Chapter 6

Pandora Box

Seohyun still remembered the kiss from last night. The smile on her face was still there too, not even planning on disappearing. Her eyes glistened with happiness and she couldn’t handle her blooming heart from beating faster when the memory of Yunho’s lips on hers came back. Once in a while, she bit her lower lip and giggled softly.

“Stop smiling like a crazy person.” said Luna who had been staring at her because of her odd behavior.

“Huh?” Seohyun turned her head to her. “Have I been smiling?” She giggled shyly.

“Yes, like since you got here and from the way you do it, I don’t know if that smile will ever be gone.” Luna shook her head in disbelief. She had never seen Seohyun this happy before.

“I’m sorry.” Seohyun giggled again and then she was back to her work. She grabbed a vase of bonsai and took it outside. As she was going out the door, she met Leeteuk.

“Good morning!” She said cheerfully and passed him.

Leeteuk’s sight followed Seohyun as she went to the display table outside the shop and then he looked to Luna as he entered the shop. “What’s going on?”

Luna shrugged her shoulders with the same confused look as Leeteuk.

“She’s been like that since morning.” Luna told him.

The two of them were watching Seohyun from the window. Her facial expression was still as beautiful as usual but brighter and happier. It was really easy to tell what’s in Seohyun’s heart since she always showed it through her facial expression. Just like today.

“I bet she’s met someone special.” said Luna.

“Someone special?” Leeteuk turned his head to her, raising both of his eyebrows.

“You know, love.” Luna smirked to him.

“How can you tell?” He asked as he glanced to Seohyun who was now cutting the leaves of the bonsai, still smiling.

“How do you think you looked when you fell for Sora, huh?” Luna nudged him on the shoulder.

“I looked like that?”

“Yes. Well… You weren’t that smiley. Just the eyes.” She chuckled.

“Who do you think the guy is?” Leeteuk asked, suddenly feeling all curious.

“I don’t know.” Luna shrugged.

Their eyes were on Seohyun again. The smile on her face was still there and it made her look even prettier.

“Could it be…” Luna opened as she carefully thought of the reason of Seohyun’s behavior.

“Could it be?” Leeteuk bent slightly to Luna, without taking his eyes off of Seohyun.

She snapped her fingers. “Could it be the guy from last time?” She turned her head to Leeteuk and he looked back at her.

“Which guy?” He wrinkled his forehead then it was like finding a shocking truth, his eyes widened. “You didn’t mean the guy that she invited to the exhibition, right?”

“Yes! That guy!” Luna nodded, making her ponytail swung up and down. “I mean, why would she invite someone that she had never introduced to us before? Right, boss?”

Her words swam into Leeteuk’s mind and he processed everything. What Luna was saying somehow right. But he didn’t answer Luna. He suddenly walked to the door and went to Seohyun, leaving Luna more confused than before.

“Seohyun.” Leeteuk grabbed her hand and turned her to him.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, looking surprised.

He opened his mouth slightly then he suddenly realized that he’s not sure what’s wrong. He let go of her hand slowly and sighed.

“I heard you’re going out with a guy.” He said quietly.

“What?” Seohyun chuckled lightly. “Where did you hear that, huh? I’m not going out with anyone.”

Not yet. Yunho hadn’t told her whether he loved her or not. For Seohyun, she needed to hear those three words and a declaration before she could clarify anything.

“Then why are you so happy?” Leeteuk pressed his lips together. He had gotten himself confused by being so curious about the reason behind Seohyun’s bright mood. He shouldn’t ask any further later.

“Just… happy.” She grinned. Her eyes got smaller when both of her cheeks lifted up.

“You’re not gonna tell my why?” He grunted silently to himself. He’s not supposed to ask any further before things got any more confusing.

“If you know why, then what?” Seohyun threw her playful smile to Leeteuk and it got him speechless.

“I-I just want to know. I don’t think you should keep your happiness alone. You should share it too. If you don’t then you shouldn’t come to me if you’re sad. I don’t want to hear sad stories.” Leeteuk started to talk endlessly and it made Seohyun laugh.

“Seriously…” She covered with her palm as her laughter kept going. “You’re so funny when you talk like that. At least stop a little to catch a breath.” She patted Leeteuk's shoulder then she went back inside.

Leeteuk sighed, running his hand through his hair. As he was looking to the window, he saw Luna who had been watching them, mouthing to him.

"You are in a big trouble." Said Luna inaudibly then she shook her head in disbelief and left the sight.

Luna went to Seohyun and helped her moving the vases.

"Don't I get to know why you're happy?" Luna asked, nudging her playfully.

"Why is everybody so curious about it?" Seohyun chuckled then she turned to Luna. "When I'm able to tell you, I will do it. Wait a little, okay?"

"Are you in love?" Luna went to the point.

"Me?" Seohyun pointed to herself. "I don't know. I don't know how to define 'in love'. Do I look like I'm in love?"

"It's somehow so obvious that everyone who see you say the same." Luna nodded slightly, agreeing to herself.

"I didn't notice that." Seohyun cupped her cheeks. "I must've looked creepy."

