Broken heart

It began with mistake (a.k.a. Forever love)



“Such a brilliant plan.” Yoyo said. Ivy smirked. 

“I’ll do everything to get him back.” Ivy said.

“Well well well.” Ann said. 

“WZ, Ivy is back.” Ivy thought. 

-----End of recap-----


*The next day: House* 

-----Third person’s POV-----

WZ and GG walked out of their rooms at the same time. They just smiled at each other and walked to the dining room together. GG felt that every time she walked near WZ, her heart always beat so fast. She didn’t know that WZ also did feel the same. GG knew that since the time she met him, since the time she couldn’t forget about him after they made the “mistake”, since the time they planned to help JJ and XJ, since the time they bickered each other, since the time they kissed, she had already fell in love with him. WZ really felt the same, but he’s too stubborn to realize he fell for her. He told himself that he would never be able to forget Ivy even how much he tried. In fact, he never realized that he was the one who forced himself not to forget her. After it seemed like forever, they finally reached the dining room. XJ, JJ and HB were having breakfast together. GG and WZ smiled and took their seats. A moment later, they finished their meals and went to work. 


*At the company*

The five young people worked as usual. WZ and HB felt that something was going to happen, but they didn’t know whether it’s bad or good. GG did feel the same. Only XJ and JJ felt nothing. Why? Because that thing wasn’t related to them…

-----HB’s POV-----

I and GG was discussing about our company issue together. It was so complicated. We had been solving it for hours, but it still hadn’t been finished. Suddenly, GG’s phone rang. A smile appeared on her face when she looked at the caller name. I really wondered who it was. I pretended to read the document, but my ears were waiting to listen to their conversation. I knew it’s rude, but I really wanted to know because I felt not really well. 

“Hello.” GG talked on phone with a smile. The person said something to her which made her changed into excited expression. 

“Really?” GG asked excitedly. 

“Oh! You’re the best! Love you! Where are you now?” GG asked with her excited expression. 

“Ok. I’ll be there in 5 minutes! See you!” GG said and hung up the phone. 

“HB sister, I have something to do. I think we can discuss about this next time. Let’s take a break.” GG said. 

“Well… Ok.” I said with a smiled. 

“I have to go now. Bye.” GG said. She took her purse and left. I was so curious to find out where she was going, so I followed her secretly. 


*At a park*

GG went to a park near our company. When she saw a person stood waiting for her with a stitch soft toy, she quickly ran toward him. He gave him the toy, and she hugged him excitedly. She also kissed him on his cheek! The worst thing was the person was AR! I could felt my heart ached. My tears rolled down on my cheek. I didn’t know why. Since he kissed me, I thought…. I had already fallen for him. I couldn’t stand seeing that scene anymore, so I ran back to the company as tears continued rolling down. 



-----Third person’s POV-----

*At company*

XJ was driving home alone. JJ was busy, so she asked him to leave first. When he stopped at red light, he saw a familiar girl walking. His eyes wide opened. That girl walked toward a hospital nearby. XJ quickly took his phone to call to WZ. 

*Phone conversation*

WZ: Hello?

XJ: Hey, WZ!

WZ: What’s up?

XJ: I just saw Ivy walking to NYA hospital at the moment!

WZ: What? 

XJ: I said-

WZ: NYA, right?

XJ: Yes! Hello? Hello?

*End of phone conversation*

After hung up the phone, WZ quickly rushed to NYA hospital. 


*At NYA hospital*

Everybody looked at WZ, but he didn’t care at all. He ran to the nurse and asked her about Ivy.

“Excuse me, are there any patient named Ivy?” WZ asked.

“Let me check. Well… there’s no-” The nurse was about to say something but got interrupted by Yoyo. 

“WZ?” Yoyo asked in shock.

“Yoyo. Where’s Ivy?” WZ asked shaking her. 

“She told me not to tell you.” Yoyo said. 

“Please tell me….” WZ begged. 

“Hm… Let’s go to the balcony.” Yoyo said and walked to the balcony. WZ followed her behind.

“Ivy doesn’t want me to tell you, but I think I have to tell you. You know, she was really hurt when she broke up with you. She thinks it’s the best way. She found out that she had brain cancer. That’s the reason she broke up with you. After that day, she seems lifeless. I’m really hurt seeing my best friend like this.” Yoyo said while trying to prevent tears not to fall. 

“Now where is she?” WZ asked with concern. 

“She is seeing her doctor at that room.” Yoyo said pointed to a room. WZ walked slowly to the room and opened the door. He was shocked seeing Ivy who used to be friendly because sad one. She was shocked seeing him as well. 

“WZ, why are you here?” Ivy asked. WZ said nothing and hugged her tightly.

“You’re so stupid. Why didn’t you tell me about your condition? I misunderstood you for long time.” WZ asked her with tears filled his eyes. Ivy hugged him back and cried.

“I’m afraid. I don’t want you to hurt seeing me dying in front of you.” Ivy said. 

“Stupid. I’m willing to be with you no matter what.” WZ said. After a moment, doctor cleared his throat. WZ and Ivy broke the hug and looked at doctor.

“Sorry for interrupting, but I want to show the result to Miss Ivy.” Doctor said. WZ nodded his head and held Ivy’s hand tightly. 

“Miss Ivy. I’ve test your condition and I see the viruses of cancer only have about 10% now.” Doctor said.

“It means…” Ivy said. 

“If you continue the treatment about a few months more, you’ll completely heal.” Doctor said.

“Really?” Ivy and WZ asked surprisingly. 

“Yes. Congratulation.” Doctor smiled. 

“I will be fine!” Ivy said happily and hugged WZ. 

