Engagement 2

It began with mistake (a.k.a. Forever love)



“Who engage who?” WZ asked puzzled. XJ looked at JJ with a loving smile. The engagement wasn’t a problem for them at all because they thought to 90% that WZ would be arranged to GG, so they would be engaged to each other. To their surprise, …

“WZ engages with JJ and XJ engages with GG.” XJ’s dad said. The shocked expression appeared on the four’s faces and also HB’s even she’s not involved in it but she had also known how much XJ and JJ loved each other.  

-----End of recap-----


-----GG’s POV-----

“Dad, mom, uncle and auntie, can you switch the pairs?” HB stood up and asked our parents. They looked puzzled with her suggestion. 

“Why?” WZ/HB’s dad asked. HB took a deep breath and looked at XJ and JJ who were looking down at their shaking hands. 

“Because XJ and JJ are dating, so I want WZ to engage with GG instead.” HB said. I really wanted to stand up and refuse the idea, but if I did, XJ and JJ would be sad. I didn’t want my best friends to be hurt. All parents turned to look at XJ and JJ with a serious face which made all of us swallowed. 

“Is it true?” XJ’s dad asked. XJ looked straight at him and held JJ’s hand up.

“It’s true. I love JJ.” XJ nodded. XJ collected all his courage and nodded. Suddenly, the strict faces of our parents turned to a satisfied faces. 

“Good. So XJ will have to engage with JJ. How about you two, WZ and GG?” JJ’s dad asked me and WZ. I faked a smiled and shook my head. They all sighed. 

“Never mind. Feeling can be developed. So from now all of you have to protect your partner, or you’ll have trouble with me.” WZ’s dad said. I felt the shiver went down to my spine because WZ’s dad was known as the strictest person in the business industry. 


*After dinner*

We four bowed goodbye to our parents and left the restaurant. It was the worst dinner I had ever had! HB, JJ rode in XJ’s car leaving me with WZ at his car because our parents said we two needed to develop feeling toward each other. They really put A LOT of pressure on us. On the way, the atmosphere was so awkward until WZ broke the silence.

“Why didn’t you reject my sister’s suggestion?” WZ asked with his eyes still focused on the road. I turned to look at him. That’s when I finally realized his figure. He’s quite handsome. His skin was as smooth as silk. His lips were as red as cherry. The road light reflected his brownish red hair. He was…. Perfect! I didn’t know how long I stared at him until he asked me.

“Hey. Did you hear me? What’s wrong?” WZ asked with a frown. I smiled and turned to my side looking out of car window. 

“Nothing. I’m fine.” I said with my eyes still looked outside. 

“Then answer my question. Why didn’t you reject?” WZ asked.

“Because it’s the best solution. JJ and XJ really love each other, so it’s right for XJ to engage with JJ. Why ask?” I said.

“I was just afraid that you had really fallen for me.” WZ joked. I shot a dead glare at him and pouted. 

“Oh come on. Who do you think you are to make me fallen for?” I said with disgusted expression. WZ laughed a little.

“As Prince, Qiu Shengyi, the heir of Qiu companies. Is it enough?” WZ winked at me.

“As Guigui, Wu Yingjie, the heir of Wu companies, you’re not enough.” I said proudly.

“You are a girl but the heir of your parents’ companies??” WZ laughed. I hit his arms lightly and pouted.

“Can’t a girl be the heir of company? Girl and boy are equal.” I said folding my arms. 

“Only BOY can be the heir of company.” WZ said.

“Sorry, but my parents’ have already arranged me to be the heir of their companies.” I stuck my tongue out.

“Such a childish girl. I’d rather engage with elementary school girl than you.” WZ teased.

“Do you think I really want to engage with you? Mr. Qiu, don’t think you’re great. I agreed to engage with you only for the sake of JJ and XJ.” I said slowly and clearly. Well…. We continued arguing with each other all the way home! 


*At home*

-----Third person’s POV-----

 “Person like you is handsome? I really want to vomit. Look at yourself… as thin as woodstick.” GG said laughing.

“And you… hm… like a pig! Keep eating more and more because I will be able to sell your meat to the pork seller. Well… at least I can get 50$ from that.” WZ teased.

“You!” GG pointed at WZ.

“You is a subject pronounce. Hm… I never thought that you are one of the CEO of a famous company, but don’t even know about “you”.” WZ said and pretended to sigh. They continued bickering each other until they separated to their own rooms. They didn’t even notice that 3 people were watching them for long time.  

“Are they really argued with each other?” HB asked.

“Kind of. But look like couple more.” JJ said.

“Yeah. Like you and AR.” XJ said looking at HB. HB shot a dead glare at him.

“Don’t put me in the same sentence with him.” HB said.

“I didn’t put him. I just put AR.” XJ smirked.

“You kid!” HB shouted. Seeing this, XJ quickly dragged JJ to their rooms before he was killed.


Sorry for short update! This chapter supposed to be Engagement2+my prince??, but I only post Engagement 2 because I was really busy with family stuff today. I'll update "my prince??" on next chapter. Comment please! ^^
Next chapter: My prince??+she's back
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@guiwanglove: i'm glad u like it. I just started to write a new story. hope you give it a look. ^^
@jgloryj:thx. :)
@guiwang4ever: thx. I will try to write more as long as my inspiration isn't running out. XD
HanaSena: thx u so much!
@flattummy: thx!
@xayuze: I'm glad u love guiwang!
xayuze #2
Chapter 20: guiwang forever <3
flattummy #3
i like the characters!!
HanaSena #4
Ohhhh......I Really Love This!!!!!
guiwang4ever #5
i really really really like your story!!!=) <br />
write more=)
like the story...
guiwanglove #7
I really like your story!! write more.haha
@Prince99:<br />
thanks you for reading and commenting on my story. ^^
Bibi: <br />
I am also busy with school. Its exam period now! Next week would be my exam papers.... Anyway, looking forward to more GuiWang scenes