Chapter 10

A Twisted Fairytale

Before you continue reading, i must warn you that this chapter is a littleeeee violent. Sorry about that... 




"WHAT?! You slapped her again?!" Eomma screamed.

"I-" Haneul didn't get a chance to reply. A smack was heard as the cane hit her delicate flesh.

The hitting continued at the same spot until it started to bleed. But the hitting didn't stop.

Before long, there was quite a considerable amount of blood on the cane. 

Eomma finally stopped hitting her when the cane actually broke in half. She stared at the cane before muttering, "I need a new one."

Haneul fell to the ground, her legs were too weak to support her body weight.

Hwamin watched from a corner. She smirked, "That'll teach you a lesson." 

That night, Haneul locked herself up in her room, crying for the umpteenth time in her life. She didn't get anything to eat or drink. 

For the first time in her life, she knew no one could possibly help her.




Haneul sat down at her desk and slumped over the table, limp and broken due to the beating yesterday.

Baro walked into class and noticed her shallow breathing. He became very worried, and tapped on her shoulder. 

Haneul shot up in pain and held her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He asked, eyes full of concern.

She nodded and went back to lying on the table.

Baro frowned. "What happened?"

"Nothing." She murmured.

He sighed and frowned. There was nothing he could do if she refused to tell him anything.




During physical education~~

"10 rounds, no more no less." The coach instructed strictly.

Haneul wrapped her arms around herself. She felt extremely cold. "Sonsaengnim, is it okay to run with my jacket on?" She asked.

"Of course." He nodded and the class started their run.

Baro looked at the jacket closely. It seemed like the same one he had given her when she got chased out of her house.

During the entire run, Haneul had to concentrate hard to keep herself from collapsing. The run had tired her out completely, she had absolutely no energy left in her...




Hwamin was crying yet again.

"What happened this time?" Jinyoung asked.

"Haneul tore my school blazer." She cried.

Jinyoung was furious. "Where is she?"

Unlucky Haneul happened to be passing by at that moment. She was concentrating on walking itself so much that she didn't see the both of them.

"Yah, Im Haneul!" Jinyoung called out.

Haneul didn't hear him at all. He walked forward and gave her a gentle kick.

That was more than Haneul could take. Her legs gave way and she collapsed to the ground, unable to move a muscle. 

She was suddenly aware of how much her muscles ached, how much her scars hurt.

She lay there motionlessly. barely breathing,

"Stop pretending and get up." Jinyoung commanded. 

But Haneul couldn't stand up, she didn't even have enough strength left in her to lift her arms up or open her eyes.

She felt something warm on her forehead. "She's burning up." The deep voice said. A pair of arms lifted her up and carried her away. She felt a second presence beside her, but she didn't know who it was.

"Don't worry, i'll take care of you.' That deep voice whispered..




YAY, a second update like i had said. 

Sorry if the chapter was a little too gory, i'm dramatic.  XD

Anyway, here you go. 

I might update again tomorrow if i have the time. As for next week, i'm not so sure. I'll try my best to update though. 


Tomorrow is Amazing Store's last day. #AMAZINGSTOREDAY5 Time really flies. It seems like yesterday i was waiting in front of the laptop to wait for Amazing Store Day 1's updates. *sigh*

I'm sure all international banas feel the same way i do...

Why am i emoing here lol. Have fun, people, though i bet all of you are older than me. Eonnies, maybe? Heuheu. 

See you next time! :D 

BTW, i didn't check for errors okay.

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Chapter 12: can I curse? That Hwamin is really too much....
Thanks a lot :)
Seoyunaria #3
Chapter 49: Wah !!! This story is so very good ! I enjoy reading this ^^
I enjoyed reading this!!
iluvEXOforever #5
Chapter 48: so true, the end.. all fairytales end the same, twisted or not.. i wish i could live in a fairytale, because my life like hell right now..
iluvEXOforever #6
Chapter 41: hee^^ they're wearing hot pink^^
iluvEXOforever #7
Chapter 17: holy s**t my mom's name is byeol and you're starting to freak me out with your immensly scary deja vuing
iluvEXOforever #8
That's ma name... Haneul.. Except I'm PARK Haneul, not IM Hanuel.. oh well.. is this just a coincidence, because my little sis's name is Hamin, not Hwamin.. God, this is scary..
Luuvingmusic #9
Chapter 45: Omg so I'm so sorry I haven't commented. I sorta got busy with school ! :( I cant Belive it that she still doesn't remember! Keep writin please !