Day 6: Junsu.

I Changed His Life Forever -Hiatus-

a/n: hey yeah! sorry if you all panicked this weekend! I decided that I wont post on weekends because they're too stressful :( Sorry! I'll post chapters on weekdays but guess what? :> I have until chapter 7 already! :D


jlynne: i dont know why yoochun's going yet :)) I haven't decided yet either :))

yncassie: ta-da~!

butterfly444: thanks :D

_azn-queen: almost~ 


-Junsu's POV-

I'll text Yoochun hyung. I wonder if he's free so we can eat breakfast since lunch is still far away. I wanted to eat breakfast here but Jaejoong's still asleep! He can't cook galbi for me! 

-End of POV-

-Start of Texts-

From: 킴 준수 Kim Junsu

Time: 8:43 am

Hyung! Are you awake!?!?!

From: 밬 윷훈 Park Yoochun

Time: 8:44 am

I am now! :( Why'd you text me this early?!? It's only 8 am!!!

From: 킴 준수 Kim Junsu

Time: 8:47 am

미안해! I wanted to ask you if you can eat breakfast with me. I have to tell you something! It's important!

From: 밬 윷훈 Park Yoochun

Time: 8:50 am

Fine fine. Meet you there in 10 minutes.

-End of Texts-

-Yoochun's POV-

"Aish. What does he need now?" Stupid duck . Waking up people early in the morning! I'm gonna go change. I wonder what's wrong with him.

-End of POV-

/in the diner styled restaurant/

-Junsu's POV-

Aigoo~ Where's my hyung? He's late! OMO! Speaking of the devil! He's here!! "Morning Junsu."

-End of POV-

Yoochun sat down beside Junsu and called for the waitress. 

"Ah. I'll order the waffle with bacon bits and sausage cuts in it."

"Any drink to go with that sir?"

"Hmmmm.... no. I think I'll just have water."

"How about YOU?"

"I'll get the pancake with 2 levels and chocolate syrup to go with it."


The waitress wrote Junsu's order really fast and turned to Yoochun. 

"Do you want any desserts sir~?"

"Junsu, do you want any desserts that's gonna be served later?"

"I want a plain sundae!"

"Sure. Whatever."

Junsu noticed that the waitress never looked at him while ordering. She sounded cold while talking to him too! She was always looking at Yoochun. "! Stop looking at him!" The waitress suddenly looked at him with a stinky eye, turned around and walked away from the table like what she should've done minutes ago since she finished taking their orders already. 

"I think she's a new waitress. So... Remember that thing I was gonna tell you? Remember yesterday? When I told you that I wasn't gonna be able to go with you after school?"

"Yeah I do. Tell me about it!"

"Well I went with ________ to watch a movie. We ate before watching the movie. Unfortunately, I ordered shrimp fettuccine and she didn't know that she was badly allergic to shrimp. She had to be rushed to the hospital--"


"No Yoochun! You're over reacting again!! She had to be given some allergy medicine and it wasn't a non drowsy thing so she had to sleep. After forever, she woke up and it was like, 10 minutes before the movie started so we rushed so fast to the movie theater. We got in right on time though! Right when we started the movie, BAM! It started!"

"Oh how cool!!!"

"She fell asleep 30 minutes into the movie though... And by the way, I always felt like I was being watched or something. When the movie ended, I woke her up and I needed to bring her home. I was gonna drop her off in front of her apartment door but she was dead asleep in the car... So I carried her to her apartment and people were looking at me weirdly!!! I brought her in her apartment and found her room..."

-Yoochun's POV-

Omo! Junsu in a girls room! Did he do anything bad!?? I swear if he did, I would stay home and keep getting mad at him! I'm just being forced by my parents to go the the US! I hate it! I just wanna stay here! They think that my friends here are bad influences for my future. They want me to continue studying there! UGH!!!!!!!!!!

-End of POV-

"..And no hyung. You're so predicable. I didn't do anything bad to her. After I put her down on her bed, I slept on the couch outside her room. When I woke up, she was mad at me because she thought I did something bad to her. She told me leave! After all I did for her! She doesn't remember anything!!! Oh yeah... I though I saw Jae hyung in front of her apartment building... sleeping... in his car... I think I scared a random stranger because the car suddenly drove away! I feel like a weirdo because I screamed my lungs out at the car!" Yoochun was so predictable... According to Junsu. To other people, not so much. "Ah. Junsu. Thank god you didn't do anythign bad to her. I think you saw someone else and not Jaejoong because I remember yesterday, I saw him go home early. Like, really early. I don't know why though. He probably was tired from all his fangirls hogging him all day." They continues to wolf down the food and asked for the sundae to be served. After that, Yoochun brought Junsu home. 

/Kim's Mansion/

"JAE HYUNGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU AWAKE YETTTTTT???????" A maid went near Junsu and said, "Master Junsu! Good morning! Master Jaejoong is still sleeping! He ordered us to keep quiet because he seemed to have difficulty sleeping last night." 

-Junsu's POV-

This is so fishy! I wonder if I really saw Jaejoong hyung this morning... Oh well. I think I'm gonna have a movie marathon today since I have nothing to do! Movies, HERE I COME! Oooh popcorn!

-End of POV-


 Hey hey hey people! Liked this chapter? The next 2 chapters are how things go in this day :D I honestly don't know what's gonna happen because when I write a chapter, I seriously don't know what's happening and I just type type type. I only know how it comes out when I finish writing it :))   

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jonginybear #1
this is sooooo good!!
Everytimeyoublink #3
Remember, when Jaejoong (the real one) "died" in the old warehouse? :><br />
Because of TOP.
MusicMyLove #4
woah woah woah! wait what?! so jaejoong's body is alive? well like someone else is in jaejoong's body?! crazy! what a mix up! how the heck did that happen?! update soon!!
MusicMyLove #5
omg that is creepy X_X
I don't remember 0.0<br />
Everytimeyoublink #7
I originally wanted it to be like that :))<br />
I'll go with that.<br />
<br />
I'm sorry I can't update :(
Can't Jaejoong be Jaejoong in his own body??
Everytimeyoublink #9
@glamCITY I'm sorry D: I'll fix it. Well, what part don't you understand?
... What? <br />
I'm sorry I don't get this...