Day 11: New

I Changed His Life Forever -Hiatus-


a/n: I will be on hiatus the whole week next week.  I'm so sorry you guys T_T I already failed a midterm exam! I can't fail a final exam! So here, I couldn't just leave you guys with a note! I had to write a whole chapter for you :) too lazy to make a pic for this XD




/4 days later [Friday] After school; Outside the gate of school/

"Jaejoong! Hey! Wanna go to the mall? I heard this new shop opened and--" Yunho grabbed Jaejoongs wrist as he was about to leave the school already and Jaejoong suddenly looked at him with an icy stare. "WHAT? Fine." Jaejoong told his driver that he'll be at the mall close by and he'll just call when he's ready to go home. The driver drove away leaving Jaejoong and Yunho together waiting for Yunho's car.


~_________'s Side of the Story~


-_________'s POV-

Aigoo~ I really wanna go to that new store in the mall! I can't wait to get new clothes! I should ask Se7en to go with me. I know he can't say no now! hahaha

-End of POV-


-Start of Call-

"Hey oppa~~"

"_________-ah? What's up?"

"Ah Se7en~ You know there's a new store in the mall...."

"Mmmm... Let me guess... You want to go there right?"

"Haha! Am I really that predictable? So.. When are you picking me up? You already know my address right? I texted it to you a few days ago just incase you wanted to visit."

"Yeah. I remember. I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Sure oppa! You're the best!!"

"I love you!!"


-End of Call-


/After a few minutes outside _________'s house/

"_________! Come out already~ I'm here!" _________ ran to her door and opened it and saw Se7en on her doorstep waiting for her. "Wow _________! I like what you're wearing!"


[Your outfit:]


"Thanks! Oh wait, I forgot my bag upstairs. Wanna go inside first?" As he went inside her house, he looked around seeing that this was way different from her old house. Her house had a minimalist theme and this made her house look very spacious. He sat on the big white couch and waited. 


[Living room:]

[Your room:]


After a few minutes without _________ going downstairs, Se7en rose from his seat and started walking up the stairs. Walking to _________'s room, he heard _________ talking to someone faintly and put his head against the door to listen. "Who is this?!? How do you know my name?!" He heard _________ sounding scared and decided that he should go in and stop what was happening. He opened the door, walked quickly to _________, grabbed the phone and said, "Whoever this is, shut the hell up and stay away from her." He then put the phone down and _________ just looked at him blankly. "Uh... Se7en... Thanks? Um... I think we can go now.... Sorry to keep you waiting!" She walked out her bedroom door and pretended to look like nothing happened. Se7en followed her and soon they were in his car driving to the mall. The drive to the mall was awkward because of what happened in _________'s room and Se7en thought that it was a good idea to break the ice by saying something. "I'll buy you anything you want~ I love you, my princess~" He said it as if it was a song and _________ started laughing. "Hahaha! What the heck was that?" Se7en was glad that it wasn't awkward in the car anymore and replied, "Well. It is true. It sounds lame but that's all I have right now." After a few more minutes, they arrived the malls car park and parked. They walked going to the stores and there it was, the new store. _________ rushed into the store and took time to absorb the sight of new clothes everywhere. She walked up to a dress




and asked Se7en, "How does this look? Is it okay?" Se7en nodded then said, "You know everything looks good on you~" _________ laughed then looked at Se7en, "Too cheesy!"


-Yunho's POV-

Is that _________? Why is she here?!? My plans are going to be ruined if Jaejoong sees her! I need to tell those people to get her here and not in her house. I hope all these plans go right!


-Start of Call-

"She's not in her house anymore. Go to the new shop in the mall near our school. You should know where that is. She's here."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure! Why are you questioning me?!?!"

"미안해! I'm really sorry! I wont question you anymore. We'll be there in a few minutes."

"Look casual... DO YOUR JOB RIGHT."


-End Call-


They better do it right.... "Jaejoong.... Did you find what you wanted already?" He was already holding a bunch of clothes but he still looked like he wasn't finished. "Not yet~ One more thing. I just have to find it. You wanna stay here and wait?" Uh.... um..... I HAVE TO ACT NORMAL. He might suspect something... "Sure?" Dear god, I hope this works out.


-Jaejoong's POV-

"I think I've got the last thing I needed to buy already! I should go back to where I left Yunho.... Or not. Hahahaha just kidding! Isn't that..... That Se7en guy who was with _________? Her boyfriend. Ugh. Still can't believe that. I need to get her.. back? Where's _________? Shouldn't she be here somewhere? 

-End of POV-


As the men Yunho hired came into the store, they didn't look that suspicious. They were all dressed up as if they were rich people. Yunho was that serious to get Jaejoong back. Jaejoong didn't even know about anything. The hired people looked around the store and noticed that _________ just came out of a dressing room and decided to wait until she came out of the store. Se7en payed for what _________ bought and carried her shopping bags for her as they went out the store, a group of men went towards them and when Se7en wasn't looking, put a handkerchief over _________'s mouth and nose and dragged her away to an elevator near by, drugging her to unconsciousness. "_________, do you want to eat somewhere?" He looked around only to notice he was talking to air. "CRAP! WHERE IS SHE?!?! UGH. Calm down. Calm down. She probably went to the bathroom or another store. I think I should call her." He got his phone from his back pocket and typed in her number. A few rings and someone picked up the line. "_________? You left me! Where are you?" There was a short silence and suddenly a mans voice, not belonging to _________ spoke. "Stay safe." then the other line suddenly hung up. Se7en started panicking because he knew that the person on the other line wasn't _________ and she could be anywhere. He tried calling the number again and again but it kept saying that it was unavailable. 


-Jaejoong's POV-

Isn't that _________? Why does she look like she's asleep? Why is she being dragged into an elevator? WHAT IS THIS. WHAT'S HAPPENING? Omo! I should follow them! "Can I come back for these later? I forgot something!" The stores clerk just shook her head and I guess she meant yes. I shoved all the clothes at her and ran out the store following the group. I went to the elevator next to the one that _________ just went in and since the walls of the elevator were made out of glass, I saw that they were going to the parking. That's where me and Yunho parked too.... As they went out the elevator, I saw them walk to this big black van and pushed _________ who I think was unconscious... into the van. 




lol do you have an idea about who the anonymous kidnappers are? lemme give you a hint. they're a 5 member group. They don't belong to the sment family. Hmm... who do you think it is? :D Btw, I'll update this tomorrow, saturday too! Since I was sent home early from school because I sprained/broke idk yet my ankle. I don't know if it's broken.... Because I can't even stand up anymore ;___; 

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jonginybear #1
this is sooooo good!!
Everytimeyoublink #3
Remember, when Jaejoong (the real one) "died" in the old warehouse? :><br />
Because of TOP.
MusicMyLove #4
woah woah woah! wait what?! so jaejoong's body is alive? well like someone else is in jaejoong's body?! crazy! what a mix up! how the heck did that happen?! update soon!!
MusicMyLove #5
omg that is creepy X_X
I don't remember 0.0<br />
Everytimeyoublink #7
I originally wanted it to be like that :))<br />
I'll go with that.<br />
<br />
I'm sorry I can't update :(
Can't Jaejoong be Jaejoong in his own body??
Everytimeyoublink #9
@glamCITY I'm sorry D: I'll fix it. Well, what part don't you understand?
... What? <br />
I'm sorry I don't get this...