Chapter 12

White Roses

”Minnie…” Minseok looked up confused.

Someone was calling him. He turned around. He didn’t recognize where he was. Everything was shining white. Was he dead?

“Minnie..!” Once again, Minseok spun around, looking for the source of the voice.

Huh? The boy’s eyes widened. A smile made it’s way to his face.


Surprised, Minseok lifted a hand to his mouth. Nothing had come out. He tried to call Sehun’s name again, but his voice was silent.

Sehun kept saying his name, until it wasn’t him anymore.

The voice changed, it sounded wrong coming from Sehun’s lips. Minseok realized the nickname was wrong then. Sehun had never called him Minnie. Only one person had referred to him with that name.

“Minnie!” With a short scream and sweat bathing his body, Minseok sat up.

A pair of arms wrapped around the boy’s body. He was shaking violently.

“Sshhh… It’s okay…” Minseok felt himself crying again. “I’m here, don’t worry…”

Minseok instinctively leaned into whoever was holding him. Soothing and comforting things was whispered into his ear, calming him.

“Did you have a bad dream, Minnie?” Minseok nodded.

Sitting there, a sudden realization hit Minseok like a brick. He pulled himself out of the arms around him. At the edge of the bed sat Luhan. He looked confused.

“You didn’t eat anything yesterday.” Luhan muttered.

He lifted a hand and Minseok flinched. With a small laugh, Luhan brushed Minseok’s bangs away from his eyes. His hair had become quite long.

“I made breakfast.” Luhan spoke and got up. “Come on, let’s go eat.”

Luhan held his hand out. Hesitantly, Minseok reached out and let the pretty man take his hand. He was pulled to his feet, and then led through a house.

Minseok looked around in awe. The house seemed so large. They went down a flight of stairs; the house had two floors. In the same hallway as the stairs was two openings. One was to the living room, the other to the kitchen.

 As they entered the last mentioned room, Minseok’s eyes widened. A table filled with all kinds of breakfast foods met his eyes. His stomach made a stubborn grumble at the sight. Luhan pushed him to a chair and made him sit down.

“Eat now.” Minseok looked nervously at the food, but seeing Luhan raise an eyebrow at him, he grabbed a piece of toast.

They ate in silence. Minseok didn’t even dare to look up at the man sitting opposite him. Luhan was sitting there, so calm and collected, contrary to Minseok’s shaking hands and hesitant movements.

“Minnie.” Immediately Minseok froze. He gulped audibly. He kept looking downwards, but he heard Luhan’s chair scraping over the floor as he stood. Three footsteps and Minseok could feel the man by his side. He was grabbed roughly by the arm and pulled up. He whimpered.

“We need to talk about something. Come on.” Luhan pulled Minseok into the living room, where he got them both seated on the couch.

Minseok was still afraid of looking at Luhan. He was terrified of what he might see in the man’s eyes. But Luhan was having none of it. He grabbed Minseok’s chin and made the boy face him. A small whine left Minseok and he looked at Luhan, wide-eyed and scared. The man studied him for a bit with a frown on his face.

“I know.” Minseok winced at the coldness of Luhan’s voice.

“Know w-what..?” Minseok stuttered out, voice small and insecure.

“About what you did.” Luhan tightened his grip on Minseok’s chin.

The boy made a pained sound and Luhan let go. He looked disappointedly at Minseok, before his hand once again made contact with the boy’s cheek.

The pain stung. Minseok whimpered, but tried to keep himself from crying.

“You gave yourself to that bastard Oh Sehun.”


Oh no.

Minseok looked up at Luhan. He was standing now, and towered over Minseok.

“Please… I-” Minseok didn’t get to finish. Luhan grabbed his wrist and pulled him up and through the house, back towards the bedroom he had woken up in.



“I’m back…” Sehun’s head snapped up. He looked hopefully at Kibum, who shook his head sadly. Sehun’s face fell.

“I’m sorry…” Kibum pulled a chair to where Sehun was sitting. He sat down and placed a hand on the younger man’s shoulder. “It wasn’t him. It was a girl that looked like him.”