The both of them laughed to Seohyun's statement then after a while, they continued moving the vases. When Seohyun was setting the vases by the window, she saw Leeteuk was talking to a man outside the shop. But somehow she's familiar with the man's figure. He was wearing a black suit and a pair of black shoes that went perfectly with his suit. His hair was being pulled back neatly. But aside of her sight being on that man, she also noticed Leeteuk whom the facial expression had changed. His face showed dislike towards the man. Then in an inaudible conversation, he scoffed as he walked to the door. The man turned to follow Leeteuk and Seohyun's heart started to pace. It's Yunho.

Seohyun straigthened her body as the door was opened and Leeteuk came in first. He glanced to Seohyun and sighed before he said anything.

"Someone's looking for you." He said as he passed by.

"Leeteuk." Seohyun stopped him, grabbing him by the hand. "You're alright?" She had never seen him looking so hateful.

"Yeah. I'm alright." He said, showing her a fake smile that came out perfectly. Then he pulled away slowly from Seohyun and left.

Seohyun pressed her lips together. Even though he said he's alright, something seemed not right. She shrugged it off for now then she turned to Yunho who was already inside.

"Hi." He smiled to her, as charming as always.

"Hi." She smiled back. "What brings you here?"

"I want to take you out for lunch. I've asked your boss." He glanced slightly to Leeteuk then back to Seohyun. "He said you have one hour. So, we'd better hurry."

"He did?" That didn't seem to be what just happened out there.

"He did. Let's go now." Yunho held her hand gently and took her to his car. He opened the door for her and after he got in, he started the engine and drove away.

"You should've told me you're coming." Seohyun told Yunho.

"I know. But then I thought it's alright too if I didn't call." Yunho smirked, keeping his eyes focused on the road.

"Leeteuk didn't seem to be please by what you've done." She glanced to him.

"Oh, that." Yunho pressed his lips. "Well, I managed to get his permission anyway." He chuckled, glancing back to Seohyun and then he smiled.

"Where are we going?" Seohyun rested her head on the headrest.

"There's this small restaurant that's well-known for its delicious yangnyeom chicken."

"Really?" Seohyun sat up and smiled widely.

"You like it?" He looked at her.

"Yes! It's my favorite!" She nodded. "My aunt cooks the best one too. Do you like it?"

"It was my mother's favorite, actually. But I got to like it too." Yunho chuckled softly. He liked it when Seohyun's happy. His mood lifted up every time he saw Seohyun's smile and heard her laughter, too. He focused on the road again then he his lower lips with his fingers. The memory of his mother resurfaced.

"She seems to be the person you love the most." Seohyun gave him a warm smile. "Your face, when you talk about her... You smile so sincerely." She put her palm on his cheek, caressing it gently.

"I do love her so much." Yunho held her palm and brought it to his lips, kissing the back of her hand gently. "But she's in a better place right now."

Seohyun's heart ached. In a short moment, Yunho's eyes went blank, empty. His smile looked bitter and painful. Seohyun frowned in her heart. She leaned in and kissed Yunho's cheek softly then she caressed it one last time before she pulled her hand from his cheek.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. "I didn't know."

"It's fine. I wasn't planning to tell you either. It just kind of slip out. I'm sorry." He said to her. His eyes were back to normal.

After a while, they finally arrived. They had been silent during the way after the conversation. Seohyun, too didn't have a mother. More than that, she didn't have a father as well. So she knew how it felt for Yunho to remember his mother. There's no need for Seohyun to share her story. At least not in this kind of situation.

Yunho silently got out of the car then he opened Seohyun's door and closed it after Seohyun got out. Suddenly, Seohyun wrapped her arms around Yunho's waist, hugging him from behind. Yunho was startled. He didn't see that coming.

"Seohyun." He let out a sigh as he loosened Seohyun's arms and turned around. He cupped her face, looking into her eyes and he leaned down to kiss her nose then he rested his forehead against hers. "Don't trouble yourself thinking about my feeling."

"I know." She said quietly.

"Let's eat and be happy about it." Yunho grinned foolishly and it brought a smile to Seohyun's face as she nodded.

They entered the restaurant together. It was a small restaurant for a person with high position as Yunho. But it was like Seohyun knew him well, she wasn't surprised with it. Somehow she could see that Yunho didn't need something luxurious for living. Even though he's a CEO, he didn't seem to spend his money recklessly.

They decided to sit near the window. Just like what they had planned, they ordered one large portion of yangnyeom chicken. While they waited, both Yunho and Seohyun tried to build a conversation yet neither of them said anything. He tried to drift his eyes to every direction but they kept coming back to Seohyun who was now releasing her hair from the rubber band. She shook her head slightly as she combed her hair with her fingers.

Seohyun noticed Yunho's eyes and she held up her palms in front of Yunho's face, covering his sight.

"Hey..." Yunho chuckled as he grabbed her hands and pulled her down.

"You're scary." Seohyun giggled. She tried to keep her palms up but Yunho was quite strong so they started to look like they're doing a catfight.

