Chapter 21

White Roses

"Hey, Baek?"

Baekhyun hummed in response, when Chanyeol spoke up. They were currently sitting on the couch in Sehun's apartment, the TV on as background noise. Tao and Kris had gone shopping for Jongin, who was out on a nice date night with his boyfriend. They didn't know much about said boyfriend, but Baekhyun was determined to find out who he was.

"Do you think Sehun is okay?" Chanyeol's voice had a hint of concern in it, mixed with uncertainty.

"Hm, I don't know, Yeollie… He does seem a bit distant…"

"And like he's holding something back, right?" Chanyeol turned to look at the shorter male.

"Yeah… come to think of it, Jongin is acting strange, too. I thought it was just because of his boyfriend, but maybe not."

"That's true. Do you think it's his work?"

"It might just be." Baekhyun said furrowing his eyebrows.

"I know he probably can't tell us, but he shouldn't hold things back if they bother him that much."

"Agreed." Baekhyun said with a sigh. "Maybe we should talk to him when he gets home?"

"Good idea." Chanyeol said. "We should mention it to-"

"Chanyeol, wait!" Baekhyun suddenly interrupted and said up straight. "Turn that up, would you?"

Confused, Chanyeol followed order, and turned up the volume of the TV.

"The police has reported the young boy missing in the case, but today they finally came out with details, shocking the public. Some will most likely remember the killings, which happened approximately 7 years ago. The murderer was named 'the White Rose killer', because of the white roses left at the crime scenes. The police says they are almost entirely sure that the said murderer has returned, and is the one behind the kidnapping of Kim Minseok, as well as the murders of at least 5 people, including the missing teenager's father."

The woman on the TV moved on to another story, while Baekhyun and Chanyeol both sat in silence. Chanyeol bit his lip, furrowed his brows and turned to Baekhyun.

"Kim Minseok? Isn't that…?"

"I think so…" Baekhyun gulped. "You think that's why Sehun's like this?"

Chanyeol just nodded, unable to think of a reasonable reply.

Once again, a silence fell upon the two men. Chanyeol sat in deep thought, while Baekhyun simply looked out into nothingness, trying to comprehend everything. Sehun was most likely in pain over the situation, but it was barely noticeable if you didn't know him. Baekhyun sighed, suddenly feeling guilty about showing up unannounced when Sehun was feeling down.

"What was that?"

"Huh?" Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol who seemed alarmed. "What was what?"

"I just… I heard something…" Chanyeol mumbled while looking around.

"It's not funny, Chanyeol." Baekhyun frowned.

"I'm not kidding, Baek, I heard something."

Baekhyun watched as Chanyeol stood up, obviously trying to locate where the sound he heard came from. Baekhyun found himself listening for the sound as well, though he didn't actually know what he was trying to hear.

"There it was again!" Baekhyun jumped at Chanyeol's sudden exclamation.

Chanyeol turned and walked towards the kitchen. Baekhyun quickly got up and scrambled after him.

"Don't just leave me…!" Baekhyun whispered angrily as he grabbed onto Chanyeol's arm.

Chanyeol muttered out at quiet 'sorry', as they neared the kitchen entrance. They both stopped and looked at each other. Baekhyun could feel his heart racing, and Chanyeol looked like he was in the same situation. Chanyeol lifted up three fingers and Baekhyun nodded in understanding. Counting down with his fingers, Chanyeol got ready to enter the kitchen. Baekhyun braced himself for doing the same.

When Chanyeol's last finger folded down, he took a quick step into the kitchen, turning on the lights and, despite his sudden anxiety and racing heart, Baekhyun followed. He sighed in relief when he realised they were the only ones in there.

"Oh thank god." Baekhyun spoke.

Chanyeol shushed him quickly and whispered, "we haven't checked Sehun's room yet…!"

Baekhyun frowned, but nodded. Once again, they started moving, slowly making their way to their younger friend's bedroom. Baekhyun could feel his pulse rising again. When they stood outside the room, Chanyeol stopped to listen for any noise behind the door. His eyes flickered slightly.

"Well…?" Baekhyun whispered.

