Chapter 13

White Roses

When Minseok opened his eyes again, the room was painted orange by the setting sun outside. He immediately remembered everything, and a feeling of anxiousness washed over him. Not even the beautiful sky gave him any hope.

Minseok sat up and looked around the room. It was so big, yet so empty. Involuntarily, Minseok shuddered. It was so quiet, too. The only sounds came from him, his breathing and movements.

And footsteps.

Minseok looked towards the door, bracing himself for Luhan’s entrance. He heard the door unlock and the pretty man entered the room.

“Hi…” Luhan greeted, almost shyly.

“H-hi…” Minseok answered, unsure.

Luhan smiled. He closed the door behind himself, before walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed. Sitting cross-legged, Minseok didn’t dare to move. He certainly didn’t want to anger Luhan.

“Minseok…” Luhan said his name. His voice was so gentle; Minseok could barely believe this was the same person who had him frightened for dear life a few hours earlier.

The boy looked up nervously and met Luhan’s big brown eyes. He saw so much affection in the man’s eyes, but there was something else as well, and that was what scared him. He had seen how fast Luhan changed mood. Whatever was behind the affection was frightening Minseok so, and he shivered.

“Are you okay? Are you cold?” Luhan asked worriedly and cupped Minseok’s cheek.

“I’m f-fine…” The boy stuttered.

A complete lie. The hand on his cheek had Minseok’s blood running cold. Just a touch from the man terrified him.

Luhan sighed and crawled further onto the bed, until he was sitting cross-legged as well, in front of the boy. He cupped both of Minseok’s cheeks. With a loving smile, he leaned forward, their foreheads touching.

Minseok felt his heartbeat speed up. It almost felt like it would burst through his ribcage.

“Are you blushing, Minnie~?” Luhan cooed.

Minseok’s eyes snapped open. He wasn’t even sure when he had closed them. Luhan was smiling amused at him. He even giggled at Minseok’s dumbfounded face, seemingly oblivious to the boy’s fear.

“You know…” Luhan pulled away from the boy, still with a smile on his face. “I think we should do something with your hair…”

Minseok furrowed his eyebrows as Luhan ran a hand through his dark locks.

“What..? W-why?”

“Because you’re cute and your hair has to match..!” Luhan grinned. “Maybe pink, hmm?”

Minseok blinked confused. Luhan wanted to dye his hair? He didn’t get to think more of it, because Luhan was pulling him to his feet.

“Come on!” Luhan chimed and dragged Minseok to the bathroom connected to his room. “We’ll fix it right now!”

Minseok sputtered out an incoherent reply, trying to turn down Luhan’s idea nicely.

“Don’t worry Minnie; I know what I’m doing.” Luhan said with a smile. “We just need to bleach your hair first. Wait here.”

Minseok watched Luhan leave, probably to get the tools for turning his hair pink. The boy was completely confused. Luhan’s happy mood was definitely better than his cold anger, but it still scared Minseok. He had no idea where he stood with Luhan; it was as if he was a different person. Maybe he was schizophrenic?



“Yoongi, Taehyung?” Kibum caught the two Daegu boys’ attention. “I was thinking, is there any specific reason you two are here and not someone else?”

Sehun looked up; it was a thing he had wondered, too. The two would normally be deemed too young for a case like the one they were trying to crack.

Yoongi and Taehyung shared a look. Taehyung nodded and Yoongi cleared his throat.

“Well, we dealt with something similar. No murders, though, but the kidnapping is comparable.”

“How so?” Sehun asked, genuinely interested.

“A sixteen year old kid was kidnapped by this grown man. He had been stalking him for months before actually doing anything. We found all the proof we needed in the apartment he lived in.”

“Who was the kid?”

“Park Jimin. He was missing for 6 months. Usually he would be regarded as dead, but our chief let Taehyung and I finish the case.”

“6 months?” Sehun looked horrified.

“Yes.” Taehyung took over. “He was surprisingly fine. The kidnapper hadn’t hurt him, not really. A few physical hits I believe, but nothing major. Of course the kid was scared out of his mind, and he’s still seeing a psychologist I believe.”

“But he’s moving on.” Yoongi said. “Last I checked up on him he had found a boyfriend.”

“Yeah?” Kibum looked slightly surprised.

“Yeah.” Yoongi nodded. “Kim Namjoon, a psychologist in training.”

“Did they find out why he was kidnapped?” Sehun asked, not caring much about what happened next to Park Jimin.

“They had all kinds of psychologists and psychotherapists talk to the kidnapper and it seemed he was in love.”

“In love?!” Kibum looked disbelievingly at Yoongi.

“Well, what he thought was love. He was… obsessed with the boy, I guess.”

“I think it’s the same here.” Sehun said. “In the letter I got he referred to Minseok as his.”

“It would make sense.” Taehyung said.

“It’s definitely a possibility.” Kibum stated.

“I think you can count it as our best guess, for now at least. Though I would say that this guy is obviously more professional.” Yoongi spoke.

Sehun nodded. A part of him hoped they were right, if they were, Minseok would most likely be somewhat safe. But then again if they were right then…

“The kidnapper,” Yoongi and Taehyung both gave Sehun their attention. “did he ever force the kid, Jimin, into any ual activities?”

“Officially…” Yoongi started, looking knowingly at Taehyung. “No. But…”

“But what?”

