Unexpected dinner+Engagement???

It began with mistake (a.k.a. Forever love)



“I have to go now.” AR said.

“But it’s still early.” XJ said. 

“Don’t stop him, XJ. Mr. Annoying, the door is there.” HB pointed to the door. 

“Miss Annoying, I never thought you were so good to me like this. Thanks.” AR teased and quickly ran to the door.

“You!” HB shouted and chased AR.

“It will be interesting if they are couple. ‘Annoying couple’ ” XJ, JJ, WZ and I mumbled.

-----End of recap-----


*The next day: Sunday* 

-----XJ’s POV-----

The sky was blue; the wind blew lightly which seemed to dance along the music of birds. I stood at my balcony looking at that beautiful scene. A smile appeared on my face when JJ’s face suddenly came to my mind. She’s always the reason to make me smile every time I couldn’t. 

“Today will be the unforgettable beginning of us.” I smiled. Then I was a bit shocked when a pairs of flawless arms holding me from behind along with a nice voice, the voice I wished to hear in my whole life. 

“Today what?” JJ asked holding me. I turned around to look at her. She was really beautiful in her simple white sleeveless mini dress with red butterfly belt on her waist. Her long hair was curled nicely and let down on her back. Her sparkling eyes and cute smile made her face more beautiful even without makeup. I was caught off guard by her natural beauty and didn’t realize I had been staring at her for a long time until she shook my body lightly.

“Hello? XJ? Are you alright?” JJ asked me worriedly. I couldn’t help but smiled again because her reaction was too cute. 

“I’m fine, but…” I smiled looking straight at her a bit and walked closer to the balcony railing letting JJ stood looking at me with puzzled expression. 

“But?” JJ asked as she walked slowly toward me. After taking a deep breath, I put my both hands on her shoulder and looked deep into her eyes. 

“But you are just too cute for me to stop keep my eyes on you.” I said with loving eyes as well as voice. JJ’s cheek became redder and redder. She was stunned when I leaned toward her face. I stopped near her right ear wanting to whisper something.

“You know, you’re even cuter when you blush. It causes me want to do this.” I whispered in her ear and turned to capture her cherry lips. She was shocked at first, but replied the kiss then. When it seemed like forever, I broke the kiss. 

“Because of our work, we haven’t had a date yet, so today is going to be our first official date.” I said as JJ nodded. I held her from behind and we watched the beautiful blue sea connected between blue sky and white sand beach. It was just like a paradise for us. (A/N: there was a beach behind their house.) 

After a moment, we walked down stair hand to hand. Others had already been in the living room waiting for breakfast. GG and others smiled at us. She was wearing a simple white 3/4 sleeve black star print dress above her knees with a black belt. Her hair was half tied and curled in messy style with her blunt bang. It was totally suit her. HB, on the other hand, was wearing light pink drape collar dress leaving her short hair down with her side swept bang. WZ was wearing a white long sleeve cotton shirt with slightly black star print at the edges of each sleeve and a pair of black trousers. Not to look closely, his clothes and GG’s were like couple clothes.      


*After breakfast: Pavilion at the beach*

-----JJ’s POV-----

Surrounded with warm fresh air and the salty smell of the sea, WZ, GG, HB, XJ and I were sitting in our beach pavilion discussing about what to do, but I already had plan of spending this day with XJ. 

“Any plans for today?” GG asked looking at all of us. Everyone shook their heads except me and XJ. GG eyed us suspiciously with a mischievous grin. I felt a little bit awkward, but relief then after XJ held my hand encouraging under the table. A smile appeared on my face as I felt a lot secure. 

“I and XJ have already had plan for today.” I said. GG still put on the same grin on her face and leaned closer toward me.

“Is it a date?” She whispered few centimeters away from my face. I smiled and nodded as the answer. GG suddenly backed to her seat and cleared to get our attention. 