Ann and Yoyo were watching them from outside.

“I think this year academy award will go to Ivy.” Ann said. 

“Yes. She acts like real. Your brother and we are also the same.” Yoyo said.

“But I don’t think it’s a good thing to do.” Ann said. Yoyo just nodded.


*At house*

XJ, JJ, HB and GG were sitting in the living room chatting happily. HB was a bit sad because of today event, but she pretended like nothing happen. However, their smiles disappeared when they saw WZ walked into the room with Ivy.

“Why did you bring her here?” HB shouted angrily. JJ and GG tried to calm her down. 

“Sister. We misunderstood Ivy.” WZ said holding Ivy’s shoulder. GG felt her heart ached. WZ didn’t know why but when he saw GG’s expression, he had an urge to push Ivy away and walk to GG, but he didn’t do. He forced himself not to do. 

“Misunderstanding? Then, tell us the what the reason she broke up with you was. I want to hear her trick.” HB said.

“Sister!” WZ shouted at HB but Ivy held him. He took a deep breath and told everything he knew to them.

“Huh. And you believe her?” XJ said. 

“Can you all please understand her?” WZ asked angrily. 

“She lays you! You want your money!” JJ shouted.

“Shut up!” WZ shouted angrily at JJ. 

“Hey! You don’t need to shout at her like this!” XJ shouted at WZ and held JJ who was shocked tightly. 

“Stop!!!” GG shouted loudly. Everyone looked at her in puzzled expression. She took a deep breath.

“I’m tired! Stop arguing with each other like a kid!” GG said and stormed to her room. 

“For GG’s sake, I don’t mind you this time.” XJ said and took JJ to her room.

“For GG’s sake, I stop blame you this time. But I won’t accept her!” HB pointed to Ivy and stormed to GG’s room. 

WZ stood there quietly. He was really confused now. 

“WZ, where is my room? I want mine to be next to you.” Ivy asked with fake cute voice. 

“Sorry, Ivy. The room next to me is GG’s. Your room is next to HB.” WZ smiled.

“Ok.” Ivy faked a smile and dragged WZ to their rooms. 


*At GG’s room*

GG laid on her bed crying her pain out. It’s hurt seeing the one she loved back with his ex-girlfriend. She didn’t mean to be selfish, but it’s really hurt. Suddenly, she heard someone knocked her door. She quickly wiped tears away and answered the door.

“Come in.” GG said. HB opened the door and walked in.

“Are you alright?” HB asked in concern.

“I’m fine.” GG said trying to smile.

“You just… cry?” HB asked. GG said nothing and looked out her window.

“You… love WZ?” HB asked. GG turned to look at her. She didn’t know she should tell HB or not. 

“It’s ok if you don’t trust me.” HB said and looked down. 

“No. I didn’t mean it.” GG quickly said. HB looked at her. 

“I… I really love him.” GG said with her head down. HB was surprised. She was confused now. She just saw GG kissed AR’s cheek and now she said she loved WZ. 

“But I think you love AR.” HB said.

“AR? Why you think so?” GG asked surprisingly. HB smiled awkwardly. 

“Well… I saw you talking on phone happily and I wonder who it was, so…” HB said.

“You followed me?” GG asked. 

“I didn’t mean to follow you. I- I just.. I” HB tried to find an excuse but she couldn’t think of one. 

“It’s ok. I believe you, HB sister.” GG said laughing.

“So AR and you… You two…” HB wanted to ask directly, but she was afraid the answer would turn out like what she thought. 

“We’re not like what you think. If you don’t believe, go ask him.” GG said smiling.

“Then, why did you kiss him?” HB said.

“You can ask him. He will explain you everything. Hehe… You’re jealous!” GG said. 

“You , bratty Jie!” HB said and tickled GG. They laughed and laughed. 

“So what are you going to do now? Ivy’s back.” HB asked.

“Seeing him having happiness with the one he loves is enough for me.” GG faked a smile. 

“You’re so kind. Why can’t WZ see you?” HB said angrily. GG shook her head lightly.

“It’s late now. HB sister, you have to sleep. Don’t worry. I’m ok.” GG said. HB looked at her, so she smiled. 

“Ok. Good night.” HB said.

“Good night.” GG replied. HB walked out of GG’s room. GG looked at the stars as her tears falling down again. 

“WZ, I wish you happy with her.” GG said and tried to sleep.


Sorry for short boring chapter! I admit that i'm a bit rushed because i want to complete this story as soon as possible. Only a few chapters more this story will be completed. 

Well... First, HB was broken heart, but GG had already cleared the thing out. We still don't know who AR is to GG. Can you guess? Second, GG was broken heart. Ivy is so mean. WZ was really confused about his feeling now. BTW, don't forget to comment. 

Next chapter: Good or bad news+Cancel engagement. 




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@guiwanglove: i'm glad u like it. I just started to write a new story. hope you give it a look. ^^
@jgloryj:thx. :)
@guiwang4ever: thx. I will try to write more as long as my inspiration isn't running out. XD
HanaSena: thx u so much!
@flattummy: thx!
@xayuze: I'm glad u love guiwang!
xayuze #2
Chapter 20: guiwang forever <3
flattummy #3
i like the characters!!
HanaSena #4
Ohhhh......I Really Love This!!!!!
guiwang4ever #5
i really really really like your story!!!=) <br />
write more=)
like the story...
guiwanglove #7
I really like your story!! write more.haha
@Prince99:<br />
thanks you for reading and commenting on my story. ^^
Bibi: <br />
I am also busy with school. Its exam period now! Next week would be my exam papers.... Anyway, looking forward to more GuiWang scenes