Good or bad news?+cancel engagement

It began with mistake (a.k.a. Forever love)

“Seeing him having happiness with the one he loves is enough for me.” GG faked a smile.
“You’re so kind. Why can’t WZ see you?” HB said angrily. GG shook her head lightly.
“It’s late now. HB sister, you have to sleep. Don’t worry. I’m ok.” GG said. HB looked at her, so she smiled.
“Ok. Good night.” HB said.
“Good night.” GG replied. HB walked out of GG’s room. GG looked at the stars as her tears falling down again.
“WZ, I wish you happy with her.” GG said and tried to sleep.
-----End of recap-----

*The next day*
-----Third person’s POV-----
GG got up earlier than usual. She went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and saw Ivy was there. She smiled at her and poured the water. Ivy walked toward her with a disgusted look.
“GG, right?” Ivy asked folding her arms.
“Yes.” GG looked at her and smiled.
“I heard that you’re WZ’s fiancée, but sorry. WZ doesn’t love you. The only one he loves is me.” Ivy said making face.
“I know.” GG said quietly.
“So you’d better stay away from my WZ!” Ivy said with a mean voice.
“Excuse me. I’m not your slave and this is my house. So please be respectful.” GG said trying to hold her anger.
“Chuh… I also live here, so it’s also my house.” Ivy said.
“Is there any person named Ivy in this house holding? Hm… I guess no. And if you still behave like this, I’ll tell our secret to WZ. You want him to know that your reason is false? The truth is you left him for my boyfriend?” GG said with a calm voice.
“You!” Ivy said angrily trying to find anything to hurt GG. She was about to splash her coffee on GG, but luckily, WZ’s voice coming from upstairs. She grinned evilly. When she heard WZ’s footstep became nearer and nearer, she took her coffee and splashed on herself. She pushed the coffee cup on the table near GG’s hand and pretended to fell on the ground. GG was too confused to react. Then, WZ walked into the kitchen.
“What happened? Ivy, are you ok?” WZ asked and helped Ivy up. Ivy pretended to cry and looked at GG.
“Why did you do this to me? Do you hate me that much? I just ask you about where the coffee cup was! If you don’t want to answer, it’s ok, but why did you splashed the coffee on me?” Ivy asked GG and faked an innocent expression. WZ looked at GG angrily.
“I didn’t do it! She lied!” GG said trying to explain WZ.
“WZ, I’m sorry. I think I should leave.” Ivy said.
“Ivy, stay here. You’re not wrong. She should be the one who leave!” WZ said pointing to GG.
“GG, I’m really disappointed on you. I thought you were a good girl, but you’re like others and even worse!” WZ continued.
“What? You believed her, but not me?” GG asked with tears. WZ didn’t answer.
“I never thought you were foxy like this, Ivy.” GG said.
“I’m not! WZ….” Ivy acted cute.
“Stop it, GG! I don’t want to see you again!” WZ shouted angrily which made others rushed to the kitchen to see what happened.
“Fine! I swear I will never appear in front of you again unless she disappears!” GG shouted back and rushed to her room.
“WZ! Did you know what you just said? Huh. Where is my brother? You’re not my brother! My brother is a reasonable boy!” HB shouted angrily and ran after GG.
“I’m so disappointed on you.” JJ shouted and ran after HB.
“You really changed, WZ. You’re not WZ that I know.” XJ said and ran after JJ as well. WZ messed up his hair angrily. He was really confused now. He blamed himself about saying those words to GG. He really wanted to take it back, but it’s too late.
“WZ, don’t care about them.” Ivy said.
“I want to be alone.” WZ said and left the house. Seeing this, Ivy continuously trampled.

*At GG’s side*
GG rushed to her room and took all her clothes to put in her suitcase. HB reached her room and saw it.
“What are you doing?” HB asked trying to stop GG.
“Didn’t you hear him, HB sister? He doesn’t want to see me again and I also can’t stand living with that girl!” GG said. Hearing that, HB put her hands down.
“So where are you going to live?” HB asked.
“My parents have one more house here, so I’ll move there.” GG said.
“If it’s what you want, I’ll respect your decision.” HB said.
“Thanks, HB sister.” GG smiled. Suddenly, JJ and XJ reached the room.
“What are you doing, G?” JJ asked.
“I’m moving out.” GG said.
“To where?” XJ asked.
“My own house.” GG said.
“Can I go with you?” JJ asked.
“Yeah. I also want to go.” HB said. XJ nodded as agreement.
“What about WZ?” GG asked.
“Don’t care about him.” HB said coldly.
“Yes, GG. You don’t need to think about him.” JJ said.
“He deserves it.” XJ said. GG stayed quiet. She agreed to allow them to live with her because they begged her too much.
They prepared their clothes and left before WZ came back home.

