Chapter 29

A Twisted Fairytale
—  Chapter  Twenty   Nine

Baro knocked on Haneul's room door.

"Who is it?" She asked, buried in her homework.

"Baro." He said and Haneul froze.

"Can i come in?" He asked.

Haneul hesitated for a moment. "Go away."

"Please just let me in." He said,

There was a moment of silence.

Haneul bit her lip. "I guess Sooyoung won't know." She mumbled and opened the door for Baro.

He smiled and stepped in.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I just wanted to apologise. I'm sorry for shouting at you. I was just angry that you injured yourself for someone else. I'm really sorry. Will you forgive me?" He said, taking her hands into his.

Haneul looked at Baro. "I...don't know..."

"What do you mean?" He asked, confused.

Haneul couldn't bring herself to look Baro in his eyes. She wasn't sure if Sooyoung would kill her she forgave him.

"Please?" He knelt down in front of her.

Haneul was shocked. "Yah, get up."

"Only if you forgive me." He said with much determination.

Haneul seemed hesitant.

Baro could feel his heart thumping quickly. He didn't want their relationship to end. "I promise i will never shout at you again." He said. "Please..." he pleaded again.

"Go away. I don't want to see you. Just leave." She said with much difficulty. "I-I need to be alone for awhile."

Baro sighed and left.

Haneul blinked away her tears. "I'm sorry..."




Haneul opened her room door and saw Baro on the floor with his back leaning against the wall, fast asleep.

"Wake up. What are you doing here?" She whispered.

Baro didn't stir.

"You're going to catch a cold." She frowned.

Baro refused to budge.

"If i say i forgive you, will you get up?" she sighed.

Baro's eyes immediately opened. "Will you?"

Haneul smiled and nodded. "I don't stay mad at people for more than 5 minutes."

Baro smiled happily and hugged her tightly. "I was worried our relationship would end."

"Relax. I don't hold grudges that easily. It's all Sooyoung's fault." She laughed softly.

Baro smiled. "I'm glad that you forgave me."

"Me too." She smiled happily.




Over the weeks, Baro and Haneul grew closer than ever. They were always seen together, and were the sweetest couple on earth.

Meanwhile, Hwamin's relationship with her family was getting from bad to worse. Everyday, shouts could be heard when eomma was scolding Hwamin.

It happened so frequently that the neighbors had gotten used to it.

The hate in Hwamin grew everyday.

She often threw tempers and her room was in a horrible mess.

No one could help her. No one wanted to. Her friends shunned her, her teachers were annoyed at her.

No one bothered to even talk to her due to her anger management problems...

She was all alone.




Author Note

Hey, i'm back~ Just wanted to give an update in the morning because i'm going for a campfire tonight. ^-^

The next chapter is gonna be the so you'd better be prepared for it keke. I feel so evil. >~<

Anyway, i might not update tomorrow because i have church in the morning and i want to study afterwards. So my next update will probably be on Monday. 

Here's B1A4 to make your day. I'm so sorry i left out Sandeul and CNU. I'll have them in the next story if i even make one. LOL. 

Have a nice weekend~ :D



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Chapter 12: can I curse? That Hwamin is really too much....
Thanks a lot :)
Seoyunaria #3
Chapter 49: Wah !!! This story is so very good ! I enjoy reading this ^^
I enjoyed reading this!!
iluvEXOforever #5
Chapter 48: so true, the end.. all fairytales end the same, twisted or not.. i wish i could live in a fairytale, because my life like hell right now..
iluvEXOforever #6
Chapter 41: hee^^ they're wearing hot pink^^
iluvEXOforever #7
Chapter 17: holy s**t my mom's name is byeol and you're starting to freak me out with your immensly scary deja vuing
iluvEXOforever #8
That's ma name... Haneul.. Except I'm PARK Haneul, not IM Hanuel.. oh well.. is this just a coincidence, because my little sis's name is Hamin, not Hwamin.. God, this is scary..
Luuvingmusic #9
Chapter 45: Omg so I'm so sorry I haven't commented. I sorta got busy with school ! :( I cant Belive it that she still doesn't remember! Keep writin please !