Chapter 9

Pandora Box

Yunho sat in the most casual pose he had ever been. He let his legs spread with one arm hanging on his thigh and the other supported his chin. He paid attention to his father’s expression. He was happy, exaggeratedly happy. His huge smile formed wrinkles on the edge of his eyes. Yunho felt relieved that his father had felt better. His face used to be filled with worry and guilty. Now, happiness was all over it.

“How old are you now, Son?” His father asked In Gook, not letting the smile disappear from his face.

“I’m twenty five.” In Gook answered. Then he turned his head to Yunho and smiled. “You’re thirty two, right? Since we’re seven years apart.”

Yunho nodded. “That’s right.”

“Dad, don’t tell Aunt Yoo Eun that I’m here. She would be furious.” In Gook begged, looking at his father with anxiety.

“Of course. I know how she is.” His father gave him a pat on the shoulder.

“Thank you.” He chuckled lightly. “Ah, yes. I brought this with me. I want this to be kept in the family documents if that’s not much to ask.”

In Gook took out something from his backpack. It was a green file holder.

“May I see it?” Yunho asked as he rose from his chair and walked closer to them.

“Sure.” In Gook gave the file to him.

Yunho took it and opened it. It was In Gook’s birth certificate and some other papers that seemed to be his school diplomas. In the birth certificate was written that he was born under their mother’s last name, Seo, since he was born after the divorce. Yunho lowered his sight as he continued reading. In Gook was born in June 28th, 1987 in Jangseong.

The name ‘Jung Tae Woo’ was written as the father and ‘Seo Eun Mi’ as the mother. He felt odd reading his own mother’s name again after a long time but it was nice. His heart seemed to calm a bit. He put the papers back into the file holder and gave it to In Gook.

“Welcome home.” Yunho gave him a simple smile.

A wide smile rose on In Gook’s face as he stood up and gave Yunho a hug. “Hyung, I’m so happy!” He chuckled and then he pulled back.

Their father rose from his seat with a happy smile and patted the shoulder of his sons. “I’m finally able to make things right from now on.”

In Gook nodded excitedly while Yunho just did it in the simplest way. It was obvious that those two would definitely be a completely different personality. Just like how brothers were. The thought tickled Yunho; a perfectionist elder brother and a playful little brother. He’d never imagined his life would be like that.

“Let’s celebrate this reunion with a dinner.”

Yunho thought that it wasn’t a bad suggestion coming from his father. A family dinner would be the best choice after all.

“You can bring your girlfriend, too, Yunho.” His father added.

“Woah! Hyung, you have a girlfriend? You’re no joke!” In Gook shouted then he chuckled in his deep voice.

“Yeah, I do.” Yunho answered calmly. “I will bring her to the dinner, father.” He added as he nodded to his father.

“Good!” His father laughed lightly and then he looked to Secretary Im. “Secretary Im, please inform Dae Jin to come to the dinner today.”

Yet Secretary Im just stared at him, looking puzzled.

“Oh, my. Look how happy I am until I forgot that you only knew him as President Park.” He laughed happily.

“Uncle Dae Jin is coming too?” Yunho asked with a surprise look.

“Well, of course! He’s my bestfriend and his daughter is your bestfriend. Why wouldn’t he be invited?”

“Well…” Yunho wasn’t sure what to answer. Surely, there’s nothing he should complain about. He just suddenly had to ask.

“Well, yes. He has to be invited.” Yunho said finally.

“Is his daughter beautiful?” In Gook asked. His eyes were showing his curiosity.

Yunho wasn’t surprised at all by his brother’s question. He looked like the type of a guy who checked out girls anytime and anywhere after all.

“She’s alright.” Yunho answered.

“She’s a goddess!” Their father threw Yunho a sharp gaze then he looked to In Gook who’s still waiting for the details. “Si Yeon is very beautiful and kind. You’ll befriend her in no time.”

Beautiful, yes. Kind, yes. Befriend her in no time? Si Yeon doesn’t usually do such thing, said Yunho in his thought.

“Sounds great!” In Gook cheered excitedly.

“Tell President Park first thing in the morning, Secretary Im.” Their father ordered.


