My prince??+She's back

It began with mistake (a.k.a. Forever love)


Chapter 13: My Prince??+She’s back


“Don’t put me in the same sentence with him.” HB said.

“I didn’t put him. I just put AR.” XJ smirked.

“You kid!” HB shouted. Seeing this, XJ quickly dragged JJ to their rooms before he was killed.

-----End of recap-----


*GG’s room*

-----GG’s POV-----

The wind blew lightly which seemed like magic spell to make me walked out to the balcony. I put my hands up and took a deep breath. The star was shining in the sky while the cloud was trying to cover the moon. The sound of waves continually hit the shore was like natural beats of music. I stood still enjoying the night with my eyes closed. Suddenly, I felt someone was behind me, but I saw nothing when I turned around. I frowned and looked into my room. Then, someone covered my mouth and nose with a handkerchief. Everything in front of me started to be blurred and blackout. I didn’t know anything after that. 

When I opened my eyes, I was already tied up with a thick rope. My mouth was covered with a piece of duct tape. I looked around trying to find way to get out, but it was too dark. I couldn’t see anything. Suddenly, a dark figure approached slowly. 

“Wu Yingje from Wu companies huh?” A male voice was heard. It was no wondered why he knew me but I wondered why he kidnapped me. Sadly, I couldn’t ask because my mouth was covered.

“Wonder why I kidnapped you?” The man continued. I nodded even I knew he might not see it. 

“A week ago, your father fired me. I asked him why. He just said I was not good enough. Huh. Not good enough… I put all my effort in this work and was honest with everything but he said I was not good enough??!!!  You know how much I need this job?? I have to raise 5 people in my family! Now what? I can’t find a new job! They said I had a bad background because your father fired me! Now I don’t have money! My parents are sick! My wife and children are starving everyday! I also don’t have to enough money to pay m children’s school fees. See what your father has done?” He shouted angrily. His story was so sad. I really didn’t know why my dad fired him. If I could leave here, I would have a talk with him about this.  Then, I could hear sounds of cry. He might be crying. 

“So you have to pay for this!” He said. My eyes enlarged. What was he going to do to me???

Soon, he came closer and closer to me. I tried to struggle but the rope was too tight. No matter how hard I struggled, only my chair that moved a little. I tried and tried and tried. Then, I felt my leg touch an iron container. Thanks god! I kick the container continually with all my strength. The man saw that and tried to walk faster to me. I was really nervous when he was only few meters away from me. All I could do was closing my eyes and wished that my prince would come to save me. I knew it was such a childish fairy tale thing, but I had no choice. Suddenly, the door flung open. It was too light, so I couldn’t see anything except a male figure walking from the door toward the man who kidnapped me and punch him continually until he fell on the ground. Then, he walked to me and untied the rope for me. He carried me bridal style and walked out of there. I tried to look at the mysterious man’s face, but my eyes were too blurred.

“My prince.” I mumbled. I smiled and fainted in his arms. 


-----Mysterious man’s POV-----

I was strolling in the park when I heard a loud noise from a little house which was hidden behind few big trees. The noise got louder and louder. I couldn’t stand it anymore!

“Who the hell make loud noise at night like this?” I said and walked angrily to house. The door was locked, so I kicked it hardly! It finally was opened. I could see a man standing and a girl with her head down was tied up. I was really pissed off with stupid like kidnapping so I walked quickly and threw punches on the man face and kicked him several times until he fainted on the ground. I walked to the girl and helped untied the rope. I could see she was a bit relieved and lifted her head up. That’s when I could see her face clearly. 

“GG.” I thought and hurriedly carried her bridal style to the hospital. She then fainted on the way.


*The next day: Hospital*

-----GG’s POV-----

I opened my eyes slowly and saw white ceiling. It was exactly not my room. I tried to get up, but the head was hurt, so I gave up. 

“GG, you’re awake!” HB said when she walked in the room with JJ and XJ. 

“Are you alright?” JJ asked in concern. I just nodded and smiled.

“Where am I?” I asked with a low voice since I still felt weak. 

“You’re at hospital. You were kidnapped last night. That man was already arrested, so you don’t have to worry.” XJ said. 

That man was arrested? So who raised his family then? 

“He just tied me up. He didn’t do any harmful things on me at all. I think we should forgive him.” I said.

“You’re too kind.” XJ shook his head a little.

“You know, he was so pitied. His family needs him. Can you let him go?” I said.

