Chapter 17

White Roses

"Min Yoongi? We have some people here who wants to see you."

"Send them in, thank you." Yoongi answered the young secretary. She nodded and let in three guys.

Wait, three?

Sehun looked confused at Kibum, who shrugged.

"Hoseok?" Yoongi stood up. "What are you doing here?"

"I let him come, I hope you don't mind." Jimin said.

"No, it's fine…"

Sehun and Kibum both looked at Taehyung. His eyes went to Yoongi before returning to the officer and detective. Discreetly, he formed a heart with his hands under the table.

Kibum's mouth formed an 'o' and Sehun blinked. Really?

'They don't know', Taehyung mouthed, and immediately Sehun and Kibum looked more understanding. So that's why Yoongi seemed a little awkward.

"Yoongi, you needed Jimin for a case, right?" Namjoon broke the slightly uncomfortable atmosphere.

"Right. Jimin, do you want to sit down?"

"Yeah, thanks, hyung."

Yoongi pointed to the chair beside Taehyung. "You can take a seat over there."

"What about us?"

"Well, Hoseok, you're going to have to wait outside. Confidentiality and stuff, you know. Namjoon, I suppose you can stay for support."

"Okay, I'll see you later then, Yoongi!" Hoseok cheered and left the room with a smile.

"That guy, sometimes…" Namjoon muttered, and went to sit beside Jimin.

"Okay, so, Jimin and Namjoon," The two looked up at the mention of the names. "My name is Lee Kibum, this is Oh Sehun, and I suppose you already know Yoongi and Taehyung?"

"We do." Jimin smiled, and Namjoon nodded.

"So, we are aware that you, Jimin, went through a quite… traumatic experience. Normally we wouldn't contact a victim like this, but we fear for the well-being of a boy going through something similar."

Jimin nodded. "I see…"

Yoongi handed him a picture. Jimin's eyes widened.

"How old is he?"

"Sixteen. His name is Minseok." Yoongi said.

Jimin repeated the name quietly. Yoongi and Taehyung explained the overall situation.

"How long has he been gone?" Namjoon asked, looking at the picture, too.

"5 days." Sehun muttered.

"He's okay."

"What..?" Sehun looked surprised at Jimin.

"Considering the circumstances, I think he's okay."

"How do you know?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't, but… You think he's like the man who… kidnapped… me, right..?" Jimin forced out.

"Kind of, yeah." Yoongi answered, placing a hand on Jimin's shoulder. He gave it a small reassuring squeeze.

"Then… he won't force him into anything…"

"He won't?" A look of hope crossed Sehun's face.

"No, not physically, at least. He'll try to get Minseok to do what he wants by manipulating him."

"What kind of manipulating are we talking about?"

"He's going to make him feel guilty or scared… or both, whatever it takes to make him obey…" Jimin's voice seemed to get smaller.

"You don't have to continue-" Jimin interrupted before his boyfriend could express more worry.

"I need to! If it can help them find that boy, then I need to, Namjoon! I don't want him to feel like I do."

"Of course…"

"Jimin?" Yoongi said carefully. "What kind of place are we looking for? Like, location-wise?"

"Somewhere isolated… The man who… to me… he lived in the quiet part of town. But in a nice apartment. You wouldn't expect it to be the home of a crazy person."

"Makes sense." Sehun spoke up.

Taehyung made a sound of agreement and Kibum nodded.

"I think we need to look for something even more isolated, though." Yoongi stated.

"Oh?" Kibum looked expectantly at him.

"You said he was more professional. The only reason we found Jimin was that someone saw him through the window. This guy wouldn't let that happen."

"But it can't be like a prison. He probably want Minseok to feel at home…" Jimin said. "But I think Yoongi might be right. The man I dealt with… he was messed up. The guy you're chasing seems more collected."



Minseok jumped when the door to his room swung open. Luhan looked upset and frustrated. Instantly Minseok felt himself shiver. Luhan in a bad mood was never a good thing.

"Luhan..?" The man looked down at him, his eyes filled with annoyance. Minseok gulped. Other times Luhan had calmed down just by Minseok initiating conversation.

"Uh…" Minseok tried hard to find something to talk about, anything. "Luhan, will you sing for me again?"

That changed something in Luhan's attitude. Relief washed over Minseok, when the anger seemed to disappear from his expression.

"Of course I will." Luhan said and sat down on the bed beside Minseok. "Let's lay down… please…"

Minseok didn't dare to disobey. He laid down with Luhan, who wrapped his arms around him. Luhan started humming, but it turned into singing after a while. Minseok couldn't deny the beauty of his captors voice, and even found himself relaxing because of the pleasant sound.


"Hmmm..?" Luhan stopped his singing and looked at Minseok.

"What language is it you're singing in?"

"It's Chinese, Minnie." Luhan smiled and caressed the boy's cheek.

Minseok nodded.

"Are you Chinese?"

"Yes, I am." Luhan grinned, thrilled by Minseok seeming interested in him.

"But, how are you so good at Korean?"

"I've practiced a lot, and I've lived here for quite a while."

"I see…"

Luhan wrapped his arms around Minseok and pulled him close. He felt the boy tense up shortly, but he calmed down when Luhan started singing again.



"Thank you for your help, Jimin. You've really helped us." Kibum smiled kindly.

"You're welcome. If you need anything else, I'll be happy to help again."