*At GG’s house*
GG, XJ, JJ and HB were having dinner and chatting happily when GG suddenly wanted to vomit, so she quickly rushed to the bathroom. HB saw it and ran after GG to see whether she was ok. GG was vomiting again and again, so HB patted her back in order to make her better. Finally, GG stopped vomiting, but she felt her body so exhausted.
“Are you okay?” HB asked in concerned while taking her hand to feel GG forehead.
“I’m fine.” GG said with low voice and faked a smile, but before the sentence had finished, she fainted. HB shouted for help and shook GG. XJ and JJ rushed to the bathroom and quickly took GG to the hospital.

*At WZ’s side*
WZ came back home, but he didn’t see anyone there except Ivy. She was sitting in the living room watching TV.
“Where are others?” WZ asked Ivy. She just looked back at him and smiled.
“Well... they said they wanted to go on vacation, so we don’t have to worry.” Ivy lied. WZ just sighed and sat next to her.
“It’s also a good idea. They need time to adapt with this sudden news. They are so mean toward you.” WZ said with annoyed expression.
“It’s ok. One day, they will acknowledge me.” Ivy smiled and hugged WZ’s arm. He hugged her back and they watched TV together happily. Well... but for WZ, he felt something was missing. Memories of him and GG flashed back in his head, so he tried to shake his head several time. Ivy frowned seeing this.
“Are you alright, WZ?” Ivy asked.
“I guess I’m so tired, so I go to bed now. Good night.” He said and kissed Ivy’s cheek before went to his room. Ivy watched him until he disappeared to up stair.
“Mission 1 is completed. Now it’s time for mission 2.” Ivy said with evil smile on her face.

*At the hospital*
HB, XJ and JJ walked forth and back, forth and back in front of GG’s ward waiting impatiently for doctor to come out. Finally, doctor came out, so they ran to him and asked about GG.
“Doctor, is she fine now?” HB asked.
“Yes, what kind of illness does she get?” JJ asked.
“Is it serious?” XJ asked. Doctor looked at them with strict face, so they all stayed quiet.
“Well... First, she doesn’t have any illnesses.” Doctor said.
“Then what’s wrong with her? She always vomits.” HB said. JJ and XJ nodded in agreement. Doctor smiled and looked at them all.
“Good question. Well... Congratulation. She’s pregnant.” Doctor said.
“What? Pregnant?” They all shouted in surprise. Doctor signaled them to be quiet.
“Can we go in now?” JJ asked. Doctor nodded and left. They went to the ward and saw GG sitting on her bed looking out of the window. They slowly walked toward her. GG turned back and saw them, so she smiled... a forced smile.
“GG...” HB was about to say something but was interrupted by GG.
“I know. I heard everything.” GG said with her head down.
“What are you going to do now?” JJ asked.
“I don’t know.” GG said and shook her head.
“Are you going to tell WZ?” XJ asked, but GG stayed quiet. She didn’t want him to be with her just for this child and he also had the one he loved, so she shook her head.
“What? This is his child, so he has to responsible on it!” HB said angrily.
“HB sister, I know you care about me and my child, but I really can’t tell him. He never loves me, so I don’t want him to be with me just because of responsibility.” GG said trying to force her tears back. HB sighed and shook her head. She thought GG was too kind.
“So what are you going to do?” XJ asked patting GG’s back.
“I will raise this child. I will give him or her happiness even without father. But now...” GG said looking at everyone.
“Now what?” JJ asked.
“Now I want to cancel engagement first.” GG said.
“What??” Everyone shouted with their eyes widen. GG just nodded her as confirmation.
“Are you sure?” HB asked.
“More than sure.” GG smiled.

*The next day: WZ’s house*
WZ got up and went to the balcony. The cool wind blew on his body trying to make him shivered, but he didn’t have any feeling at all. Suddenly, his phone rang. After he answered his phone, his eyes widen.
“What? GG canceled engagement?” WZ said out loud in surprised. Ivy who was about to enter WZ’s room heard it all. A smirk appeared on her face. WZ hung up his phone and threw it with force making it broke. He didn’t know why he was so angry hearing this. He really didn’t realize what GG’s role was in his heart.
“Why are you so angry?” Ivy stepped in the room and walked to sit next to WZ who was sitting on the edge of his bed.
“GG canceled engagement.” WZ said with angry voice.
“Are we supposed to be happy with this news?” Ivy asked hugged WZ’s arm. She was right, he was supposed to be happy, but why he was so angry like this?
“I think it’s time for us.” Ivy said. WZ frowned and looked at her.
“What do you mean?” WZ asked in puzzled expression.
“Let’s get married.” Ivy said. WZ’s eyes widen in surprise....

