Chapter 12

Sunshine In The Darkness

Taecyeon’s POV:

Sitting in the car heading to the JYP building a trip I’ve made numerous times before never once have I been this nervous even more so than the first time when I started training to be an idol. My whole body was trembling with anxiety and palms were abnormally sweaty and it didn’t help that the time seemed to move slowly. Looking around the interior of the car trying to find something to distract me from the current situation. Jay and I were both sitting in the back of the car I looked in his directions making brief eye contact he gave me an encouraging look before I turned away. My manager in the front driving kept his focus on the road not once looking back in my direction.

Finding nothing inside the car to distract my thoughts coupled with the deafening silence I settled for looking out the window.

“Taec I don’t know what’s going to happen but whatever it is, just remember you can count on me for support and 2PM as well I know they won’t cut you off if the worst were to happen,” Jay said breaking the silence.

“Thanks hyung,” the small exchange of words was enough to snap my mind from everything for a brief moment. “Hey Jay?”

“Yeah man what’s up?” he said looking back at me.

“I need a little distraction from….just everything right now. Why are you coming with us back to JYP?” I asked him still curious as to why he decided to come to the JYP building.

“Well that my curious brother is a secret and I’ll tell you everything once all this business is settled down,” he said with his trademark smirk. Looking at him with more curiosity though his answer caused more questions to arise, I was just thankful for the momentary distraction.

Before I knew it the very familiar structure of the JYP building came into view and I knew there and then that this was it. I just hoped Sunny would be okay at the end of it all, sometime during the drive I decided that she was more important than my career and if it meant sacrificing my career to keep her in my life then that’s what I would do.

Walking through the hallways and corridors of the building in complete silence I tried to mentally prepare myself. Making sure I know every word I was going to say in the meeting. Reaching the door of Park Jin-Young’s office himself I gulped swallowing back the lump that had grown in my throat. Walking in the door, Jay stayed outside while my manager walked in both us taking a seat opposite his desk. I sat down trying to read Jin-Young hyung’s face but he kept a straight but serious face as we sat down. Looking up at me he seemed to acknowledge my presence in the room before looking down to the papers on his desk.

“Please wait a moment while the rest of the people we’re expecting arrive,” he said while looking down.

The statement piquing my interest I wondered who else was called to the meeting. Sitting in the office for a couple of minutes it wasn’t long before there was a knock on the door and my curiosity was laid to rest. In came in Sunny and her manager, she seemed to be looking at the ground all the while before she slowly raised her head and looked at me. I tried giving her a reassuring look before she closed up into her own world again.

“Please take a seat and thank you for taking the time to come out here today,” JYP said as both Sunny and her manager took a seat. Sunny took the seat next to me and her manager on the seat next to it.

While her manager and JYP got their pleasantries and introductions done with. I got a hold of Sunny’s hand and gave her a quick comforting squeeze hoping to get some sort of reaction out of her. Looking at me with a small size she tightened her grip on mine and returned the favour giving me a small reassuring sign. JYP hyung seemed to be watching us and when we both realised it we quickly let go of each other and our attention on the meeting.

“Ok now that everyone’s here I guess the meeting can now begin,” JYP began looking over everyone in the room still with his straight face he looked directly at Sunny and I. “Now I’m sure everyone knows the reason for this impromptu meeting,”

A screen the other side of the room grabbing everyone’s attention it was a picture of the both of us on the Ferris wheel together kissing. I felt both angry and embarrassed at the same time angry that someone had photographed us during such an intimate moment and embarrassed that it was everyone knows about it. I looked at Sunny and her face had turned red and she’s looking away from the screen.

“Now there’s no point in sugar-coating it or trying to gloss it over, it happened and the whole world knows about it. I’d like a personal explanation from the both of you as to what were you guys thinking,” JYP said using his lecturing voice.

Again turning to Sunny, I know that she was really reluctant on saying anything. Taking a huge breathe I knew I was going to be the one to have talk.

“Hyung I’m not going to every detail cause that’s too long a story to say right now and I’m not comfortable with telling it unless Sunny agrees. But all you need to know is that Sunny and I have been in a relationship for more than a month now. Now I know that we were stupid and weren’t careful enough and that’s why we got caught---” I was going to continue ranting but I was cut off abruptly.

“That’s right you were stupid and naïve if you that you could keep it hidden without the public eye knowing. Now look what’s happened, do you have any idea how much trouble you two have caused especially for the popularity of both your groups hmmm?” he said this time with a little more anger in his voice.

“We’re sorry,” I couldn’t think of any words to say.

“SORRY!! YOU’RE SORRY!! IS THAT ALL YOU CAN SAY!” he was screaming now and all I could do was sit back and keep my mouth shut.

Looking over at Sunny her head was firmly set down and I could tell from her eyes that she was close to crying. It hurt to see her suffering like this and it was all my fault. If I had been smarter and careful she wouldn’t have been dragged into all this drama. I needed to protect her.

