Chapter 9

White Roses

Minseok woke up to silence, the day after Sehun and he had met with Jongin and Kyungsoo. He got out of bed, listening for the sounds he usually heard from Sehun in the morning, but nothing. He left his room nervously. He still couldn’t hear anyone. He checked Sehun’s room, but was once again met with the older man’s absence. Minseok didn’t find him in the living room, nor the kitchen, but he let out a relieved sigh when he was checking the last mentioned room. He found a note on the counter, written by Sehun.


Hi Minseok!

Sorry for leaving you home alone without warning. Kibum called me, they needed me at the station. I didn’t want to wake you up, I apologize in advance if I worried you.

  • Sehun

P.S could you go check the mailbox around 1 pm? The mail has usually been delivered by then. I’ve put the keys on the dining table. Thanks!


Minseok checked the clock on the wall. 10:35 am. He decided to start his morning rituals. He ate breakfast, took a shower and got dressed. Blue jeans and a grey sweatshirt. When he was finished the clock only read 12:15 pm, despite the fact that he had taken his time getting ready.

He sat down with the book he had been reading while staying with Sehun. It wasn’t exceptionally interesting, but it was better than nothing, and by now he was so far into the story that he needed to know if the butler did it. Honestly, he was suspecting the mistress.



Minseok closed the book with a satisfied sigh. It was the mistress.

He checked the time on his phone. 1:14 pm. He put the book down, and stretched. He got up, and went to put on his shoes. He didn’t put on his jacket, he wasn’t going outside after all, he just needed to go down the stairs of Sehun’s apartment block. He left the apartment, and locked the door. Sehun only lived on the fifth floor now, so he chose to take the stairs.

When he reached the end of the stairs, he saw a man reading the list of the many names of the people who lived there. Minseok went to Sehun’s mailbox, and opened it.

“Uh, hello?” Minseok looked over at the man. He was looking at Minseok with big round eyes. He had fair skin and brown hair.

“Yes?” Minseok cocked his head to the side.

“I’m looking for an Oh Sehun?” The man smiled. “Do you know where he lives?”

“I do.” Minseok nodded. “I live with him at the moment. Why?”

“I need to give him this letter. If you’re living with him, maybe you can give it to him for me?” The man held out an envelope.

“Of course.” Minseok smiled, and took the envelope. He put it on top of the mail he had retrieved from Sehun’s mailbox.

“Thank you.”

“Uh, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how do you know Sehun?” Minseok questioned. He was sure he hadn’t seen the man in any of Sehun’s pictures.

“It’s fine.” The man said with a small laugh. “We never actually met, but I was a friend of Hwan Kiwoon.”

“Oh.” Minseok said, looking down. Had the man gone through the same pain as Sehun, when Kiwoon had been murdered by the hand of a ruthless killer?

“Hey, hey…” The man placed a hand on Minseok’s shoulder. “Don’t feel bad, okay? I didn’t mean to bring you down.”

Minseok looked up. The man was looking at him with worry in his brown eyes. He was attractive, quite pretty actually.

“I thought maybe it was a touchy subject for you..?” Minseok looked away.

“It is, but I try not to let it get to me. Don’t worry about it.” The man smiled again. “I have to go; remember to give Sehun my letter.”

“I will..!” Minseok said. The man gave a small wave, before pushing the door of the apartment block open and walking off. Minseok unknowingly smiled, as he walked up the stairs, back to Sehun’s apartment. Once inside, he took off his shoes and placed the mail on the coffee table in the living room.

He curiously picked up the letter from the man, and sat down on the couch. The envelope was very pretty. It had a creamy color and the corners were decorated with black swirls. In the middle Sehun’s name was written. It looked very professional, but something convinced Minseok that the man was the one who decorated the envelope so neatly.

It suddenly hit Minseok that he hadn’t asked about the man’s name, he hadn’t even told his own. He frowned, hoping the man didn’t find him rude.

Minseok put down the envelope. What was the letter about? He wondered briefly if Sehun would tell him, but he pushed the thought away. It was probably private.



“Minseok?” Sehun asked in a hushed voice. It was late at night; he had worked with Kibum at the police station all day and night. Outside the sun was long gone, and the moon’s white light was illuminating the apartment. Getting no answer, Sehun figured Minseok had gone to bed.

Sehun walked over to the coffee table, where he found the mail he had asked Minseok to get. One letter stood out. It was decorated nicely. Sehun the light in the living room, and sat down to read the letter.

He opened the envelope and pulled out a piece of paper, decorated equally nice. It had a creamy orange color and, like the envelope, the corner were decorated with swirls. The color of the swirls were different, however, as they had a peachy pink color. Sehun started to read the writing, which was golden.

It started out normal, but he was no more than two lines into the letter before it got terrifying.


Dear Oh Sehun

I’m writing this letter to you because I want to thank you. You have taken care of my Minseok very nicely. You even helped him through the grief of losing his friends. I must say I was surprised he was the one to find them. That certainly wasn’t my intention.

You helped him in a way I never could. Sorrow is not a feeling I’m very familiar with.

But you have done your job and I’m afraid I can’t stand you being in possession of my Minseok anymore. I’ll come and get him soon. Please, I’m so very thankful for your help, so don’t get in the way. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to.

Once again, thank you.

The best regards.


The letter ended with a drawing of a rose, drawn with a white marker.

Sehun shot up, and sprinted to Minseok’s room. He threw the door open, the knob knocking against the wall.

“Minseok?!” Groggily the teenager sat up in his bed. Sehun was by his side in a split second, making sure he was okay.

“S-Sehun..?” Minseok questioned in a tired voice, blinking his eyes. He still felt half-asleep. He heard Sehun sigh relieved, and then he was pulled into a hug. Minseok hugged back, confused by the sudden action. They sat like that for a while, in silence.

“Minseok.” Sehun let go of the younger boy, and looked him straight in the eyes. “I need you to pack your things. Right now.”

“What..? Why?” Sehun pulled Minseok out of bed.

“No time to explain. Just do it.” Minseok nodded. They both quickly packed Minseok’s things, and afterwards Sehun packed a suitcase as well.

“Come on.” Sehun grabbed Minseok’s wrist and dragged him from the apartment, and all the way down to his car. He threw their suitcases in the trunk, and pushed Minseok into the passenger’s seat. Sehun got into the car, too, in front of the wheel. He started the car, and they immediately drove off. Minseok turned around in his seat and saw the apartments disappear into the dark of night. Even with the many streetlights, it didn’t take long for them to become invisible.

“Where are we going..?” Minseok turned back around.

“Jongin’s place.” Sehun answered. There was something in his voice, something scared, panicked, and it kept Minseok from asking any other questions. He just shut his mouth, and let Sehun be. 

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Chapter 29: Nice story. Did Minseok got over the psychological manipulation?
1312AZ #2
Chapter 29: Luhan's background is just like in those crime shows on TV ... And it's his parent's fault, they're crazy
Chapter 18: Psycho Luhan is always different level....
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Legion97 #5
Congrats :D
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Chapter 11: why would they leave him alone
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