The two of them stopped instantly when their food arrived so the waitress wouldn’t have to look at them with an awkward look. After the waitress left, they exchanged look and laughed together. Yunho put some of the chickens on Seohyun’s plate and gave it to her then he put some on his plate. They started to eat.

“There’s something I need to tell you.” said Yunho after a while.

“What is it?” Seohyun looked at him, being all ears.

“I have to go to America due to an international meeting. I’ll be staying there for about a week.” Yunho said it carefully. His eyes were staring at Seohyun.

“When will you leave?” Seohyun asked calmly. She knew that something like this wasn’t planned yesterday, but weeks before. She didn’t mind but she would be lonely for sure.

Yunho took a deep breath. “Tomorrow afternoon.”

“Oh…” Seohyun answered shortly. She wasn’t sure how to answer him. If she complained, she didn’t feel that she had the right to. “If you haven’t packed for tomorrow, I can help you.”

“You’re not… mad?” Yunho bent to her slightly, trying to see through her.

“Nope.” She shook her head and then she chuckled. “Why should I? You have to work hard for living and that’s what you do. I’m proud.”

Yunho smiled to her. She’s kind and understanding and it made Yunho feel lucky to meet her.

“Alright. You must help me packing tonight.” He said as he finished his meal.

“Okay. I will.” She nodded and then smiled to him.


It was almost 7.30 PM when Seohyun arrived at Yunho’s apartment. It was her first time going there so she pulled out a paper that had Yunho’s apartment details in it. It said his room was on the fifth floor. She entered the apartment and went to the elevator. Once she’s inside, she pressed the button to the fifth floor.

It didn’t take long for the elevator to reach the fifth floor since there was no one else using it but Seohyun. She walked out from the elevator and went to the left to find room number 512. The room wasn’t too far from where she was. She just had to turn to the right once and then she found the room. She took a deep breath and then she rang the bell.

Soon, the handle of the door was moved and it was opened. Seohyun stepped back when she saw a beautiful tall figure was standing in front of her, wearing the best clothes she had and staring at her with her cold icy stare.

“Who is it?”

Seohyun could hear Yunho’s voice coming from Si Yeon’s back.

“Just a neighbor mistook the room as hers.” Si Yeon answered calmly.

Seohyun was taken aback when Si Yeon lied about her presence. She had no idea that she would be here and worse, Si Yeon who had no idea that Seohyun would be here, too, didn’t want her to be here. She felt uneasy around Si Yeon but she shouldn’t be scared.

Before Seohyun could say anything to defend herself, Si Yeon was already pulling her away from the door. Her grip was firm and strong. Seohyun wasn’t aware at all of Si Yeon but right now, she just had to face her and be as fierce as Si Yeon or more.


Sorry if the ending is kind of hanging >.<

I just had to do it for some reasons kekeke

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sorry for the long post~


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Chapter 15: From the earlier chapters, I already had the feeling that YunSeo are siblings, but I think there's still another twist in this story... I still have to hear the side of yunho's aunt before I can fully accept YunSeo's relationship... But still, I'm still hoping for YunSeo to be together in the end, not as siblings but lovers
Eycha_sk11 #2
Chapter 15: Why my yunseo, siblings ? Sobbs yunho, you shouldn't think like that!! Think that seobb should die with your mother... are you really loves her ??!! If seobb know,... hmm

Thanks for update author-nim !!! Update soon fighting !!!!
tinhnghichbe #3
Chapter 14: Even though I like YunSeo as a couple
I still think that it is better if they are siblings :(
Yunho hurts Seohyun without knowing it. And he just realize it when InGook told him. It means that he doesnt really care abt Seo lately
I dont think Seo will be happy if she's with Yunho. He is always thinking about SiYeon
Even thought he said that he loves Seohyun and believes it, it doesnt mean that his heart really loves Seohyun. He doesnt know his heart yet
I have the feeling that Seo will give up her love on Yunho; however, when SiYeon wakes up, she wont accept Yunho because Seo is so nice to her and she doesnt want to hurt Seo as she did before
I hope there will be another guy in this story, so that Seo wont hurt that much when she knows that she is her lover's sister
Chapter 13: I feels like Seohyun is actually giving Yunho back to siyeon , hopes she wakes up soon ! And don't make YunSeo Siblings
koreanchick #5
Chapter 13: NOOOOO please dont make seohyun and yunho siblings!!!! YOU SHOULD MAKE SIYEON AND YUNHO SIBLINGS!!!!
Chapter 13: Yunho is really something...
I have a feeling that Seohyun will finish her relationship with Yunho after Siyeon wake up....
So who is Yunho's real sibling..?
Author-nim, Please don't make Yunseo siblings T_T
Eycha_sk11 #7
Chapter 13: Seriously yunho, are you sharing ur heart for two womens ?!!

I knew it ! In gook is really something ! He's too nice from the beginning !
cherishyberry #8
Chapter 13: there's still possibility seohyun is yunho's sister omgosh!
marquez #9
Chapter 12: well, what happen to yunseo, after seohyun was slap, that's it