
It began with mistake (a.k.a. Forever love)



WZ and GG laid on their bed thinking about the incident.

“Why did my heart beat so fast?” They said softly

“Do I …? Don’t think too much, WZ. You love Ivy.” WZ said and closed his eyes.

“Do I fall for him?” GG asked herself

“What should I do now?” GG said and closed her eyes.

They tried to sleep but they couldn’t sleep at all. 

-----End of recap-----



*The next day: Weekend*

-----GG’s POV----

Knock knock knock….

“Who the hell is that? Disturb my beauty sleep.” I mumbled and pulled myself up to open the door.

“Oh my god! What happened to you, GG? You looked so… hahaha…” JJ busted out laughing.

“Do I look that funny?” I asked her with my eyes half opened.

“Let me take you to the mirror. You can look at yourself.” JJ said and pushed me to the mirror. I looked up to see how I look like.

“Oh my god! AHHHHHHHH!!!! What should I do now?” I shouted. My eyes were completely opened. JJ her chin and look at me.

“Take a shower first. I’ll put on some make up for you.” JJ suggested. I nodded and walked to the bathroom.


-----WZ’s POV-----

“WZ! Opened the door.” XJ knocked my door so loud. I couldn’t sleep anymore. I only slept about 3 hrs last night.

“What’s up?” I opened the door and asked him with my eyes half opened.

“I…. hahahaha….” He laughed. Did he knock my door just to laugh at me?

“What’s wrong? Do you have fever?” I asked confused

“Come here.” He pushed me to the mirror. I looked at him confused, but he just signaled me to look at the mirror. I did and

“Why the hell do I look like this?” I shouted. I couldn’t believe that the person in the mirror was me.

“I should be the one who ask this question.” He said

“Whatever. How can I go out today if I look like panda like this?” I asked

“Just take a shower and apply some cream. It will help.” He suggested.

“Alright.” I said and walked to the bathroom.


-----Third person’s POV-----

WZ and GG apply some cream to hide their dark circles under eyes and walked to the living room. WZ arrived first. Then GG followed behind after a moment. JJ and XJ were waiting for them. The four sat on the sofa and discussed about where to go that weekend since they had no works.


-----GG’s POV-----

“Hey! Where should we go today? I don’t want to spend this precious weekend at home.” JJ pouted.

“Oh come on. I’ll be with you.” XJ said and hugged JJ. She blushed so hard but he didn’t notice it.

“Find a room.” I and WZ said at the same time. We looked at each other for a second and turned back to the new couple. The last night incident flashed back in my head, so I started to blush. XJ and JJ looked suspicious at us. Oh no! I had to do something. Think think think, GG. Oh yeah….

“Hey!  I got an idea.” I changed topic.

“What is it?” JJ asked. I had a sigh of relief.

“Well, do you remember DIY ice cream shop, JJ?” I asked

“Of course. I will never forget it.” JJ said excitedly

“So why don’t we go there and have some fun?” I suggested

“Yes. Yes.” JJ exclaimed

“I’m not interested in it.” WZ said

“So do I.” XJ said

“So you guys go somewhere else. JJ and me go to DIY ice cream shop. Then we meet up for lunch. Ok?” I suggested.

“Alright.” XJ and WZ said

“See you then.” I and JJ said and left to the ice cream shop. We really loved the shop because we could make our favorite ice cream ourselves. It had been 5 years since we last came here.


*At the shop*

“Hello. What would you like to have?” A quite old woman asked us

“Auntie Cal, did you forget us?” I asked

“You are?” She said confused

“The kitchen destroyers!” We said

“GG! JJ! I really miss you.” She hugged us.

“I miss you, too.” I and JJ also hugged her back.

“So what would you like to have then?” She said with a smile.

“DIY ice cream of course.” I and JJ exclaimed

“Alright. Let’s Follow me.” She led us to the kitchen



“Here are the ingredients. Don’t destroy my kitchen again, ok?” She joked.

“We won’t.” I and JJ said. She left the kitchen.

“It’s cooking time!” I exclaimed.

“I don’t think this is called cooking.” JJ said

“so what do we call it?” I asked

“I don’t know.” JJ shrugged

“Then it’s whatever it’s called time!” I shouted again and we started making our favorite ice cream.  I was making strawberry ice cream while JJ was making chocolate chip ice cream. We decorated our ice creams with chocolate sauce, fresh strawberries, and chocolate candy. After we finished, we took the ice cream out and not forget to clean the kitchen.

“Waa…. Delicious.” I said dreamy

“Mine, too.” JJ said

“It reminds me of our high school years. We always came here after school.” I said

“And when our parents told us that we had to move to Taiwan, we came here to eat ice cream with tears.” JJ said

“Then auntie Cal comforted us that we will be able to come again sooner.”I said

“I really miss that time.” JJ said

“I remember you were such a shy girl that time.” I

“And you were such a bratty girl but now you’re a lot more mature.” JJ said

“You’re also a lot braver.” I admitted

“Time can change people.” JJ sighed

“I agree.” I nodded

“Hey! Do you remember our senior?” JJ asked

“Which one?” I frowned

“The captain of basketball team.” JJ answered

“OH. I remember. He always helped us.” I smiled

“Yeah. I wonder how he is now.” JJ was deep in thought

“No idea. I think we should leave now. Your boyfriend will kill me if we reach the restaurant late.” I looked at the watched and said

“You’re too exaggerated.” JJ said and we said goodbye to Auntie Cal.