“But he-” XJ tried to say something more but got interrupted by me.

“No buts, ok?” I said.

“Alright. We’ll let him go.” XJ said.

“Thanks.” I smiled. 

“You know, GG, we were really worried about you. You already fainted when you came back.” JJ said. Yeah… Oh! That man! They might know who he was since he took me home. 

“Well… do you know who the man that saved me last night is?” I asked curiously.

“Well… he is-” XJ tried to tell me but got interrupted by WZ. He’s so bothersome! I shot him a dead glare. 

“What did I do wrong?” WZ asked puzzled. I pouted and looked away.

“Hey! Fatty! Are you alright? I thought you already died last night.” WZ teased me. 

“You!” I pointed at him. 

“Oh come on. I really taught you what the word “you” is and now you already forgot?” WZ teased me AGAIN. HB, JJ and XJ busted out laughing. I rolled my eyes and pouted. 

“Kids nowadays.” HB shook her head and laughed.


*The next few day*

-----Third person’s POV-----

GG finally left the hospital. JJ suggested a trip to Japan and they all agreed. But when JJ said AR also joined, HB protested. One couldn’t win 4, so HB gave up. They separated to pack up their things for the trip tomorrow.  (A/N:It’s not important, so skip to the trip!  ^^)



After few hours of flight, six of them finally reached Japan. They went directly to the hotel.

“What?” GG shouted after hearing that there were only 3 rooms for them. 

“What’s wrong with 3 rooms? We still have rooms to sleep.” JJ said like nothing was wrong.

“Nothing wrong? Alright! Then I will sleep with HB and you with XJ.” GG said. JJ shook her head with a mischievous grin. The other 5 looked confused with her. 

“We’re going to choose ballots like last time, but one girl and one boy have to stay in one room.” JJ smiled. She just wanted to revenge GG. GG pouted when JJ winked at her. 

“Whatever! Hurry up! I’m tired.” WZ said. 

“The boys can go to the room first. WZ, here’s the key of room 11. XJ, room 12. AR, room 13.” JJ said handed the keys to boys. They took the key and went to their rooms. 

“Now it’s our turn.” JJ smiled evilly while GG and HB swallowed. 


*A moment later….*

“No!!!!!” GG and HB shouted at the same time.

“Yes! Yes!!” JJ shouted happily. 

“Let’s go! GG has to go into the room first!” JJ continued. Well… now JJ and HB smiled evilly. GG was dragged to WZ’s room. 

“No!!” GG shouted. She was holding the door frame trying not to go in. 

“Yes !!” HB and JJ shouted and trying to open the door to push GG in. GG struggled so hard. Sadly, her hand hit the door knob making it opened. HB and JJ took that opportunity to push GG in and quickly closed the door. GG flew into the room and hit WZ’s chest. One of her hands was on his chest while the other was on his waist. WZ’s hand was on her waist, too. GG’s eyes enlarged because WZ was actually topless! He probably just took a shower. She looked up to him and he looked down to her. Time seemed to stop when their eyes met. There’s spark between them. After gaining her consciousness, GG quickly pushed WZ away, but she was too close to the bed, so she tripped onto the bed. Before she fell down, she held onto WZ’s arm trying not to fell, but WZ didn’t stand properly at all, so they both fell onto the bed with WZ on the top of GG and one of his arms was under her back. Their faces were only a few centimeters away from each other. They could hear their hearts beat so fast. It was a weird feeling. Kind of comfortable and special, but they didn’t know what it was. Their eyes were locked at each other for a LONG time. Then, WZ had an urge to kiss her, so he slowly bended down to GG’s face. GG didn’t know what she should do. All she did was lying there like a stone. When WZ’s lips met hers, her eyes enlarged in shock but then slowly closed. After a while, she replied the kiss back. WZ bit her low lip slightly making open and put his tongue in it. GG was shocked at first but eventually relaxed. Their tongue started battled with each other. Her arms naturally moved to hug his neck trying to make him as close to her as possible. WZ’s lips moved from her lips to her ears and slowly down to her neck. She groaned in pleasure while her hand was messing his hair. Then, WZ backed to attack her lips as his hands under her back was caressing her. Their eyes slowly opened. After realizing what they were doing, they stopped and quickly sat up in different directions. 

“Hm… I’m sorry.” WZ said scratching his head lightly. 

“Hm… It’s ok. I- I have to take a shower now.” GG said. She took her clothes and quickly walking bathroom. WZ just sat there looking at the bathroom door shutting and sigh.

