
It began with mistake (a.k.a. Forever love)



“Attention. The flight TX370 from New York to Taiwan has successfully departed.” The announcement was heard. 

As the announcement ended, WZ’s hope was wiped away because he really couldn’t make it! He couldn’t stop GG from leaving! He kneeled down hopelessly not caring whether people were looking at him or not. 

“Why don’t you wait for me? Is it really too late for me to know the truth? G, please come back.” WZ said as his tears falling down. He couldn’t hold it anymore since GG’s departure affected him badly.

“I love you. Gui!!!” WZ shouted with tears as everyone turned to look at him. However, it was too late.

-----End of recap-----


“I love you, Gui!! Please come back to me!!” WZ continued shouting. Suddenly, a sound of airplane crashing was heard. Everyone as well as WZ turned to look through the mirror window with shock as the security agents ran out to help people who were survived.   

“Which plan is it?” Everyone asked each other. WZ was curious about it, too. He ran closer to the window trying to figure out the number of the airplane.  

“T...X...3...7...0. TX370! It sounds familiar. Where did I hear this before? TX370...” WZ said trying to recall where he heard it before. 

“TX370!! Gui!!” WZ shouted and ran to the gateway after figured it out. Too bad, the security guards didn’t allow him to enter it. He tried to push them away, but they were too strong, so he ended kneeled down on the floor crying again. 

“Why these things happened to me??” WZ shouted with tears. He was hopeless... really hopeless. 







“WZ?” A familiar sound was heard. WZ lifted up his head all of the sudden. He couldn’t believe his eyes. A girl stood in front of him with a frown and surprise was... 

“Gui? Is that you?” WZ said and ran to hug GG who was shocked. She eventually hugged him back. 

“Of course. If not, who do you think I am?” GG joked. WZ smiled and hugged her even tighter. 

“I thought I couldn’t see you again in my life.” He said while GG smiled with tears. However, she then broke the hug and looked at WZ with a frown.

“I think you’re supposed to be at the wedding now, but where are you here?” She asked puzzled. 

“I can’t marry with the one I don’t love.” He answered which made her more puzzled. 

“But you love her, right? Why did you say that?” She asked. 

“Correction, I used to love her. I did love her, but she turned me down and that was the time that you came into my life. You helped me to start a new life again and you unknowingly took entire place in my heart.” He said as he took her hand to touch his left chest. GG’s eyes became teary because she was really touched. 

“I love you, Gui and always will.” He continued as GG hugged him again. 

“I love you, too.” She said. After a moment, they walked holding hands to WZ’s car. On the way home, WZ began to ask GG why she wasn’t on the plane. 

“Gui, why weren’t you on the plane? And why didn’t I see you near the gateway?” He asked. 

“You want me to be on it?” GG joked. 

“No! I didn’t mean it. I just... just...” He quickly denied. GG giggled which made him knew she was just kidding. 

“Oh... you tricked me.” He said and used his hand to pitch her cheek. She fought his hand away and told him. 

“Well... Let’s start with the check-in section.” She said. 


“May I see your passport, please?” A check-in agent asked GG. GG smiled and handed her passport to her.

“Hm... Sorry, Miss. Your passport is expired.” The gent said. GG took her passport and saw it was really expired. 

“I’m sorry.” GG said and walked out. Suddenly, a boy bumped into GG and his drink split over her.

“Sorry.” The boy said. GG smiled and shook her head lightly. Then, she walked to the toilet to wash it out. 

*End of flashback*

“And maybe I walked pass you, but we didn’t see each other.” GG continued. WZ smiled and paid attention on driving. 

“Really thank to that expired passport.” He said. GG smiled and looked out of the window. 


*A few days later*

“Mr. Qiu Sheng Yi, will you have this woman to be your wedded wife, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, and forsaking all others, keep you only unto her, for so long as you both shall live?” The minister asked. 

“I do.” WZ said and look at GG with a smile. 

“Miss Wu Ying Jie, will you have this man to be your wedded husband, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, and forsaking all others, keep you only unto him, so long as you both shall live?” The minister asked.

“I do.” GG said and smiled at WZ.

“Take hands and repeat after me: I, Qiu Sheng Yi, take you, Wu Ying Jie, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day forward.” The minister said. After WZ finished, it was GG’s turn.

“I, Wu Ying Jie, take you, Qiu Sheng Yi, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day forward.” The minister said and GG repeated after him.

“Now please the groom and the bride exchange the rings.” The minister continued. GG and WZ smiled at each other while exchanging rings.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” The minister finished the celebration. WZ and GG turned to face each other. Then, their heads got closer and closer until their lips met. It was a pretty quick kiss, but sweet and affectionate. 

They walked out of the church holding hands followed by the guests behind. As always, it was time to throw the bouquet.

“Darling, don’t you go to catch it?” AR and XJ asked HB and JJ who were standing at the side. 

“No. We don’t want it.” They said. 