On the way, we walked pass a park which was our favorite place in high school years. I told JJ to leave first because I wanted to walk there for a while.

“Don’t stay too long, ok? The Japanese restaurant is only 2 blocks away from here.” JJ repeated this sentence again and again.

“Yes, madam! Can you leave now, or your boyfriend will be boiling?” I joked. After she heard that, she quickly left. I sat on a bench nearby. Many memories flashed back. It seemed like everything just happened yesterday. About 10 minutes later, I left to the restaurant. To my bad luck, I bumped into a guy and fell down.

“Are you ok?” He asked and helped me up.

“I’m fine. Thanks.” I wiped the dirt out of my dress

“You look familiar…” He said and frowned

“Yes?” I frowned

“You are… GG?” He asked

“Yes. Who are you?” I asked surprisingly

“Did you forget me, my bratty Xiao Jie?” He asked with a smile. He really did look familiar and that sounded familiar, too. Oh! It’s him.

“Senior?” I said. He just nodded.

“Glad you still remember me. But just call me Aaron, ok? By the way, where is my shy little Jie?” Aaron asked

“Oh. JJ already left to the nearby restaurant.” I said with smile

“Why don’t we walk and talk? It saves the time.” He suggested. I just nodded, so we walked together to the restaurant. We talked a lot about the past and shared our phone numbers. He’s such a protective brother to me. Time flied so fast. We finally reached the restaurant.

“Would you like to join our lunch, Aaron?” I asked

“I have a meeting with my friends. Maybe next time.” He said

“Oh. Ok. Bye, Aaron.” I said

“Bye.” He said and walked away


-----WZ’s POV-----

“Hey, guys! Look! GG is with a boy. He’s quite handsome.” JJ pointed to the two

“Are you trying to make me jealous? Admire other boy in front of me.” XJ coughed

“Aiyo. Don’t be angry. You’re a lot more handsome than him in my mind.” JJ said while hugging XJ’s arm. XJ was so proud with his girlfriend words.

“Even you’re not in the other’s eyes.” JJ continued. I can’t help but busted out laughing. Then my eyes met GG and the guy smiling at each other. It made me stop laughing. I felt like I don’t want to see her with other boy. I shook head and turned to the couple in front of me. JJ was soothing XJ while XJ was pouting. It’s such a funny scene.

“Hey, guys!” GG shouted happily. Was she really happy with him? WZ, stop thinking. It’s none of your business.

“Hi.” I and XJ said.

“Hey, G. Who’s the guy you were talking to at the moment?” JJ asked

“yeah. Is he your boyfriend? Why don’t you introduce him to us?” XJ added. Oh man. I felt something was burning inside me.

“Oh… you guys mean Aaron, right?” GG said

“So his name’s Aaron.” XJ said.

“Hey. This name’s familiar.” JJ frowned

“Of course. He’s our senior. We just talked about him and now he appeared. It’s fate.” GG said. I notice the feeling was gone. I unknowingly had a sigh of relief.

“Oh. I never thought he would become as handsome as now.” JJ exclaimed. XJ stared at her so she looked down.

“I’m still here. Why no one notice me?” I said

“Sorry.” They apologized

“Why don’t we order something?” I suggested. They nodded and we order some sushi sets. When the orders arrived, we started our lunch normally until….

“Oh. You take it.” GG said. We were about to take the last sushi on the plate at the same time.

“I’m ok. You take it.” I said

“No. You take it.” She said

“I’m a boy, so you take it.” I said

“No. You touched it first, so you take it.” She said. We continued like this again and again.

“If I’m not their friend, I will think they are couple.” JJ teased

“They somehow really look like a couple.” XJ nodded. I felt my cheek turning red. What are they talking about? I saw GG was blushing as well.

“So now I take half and you take half.” GG said and cut the sushi into 2 pieces. I took my piece and we ate silently.

“Finally, they solved it.” XJ said and hugged JJ.


Updated! The special guest was Aaron! If there is Aaronk there will also be ... . Guess the special guest in next chapter! ^^  Comment!

Next chapter: couple bickering or enemies fight? 

And i want to say that I won't update my other story "My love for you" for a while because "Forever Love" is shorter and I want to complete it first. 



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@guiwanglove: i'm glad u like it. I just started to write a new story. hope you give it a look. ^^
@jgloryj:thx. :)
@guiwang4ever: thx. I will try to write more as long as my inspiration isn't running out. XD
HanaSena: thx u so much!
@flattummy: thx!
@xayuze: I'm glad u love guiwang!
xayuze #2
Chapter 20: guiwang forever <3
flattummy #3
i like the characters!!
HanaSena #4
Ohhhh......I Really Love This!!!!!
guiwang4ever #5
i really really really like your story!!!=) <br />
write more=)
like the story...
guiwanglove #7
I really like your story!! write more.haha
@Prince99:<br />
thanks you for reading and commenting on my story. ^^
Bibi: <br />
I am also busy with school. Its exam period now! Next week would be my exam papers.... Anyway, looking forward to more GuiWang scenes