Chapter 15

White Roses

To say that Minseok was surprised was an understatement. When the evening had come, Luhan had insisted on singing for him. The man had waited patiently for Minseok to get ready for bed just so he could sing the boy to sleep.

That's what he was currently doing. And Minseok was completely baffled. Luhan had an amazing singing voice. It was light and sweet. The song he was singing didn't make much sense to Minseok, though. It seemed to be a love song, but he wasn't sure. He couldn't place the language, but he would guess Chinese, or something like it.

But, even if Luhan's singing was beautiful and calming, it also brought memories, which saddened the boy.

Jongdae. His dearest and most trusted friend Kim Jongdae had also been an amazing singer, though he barely ever sang. Minseok had caught him singing along to various songs, and each time Jongdae had told him to stop sneaking up on him. He was embarrassed that Minseok had heard him, and would not listen to any compliments. Minseok had even tried to get him to sing for Yixing, but Jongdae had immediately rejected that idea.

A small sob left Minseok, when he realized that Yixing never got the opportunity to hear what an amazing singer his boyfriend was.

"Minnie?" Luhan looked worriedly at the boy, who was on the verge of tears. "What's wrong?"

Luhan brushed some hair out of Minseok's face. He caressed the boy's cheek.

"It's nothing." Minseok said, his voice shaking. "Sorry." 

Luhan cocked his head to the side with a frown. He sat closer to Minseok and cupped his cheek.

"You can tell me. I won't get angry, I promise."

The boy looked away and Luhan furrowed his eyebrows. He pulled Minseok up and into his lap. He wrapped his arms around the boy and sat silently, hoping to comfort him.

Minseok froze at first. Luhan's touch never failed to make him uneasy. After a few minutes he felt himself calm down, it didn't seem like the man would try anything else. Luhan was only hugging him.

Minseok closed his eyes and let himself relax, imagining for a moment that it was Sehun's arms around him.



Sehun, Yoongi and Taehyung looked at the pile of pictures Kibum had thrown onto the table.

"What's this?" Taehyung asked.

"Minseok's parents' home." Kibum responded.

Sehun grabbed the first picture and looked at it wide eyed. It was a picture of the living room, but it had been wrecked. Broken items and fallen over furniture. The pillows on the couch had even been cut open.

"Damn…" Yoongi muttered, while studying a picture of the kitchen, which was in the same condition as the living room.

"You think it's…" Taehyung looked expectantly at Kibum.

"Yes." Kibum said with a frustrated sigh.

Sehun let out an annoyed groan and threw the picture back in the pile.

"Mr. Park was right." He stated.

"He was."

"Are Minseok's parents being protected?" Yoongi questioned.

"They are now. Mr. Park sent out two officers to look out for them."

"This case is getting out of hand." Taehyung muttered.

"Yeah, let's hope it doesn't get worse, I overheard a phone conversation Mr. Park was having. Apparently the FBI are getting interested."

"Great." Yoongi said sarcastically.

"At least you'll be able to stay on the case, Sehun." Kibum said.

"I guess, but…" Sehun sat straight up in his chair. "to be honest, I'd rather solve this with you. I trust you."

"Thanks." Kibum spoke.

Taehyung and Yoongi smiled.



"I'm back!" Sehun called out, as he entered his apartment.

It was late, but he had seen the lights being on from outside, signaling that his temporary roommate was still awake.

"I'm in the kitchen!"

Sehun took off his jacket and shoes, before walking into the kitchen were Jongin was cooking something.

"So, are things going forward?"

"Not really." Sehun mumbled and leaned on the counter. "Someone trashed Minseok's parents' home."

"Damn." Jongin said.

They were quiet for a while.

"You'll find him, I know you will." Sehun laughed bitterly.

"How could you possibly know that, Jongin?"

"Because you're Oh Sehun. That's how."

Sehun looked down at his feet. Jongin was staying with him now that the killer knew where he lived. Sehun had insisted that Jongin stayed at his apartment. He was safer there, that had been Sehun's reasoning, but in reality, Jongin was a great source of support, something Sehun needed.

"Let's eat now, okay?" Jongin said and carried the food to the dinner table. He looked gently at Sehun as he ate. He didn't mind supporting Sehun, even if the other didn't verbally ask for it. They were friends, and if Sehun needed him, he was there.



"Minnie..! It's time to wake up." Luhan cheered.

Minseok blinked a couple of times before actually opening his eyes. He yawned. Luhan grinned at him.

"Good morning!" Minseok mumbled a reply, which was not even close to containing the same level of excitement as Luhan currently showed.

The boy was pulled out of bed and downstairs to eat breakfast. He kept blinking. It was the first time he had been woken up by Luhan, and it felt too early. Minseok wasn't even one to sleep extremely long, but he was certain he hadn't gotten his eight hours of sleep.

"What time is it..?" The boy mumbled, taking a bite of the toast Luhan had made him.

"5 o'clock." Luhan replied with a smile.

Minseok stared at the man in surprise.

"Sorry, I know it's early. I have to leave, and I didn't want to leave you starving again. You can go to sleep again after you've eaten."

Minseok looked down at his food. He let out a quiet oh. They kept eating in silence, but Minseok chose to break it.

"Where are you going..?" He nervously looked up.

Luhan frowned. He sighed and quickly replaced his expression with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, Minnie. It's nothing important."

Minseok nodded, though he didn't believe the older man. It was definitely something important. But if Luhan didn't want to tell him what it was, Minseok wasn't sure he wanted to know. After all the man tried to make Minseok like him, so it would most likely upset him. He just prayed that Sehun would be safe.



Hi~ Thank you all for the nice comments! I'm really happy you're enjoying the story ^^ Sorry if this chapter is a bit short…

Btw, I know some of you have some questions, but I'm not really that familiar with how this whole site works, so if there's something you really want answered, please go to my tumblr. Thank you~!

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Chapter 29: Nice story. Did Minseok got over the psychological manipulation?
1312AZ #2
Chapter 29: Luhan's background is just like in those crime shows on TV ... And it's his parent's fault, they're crazy
Chapter 18: Psycho Luhan is always different level....
Dragon777 #4
Legion97 #5
Congrats :D
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 29: Luhan is really manipulative
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 11: why would they leave him alone
XiaoShixun #9
Chapter 5: Oh nooooo