

I shouldn't be doing this but I made promise to my self to help him. I shyly layed down in the bed next to him and before I knew it his arm was around me in  a warm embrace. Everything in my head was screaming go and this shouldn't happen but in my heart it felt right. He was still asleep but I didn't want to wake him up by moving and it wasn't long before I too fell asleep.

Chapter 3 all done loyal readers. Stay tuned for the next chapter and  of course leave comments to let me know what you think.

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Sorry for the longer wait I've been busy but here it is for you guys


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BrightSunshiner #2
Chapter 13: OMG this story already finished :) thanks for make a good fanfic, i hope u can make another fanfic of sunny :D
once again THANKS
peuleya #3
Chapter 8: 4 persons... maybe a couple? XD
as always, waiting for next chapter, it's interesting
and that kiss......<3 :)
Ji-hyo101 #4
Chapter 7: Omo! Can we just ship Taec with the whole Snsd hihihi TaecGG!
peuleya #5
Chapter 6: OMG!!<3<3<3<3<3 XD XD XD TAECNY SCENE
I swear I was screaming almost the middle of chapter, awwww a beautiful couple, I want to know if you gonna put other couples 9pm ;)
nice chapter keep udating \(° 3 °)/
peuleya #6
Chapter 5: aww so cute \(° 3 °)/
sica and fany are my favorite after sunny. best friends, how cool
next chapter please!~~
lily-leo-vvip #7
Chapter 5: Omgggg cant wait for the next chapter >~< Loving it so far unnie...fighting
lily-leo-vvip #8
Chapter 4: Moreee please