Chanyeol looked down at him and shrugged. Baekhyun swallowed audibly, when Chanyeol put his hand on the door handle. Chanyeol closed his eyes for a second, taking a deep breath. Baekhyun bit his lip and tightened his grip on Chanyeol's arm. In that moment, Chanyeol exhaled and pushed open the door.

"Oh thank god." Baekhyun repeated himself when the room was as empty as the kitchen.

Chanyeol let out a breath of relief that he didn't even know he was holding. He turned to Baekhyun and smiled at the shorter man.

But their relief was short-lived.

The front door, accessible from the hallway they were in, suddenly opened, only to reveal a tall figure, breathing heavily.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun simultaneously let out screams of horror, jumping into each other's arms in fear. Chanyeol started to mindlessly beg for their lives while Baekhyun started to sob loudly into the tall male's shirt.

The tall figure walked closer, impossible to identify, as the light from outside the apartment lit up from behind it, covering the face in dark shadows.

When another figure suddenly appeared in the doorway, Chanyeol's pleadings got louder and more desperate. Baekhyun tried to hide as much as possible in his friend's arms, his sobbing becoming more audible and hysteric.

"Baekhyun! Chanyeol!" The two boys immediately became quiet. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

The light in the hallway went on and Baekhyun and Chanyeol came face-to-face with none other than Kris and Zitao.

"Why were you screaming?!" Kris asked with a raised eyebrow.

"W-well…" Chanyeol looked awkwardly at Baekhyun, who pulled himself out of his arms with a small cough.

"Well what?"

"It was nothing…" Baekhyun mumbled.

"It was nothing…!" Tao mocked him. "You were just screaming your heads off; stop lying!"

Baekhyun glared at the Chinese, hoping to simply forget the embarrassment he had just endured.

"We thought you were someone else, it's not important…!" Chanyeol whined.

"Not important, my …" Kris mumbled and took the groceries to the kitchen.

Tao rolled his eyes at his two friends and followed Kris with the bags he was holding.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun shared a look, and with that they agreed to never speak of what had happened, and deny it if Kris or, more likely, Tao ever brought it up.



"Ah the night sky is so pretty~!" Kyungsoo looked up at the sky in awe.

Everything around him and Jongin was darkening with the sky, the stars slowly becoming visible and the lights in shops turning on, making everything glow beautifully in the chilly spring evening.

"But not as pretty as you…" Jongin said and pressed a kiss to Kyungsoo's temple.

Kyungsoo couldn't help the smile on his face when he lightly punched Jongin on the arm. "You're so cheesy…"

Jongin laughed at the younger as they made a turn into the town's park. The lights there were dimmer; making every tree and every bench cast soft shadows. In the middle of the park, the sky's stars were reflected in the water mirror of a pond.

"Hey Jongin…?" Kyungsoo looked up at his boyfriend.

"Yeah?" Jongin met Kyungsoo's big eyes, which hold an obvious hint of worry.

"Do you think Minseok will be okay? I mean, I didn't know him that well, but…"

Jongin let go of the boy's hand to pull him into a hug. "He'll be fine… Sehun will find him."

"You think so?"

"I know so." Jongin pulled away to look at Kyungsoo, only to lean in and place a kiss on his soft lips. "Don't worry."

Jongin pulled Kyungsoo into another hug, and this time the younger hugged back.

They stood in comfortable silence for a while. Enjoying the beautiful night and each other's company. Kyungsoo sighed happily into Jongin's shoulder. Jongin tightened his arms around the younger and kissed the top of his head.

"Jongin…?" Kyungsoo suddenly pulled away with a confused expression.

"What is it?"

"Did you hear that?" Kyungsoo looked up at Jongin, slightly more wide-eyed than he usually was.

"It was probably just the wind, don't worry, baby…" Jongin mumbled and pulled Kyungsoo back into his arms.

Kyungsoo quietly muttered something, before letting the silence settle around them once again. He closed his eyes and inhaled the scent of Jongin's cologne, which was only just noticeable under his light jacket. His thoughts seemed to flow freely until he felt Jongin suddenly tense up.

"Jongin?" Kyungsoo whispered.