“Oh come on.” AR and XJ pouted, but HB and JJ still refused, so they ended up stood pouting next to their girlfriends.   


“Ready?” GG asked holding the bouquet. 

“Yes!” The guests shouted.

“1...2...3” GG counted and threw it. The flowers bumped here and there because of the impact. To everyone surprise, but GG’s satisfy, it landed on... the hands of HB and JJ. AR and XJ shouted with joy while HB and JJ glared at them. Actually, HB borrowed JJ’s phone and while handing it back, the bouquet suddenly fell onto their hands. GG and WZ walked toward them with smiles on their face. 

“Congratulation! We’re waiting to join your weddings.” GG said teasing HB and JJ. 

“Yeah. Don’t make us wait too long.” WZ told AR and HB.  

“Of course. Maybe next week, the invitation will be lying on your hand.” AR and XJ said.

“Who want to marry you?” HB said blushing. 

“Yeah.” JJ said blushing as well. 

“The beautiful girl standing next to us.” AR and XJ said and hugged their girlfriends. 

“Hey!” The girls shouted and smacked their boyfriends’ arms. It seemed to be a really good ending for them, yet it was just beginning. 


*A few years later*

HB, AR, JJ and XJ had already got married. They continued their works in New York while GG and WZ moved back to Taiwan. WZ ran his companies which merged his parents’ and GG’s parents’ companies together. GG opened a famous ice cream shop on her own. Their bubbly son, Sheng Jie, was 3 years old, but his cleverness made him seemed like he was 4 or 5 years old. He was a treasure and little prince of GG and WZ. 


“WZ... You’re back. How was today?” GG said and smiled at WZ who just came back from work. 

“It was good. Where is our little prince?” WZ hugged GG and asked about their son. 

“He fell asleep just now, so I took him to his room.” GG said. Then, they walked to SJ’s room. He was sleeping comfortably on his bed. GG and WZ took turn kissing him and walked back to their room. 


Right after reaching the room, WZ laid flat on his bed, so GG hit his chest lightly. 

“You haven’t taken a shower yet. Go and do it first.” GG said and dragged WZ to bathroom. 

“You also haven’t, right?” WZ asked GG. 

“Sorry, I already did.” GG said and pushed WZ into bathroom. 

“Then, let’s take a shower again!” He said and pulled GG into the bathroom with him. After they finished, they walked back to their bed. WZ was hugging GG whose head was on his chest. He caressed her cheek lightly and kissed her forehead then down to nose, and lastly mouth. Their lips interlocked each other for a while before their tongues started to caress each other. However, GG tapped WZ’s chest lightly to make him stopped. 

“It’s late now.” GG said. 

“It’s ok. Let’s continue.” WZ said. 

“No.” GG said. 

“Oh come on... Because of our works and son, we have never done it. Now we have time, but you refuse.” WZ said pouted. 

“You’re wrong. We have done it twice before marrying.” GG said. 

“We were all drunk at that time. Please...” WZ said. 

“But still...” GG said.

“Please....” WZ continued with puppy eyes. After a moment, GG gave WZ a quick kiss as response. He smiled and began to kiss her slowly yet passionate. He bit her bottom lip lightly asking for entrance and she gave him. His tongue explored hers as his hands caressed her back. His lips left hers and moved to her ears then to her jaw line. And then... 

“Mommy!! Daddy!!!” SJ called and knocked their door repeatedly. GG smiled awkwardly at WZ who was pouting and quickly got up to open the door. As the door opened, SJ quickly hugged GG and ran to WZ. GG sighed and closed the door. 

“What’s wrong, my little prince?” WZ asked as SJ hugging him tightly. GG came and sat next to him. 

“I had a nightmare.” SJ said as WZ and GG hugged him together. 

“Oh... It’s ok, my dear.” GG tried to comfort him. 

“Can I sleep with daddy and mommy tonight?” SJ said with puppy eyes.

“Yes/No.” WZ and GG said at the same time which made SJ pouted with teary eyes. GG glared and smack WZ’s arm. 

“Of course, you can.” GG said and smiled. 

“Yey!” SJ shouted happily and slept between WZ and GG. 


*The next day*

WZ and GG got up because of SJ who was jumping on their bed with joy. 

“Mommy! Daddy! Today is Jie’s birthday! Aunties and Uncles promise to hang out with me today!” SJ shouted and shook his parents. 

“So let’s get change.” GG said and took SJ to get change. WZ walked to bathroom to wash up as well. 


“JJ, XJ! Long time no see.” GG said and hugged them. 

“Yeah. But you’re still the same.” JJ said. 

“Where are my brother and sister in law?” GG asked. 

“They are on their way. Your brother is too over, you know.” XJ said shaking his head.

“What?” GG said puzzled. Then, a sound made them to turn around. 

“Oh... HB! Walk slowly! What if-” AR said but got interrupted by HB.

“Can you please shut up? It’s just a month old, so there is no big deal.” HB said. Hearing that, GG was puzzled. 