“Jin-Young please calm down a little they’re still young and they made a mistake shouting at them won’t do anything now,” My manager said trying to calm him down. The words worked as his anger seemed to die down and he returned to his previous mood.

“Huh yes you’re right. But your actions still have consequences and causing a headache for both agencies. And right now Taec I don’t know what we’re going to do about the whole situation and both agencies hands are tied right now. Right now there’s only—“I cut JYP off.

“Hyung I know what you’re going to say and I’ve already made my decision. And you might not be happy about it but I have to do it for myself and my happiness. I’ve decided that I’m willing to sacrifice my career for her,” stopping for second to look at her she was looking at me in surprise. “She was there for me in a difficult time of my life and brought me back to a good place. I know I don’t say this enough to her but I love her and I can’t imagine my life without her,”

I stopped to look at her again and she was crying but she had a huge smile on her face. I smiled at her and took hold of her hand giving a quick squeeze, kissing her hand not afraid of the consequences at this point.

“So is that you’re final decision?” he asked me seemingly defeated.

“Yes, and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me but I have to do what I have to do. So I guess this is goodbye and thank you,” I said finally feeling like a huge weight was off my shoulders.

“Wait can you let me finish Taecyeon,” he said to me looking a little puzzled. “I never said anything about kicking you from the group or stopping your relationship,”

“Wait, what?” I asked very surprised.

“That’s right. Well I was going to say if you were determined to keep your relationship than we would have to go public as long as it was fine with SM Entertainment,” he answered.

“Jinja?” asking still very confused.

“Yeah well I knew at some point you boys were going to start dating and going out with girls. In fact I couldn’t be happier about it since as long as my artists are happy and still making music then you guys are free to do what you want. But I guess I didn’t think that it would be with someone from such a popular group,” he said pausing for a second before continuing. “Now since I already have your answer I guess I’ll have to make all the necessary preparations and get in contact with SM Entertainment to get their ok about all this,”

“Actually sir, I’ve been given the instructions by the agency to follow the decisions you guys made. So I guess these two are free to date since our side is happy with whatever your choice is,” It was SNSD’s manager that answered.

“Oh really I guess Soo-Man had no qualms about his niece dating one of my boys,” he said smiling. “Well I guess you guys are dismissed and don’t worry about the media and the public let us handle everything. Oh and tell Jaebeom-ssi to come in when you guys leave,”

Standing up feeling a huge sense of relief as everything I had been worried about all night just seemed to disappear. Grabbing hold of her hand again smiling brightly at her, I wiped away the tears on her face brought her into my arms.

Sunny’s POV:

Everything seemed to happen so fast and to think I was worried about it all before this. To be honest I wasn’t exactly sure of our future together coming here and after hearing his words the tears couldn’t help but fall. It was so sweet and the fact he wasn’t afraid to show his affection towards me in front of his superiors he truly cares about me.

Now standing here in his arms I felt my cheeks flush red as I realised both our managers and JYP were watching us but I felt so safe in his arms. I didn’t want to let go but for the sake of my embarrassment I slowly but reluctantly pulled away.

“Ehmm well yes like I said you guys a free to go. Oh and Taec please don’t be out too late I know you have a busy schedule tomorrow and I’m sure Sunny does as well,” JYP said to the both us. Taec flashed another smile as his ears went red, something I always found cute in him.

As we walked out of the room my hand found my way in his and our fingers intertwined thought the gesture was small it was always something I appreciated.

“Um I was wondering if I could you home? Well if that’s okay with your manager,” he asked anticipation evident in his voice.

“Well that’s okay with me just make sure she’s home at a reasonable hour cause if it affects her schedules tomorrow I’ll be having a word with you and your manager,” my manager answered. “Anyway I’ll be going now since I have to inform the company about everything that just transpired,”

“Of course sir, are you okay with driving us to her dorm hyung?” this time asking his manager.

“Aish, you kids. Fine. Fine. I'll drive you guys let’s go,” he said walking ahead. “Oh Jaebeom-ssi he’ll see you now just head into his office,”

“Thanks,” Jay said turning to the two of us. “I’m guessing its good news by just looking at you two. That’s great news but I’ll see you guys later I have some business to take care of,”

He walked into JYP’s office and the door closed behind him. Taecyeon and I headed back to his car hand in hand all the way through the building earning some shocked reactions from the employees in the buildings. We even passed by some of his label mates who stopped to ask some questions and giving some supportive comments when we told them what was going on between us.

Making our way to the car he rushed ahead a bit to open the car door for me I couldn’t help but smile at his small gesture. Upon entering the vehicle he held my hand for support as I stepped in the car. Oh my gosh this man is too sweet and cheesy with the way he acts but I love him for it anyway.

The ride back to my dorm was silent but comforting me sitting with my head resting on his arm I felt my eyes start to close.