“What if we don’t find him?!” Sehun said desperately.

“We’ll find him, don’t worry Sehun. Give it time.” Kibum squeezed his shoulder. “He’s barely been gone for two days. There’s plenty of hope.”

Sehun nodded. Kibum looked at the files on the table in front of them.

“Found anything new?”

“No.” Sehun sighed. “It would help if we knew what happened to the killer the years he disappeared. Where he went, you know?”

Kibum nodded, understanding.

“We really tried, but it seemed impossible to find him.”

“You have any theories on where he could have gone?” Sehun asked. Kibum leaned back in the chair.

“I’m in no way sure, but I think he left the country for a couple of years while the whole thing died down, no pun intended.”

Sehun laughed dryly.

They both sat for a while with their own thoughts. Neither of them spoke, as there was nothing to say.

“Lee!” Their silence was broken.

Kibum turned around in the chair, to see the police chief, Mr. Park, in the doorway.

“Yes, sir?” Kibum stood up.

“You said you wanted some new eyes on the White Rose killer, yes?”

“Yes, sir, that would be appreciated.”

“I got some guys for you, then. They’re from Daegu.” Mr. Park took a step back and let two people in. “Min Yoongi and Kim Taehyung.”

Both Kibum and Sehun was slightly surprised when they saw them. The two guys looked so young, like kids who had barely entered adulthood.

“Take care of them.” Mr. Park said and left the room.

“Hello, I’m Min Yoongi.” The shorter of the two bowed politely.

“I’m Kim Taehyung.” The other followed with a surprisingly deep voice

“Lee Kibum. This is Oh Sehun.” Sehun lifted his hand in a small wave, before turning back to the files on the table.

Kibum turned back to the two newcomers. He looked them over quickly and then decided to ask them.

“How old are you two?” The short one, Yoongi, sighed.

“I’m 22.” He replied, sounding annoyed.

Kibum stopped himself from looking surprised. Honestly, Yoongi didn’t look much older than 17.

“I’m twenty.” Taehyung said.

Kibum nodded, wondering whether it was possible to go through puberty twice.

“So, you want to take a look at the files?” Yoongi and Taehyung both nodded.

Soon the four of them were seated around the table, looking over the files for what seemed like the hundredth time.



“Luhan!” Minseok cried. He tried hard to fight the man’s hands away from him. “Stop, please..!”

Grabbing both of the crying boy’s hands, Luhan pinned them down above his head. Holding them in place with one hand, he let his free hand run down Minseok’s body.

Luhan popped open the button of Minseok’s pants. The boy writhed uncomfortably in response. He tried to turn his body away from the man, but it turned out to be impossible. With Luhan straddling him and keeping him from using his hands, he was caught. The only thing he could think of doing was begging.

“Luhan..! Please, please… no, stop..!” Luhan stopped tugging at Minseok’s pants, trying to get them off. He met Minseok’s terrified eyes.

It was as if something clicked inside Luhan’s head.

He let go off Minseok, pulling his hands back, as he had been burned. He got off the boy and left the bed. Minseok looked confused at the man as he went to the door.

“Sorry…” Luhan muttered. He then left the room, locking the door.

Minseok fixed his pants. He sighed with mixed feelings.

He was relieved that Luhan didn’t force him into having , but the man’s mood swings made him anxious. How would he know how to act around this person? He was dangerous, but so far, he hadn’t hurt Minseok majorly. What was his deal?

Minseok laid back on the bed, snuggling into the pillows.

He was so confused.

And, oh, how he missed Sehun greatly.

Oh Sehun, please save me…

Somehow, slumber managed to cloud Minseok’s mind and he fell into a dreamless sleep.

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Chapter 29: Nice story. Did Minseok got over the psychological manipulation?
1312AZ #2
Chapter 29: Luhan's background is just like in those crime shows on TV ... And it's his parent's fault, they're crazy
Chapter 18: Psycho Luhan is always different level....
Dragon777 #4
Legion97 #5
Congrats :D
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 29: Luhan is really manipulative
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 11: why would they leave him alone
XiaoShixun #9
Chapter 5: Oh nooooo