“Hi, my little sister!” HB said and hugged GG. 

“Long time no see, Jie. How are you and my brother?” GG asked. 

“Great, but he is indescribable.” HB said. 

“HB! Oh! Gui! Miss you so much. How have you been?” AR asked. 

“Great. I heard everyone said you’re too over, but over about what?” GG asked with a frown. 

“Your HB jie is pregnent!” AR said. 

“Really?” GG asked HB excitedly. HB just nodded. 

“Congratulation.” WZ came in with SJ and said. 

“Thanks.” AR and HB said. 

“XJ, no good news?” WZ teased XJ. 

“Not yet. We’re trying.” XJ said hugging JJ. 

“Wow. Hope to hear good news from you soon.” WZ said. 

“Aunties! Uncles! Jie really miss you!” SJ ran to hug them. 

“Aunties and uncles miss our Jie, too.” They said. 

“HB aunties! I want a little brother to play with! But sister is also ok!” SJ shouted as everyone laughed. 

“Ok. You’ll have one soon.” HB said. 

“So let’s go out now!” SJ said and walked out with his aunties and uncles. 

“Daddy! Mommy! See you tonight!” He shouted. WZ hugged GG from behind. 

“Now we finally have our alone time.” He whispered to GG as she blushed. 


*At the evening*

WZ and GG were lying on their bed with their clothes were on their room floor. A moment later, GG rubbed her eyes and looked at the clock. It was already 6pm. SJ would get back next hour, so she poked WZ lightly. He opened his eyes slightly and smiled at her. 

“It’s time to get wash up and prepare the small party for SJ. He will be back next hour.” GG said. 

“Hm... 5 more minutes.” WZ said and hugged GG. 

“Come on...” GG said pouted. But WZ closed his eyes to sleep again. 

“Ok. If you don’t get up, I’ll go get ready first.” GG said and tried to get up, but ended up shouting in pain. WZ was awake due to GG’s sound. He quickly sat up and asked her.

“Are you ok, Gui?” He asked in concern. She just glared at her and pouted. 

“Now my bottom half is pretty hurt. It’s all your fault!” She said pouted while WZ chuckled.

“Oh... I didn’t mean to make you in pain.” WZ said with puppy eyes. 

“But you were enjoying it, right?” He whispered in her ear as she blushed. 

“Oh. It’s 6:15pm! Now let’s get change. We don’t have much time.” She tried to change topic. He shook her head lightly seeing her trying to change topic. 

“Can you walk?” He asked. 

“I guess. It’s less painful now.” She said unsure. WZ quickly got up and carried GG bridal style which made her surprised. 

“What are you doing?” GG said blushing as she didn’t have anything to cover herself. 

“Since you’re still in pain, I’ll carry you to take a bath together.” He said smiling.






“Mommy!! Daddy! I’m back.” SJ shouted happily while walking into his house. 

“Eh. Where are uncles and aunties? They were behind me at the moment! Mommy! Daddy! Aunties! Uncles! Where are you all?” SJ shouted with his teary eyes trying to find everyone. Suddenly, he heard something. 

“Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday dear Sheng Jie... Happy birthday to you...” WZ and GG were holding a cake singing with HB, JJ, AR and XJ who were following them behind. 

“Mommy! Daddy! Aunties! Uncles! I love you!!” SJ shouted happily. 

“Let’s make a wish.” GG told SJ with a smile. He nodded and crossed his fingers. 

“I wish (our family will be this happy forever and I’ll have more little siblings soon...)” He wished quietly as everyone watching him. After SJ blew the candle, they opened the light back. 

“Let’s cut the cake!” JJ and XJ shouted excitedly like a little child. 

“They are such a childish couple.” HB said laughing as well as others. Then, SJ gave each of them a piece of cake and they continued the party. WZ and GG hugged each other watching everyone playing with a smile on their faces. Although their relationship began with a mistake, they eventually realized that in fact it was the beginning of their fate. They had gone through a lot of obstacles, so their love couldn’t end easily and never would it end with a mistake again.        


The End!



Finally! How do you think of this? And thanks for reading and commenting my story. ^^ 
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@guiwanglove: i'm glad u like it. I just started to write a new story. hope you give it a look. ^^
@jgloryj:thx. :)
@guiwang4ever: thx. I will try to write more as long as my inspiration isn't running out. XD
HanaSena: thx u so much!
@flattummy: thx!
@xayuze: I'm glad u love guiwang!
xayuze #2
Chapter 20: guiwang forever <3
flattummy #3
i like the characters!!
HanaSena #4
Ohhhh......I Really Love This!!!!!
guiwang4ever #5
i really really really like your story!!!=) <br />
write more=)
like the story...
guiwanglove #7
I really like your story!! write more.haha
@Prince99:<br />
thanks you for reading and commenting on my story. ^^
Bibi: <br />
I am also busy with school. Its exam period now! Next week would be my exam papers.... Anyway, looking forward to more GuiWang scenes