"Thank you, Jiminnie. I'll walk you out." Yoongi said with a small smile.

Jimin nodded, and he and Namjoon followed Yoongi out the room.

"Nice kid." Kibum said after the door shut.

"Very." Sehun agreed.

"Yeah, despite everything, he still managed to stay such a cheerful person." Taehyung spoke in a serious tone.

Sehun and Kibum shared a look.

"Hey, Tae?"

"Yeah?" The Daegu boy looked towards Kibum.

"Did you and Yoongi know Jimin, you know, before the whole kidnapping thing happened?"

Taehyung looked down with a little smile on his lips.

"Yeah… we did…" Taehyung sighed. "To be honest, that's probably the only reason our boss let us finish his case…"

"What? Why?"

"Because we're so close. I think he knew it would kill us if we didn't find him. I've never seen Yoongi as determined as he was when Jimin was gone. 6 months... 6 months we spent working almost non-stop on finding him. One of our friends, Seokjin, he visited us on the station every day to make sure we were eating, despite being so scared for Jimin himself…" Taehyung wiped away a single tear from his eye. "Sorry…"

"Don't apologize." Sehun said comfortingly. "I think I know how you feel."

Taehyung looked up at Sehun and smiled.

"He means a lot to you, doesn't he?"

"Yeah… Yeah, he does." Sehun answered with a nod.



"Yoongi!" Hoseok smiled when three of his friends finally came out from the station. "Look what I brought you."

Yoongi accepted the Starbucks cup from Hoseok with a puzzled expression. He took a sip and immediately smiled.

"Caramel Macchiato." Yoongi said with a sigh.

"As sweet as you!" Hoseok grinned.

"Shut up..!" Yoongi said, and punched Hoseok on the arm lightly. The other just laughed.

Jimin smiled at the scene unfolding before him. He could feel the love in the air. He just wished his friends would feel it, too. Beside him, Namjoon made barfing noises, annoyed by the lovey-dovey behavior Hoseok and Yoongi were portraying.

"By the way, why didn't Seokjin and Jungkook come with you?" Yoongi asked. "I mean, since you were brought along."

Hoseok chuckled. "It was kind of last minute. We texted them on the way here."

"Seokjin threw a fit because we were going to miss our monthly movie night. Jungkook was pretty happy about getting to eat all the pizza without us there, though." Namjoon said.

"Sounds like them." Yoongi responded with a grin.



When Minseok opened his eyes, he was confused. The room was dark, and he didn't even remember falling asleep. He still had Luhan's arms wrapped around him, and judging by the steady breathing, Luhan had fallen asleep as well.

"Luhan..?" Minseok whispered. No response.

Minseok bit his lip. As quietly and steadily as he could, he wriggled himself out of Luhan's hold. He grabbed a pillow to replace him. Luhan tightened his hold on the pillow a little when Minseok crawled off the bed.

"Shhh… just keep sleeping…" Minseok whispered.

He tiptoed to the door and sighed in relief when he grabbed the handle and it was unlocked. He sneaked out of the room and closed the door softly behind him.

As he snuck down the hallway, he cursed inwardly every time the floorboards creaked underneath his feet. He got past the staircase and the front door was so close, he could almost taste the freedom.

He didn't really have a plan. He just wanted out. He could run, it didn't matter where, just away.


Oh no.

The boy froze.

Oh, please no.

Knowing he might never see a chance like this, Minseok ran.

He made it to the door and threw it open. He barely took two steps outside before a pair of arms wrapped around him and pulled him back.

"Where do you think you're going, Minnie, my dear?" Luhan questioned in an eerily sweet voice. He shut the door, and Minseok saw his freedom disappear right before his eyes.

"Where you going to run away from me?" Luhan pushed the boy up against the nearest wall.

Minseok whined in pain. When he didn't answer, Luhan pulled him away from the wall, only to harshly shove him right back.

"Were you?!"

Once again, Minseok didn't answer. If he said yes, Luhan would be furious. If he said no, Luhan would call him out for lying and get furious.

"Answer me!"

The boy helplessly started sobbing, shouting out terrified apologies.

Luhan let go of Minseok and took a step back. The boy looked at him with big wet eyes, shaking in fear. Luhan just stared back, eyes cold and dangerous.

Minseok's eyes widened when Luhan lifted his hand. He shut his eyes, and instantly after doing so, he felt the sting of Luhan's hand colliding with his cheek.

Minseok cried out in pain and fear.

With a sigh, Luhan pulled the boy into his arms, rubbing his back comfortingly.

"Minnie, why do you make me do this?"

They stood like that for a while, until Minseok broke their little silence whispering a reply.

"I'm sorry…" 



Yeah, sorry for not updating... Highschool is keeping me busy. Not just homework, but also being social and stuff. But here's an update for you! I won't promise anything for when the next one is, in fear of not being able to hold up to my promise. 

But I will promise one thing; I will finish this story, no matter how long it'll take! 

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Chapter 29: Nice story. Did Minseok got over the psychological manipulation?
1312AZ #2
Chapter 29: Luhan's background is just like in those crime shows on TV ... And it's his parent's fault, they're crazy
Chapter 18: Psycho Luhan is always different level....
Dragon777 #4
Legion97 #5
Congrats :D
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 29: Luhan is really manipulative
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 11: why would they leave him alone
XiaoShixun #9
Chapter 5: Oh nooooo