It was really quiet in the shop before Leeteuk started his rage towards the innocent flowerpots on the yard. He kicked them furiously. Everyone inside were watching him curiously. Luna crossed her arms on her chest then she shook her head.

“Should we just close the shop for today?” She asked to Victoria.

Victoria shook her head calmly. “Don’t. Leeteuk will break everything inside if there’s no one here.”

“I thought he’d be a little manly on the breakup, you know.” Luna bit her lower lip. Her forehead wrinkled as she thought of the flowerpots.


Luna and Victoria turned their head to see Seohyun who just got back from delivering flowers to customers, walked rapidly to Leeteuk. When she’s near, her hand swung towards Leeteuk head and in a second, she smacked his head, hard.

“These flowerpots are expensive to buy nowadays!” She yelled as she pulled him away from the flowerpots.

Luna and Victoria couldn’t help themselves but to laugh at Leeteuk. They didn’t know that Seohyun was ever gonna be that assertive towards Leeteuk who was always like a big brother for her. Then the both of them stopped and walked away from the window when Leeteuk glared to them.

“What are you doing?” Seohyun asked him when he turned to her.

Leeteuk mumbled inaudibly.


“…broke…” His voice didn’t get any louder.

“Leeteuk, say it clearly.” Seohyun shook his arm.

His eyes stared at her deeply with sadness. “I broke up.”

“You did?” Seohyun was surprised. She’d never thought Sora and Leeteuk would end up like this.

Leeteuk simply nodded.

“Still, you shouldn’t be kicking the flowerpots.” Seohyun sighed. “I’m sorry that you had to break up. Time heals.” Seohyun added as she came closer to Leeteuk and gave him a hug.

“Hm.” was all he said. He was glad that he had a person like Seohyun in his life. She really understood him and she’s always there for him. She had also touched his heart with her pure kindness.

“You shouldn’t lose yourself. We need our strong-hearted leader.” She his back swiftly.

“I know. I’m sorry I was raging.” Leeteuk breathed out slowly. “I’m alright now.” He said as he pulled back from her hug.

“Everything will be fine. I know it’s hard to accept because if it doesn’t have to happen, it won’t happen, right? So maybe, this is just how it has to be.” Seohyun patted his shoulder and gave him a warming smile.

“Thank you.” Leeteuk smiled back to her and then he smacked her head lightly. “That was quite painful.”

Seohyun laughed. “Sorry, I was really shocked when you’re vandalizing your own yard.”

“Seohyun!” Luna shouted to her from the door. “Yunho is here!”

“Okay!” Seohyun gave Luna a smile then she looked to Leeteuk. “I’ll be going now. Don’t forget to lock the green house and clean the broken pots. Also, tell Luna and Victoria to put everything on their place before closing up.”

“Hey, I’m the boss. I know that.” Leeteuk chuckled.

“Ah, yes. I know that too. I just want to feel superior.” Seohyun giggled. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye.” She said as she left to the shop.

“Have fun in the dinner!” Leeteuk shouted to her.


It was 7.15 PM when Yunho and Seohyun arrived at the restaurant. It was quite a luxurious one. The building itself was large and spacious since it was actually a hotel. Seohyun rarely went to a big restaurant like this. She tried to make herself as comfortable as she could but what bothered her was the fact she would meet Yunho’s family and Si Yeon.

“Don’t be afraid. My family isn’t scary at all. Well, my brother actually looks a little scary but he’s nice.” Yunho said to stretch the tension on Seohyun’s face.

“It seems like you’re doing pretty well with your brother even though you both had never met.” Seohyun simpered.

“I hesitated to do so at first. But he’s a good son to my father so I think it won’t hurt me if I’m being a good brother to him.”

“You sound so mature.” Seohyun giggled softly.

“I am.” Yunho chuckled. “Let’s go now. They’re waiting.”

Yunho linked Seohyun’s arm to his then they walked into the restaurant. Seohyun braced herself, mainly because she’s about to face Si Yeon and probably Si Yeon’s wrath later. She carefully walked on her silver heels that Yunho bought for her since they went perfectly with her red dress. Seohyun carefully scanned the place and the goddess-like charm of Si Yeon was spreading all over the room, making it easy to find the table they were going to.