"Kyungsoo. Don't panic, but someone's staring at us."

The boy swallowed hard. Someone was staring at them? Jongin's hand caught his.

"Come on…" Jongin said quietly.

Jongin ended their embrace and started to pull Kyungsoo towards the park exit. Without thinking, Kyungsoo looked back and met the eyes of the man Jongin had talked about. They shone unnaturally in the darkness. Kyungsoo felt a shiver run down his spine. And then it him.

"It's him, Jongin." Kyungsoo stated, and turned to face forward. "It's the guy who took Minseok."

"What? Don't be stupid, Kyungsoo. He's just some creepy dude, now come on…!" Jongin said sounding slightly irritated. He quickened his pace.

Kyungsoo bit his lip before speaking again. "He's following us."

"He is?" Jongin looked back for a second and swore. "You've got to be kidding me."

Feeling tears welling up in the corner of his eyes, Kyungsoo blinked. The sound of three pairs of footsteps were freaking him out.

"It's him, I know it is… Oh my god, we're going to die…!" Kyungsoo rambled quietly.

"Stop saying that! It's not him-" Jongin suddenly stopped talking and walking.

Kyungsoo looked up at his older boyfriend, whose face was one of both horror and shock. Kyungsoo followed Jongin's gaze and saw the reason for his sudden stop.

There, in the middle of the park road stood a vase. Kyungsoo brought a hand to his face to cover his mouth. He hiccupped trying to hold back the first sob, but it deemed impossible. His tears started to fall at the sight of the two beautiful flowers in the vase.

White roses.



"I'm home!" Sehun announced when he entered his apartment.

A chorus of greetings came as response.

"Is Jongin with you?" Baekhyun asked as Sehun stepped into the living room.


"His date certainly is taking a long time, huh?" Tao commented.

"Wait, hold up." Sehun said, making the four other men direct their attention to him. "Jongin's missing?"

"Missing? No, no, he went on a date with his mysterious boyfriend." Baekhyun explained.

"When was that?"

"Around… seven?" Chanyeol said with a shrug.

"It's past midnight! You didn't bother calling him?"

"He's a grown man; he can take care of himself, yeah?" Kris said, raising an eyebrow.

Realization suddenly hit Sehun. Of course his friends weren't nervous about Jongin, they had no idea what was currently going on. They didn't know about Minseok or the murderer, nothing.

"." Sehun swore, and pulled out his phone.

"What's up?" Baekhyun asked, watching Sehun go to his room.

"I'll explain later."

Sehun shut the door behind him and found Jongin's phone number in his contact list. He pressed the call button and brought his phone to his ear. It didn't take long before someone picked up. But it wasn't Jongin.

"Hello?" The voice was soft and calm.

"Hello? Who's this?" Sehun asked.

"Oh sorry, my name's Lee Taemin."

"Lee Taemin?" Sehun repeated the name confused.

"Yes. Are you perhaps an associate of Kim Jongin or Do Kyungsoo?"

"Yes, yes I am!" Sehun said. "Are they okay?"

"I wouldn't say so. They've both been hospitalized."


Sehun was listened with gritted teeth and a clenched fist as Taemin explained what hospital his friends were in and how they were doing. They weren't in life-threatening danger, luckily. Sehun thanked Taemin, who was apparently a nurse, and left his room.

"We're going to the hospital."

"What?" Tao looked at Sehun in shock. "Is it Jongin?"

"Yes, now come on!" Sehun barked.

His friends were on their feet quickly, putting on shoes and jackets. All five of them hurried out and huddled together in Sehun's car. Chanyeol and Baekhyun, who was sitting next to each other, shared knowing looks as they drove off to the hospital.



Taemin looked up with his usual friendly smile when the main door to the hospital opened, ready to help whoever was entering. But his smile fell when he took in the state of the two who came through the doors.

"Oh my god…!" Taemin spoke quietly and ran around the counter to help. "Kibum call a doctor!"

"Right away!" Kibum sounded slightly panicked as he picked up the phone to call for extra assistance.

Taemin had almost made it to the two males, when he heard the youngest looking one muttering something about roses, before passing out. The older man, who had been supporting himself on the boy, dropped to the ground along with him.