“I got an idea about how we should spend this precious weekend, but let see that XJ and JJ agree or not.” GG smiled looking at me and XJ. I frowned confusingly and turned my head a bit to look at XJ. His expression was as puzzled as mine. He eyed me with a ‘what is she going to do’ look, so I shrugged my shoulder. After got the answer, XJ turned back to GG.

“Say it out first.” XJ said. GG put on a serious face and held her both hands together as if we were in the company conference. 

“I want today to be ‘Couple day’, which means that we have to hang out as a pair. I will write down our names on a piece of paper and each of us has to choose one.” GG said with a serious voice. 

“Then I might not be able to spend this whole day with my JJ.” XJ said with unsatisfied expression. 

“It’s your fate.” GG smiled. Then she made 3 blue ballots and said that one ballot was empty. 

“The girls have to choose a blue one. Let’s start with JJ.” GG said and put the ballots right in front of me. I swallowed and slowly held out my hand to the ballots. I shivered a little as my hand reached the 2 ballots. I saw XJ smiled at me which like a magic to call my courage back. I took a deep breath and took one of the ballots. I closed my eyes as I slowly open the ballot and the person I had to spend this whole day with was……. XJ. I was really excited seeing this and unknowingly hugged XJ tightly until he said he was almost out of breath.

“Now it’s my turn.” Hebe said and was about to take a ballot but was stopped by GG. She looked confused at GG trying to get the answer. 

“Well… There is only one more real ballot and there are 3 of us, so I think it’s unfair.” GG said trying to hide something.

“But it’s your idea. Well… by the way, it’s ok. I ‘d rather spend this weekend alone than with this childish brother.” HB teased WZ. 

“Hey! I’m not childish anymore.” WZ said. 

“So it means you once were.” GG . He shot me a dead glare, so she stuck her tongue out. We all laughed at them until GG tried to change topic.

“Anyway, HB sister, if you spend this time alone, it won’t be a ‘couple day’.” GG said. HB was deep in thought for a moment before giving her suggestion.

“Then why don’t you find one more person to join?” HB asked.

“Good idea. Hm… Oh! I know a person! Give me a minute.” GG said and walked out for a phone call. Minutes later, she walked back with an evil smile. 

“So HB, you don’t want to be with WZ, right?” GG asked HB. 

“Yes.” HB said looking at GG. 

“Then I’ll be with him and you have to be with the person I just called.” GG said.

“Whatever, at least he might not as annoyed as Mr Annoying.” HB said making funny face. When HB finished this sentence, GG’s evil smile grew wider. 

“Don’t tell me you called him” HB said unbelievably. GG smiled even wider which made HB felt curious. 

“Do you dare??” HB asked loudly. GG made innocent face and shook her head which help HB relieved. 

“No, but I already did.” GG said and HB’s jaw drop opened. Seeing this, GG quickly ran away.

“You! Bratty ghost!” HB shouted and chased after GG. 



*Amusement park*

-----HB’s POV-----

After we arrived, we saw Mr Annoying standing near the gate. He was wearing a light pink long sleeve cotton shirt with a pair of white trousers. Wait! He copied my style!!! 

“Hey, Aaron!” GG shouted happily. He turned back with a smile. 

“Are you waiting so long?” XJ asked. AR shook his head. 

“Let’s start the trip! AR, you’re so lucky to spend this weekend with our beautiful lady.” JJ said and pushed me toward him. He smiled a bit wider before saying bad words about me again.

“The word ‘bad luck’ is more suitable.” He said. I felt like punch him. 

“Let’s separate here.” GG said and walked away with WZ. XJ took JJ’s hand and walked away as well leaving me and Mr. Annoying alone. 

“So let’s go to gyro drop!” AR said and grabbed my hand toward gyro drop! I hate that ride the most! Or maybe the word ‘scared’ is more suitable. 

“Wha- what?” I said, but realized that I had already stood in front of the ticket booth!!! 

“Excuse me. Need 2 tickets?” the ticket seller asked. 

“No. I need 20 tickets.” AR smiled. 

“But there are only 2 of us. You also ask more people to come?” I asked. 

