Chapter 14

White Roses

Minseok sat up with a silent scream. He was bathed in cold sweat and his body was shaking. A nightmare had snuck into his sleeping mind and frightened the poor boy, though he could not recall what had taken place during his unconscious night adventure, he knew it had been beyond terrifying.

Still shaking, he ran a hand through his hair. He looked towards the door and saw a bundle of clothing. An envelope laid on top.

Hesitantly Minseok got out of bed and walked over to the little pile. He picked up the envelope. It was beautifully decorated, just like the one Luhan had handed him the first time they met. Minseok stopped shortly to wonder what the letter for Sehun had said. Maybe it was the reason Sehun suddenly wanted them to stay with Jongin. Maybe Luhan had threatened Sehun. Oh God no. Minseok abruptly felt scared for the elder. What if Sehun was in danger, and because of Minseok? What if Luhan planned on killing-


Minseok shook his head. He had to stop himself from thinking of the worst-case scenario. He had to keep up hope.

He opened the envelope and pulled out a cutely decorated letter.


Hi Minnie~!

I'm sorry if I scared you yesterday.. I hope you can forgive me?

Anyway. I got you some clothes and soaps so you can take a shower. Use lots of conditioner! Your hair needs it.

I won't be home until tonight, so you'll have to wait with eating… sorry..!

I love you!

-  Luhan


Minseok cringed at the confession. He prayed that the man didn't want him to say those words back.

He left the letter on the ground and gathered the clothes and soap bottles in his arms with a sigh. He went to the bathroom and took a much-needed shower. He reluctantly followed Luhan's order and used plenty of conditioner in his hair.



Sehun jumped in his seat when his phone went off, interrupting his reading. He pushed the case file away and answered his phone.

"Oh Sehun speaking."

"Mr. Oh. Hello, it's Mrs. Kim. Minseok's mother." Sehun froze in his seat.

"Mrs. Kim… Hello. Listen I'm very sorry for what happened to your son, I-"

"What..?" Sehun was interrupted by Mrs. Kim's worried voice. "What happened to Minseok? Is he not okay?!"

Sehun swore internally.

"Mrs. Kim I'll call you back."

"What?! No, Sehun-" Sehun ended the call.

He got up and left the room, wanting to find Kibum immediately. Which he did. He was sitting in the break room, discussing something with the two Daegu detectives.

"Kibum!" At the mention of his name, Kibum looked up, looking surprised.

"Sehun? What's wrong?" Kibum stood up. He looked worriedly at Sehun, who was obviously enraged.

"You didn't tell his parents?!"


"Minseok's parents! Why don't they know he has been kidnapped?!" Sehun snapped at the older man.

Kibum blinked, looking dumbfounded.

"What..? Mr. Park told me he had taken care of it…" Kibum shook his head disbelievingly.

Without another word, Sehun left, despite Kibum looking like he had more to say. He walked to Mr. Park's office with fast steps. He threw the door open, and Mr. Park looked up shocked.

"Can I help you, Mr. Oh?" He asked, folding his hands.

"Why haven't you told Minseok's parents that he's gone?" Sehun asked, his voice cold.

Mr. Park sighed, and leaned back in his chair.

"I wanted to protect them."

"Protect them?! How is this going to protect them?! They're most likely freaking out right now!"

"Listen, we're dealing with a highly professional murderer here. He's obsessed with their son, and if they start showing up at the station, or worse on television, who knows what he might do?"

"He's already got Minseok, why would he care about his parents?" Sehun's eyebrows furrowed.

"Why did he kill Kim Jongdae and Zhang Yixing?"

Sehun looked down as it dawned upon him.

"Because they could come between him and Minseok."

"Exactly." Mr. Park said. "Now, I'll send some men to talk with Minseok's parents and get them someplace safe. I don't think they should be staying in their home, especially because they know something is wrong now… to top it off the killer knows where it is."

Sehun nodded, before turning to leave.

"And Mr. Oh?" Sehun turned around. "Be careful, you're someone who could come between him and the kid, too."



After a long shower, Minseok sat on the bed. He looked down on the clothes Luhan had given him. A pair of blue shorts, a black and white striped shirt, which was at least two sizes too big and, of course, underwear, but no socks. For a moment, Minseok considered putting on his own socks, but he decided against it. They weren't exactly clean anymore.

Minseok sighed and laid back on the bed. His stomach growled and he frowned. He was hungry. Even if he didn't like Luhan one bit, he still found himself hoping the man wouldn't be gone for too long. He really hated being hungry.

He looked around the room, hoping to find a way to spend his time. He realized he had never actually looked in the big closet. Therefore, with nothing better to do, Minseok crawled off the bed and made his way to the closet.

He stopped briefly to wonder whether it was a good idea, but Luhan would surely have locked the doors to the wooden closet if he didn't want him looking in it. He grabbed both the doorknobs and pulled the doors open.

Then he jumped back.

And stared.

In shock.

He swallowed and took a step closer. He bit his lower lip, reached out, and grabbed hold of one of the hangers. He looked in disbelief at the clothing on the hanger. A maid dress with lacy ends and a puffy skirt in black and white color.

He looked back into the closet only to see more clothes like the dress in his hands. All kinds of over-ualized clothing was hanging from the rack. At the bottom of the closet was a bunch of boxes, and though Minseok wasn't sure he wanted to know the content, his curiosity got the better of him.

He put the dress back and crouched down. He took the lid of one of the boxes to find accessories to the clothes hanging above him. Shoes, cat ears and a bunch of other stuff, all of which made Minseok grimace. He put the lid back on and closed the doors. He regretted opening them in the first place.

As he now had nothing to do, Minseok went back and laid down on the bed, deciding to just use his time waiting for Luhan to come back. His stomach growled loudly and Minseok growled back.



As soon as Minseok heard the footsteps, he sat up. He would never admit it, but he was thankful for Luhan's return; he was absolutely starving.

But when the door opened, Minseok felt every slightly positive feeling disappear.

Luhan looked frustrated. Extremely frustrated. Until his eyes met Minseok's.

The boy saw how Luhan's expression softened. A small smile even graced his face.

"It suits you…" Luhan complimented the boy.

At first Minseok was confused, but he quickly realized that the man was speaking about his clothes. He muttered at quiet thank you, which were followed by his stomach growling again.

"Aw, Minnie, you must be starving!" Luhan laughed.

"A little…" Minseok answered embarrassed.

"Let's get something to eat then." Luhan grabbed the boy's hand and pulled him to his feet.

He led Minseok to the kitchen, where he started to prepare their meal. Minseok sat silently by the table, hoping hand-holding was the furthest Luhan would try to take it that day.



Wow, I'm really sorry I haven't updated this in a while ._. 

My exames are long gone, but I've been spending time with my friends and working on a lot of other projects... I can't promise when the next update will be, but fear not, I'm still alive! 

Thank you for sticking with me and the story, I'm so happy you all seem to like it (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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Chapter 29: Nice story. Did Minseok got over the psychological manipulation?
1312AZ #2
Chapter 29: Luhan's background is just like in those crime shows on TV ... And it's his parent's fault, they're crazy
Chapter 18: Psycho Luhan is always different level....
Dragon777 #4
Legion97 #5
Congrats :D
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 29: Luhan is really manipulative
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 11: why would they leave him alone
XiaoShixun #9
Chapter 5: Oh nooooo