"Kibum! Now!" Taemin shouted as he pulled the young boy out from under the heavy weight of the man he had been supporting. He grimaced seeing the bruises on both of the males.

"They're on their way!" Kibum said, running over to help Taemin.



"They'll be okay, right?" Sehun looked worriedly at the doctor.

"Yes. They'll both need plenty of rest, their wounds have been cleaned and the bruises will disappear by themselves. It's hard to tell what the intention of the attack was."

Sehun frowned at the words, already feeling like he knew the answer.

"Doctor Lee." Sehun and the doctor both turned to the nurse, who Sehun had talked to earlier, Taemin. "Some detectives are here to see you about the two wounded males. They say they are acquaintances of Mr. Oh."

"I see, bring them here."

"Yes." Taemin left with a smile and a small bow.

"I take it there's more than what meets the eye to this attack then?"

Sehun opened his mouth to speak, but shut it again and simply nodded.

"Sehun!" Recognizing the voice of his colleague, Sehun looked up to see Kibum, Yoongi and Taehyung hurrying towards him.

Kibum pulled him into a hug, and Sehun immediately felt that it was much needed. He grabbed the back of Kibum's jacket, squeezing his eyes shut, so he wouldn't cry.

He could hear Yoongi and Taehyung speak to the doctor, but their words were muffled.

"Sehun?" Kibum spoke gently.

Sehun made a small noise in response.

"You shouldn't hold your feelings back like this. It's okay to cry, if you don't let it out, you'll just feel worse."

Kibum's words hit Sehun like a tidal wave. His thoughts went to Minseok. The things he had told the teenager was being repeated to him now. He tightened his hold on Kibum as he finally, though reluctantly, let the tears fall.

"Why does this happen…?" Sehun asked, more to himself than Kibum, "why does everyone around me get hurt?"

"It's not your fault…"

"Yes it is…!" Sehun sobbed into Kibum's shoulder. "Minseok is gone because I couldn't protect him. His father is dead. Jongin and Kyungsoo are both hurt because they know me…! And even Kiwoon died because I didn't get there in time to save him!"

With a quick movement, Kibum pulled away from Sehun with a look of disappointment mixed with slight anger and slapped him. The sound made both Yoongi, Taehyung and Doctor Lee stop their conversation and look at them in disbelief.

"Pull yourself together, Sehun! I know you're mourning, and with good of reason, but don't do this! It's not your fault and you know it! Minseok getting taken wasn't your fault; you tried your best and now you're going to find him. And the deaths? Did you commit the murders, huh? No! So that's not your fault either! And don't you blame what happened to your friends on yourselves. Look me in the eyes, right now, and tell me your friends would blame you."

Sehun swallowed. He couldn't say that. Jongin would never… and Kyungsoo, even if Sehun had only known him for a short period of time, Sehun knew that, Kyungsoo wouldn't blame him.

Unable to give an answer, Sehun just nodded. Kibum sighed, and muttered out an apology for the slap.

"Sehun…?" At the sound of his name being said ever so gently, Sehun turned around to see his friends look at him in worry.

Without any words, Chanyeol stepped forward and wrapped his long arms around the younger man. Sehun hugged back, letting the tears fall silently. Baekhyun joined the hug. Then Tao did. And then Kris.

Yoongi and Taehyung shared knowing looks, before walking off. Kibum and the doctor followed, leaving the friends to do what they needed to do. 



No Minseok and Luhan in this chapter, because it didn't feel right. I hope that's okay.

And quick thank you to everyone who's reading this story! I'm really happy you enjoy it and your comments make me soooo happy! So thank you! <3

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Chapter 29: Nice story. Did Minseok got over the psychological manipulation?
1312AZ #2
Chapter 29: Luhan's background is just like in those crime shows on TV ... And it's his parent's fault, they're crazy
Chapter 18: Psycho Luhan is always different level....
Dragon777 #4
Legion97 #5
Congrats :D
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 29: Luhan is really manipulative
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 11: why would they leave him alone
XiaoShixun #9
Chapter 5: Oh nooooo