“No. They’re for us 2 to ride 10 times.” AR said and winked at me. My jaw almost dropped on the ground.

“Wh- wha- what? 10 times???” I shouted and tried to escape but he had already pulled me by my dress collar.   


*On the gyro drop*

I was forced to sit on the ride. AR was at my right side and there was a cute little boy at my left side. I felt my body began to shake. Mom! Help me! The ride started to go up until I could see the whole park. After it reached the top, it started to go down! Oh no! It’s really high! My corpse wouldn’t be nice, or maybe WZ couldn’t even notice it’s me! Ops! HB, what the hell did you said! The ride went down faster and faster…

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I scream out loud. It’s too scary! I sworn I wouldn’t ever come to amusement part again! A moment had passed and I didn’t know how many times I had ridden on this ride. All I knew was I felt nauseous! I bend down head and used my left arm to cover my mouth. AR seemed to notice me.

“What’s wrong?” He shouted since the ride was too loud. I turned to him and used my other hand to point to my mouth which was still covered. His eyes wide opened. Could he do something to help me?? Then he used his left hand to push my head toward the cute boy!!! How could I vomit on this boy when he’s cute like this!!? I tried to turn back, so my head was pushed down instead. The Mr. Annoying was just afraid I would vomit on him!! What he did caused my condition even worse! Luckily, the ride reached the ground on time…


*Near the gyro drop*

-----AR’s POV-----

That Miss Annoying had vomited for about an hour now! But I felt really happy because I at least could revenge her. 

“I never thought you were as bad as now!” HB shouted at me. 

“I’m not bad, but you’re an exception.” I smirked.

“You! Well… You care about your clothes more than people! I was almost faint but I only tried to prevent me from vomiting on your clothes!” HB said angrily.

“It’s a limited product and you’re just not worth enough comparing to my precious clothes.” I said.

“You!” HB shouted pointing at me.

“All you can say is ‘You’? Hm… I’m hungry.” I said and walked quickly to the food store. 

“Hey! Wait!” She shouted and chased after me. 


*At house mirrors*

-----GG’s POV-----

I ran away from WZ quickly to hide behind a mirror.

“WZ! Hurry up!” I pretended to hurry him. He sighed and walked passed without knowing. Well… hehe… it’s my opportunity. 

“BOOO!!!!!!!” I shouted. He was really shocked and scream out loud! 

“Hahaha…” I laughed so hard. He shot me a dead glare but I didn’t care and also imitated his reaction. 

“You gonna pay it.” He said with a serious which made me shivered. I swallowed and fake a laugh hoping that he won’t revenge, but he was still serious.  

“Oh oh.” I ran away before he could catch me but he didn’t give up! He chased after me everywhere. To my bad luck, I tripped near the light pole! 

“Now let see how you’ll escape.” WZ said and approached me with evil grin. I must do something! Think! Think! Oh yeah!

“Why did you betray me? That is nothing better than me! Can you please care about how I feel??” I pretended to cry as pointed to WZ. Other people finally looked at us. It was kind of embarrassed but the best way to get rid of him. 

“What nonsense are you talking about?” WZ shouted at me puzzled. I cried even harder and I could felt that others were whispering about us. WZ seemed embarrassed. I really wondered what he would do. To my surprise, …

“Hey! Help me!” I was pulled by him but I was fast enough to hold the light pole. He also didn’t give up! My body was lift up because WZ tried to pull me by my legs! I felt I was getting weaker and weaker. Luckily, WZ let go of my legs, but HE CARRIED MY BRIDAL STYLE AWAY FROM THE PUBLICH!! He suddenly dropped me down on a bench and leaned closer to me with a scary look as I leaned backward. 

“Hm… I’m hungry.” I said and quickly ran to the food store. 

“Hey! Wait!” WZ said and chased after me. 


*At the ferries wheel*  

-----JJ’s POV-----

The wind blew lightly on us. XJ was holding me on the ferries wheel. We really enjoyed the time, not only because of the scene but also because we always enjoyed each other company. XJ laid a kiss on my forehead and smiled.

