Chapter 18

White Roses

"It has now been 11 days since sixteen year old Kim Minseok disappeared. The police is still searching, but hope of finding the boy alive seems to be shrinking. We talked with police officer-"

Jongin turned off the television with a sigh.

"You shouldn't be watching that."


"Because you'll lose hope, you ." Sehun rolled his eyes at Jongin's comment.

"I thought you were here to support me?"

"I am, but that doesn't mean I won't tell you when you need to pull your together, Oh Sehun."

They were both silent for a while. Sehun sitting on the couch and Jongin standing beside it.

"Thanks, Jongin."

"Anytime." Jongin said with a small smile.

He gave Sehun a pat on the back before going to the kitchen to do the dishes. It was a good thing he was there; otherwise, they wouldn't get done at all. Sehun was working more than ever, and the cleanliness of his apartment was the last thing on his mind.

"Hey, Jongin," Sehun spoke, sticking his head into the kitchen. "I'm going now, I'll see you later."

"See you later." Jongin replied. "Don't forget to eat."

"I won't!" Sehun promised as he put on his shoes and jacket, before leaving to go to the station.



At the station, Sehun had only just sat down with the other three, when Mr. Park entered the room.

"Guys, we have a problem." He said, holding up a folder. "We have another murder to add to the White Rose killer's casefile."

"What..?" Sehun immediately looked nervous.

"Don't worry it's not Kim Minseok." Mr. Park said, making Sehun sigh in relief.

Mr. Park opened the folder and placed it on the table; Yoongi grimaced, and both Kibum and Taehyung looked away as a reflex.

"Are you sure that it's him?" Yoongi questioned. "It doesn't look like his… work."

The pictures in the folder could put any slasher movie to shame. Blood was everywhere and three bodies were in horrible condition. Limbs had been removed and entrails covered the ground of what looked like a warehouse of sort, like confetti on New Year's.

"I doubted it at first, too, but we found this as well." Mr. Park said and threw three more pictures into the pile.

White roses.

The roses were in same state as the bodies. They were covered in blood, petals were missing and they looked like they had been ripped off a bush, rather than the clean cut they usually had.

"It doesn't seem like him… It's too messy…" Kibum said, obviously disgusted by the pictures.

"No, it's him." Sehun said. "He's angry."

"Angry?" Mr. Park asked.

"I think you're right." Taehyung spoke up. "If this was a copycat, it would have been a clean murder. The person behind it would want to make it look like the actual White Rose killer. This would be too sloppy of a job if it was a wannabe."

"Exactly." Sehun nodded.

"That might explain the victims." Mr. Park said.

"You could identify them?" Yoongi looked surprised.

"Yeah, we had their DNA in our database. They weren't good and spotless citizens like the other victims."

"No?" Sehun looked thoughtfully at the older man.

"No. All three of them were drug addicts, the ones you can't save. Lead them to some crimes; theft, violence, you know the deal."

"Let me guess, no family?" Yoongi asked.

"Not any who wants to acknowledge that they're family, at least."

"He really is angry then, if he picks people like these." Sehun said. "The other victims' deaths would hurt parents, children, siblings, but in a couple of days these three will be forgotten."

"He just wanted to let of steam, I suppose."

"By brutally murdering people?" Kibum shook his head. "He's seriously messed up."

"And seriously professional, too." Mr. Park said. "Despite the looks of it, this murder is as clean as every other he has been behind. Not a single trace of him."

"Damn…" Taehyung muttered.

Sehun sighed in frustration. They just had to find that bastard.



Minseok jumped when the door to his room flew open. The handle hit the wall violently, giving off a loud sound.

Luhan stood in the door, with a frown on his face. To others he might have looked relatively calm, but Minseok could clearly see the frightening fire burning in his eyes. Minseok felt a shiver run down his spine, knowing what Luhan was capable of, he knew the fire could burn him alive if he wasn't careful.

Minseok opened his mouth to say something, he didn't know what exactly, but it didn't matter, because Luhan cut him off.