*At GG’s house*
HB walked out of the house alone. She was too angry with what happened between her brother and GG. She thought WZ was too mean and unreasonable. She didn’t look where she was going, so she bumped into AR who was about to enter the house which made them both fallen on the ground.
“Watch where you’re going!” HB and AR shouted angrily at each other. HB realized he was AR, so she quickly walked out trying to avoid him. AR was confused with her action, so he caught her hand to make her stopped.
“Hey! Why do you avoid me?” AR asked trying to make HB looked at him.
“I don’t. Let me go. Your girlfriend is inside.” HB said while struggling.
“My girlfriend? Who?” AR asked confused.
“Don’t pretend like you don’t know. I talked about GG.” HB asked. In fact, she had already known that GG wasn’t AR’s girlfriend, but she didn’t know who they were to each other, so she pretended to ask him this way. Hearing what HB had said, AR busted out laughing.
“What made you thought like this?” AR asked with smile.
“I saw you kissed her the day before yesterday!” HB shouted out loud.
“What’s wrong with the kiss?” AR asked with calm voice.
“What’s wrong? You asked me what’s wrong? One boy and one girl kissed each other and you think it’s normal?” HB asked almost shouted.
“Then answer me, can you kiss WZ?” AR asked with a smirk.
“Of course. He’s my brother. That kiss doesn’t mean anything special.” HB said.
“So why can’t I kiss her?” AR asked.
“Because she’s not your sister! Wait... You mean she’s your sister?” HB said unsure.
“Finally, your brain worked.” AR .
“Hey. But why did you two seem so far at first? Not like brother and sister.” HB smacked AR’s hand and asked him.
“Believe or not. We just knew it recently when I met our dad. I was surprise at first that my sister who he always talks about is GG.” AR asked and laughed a little.
“I don’t get it.” HB frowned and pouted.
“Well... GG and I share the same father, but different mothers. My mother died since I was young, so my father remarried with GG’s mother and I don’t know her because I had to study abroad since 2 years after my father’s second wedding and at that time, GG was only about 1 year old. Get it?” AR asked. HB nodded as answer. Suddenly, something came into AR’s mind.
“Hey wait. You asked me about GG, so you’re jealous? Huh?” AR smirked and teased HB.
“I’m no!” HB refused, but she was blushing like mad.
“You’re blushing! So cute. Just admit that you’re jealous.” AR .
“You’re nothing to me, so why should I jealous?” HB said trying not to admit that she loved him.
“It’s easy. It’s because you love me.” AR smiled as victory.
“You dream!” HB said and looked away not letting AR to see her blushing.
“If you don’t admit, I’ll give you a punishment.” AR whispered into HB’s ear which made her shivered.
“What punishment?” HB asked confused.
“Remember what happened in the bathroom when we were in Japan?” AR smirked while whispering. Now HB’s face was as red as tomato. AR laughed at her cuteness.
“I’m not your girlfriend, so you can’t do this to me.” HB refused.
“Oh that’s easy. Then, be my girlfriend.” AR said and turned HB to face him. He captured her lips which made her shocked at first, but eventually relaxed and replied the kiss. They were too busy in their own world and didn’t notice that GG, XJ and JJ were laughing and watching them for long time. After breaking their kiss, they smiled at each other and turn around to enter the house. That’s when they noticed GG, XJ and JJ. The three were smiling evilly at them which made them blushed. HB hid her face in AR’s chest while AR told others not to look at them with that expression.
“That’s the best show I’ve ever seen.” XJ teased AR and HB.
“Yeah. The main actor and actress are so great and funny.” GG said trying not to laugh.
“Also, their kiss was so hot.” JJ said looking at AR and HB who were blushing.
“Oh baby, you want to?” XJ hugged JJ and said to her which made her blushed.
“No way.” JJ denied and XJ pouted.
“Oh come on... don’t be shy.” XJ tried to persuade JJ. They repeated that action again and again which made everyone laughed. It was such a wonderful moment.
Udated. Only a few chapter more the story will be ended. Sorry if the story is boring or confusing. comment and give me some opinion please. ^^ Thanks.
Next chapter: Married annoucement.

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@guiwanglove: i'm glad u like it. I just started to write a new story. hope you give it a look. ^^
@jgloryj:thx. :)
@guiwang4ever: thx. I will try to write more as long as my inspiration isn't running out. XD
HanaSena: thx u so much!
@flattummy: thx!
@xayuze: I'm glad u love guiwang!
xayuze #2
Chapter 20: guiwang forever <3
flattummy #3
i like the characters!!
HanaSena #4
Ohhhh......I Really Love This!!!!!
guiwang4ever #5
i really really really like your story!!!=) <br />
write more=)
like the story...
guiwanglove #7
I really like your story!! write more.haha
@Prince99:<br />
thanks you for reading and commenting on my story. ^^
Bibi: <br />
I am also busy with school. Its exam period now! Next week would be my exam papers.... Anyway, looking forward to more GuiWang scenes