“The scene is so beautiful.” i said looking at the surrounding. 

“Not as beautiful as you.” XJ said which made me blushed.

“The same old technique you use to flirt with girls.” I joked. XJ looked straight into my eyes.

“But you’re the special one.” XJ said and leaned closer to my face. All I did was closing my eyes until I felt a pair of warm lips laying on mine. After a moment, I began to response the kiss. It grew deeper and more passionately. We could fell the spark between us. 


“Let’s go and grab some food.” XJ said holding my hand toward the food store. I just smiled and followed him behind.


*At food store*   

-----Third person’s POV-----

The three pairings had their lunch together happily and separated to explore the amusement park again. They had a great time riding all the rides. Well… only XJ and JJ did. The other two spent most of the time bickering each other rather than enjoying the rides. It had already been evening when they went back home.


*At home*

After got home, HB, XJ, JJ, WZ and GG got a phone call from their parents. 

 “So we are going have dinner together with all of our parents tonight?” GG asked confirmed. Everyone nodded.

“I wonder what it is about.” WZ said his chin. 

“It is maybe about the less income that our company faces during the current economic problem.” XJ said. 

“They might already find a best solution to deal with it.” GG said. 

“All we have to do is to find out tonight. Let’s get changed.” HB suggested. They nodded and went back to their rooms.


*At restaurant* 

HB, WZ, GG, XJ and JJ were greeted by the manager and led to the VIP room. When the servant opened the door, they could see their parents sat waiting for them. They greeted their parents with a smile and took their seats. The dinner began silently. None of them dared to asked their parents about the reason coming tonight until their parents brought it up.

“Kids, I think you all already know about the companies’ current problem.” WZ’s dad said. Four of them nodded. 

“If we don’t find any solution, it will be led to the reduction of workers which could cause about 20 millions workers lost their jobs.” XJ’s dad added.


“So we had tried to think about the best solution. Finally, the best idea came up.” JJ’s dad continued.

“We have to combine our companies together as one.” GG’s dad said.

“How?” HB, WZ, GG, XJ and JJ asked. Then they took a sip of their drinks. 

“We have arranged the engagements, which mean that all of you except HB have to engage to each other.” GG and WZ’s dad said at the same time. The four kids choked their drinks after hearing that sentence. They coughed a several times before back to normal but they were still shocked. 

“Who engage who?” WZ asked puzzled. XJ looked at JJ with a loving smile. The engagement wasn’t a problem for them at all because they thought to 90% that WZ would be arranged to GG, so they would be engaged to each other. To their surprise, …

“WZ engages with JJ and XJ engages with GG.” XJ’s dad said. The shocked expression appeared on the four’s faces and also HB’s even she’s not involved in it but she had also known how much XJ and JJ loved each other.  


finally updated! Oh no! Will XJ really engage with GG and WZ with JJ? What's going on? Find out on next chapter? Don't forget to comment and give me some ideas. Thanks.
Next chapter: Engagement 2 + my prince?? 
lol... always have question mark... 
*Note: Next chapter focus on Guiwang and Bebu the most. just slightly Xiaojies. 
29/06/11; 9:25pm
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@guiwanglove: i'm glad u like it. I just started to write a new story. hope you give it a look. ^^
@jgloryj:thx. :)
@guiwang4ever: thx. I will try to write more as long as my inspiration isn't running out. XD
HanaSena: thx u so much!
@flattummy: thx!
@xayuze: I'm glad u love guiwang!
xayuze #2
Chapter 20: guiwang forever <3
flattummy #3
i like the characters!!
HanaSena #4
Ohhhh......I Really Love This!!!!!
guiwang4ever #5
i really really really like your story!!!=) <br />
write more=)
like the story...
guiwanglove #7
I really like your story!! write more.haha
@Prince99:<br />
thanks you for reading and commenting on my story. ^^
Bibi: <br />
I am also busy with school. Its exam period now! Next week would be my exam papers.... Anyway, looking forward to more GuiWang scenes