"I could kill you right now." The man spoke, as if it was the most normal thing to say.

"W-what..?!" Minseok stammered.

"I wouldn't have to deal with these strange emotions anymore. I could end it right here and now." Minseok wasn't sure if Luhan was actually talking to him or just to no one in particular.

Luhan wasn't even looking at him. He was staring straight ahead, and somehow that made everything even more terrifying to the teenager.

"I could slit your throat, I could strangle you, anything I wanted. I could make your body disappear and no one would know. Poor Sehun would be searching forever and never find you. Poor, poor Sehun. He would probably go crazy, break down. What a sight."

Minseok was staring wide eyed at the man. If he wasn't sure before, now he definitely knew that Luhan was crazy. Fearing for his life, and Sehun's, more than ever, Minseok knew he had to do something, anything that could bring Luhan back to the cheerfulness Minseok had come to prefer.

Gulping, Minseok stood up. Luhan's eyes immediately landed on him. The fire was still there, burning dangerously in his brown eyes. Minseok could feel his whole body trembling in fear, but he knew what he had to do. For himself and for Sehun. The teenager gathered all the bravery he could muster and walked up to Luhan, who stood still, just watching.

Minseok lifted his hands and placed them on the man's shoulders. Luhan cocked his head to the side, obviously confused by the actions. Minseok's heart was beating fast, so fast he was afraid it would tear his ribcage open and jump out. He could feel his hands get clammy and his mouth went dry. When he looked up and got eye contact with Luhan, he felt like he could cry.

Pull your together, Minseok!

Shutting his eyes tightly, Minseok leaned up and kissed the frightening man. It was the lightest of kisses and barely lasted a second, but it changed something in Luhan's eyes.

The fire.

The fire died. Minseok saw how the flames were put out, leaving only the soft glow of embers. He didn't dare say anything. He just stayed there, waiting for Luhan to do something, to give some sort of reaction.

And after a while's silence, he did.


Minseok swallowed. Luhan's voice was soft and sweet. He lifted one hand to the teenager's face and he caressed his cheek. His touch felt loving, it was almost nice. Unknowingly, Minseok leant into Luhan's warm hand.

"I knew you'd come around." Luhan smiled kindly.

Minseok met his eyes again, and the teenager found himself wondering how someone like Luhan could seem so kind hearted. How could someone capable of so much evil, be so beautiful and seem so incredibly charming. In a way, Luhan reminded him of the devil, Lucifer. A fallen angel, kicked out of heaven.

Luhan lifted his other hand to Minseok's face, cupping his cheeks. His smile didn't falter for a second, his façade seemingly unbreakable. Because that's what it was, right? Luhan couldn't actually have any purity left in his heart, could he? Minseok pondered, was it possible to be nothing but evil and bloodthirsty?

"I love you…" Minseok didn't answer to the confession, he just looked into Luhan's eyes.

Luhan leaned in and placed his lips on Minseok's. The teenager knew then, that Luhan hadn't been lying. He could feel an overwhelming passion, one he knew he couldn't return. It was too much, Minseok felt like he was drowning in the love he felt in that one kiss. He had never experienced anything like it. Not with Sunny, who he had kissed at his first school prom, not with Jongdae, when they had practiced their kissing as fourteen-year-olds, not even with Sehun.

Yet, somehow, it didn't change a thing. Despite the overpowering feeling of being loved, Minseok still wanted out, away. He still wanted to reunite to Sehun. Sehun, who's kisses he could return without feeling like he was betraying every part of his being.

They were on the bed now, Minseok wasn't even aware that they had moved, but when his back hit the soft mattress, he snapped back into reality. Luhan was slowly pulling his shirt upwards, placing small kisses on his stomach while doing so.

Minseok realized what was happening, and he knew he had to protest, but he couldn't. His mouth would not form the words, and his body refused to reject Luhan's touch.