There were four people around the table but there were only two persons Seohyun could figure out. The first one was Si Yeon who looked so pretty and kind and the last one was the younger guy sitting across her who must’ve been Yunho’s brother, In Gook. His sharp charismatic eyes that were once watching Si Yeon, had darted to another direction. They were now on Yunho. There was a glimpse of memory when she noticed those eyes but she couldn't recall.

Hyung!” He’s now smiling widely and gave Yunho a hug when he’s near.

Seohyun smiled to the scene. Everybody else did, too, except Si Yeon who was eyeing on Seohyun. She lifted her head arrogantly when Seohyun slightly bowed to her as a greeting but then Si Yeon looked away. At least, Seohyun tried.

The moment In Gook released his brother, he looked to Seohyun and his face showed excitement.

"Oh! Seohyun! It's you, right?" He exclaimed.

"Oh!" Now she remembered. "Pansy guy!"

"You've met?" Yunho asked.

"Yeah, he came to the flower shop a few days ago." Seohyun said.

In Gook chuckled. "Yup. That's me. But please, call me In Gook from now on. Are we on the same line?"

"'87?" Seohyun asked.

"'87! We must be friends from now on." In Gook smiled widely and extended his hand for a shake.

Seohyun glanced slightly to Yunho who approved with a nod then Seohyun welcomed In Gook's hand. "Okay."

"Yunho." His father called. "Please, introduce this beautiful lady to us."

Yunho pursed his lips together. He held Seohyun close to him and after his brother sat down, he started to speak.

"This is Seohyun. Seohyun, this is my father and this is his bestfriend, Park Dae Jin." Yunho said as he pointed his father and Si Yeon's father with manner.

Seohyun bowed politely to them and they smiled to her politeness. Yunho's father seemed satisfied somehow.

"This is In Gook, my brother whom you've already met and this is my bestfriend, Si Yeon, she's Uncle Dae Jin's daughter."

"We've met." Said Si Yeon darkly. "On the flower exhibiton, remember?" She tilted her head in her arrogance.

"Yah, don't be like that, noona." In Gook . "You sound really mean somehow."

Si Yeon glared to In Gook who responded with a playful chuckle.

"Well, please, Seohyun. Make yourself comfortable." Said Yunho's father as he pointed to the chair.

Seohyun bowed slightly and she sat down after Yunho pulled the chair for her and then he sat between Seohyun and Si Yeon since he could sense that those two couldn't get along. Then Yunho's father invited them to enjoy the meals that had been served. They started to eat.

"So, Seohyun. What do you do?" Yunho's father asked before sipping on his wine.

Seohyun was about to open when Si Yeon suddenly answered for her, "She's a florist who works on Leeteuk's shop."

"You know Leeteuk?" Si Yeon's father asked in surprise.

"Yes, he's my boss. He's the one who helps me getting along in Seoul." Seohyun answered calmly even though Si Yeon was staring at her fiercely.

"You're not from Seoul?" In Gook asked as he chewed on his steak.

"No, I'm not." Seohyun shook her head lightly. "I'm from Jangseong."

"Me too!" In Gook exclaimed cheerfully. "How come we've never met?"

"I rarely played with the neighbor's kids. I stayed mostly at home, doing all the house chores."

"You have a bright future to be a great housewife then." Yunho's father chuckled.

"Uncle!" Si Yeon raised her voice. Everybody was looking at her. "Isn't that too early to say such thing?"

"Why is it? Yunho is ready for marriage, aren't you, Son?" His father looked to him.

"Well..." Yunho pursed his lips. "Si Yeon's right, father. It is too early to discuss about marriage. I'm still pursuing on my career and right now, I'm trying to spare my time for my family; you and In Gook."

"Well, look at my son, Dae Jin! He's still not listening to me. He refused an arranged marriage, he even refused a marriage." He grumbled.

Both Yunho and Si Yeon turned their head to Yunho's father. Yunho was completely startled that his father dared bringing up the topic of that arranged marriage. He carefully looked at Seohyun from the corner of his eyes but there was nothing shown on her face. On the other hand, Si Yeon was looking forward to where this conversation headed to.

"Tae Woo, he's still Yunho no matter how old he is now. He'd be as stubborn as ever. Just let him be. He'll do what he has to when the time comes."

