Chapter 6

White Roses

“Where is he?” Kibum looked up when the familiar voice spoke.

“He’s in the interrogation room, follow me.” Kibum lead the way through the police station, Sehun following him. “We already talked with his parents. They are aware it’s best that he stays with someone who can protect him for a while.”

“Are they going to come and see him?”

“We told them that it’d be best for their and Minseok’s safety if they didn’t come.” Sehun nodded.

They were soon watching the poor teenager, who had to find the bodies of his best friends. They stood on one side of the one-way mirror, while he was being asked questions on the other.

“So Minseok,” The female interrogator started. “I know this must be hard for you, but I need you to answer some questions, alright?”

Minseok nodded. He looked worn out, like he hadn’t slept for days. His eyes were puffy from crying.

“You found Yixing and Jongdae in Yixing’s apartment, correct?”

Once again, Minseok nodded. Sehun saw pain flash over his face for a second, when his friends’ names were mentioned.

“Why did you go there?”

“I-I wanted- I needed to…” Minseok said in a quiet voice. He sounded so very fragile. “They were in danger…”

“How did you know that?” The interrogator asked.

“The roses…” Minseok whispered.


“White roses.” Minseok looked up at the lady in front of him. “Someone s-sent Jongdae roses… I-I thought they were red, but…”

“…But what?”

“I touched them and… It-it was blood…” Minseok said with now teary eyes. “They were covered in blood..!”

He broke down again. Tears started to fall and he raised his hands to hide them. His sobbing was loud and his breathing turned uneven. Without thinking, Sehun burst into the room. Minseok looked up, wide-eyed and surprised.

“Leave.” The interrogator looked offended at Sehun. She’s was about to give Sehun a piece of her mind, but Kibum spoke up.

“It’s fine.” She gave Kibum a nod and left, but not before she had sent a glare in Sehun’s direction.

“Kibum.” Understanding, Kibum left the room, letting Sehun be alone with Minseok.

Sehun pulled the interrogator’s chair closer to Minseok and sat down. He looked at the teenager, Minseok squirmed under his intense gaze.

“Minseok.” Sehun frowned when Minseok looked at him. He looked destroyed. “Do you remember what happened to you seven years ago?”

“Barely…” Minseok whispered.

“Do you remember not being home?” Minseok nodded. He didn’t trust his voice. It was going to fail him and he’d start crying again.

“I want you to stay with me again.” Sehun said. “I’m afraid you’ll be in too much danger on your own.”

“It was- you?” Minseok heard his own voice crack mid-sentence.


“You are…” Minseok titled his head. He still couldn’t remember the name.

“Oh Sehun.”




“Oh my god…” It was like everything from those seven years ago flashed before his eyes. Everything came back suddenly. The white rose. Staying with Sehun. Meeting his friends. And the last day he had spent with Sehun.


The door opened and slammed shut right after.

“Sehun?” Jongin questioned. He didn’t get a reply. Sehun went straight to his bedroom. Minseok’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“What’s with him?” Baekhyun asked.

“I don’t know, wait here.” Jongin got up and followed Sehun. Minseok looked at Sehun’s four other friends. They looked concerned. They waited for Sehun and Jongin in awkward silence.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. The young men looked around on each other, but Kris was the one who got up to answer.

“Minseok.” The boy looked up when his name was called. He recognized the young man. He had been there the day he met Sehun. He looked sad. “You’re going home now.”

Minseok didn’t get to say goodbye to Sehun. Jongin had brought out his suitcase and afterwards he had followed the police officer to his car. He drove Minseok home and that was it. He hadn’t seen Sehun since.


“Hey… Don’t cry…” Sehun wiped away Minseok’s tears. “It’s okay, it’ll be okay.”

“Will I…” Minseok sniffed as more tears fell from his eyes. “Will I be staying with… you?”

“Only if you want to.” Sehun said. “You can stay with someone else if you’d rather want that?”

“No, no… I’d like to stay with you…” Sehun nodded and gave the teenager a small smile.

“Kibum will get your things, okay? Afterwards we can go to my apartment and get you settled.”




Sehun had gotten a different apartment. It was closer to the police station and also bigger than the one Minseok had stayed with him in when he was nine. But the inside was somewhat similar. Minseok recognized a lot of the pictures on the walls. One picture in particular made a smile grace his face for a second. The picture of Sehun and his friends. Looking at it, it was obvious that Sehun had gotten older. Not that he looked old, he just looked more… mature.

“Are you looking at that picture again?” Minseok turned around to see Sehun looking at him amused.

“I guess.” Minseok looked back at the picture. “Are you still friends? I mean all of you?”

Sehun sighed, but when Minseok turned towards him again, he was smiling.

“Yeah, we are. Chanyeol and Tao’s friendship isn’t exactly easy to get out of.” He scratched the back of his neck and continued. “And if you’re friends with Chanyeol and Tao, you’re friends with Baekhyun and Kris.”

“What about, uh, Jongin?” Minseok asked.

“He has always been there and he probably always will. I couldn’t imagine not being friends with him, you know?” Minseok nodded. He looked at Sehun with a sad smile.

“That’s how I felt about Jongdae…” Sehun frowned. He walked over to the teenager and pulled him into his arms. Minseok’s body started to shake as tears and loud sobbing left him. Knowing he couldn’t do much, Sehun just let him cry, rubbing soothing circles into his back. Minseok clawed at the back of Sehun’s shirt, and Sehun let him do it. He needed to let it out.

Sehun tried to do what Jongin had done when Kiwoon died.

Because Minseok reacted almost exactly like Sehun had when Kiwoon died.

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Chapter 29: Nice story. Did Minseok got over the psychological manipulation?
1312AZ #2
Chapter 29: Luhan's background is just like in those crime shows on TV ... And it's his parent's fault, they're crazy
Chapter 18: Psycho Luhan is always different level....
Dragon777 #4
Legion97 #5
Congrats :D
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 29: Luhan is really manipulative
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 11: why would they leave him alone
XiaoShixun #9
Chapter 5: Oh nooooo