His shirt was thrown somewhere on the floor, and Luhan pulled off his own, which joined Minseok's. The teenager felt Luhan's skin against his own, when the man leaned down to capture his lips once again. Minseok kissed back, feeling wrong, feeling unfaithful, but he couldn't do anything else, the last thing he wanted was for Luhan to get angry again.



"We've now reached the twelfth day since Kim Minseok disappeared. The police have yet to receive new leads as to where the teenage boy is located. Meanwhile, the suspected kidnapper, otherwise known as the White Rose killer, has been behind another murder. This time two females and one male was found brutally murdered in an old warehouse-" Jongin turned off the television and sighed.

"You, too?"

"Sorry, hyung. I know you told me not to follow the story too close, but I'm just worried about Minseok."

"I know, Kyungsoo, but trust me, Sehun will find him. I know he will." Jongin said, wrapping his arm around Kyungsoo's shoulders.

"I hope you're right…" Kyungsoo mumbled.

"I hope so too."




"Huh?" Yoongi looked up from his coffee.

"Are you okay?" Hoseok asked concerned.

"Yeah… yeah, I'm fine." Yoongi replied with a sigh. "It's just the case, you know? It's horrible."

"You should try to get your mind off things sometimes, hyung…" Hoseok said with a small smile.

"I can't..!" Yoongi groaned. "I keep thinking of Jimin and what happened to him, what if that happens to Minseok?"

"Yoongi, you're trying your best. You can't do more than that."

"I know, but…" Yoongi trailed off.

"Listen, I think you should take the day off tomorrow."

"What?!" Yoongi looked at the other as if he had lost his mind.

"You can come back with new energy, maybe your brain just need to turn off for a while. It has helped you before."

Yoongi sighed, knowing Hoseok was right. He usually were, at least when it came to what would help Yoongi. Hoseok probably knew Yoongi better than he knew himself.

"Yeah, okay…"

Hoseok smiled warmly at him.




"Can you handle it, Kibum?"

"Sorry?" Kibum looked surprised at Mr. Park.

"As you know, I've been contacted by the FBI. They're very interested in the case, but I won't let them have it if you think you can handle it."

"Of course we can handle it! Sehun knows plenty about serial killer behavior, and Yoongi and Taehyung are surprisingly-"

"I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about you. Can you handle it?"

Kibum paused. He bit his lip.

"It doesn't matter. I have to find him."

"Listen, Kibum, if it's because of Kwangsun-"

"I can handle it, okay?!" Kibum snapped.

Mr. Park sighed. "Very well."

Kibum watched Mr. Park leave the room. He sat down with a frustrated sigh. He felt his eyes get teary and immediately he rubbed them with the back of his hand.

He sighed again, this time it was shakier. He felt a lump in his throat and he swallowed hard.

"I'll get him Kwangsun. Don't worry."



I hate myself.

Minseok bit his lip, trying not to cry. He watched Luhan, who was sleeping peacefully beside him.

I feel dirty.

Minseok wanted nothing more than to shower. Maybe he could wash away all the invisible dirty marks Luhan had left on him. It felt so wrong.

I'm sorry, Sehun.

The teenager wasn't sure he could look Sehun in the eye when he found him. If he found him.

Minseok shook his head. Of course Sehun would find him! No doubt about it! And Sehun would still like him. He wouldn't care that Luhan had dirtied him.

He knew he had to keep his hope. After all, it seemed it was the only thing he had left.



So, yeah, everyone is sad and has troubles and I feel like kind of bad. Sorry. 

Also sorry for not updating more often, I really wish I had more time. :/

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, though :3

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Chapter 29: Nice story. Did Minseok got over the psychological manipulation?
1312AZ #2
Chapter 29: Luhan's background is just like in those crime shows on TV ... And it's his parent's fault, they're crazy
Chapter 18: Psycho Luhan is always different level....
Dragon777 #4
Legion97 #5
Congrats :D
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 29: Luhan is really manipulative
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 11: why would they leave him alone
XiaoShixun #9
Chapter 5: Oh nooooo