“I, both of us actually, believe that forced ual activities did happen, but shame made the poor boy keep it to himself.” Yoongi said, not meeting Sehun’s eyes.

Kibum put a hand on Sehun’s shoulder. Sehun rubbed his temples in both frustration, anger and fear.

Finding Minseok only became more and more important to him. He had to find the boy. No matter what.



“We’re done!” Luhan pulled the towel away.

Minseok’s eyes widened at his reflection. He was staring at himself in disbelief. His black hair was gone and instead pastel pink locks of hair framed his face.

“You look so cute Minnie!” Luhan squealed. “We need to put in some hair repair, though. We’ll watch a movie or something while it’s in, okay?”

Minseok didn’t answer. He was still in shock. He just watched Luhan rubbing the hair product into is newly dyed hair. Luhan placed a towel on the boy’s shoulders, before grabbing his hand and pulling him downstairs to the living room.

Luhan got the boy seated on the couch and found a romantic comedy for them to watch. He got comfortable beside Minseok and wrapped an arm around the boy. Minseok tensed, but forced himself to relax, hoping that he could keep Luhan in this good mood.



The movie was nothing to cheer for, or maybe Minseok just hadn’t followed close enough. He was confused and could barely recall any of the characters. He had spent most of the time internally freaking out. Luhan hadn’t laughed during the movie, he hadn’t even tried to chat with Minseok.

“Let’s go wash your hair.” Luhan stood up and Minseok followed.

He silently followed the man through the house. Luhan was in a different mood, but Minseok couldn’t figure out whether it was a good or bad thing.

Luhan still seemed gentle when washing and drying Minseok’s hair, but his silence gave the boy an eerie feeling. Minseok took a deep breath before calling out the man’s name, making him stop in the doorway.

Luhan turned around and looked expectantly at the boy.

“Are you a-angry at me..?” Minseok’s voice was nothing but a whisper.

Luhan raised an eyebrow.

“Why do you ask?”

Minseok gulped. He looked down at his hands, which were placed in his lap. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

He heard Luhan sigh. The door closed and the man walked back to him. He grabbed the boy’s chin, making him look up at him. With his free hand, he touched Minseok’s still damp hair.

“I am angry,” Minseok instantly grew frightened. “but you can make it better.”

The boy blinked. Luhan smiled, an unnerving smile, and pushed him back into the bed.

“If you’ll let me fix you. Let me make you mine. Only mine.” Minseok watched horrified as Luhan crawled over him. The man’s hands rested on each side of Minseok’s head, and his knees on each side of the boy’s hips.

Luhan leaned down. Instinctively Minseok turned his head away. Luhan’s breath was warm against his skin, his lips right by Minseok’s ear.

“Just say yes, Minnie…”

By now, Minseok had started to tremble slightly. He knew exactly what Luhan wanted him to say yes to. But he didn’t want to. He wanted to scream no and never, but not a single sound left him.

Once again, Luhan rested his forehead against Minseok’s. He sighed.

“Minnie, please look at me…” Luhan begged.

Minseok hesitated, but complied. He felt a pang of guilt hit him. Never had he seen anyone look so hurt and betrayed. He wasn’t supposed to feel guilty, he had done nothing wrong, but with the way Luhan was looking at him he couldn’t help it. He felt as though he had kicked a puppy.

“Please don’t be afraid of me…” Luhan mumbled sadly. “I won’t hurt you, you know?”

The man moved his head to rest it against Minseok’s shoulder. Minseok tensed and his heartbeat sped up again. He felt Luhan nuzzle against his neck, reflexively Minseok whimpered in response. He could feel Luhan’s breath when the man sighed a second time.

“Why don’t you trust me?” It was obvious that he wanted an answer, but Minseok stayed silent.

What was he supposed to say anyway? If he told the truth, that Luhan scared the wits out of him and made him fear for his life, the man would definitely get angry. On the other hand, if he didn’t say a thing Luhan would most likely get angry at him, too.

With a frustrated sound, Luhan pulled away from the boy. He brushed the boy’s pink hair away from his face. He looked over the boy’s features, took in his fair skin, brown cat-like eyes and soft looking lips. He caressed Minseok’s cheek softly.

“Are you afraid of me?” Luhan didn’t miss how Minseok swallowed nervously. “So you are, huh?”

Luhan looked away. His posture was calm for a moment, but then anger flashed over his face. His jaw clenched and he lifted his fist in the air. Minseok squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the pain. It didn’t come, instead he felt Luhan hit the bed beside his head with great force. He heard Luhan swear before he crawled off Minseok. The door was shut harshly and locked right after.

Shaking, Minseok sat up. He turned towards the window. Outside the moon shone brightly in a cloudless sky. He could tell from the shade of blue in the sky that they were on the later side of midnight.

Letting out a shaky breath, Minseok got comfortable in the bed. He wasn’t tired. He was terrified. His blood was still pumping quickly. At least an hour passed before he felt sleep finally invade his mind.

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Chapter 29: Nice story. Did Minseok got over the psychological manipulation?
1312AZ #2
Chapter 29: Luhan's background is just like in those crime shows on TV ... And it's his parent's fault, they're crazy
Chapter 18: Psycho Luhan is always different level....
Dragon777 #4
Legion97 #5
Congrats :D
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 29: Luhan is really manipulative
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 11: why would they leave him alone
XiaoShixun #9
Chapter 5: Oh nooooo