“Why the hell did I do that?” WZ mumble and messed his hair up. 


Meanwhile at HB’s side….

“Go in!” JJ ordered.

“No!!” HB protested. 

“If you don’t go, I’ll do like we did to GG.” JJ smiled evilly. 

“Whatever! I won’t go in!” HB said folding her arms. When HB didn’t pay attention, JJ slowly moved her hand to the door knob and opened the door. Then, she pushed HB inside and closed the door like she did to GG. 

“What the-” HB was about to shout but stopped when she realized there’s nobody in the room.

“Where is Mr. Annoying?” HB mumbled and looked around the room. 

“Great! He’s not here. Better take a bath.” She said. She took her clothes and walked to bathroom. She opened the door and walked in. That’s when the bath curtain was suddenly opened. To her surprise….

“AHHHH!!!!!!!!” HB and AR shouted at the same time when AR tried to cover his body. He only had a towel covered his lower body. 

“You ert!” HB shouted covering her eyes with her hands. 

“Me? ert? It should be you! You’re the one who come into bathroom suddenly and saw my perfect body.” AR said.

“What? Your perfect body?” HB stopped covering her eyes and pointed to AR’s half body.

“Funny!” HB laughed. 

“Hey! It’s not funny! It’s true!” AR said. HB just stuck her tongue out. AR walked out the bath tube, but the floor was really slippery which made him trip down and fell on HB. They quickly got up, but AR fell backward again. HB was pulled by AR. She was so shocked so she’s confused to catch his towel which made it slipped away. This time HB’s lips were on AR’s. She wanted to get up but he didn’t let her go easily. He grabbed the back of her head and pushed toward him. He started to kiss her passionately as she tried to escape, but he was too strong. Her mind was confused. She didn’t know he kissed her because he liked her or just wanted to play with her. After a while of struggled, she finally gave up and responded the kiss. After it seemed like forever, they broke the kiss. HB helped herself up and walked out of the bathroom pretending like nothing happened while AR stood up smiling. (A/N: Skip again!)


*A week later…*

Time flew so fast. They finally backed home. AR, WZ, HB and GG pretending like nothing happen on the trip but it always flashed back in their minds. They went to work normally. Everything was usual, but little did they knew, something bad was going to happen. 


*At a club*

A girl was drinking her wine and enjoyed the music. 

“Hey, Ivy!” 2 girls shouted at her. She turned around and smiled at them.

“You’re here.” Ivy said. 

“Of course. What now?” Ann said. 

“I have a plan.” Ivy smiled evilly.

“Plan to get to ex back?” Yoyo asked. Ivy just smiled. 

“Ann, your brother is a doctor, right?” Ivy asked.

“Yes. What’s up?” Ann asked.

“Well… I need his help.” Ivy said. Ann and Yoyo looked puzzled at her. 

“Bend down. I’ll tell you.” Ivy signaled the two to bend down and she whisper something to them. 

“Such a brilliant plan.” Yoyo said. Ivy smirked. 

“I’ll do everything to get him back.” Ivy said.

“Well well well.” Ann said. 

“WZ, Ivy is back.” Ivy thought. 



Updated! haha.... I told you I won't let WZ and GG do "it" again. Only kiss... ^.< oh no! AR kissed HB because he loved her, or he just played with her? And who's the mysterious man? Well... I'm not going to reveal so soon. Ivy is back! Alert! What's her plan? find out next chapter! Don't forget to comment and give me some opinions. 
Next chapter: Broken heart.
Who's broken heart? Stay tuned!
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@guiwanglove: i'm glad u like it. I just started to write a new story. hope you give it a look. ^^
@jgloryj:thx. :)
@guiwang4ever: thx. I will try to write more as long as my inspiration isn't running out. XD
HanaSena: thx u so much!
@flattummy: thx!
@xayuze: I'm glad u love guiwang!
xayuze #2
Chapter 20: guiwang forever <3
flattummy #3
i like the characters!!
HanaSena #4
Ohhhh......I Really Love This!!!!!
guiwang4ever #5
i really really really like your story!!!=) <br />
write more=)
like the story...
guiwanglove #7
I really like your story!! write more.haha
@Prince99:<br />
thanks you for reading and commenting on my story. ^^
Bibi: <br />
I am also busy with school. Its exam period now! Next week would be my exam papers.... Anyway, looking forward to more GuiWang scenes