Taecyeon’s POV:

On the way back we just sat with her resting on me and she fell asleep. Looking down at her face I thought about everything that has happened between us and now I can really appreciate all the times we were together. Noticing her hair had fallen on her face I carefully moved it away and tucked behind her ear trying my hardest not to wake her up. I failed though and she opened her eyes almost immediately.

“Sorry for waking you up, I was just moving some hair from your face,” I said apologetically.

“Hmmm it’s fine oppa but where are we?” she said while pausing to look outside the car window. “Oh we’re nearly at my dorm already,”

“Well you were sleeping so I left you to sleep,” I said while smiling.

“I was hoping we could talk on the way back but I guess I was more tired than I thought,” she said yawning.

“It doesn’t matter just make sure you’re okay alright,” I said kissing her forehead causing her to flush red again.

“Oppa stop being so sweet it’s so cute and I’m meant to be the cute one in the relationship,” this time using her aegyo.

“I can’t help it you bring this out of me so it’s all your fault,” I said sticking my tongue out at her.

“Whatever,” she said while huffing and turning away.

Soon after the car stopped in front of her dorms building she still wasn’t looking at me. I wasn’t sure if she was being serious or just joking around. But she still looked cute the whole time I couldn’t resist but a little.

“Oh is my Sunny mad at me. Ok you’re the cute one out of the two of us are you happy now,” I said to her but she still wasn’t responding. I poked her in the ribs and still no response come on this is getting ridiculous.

She got out of the car and headed inside the building. Naturally I followed her to make sure she got back safe and we both got in the elevator to get to her dorm. When the elevator stopped and the door opened she quickly kicked me in the shin and started running while laughing.

“Can’t catch me stupid,” she shouted at me.

“Ow you’re going to get it now,” I said while running after her and it didn’t take me long to catch up to her.

Just as she was about to get to the front room of her dorms I wrapped her up in a tight back hug so she couldn’t escape. She struggling all the while but she soon stopped.

“YAH! Let go of me I can’t move,” she pleaded but to no avail.

“No I’m never going to let you go ever again cause your mine and only mine,” I said into her ear as I started to calm down.

“OK. OK. But seriously I can’t breathe so loosen up,”

I loosened my grip from the hug and turned her to face me looking at her scanning all her facial features. I looked into her eyes and we both got lost in the moment. Placing my hand underneath her chin and lifting it towards me. I captured her lips with mine a slow and soft one at first and never losing contact. After a while the kiss became more passionate as her arms found their way around my neck and mine resting on her waist. I let my tongue push through to try to gain entry into . She was quick to oblige as she opened and our tongues began to dance with each other wrestling for dominance. In that moment we were truly together and I wish it didn’t have to end but the need for air broke the kiss. I stayed there looking into her eyes again resting my forehead on hers.

“I think I should head back in now don’t you think oppa? I don’t want the other members thinking somethings happened to me,” she said quietly as though she didn’t want to say it.

“I guess you’re right but one more thing,” I quickly pecked her lips causing her to be a little surprised.

“OPPA! Stop stealing all these kisses,” she snapped at me.

Ignoring those words I pulled her back into a hug and kissing her forehead gently. Her arms wrapped around my waist as we stood there for a minute in a tight embrace just enjoying each other’s presence.

“Ok goodnight Sunny get plenty of rest,” I said breaking the hug and planting another kiss on her forehead. “And I love you,”

“Goodnight oppa. Oh and you forgot one thing,” she said with a hint of mischief in her voice.

“And what would that be?” I asked playing along.

“Just this,” before I could react she stood up a little and quickly planting a kiss of her own on my lips before running away. “And I love you too,”

That was the last thing she said before retreating into her dorm leaving me thoroughly dumbfounded and still trying to process the last couple of seconds. Smiling to myself all the while.

Anyway I'd like to apologise for the really long wait for this update I just got really busy with university. I hope you readers liked this chapter and please leave a comment about what you think.

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Sorry for the longer wait I've been busy but here it is for you guys


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BrightSunshiner #2
Chapter 13: OMG this story already finished :) thanks for make a good fanfic, i hope u can make another fanfic of sunny :D
once again THANKS
peuleya #3
Chapter 8: 4 persons... maybe a couple? XD
as always, waiting for next chapter, it's interesting
and that kiss......<3 :)
Ji-hyo101 #4
Chapter 7: Omo! Can we just ship Taec with the whole Snsd hihihi TaecGG!
peuleya #5
Chapter 6: OMG!!<3<3<3<3<3 XD XD XD TAECNY SCENE
I swear I was screaming almost the middle of chapter, awwww a beautiful couple, I want to know if you gonna put other couples 9pm ;)
nice chapter keep udating \(° 3 °)/
peuleya #6
Chapter 5: aww so cute \(° 3 °)/
sica and fany are my favorite after sunny. best friends, how cool
next chapter please!~~
lily-leo-vvip #7
Chapter 5: Omgggg cant wait for the next chapter >~< Loving it so far unnie...fighting
lily-leo-vvip #8
Chapter 4: Moreee please