Yunho sighed in relief. "Thank you, Uncle." He added as he lowered his head slightly.

"Hyung was supposed to marry someone?"

Yunho shut his eyes and then he glared at him. "In Gook..."

He was lost at first but when he saw the change of Seohyun's expression, he grimaced and then he cleared his throat. "The food is delicious! Your choice of restaurant is excellent, dad!" He said, changing the topic right away.

Again, Si Yeon looked displease by what In Gook had done. She wanted to hurt Seohyun indirectly, through the conversation of that arranged marriage thing. She thought it would happen without her being involved in spicing up the conversation. But In Gook drifted the topic and it would be immature for Si Yeon to talk about it again. She lost tonight.

"How about your parents, Seohyun?" Yunho's father continued with his questions.

"I don't have any parents, Sir. They both passed away when I was young. Then I live with my aunt and uncle." Seohyun answered.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's alright. Years have passed since then. I've never known them anyway so I'm not very upset when I think of them." She smiled.

Yunho held her hand gently, knowing she didn't force the smile. He adored her big heart. He loved her. He rubbed the back of her palm gently with his thumb. When Seohyun glanced at him, he mouthed 'I love you' and smiled.

"Noona." In Gook whispered to Si Yeon.

"What?" Si Yeon glared to him.

"I love you." He mouthed to her, doing what Yunho did and he chuckled when Si Yeon looked disgust.

"Excuse me, I need to go to the restroom." Si Yeon rose from her chair. "Seohyun, don't you need to go too?"

"Oh." Seohyun looked at her. Her eyes were telling Seohyun to just come with her without complaining.

"Come on." Si Yeon said as she walked away.

"Excuse me." Seohyun stood up and followed Si Yeon.

What Si Yeon would want, Seohyun couldn't think of anything right now.


Actually, I don't plan on using honorific but In Gook seems so cute when he says 'hyung' and 'noona' :3

So he'll be the only one using it hehe ^^



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sorry for the long post~


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Chapter 15: From the earlier chapters, I already had the feeling that YunSeo are siblings, but I think there's still another twist in this story... I still have to hear the side of yunho's aunt before I can fully accept YunSeo's relationship... But still, I'm still hoping for YunSeo to be together in the end, not as siblings but lovers
Eycha_sk11 #2
Chapter 15: Why my yunseo, siblings ? Sobbs yunho, you shouldn't think like that!! Think that seobb should die with your mother... are you really loves her ??!! If seobb know,... hmm

Thanks for update author-nim !!! Update soon fighting !!!!
tinhnghichbe #3
Chapter 14: Even though I like YunSeo as a couple
I still think that it is better if they are siblings :(
Yunho hurts Seohyun without knowing it. And he just realize it when InGook told him. It means that he doesnt really care abt Seo lately
I dont think Seo will be happy if she's with Yunho. He is always thinking about SiYeon
Even thought he said that he loves Seohyun and believes it, it doesnt mean that his heart really loves Seohyun. He doesnt know his heart yet
I have the feeling that Seo will give up her love on Yunho; however, when SiYeon wakes up, she wont accept Yunho because Seo is so nice to her and she doesnt want to hurt Seo as she did before
I hope there will be another guy in this story, so that Seo wont hurt that much when she knows that she is her lover's sister
Chapter 13: I feels like Seohyun is actually giving Yunho back to siyeon , hopes she wakes up soon ! And don't make YunSeo Siblings
koreanchick #5
Chapter 13: NOOOOO please dont make seohyun and yunho siblings!!!! YOU SHOULD MAKE SIYEON AND YUNHO SIBLINGS!!!!
Chapter 13: Yunho is really something...
I have a feeling that Seohyun will finish her relationship with Yunho after Siyeon wake up....
So who is Yunho's real sibling..?
Author-nim, Please don't make Yunseo siblings T_T
Eycha_sk11 #7
Chapter 13: Seriously yunho, are you sharing ur heart for two womens ?!!

I knew it ! In gook is really something ! He's too nice from the beginning !
cherishyberry #8
Chapter 13: there's still possibility seohyun is yunho's sister omgosh!
marquez #9
Chapter 12: well, what happen to yunseo, after seohyun was slap, that's it