Chapter 5

Pandora Box


“Mommy, what do you call these flowers?” Yunho squatted next to his mother.

“They’re Carnations. Aren’t they beautiful?” She looked to Yunho and smiled warmly, warm enough to make Yunho’s cheek turned into a soft reddish color.

He always loved it when his mother smiled. For him, she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Such a sweet thought of a five years old kid. Yunho watched his mother digging the soil. Then she held a Carnation that was ready to be planted and she noticed how bright Yunho eyes were, telling her that he wanted to put it into the dug soil.

“Do you want to help me plant it, Yunho?” She asked, keeping her smile. As she’d thought, her little champ nodded his head excitedly as he extended both of his hands to recieve the flower. She giggled then she put it carefully on his small hands. She moved to his behind and cupped the back of his hands, supporting them so they wouldn’t drop the flower.

“Now, put it down carefully.” She said gently to him. They lowered their hands together. She could feel her son’s pounding heartbeat from the excitement. She giggled softly. Yunho was always excited when he got to do something new.

“I love you, my son.” She mumbled as she kissed Yunho’s crown. Her voice was almost inaudible for Yunho to heard.

As the flower reached the bottom of the dug soil, Yunho yelled, “I did it!” He turned his head to see his mother but she wasn’t there anymore. His heart was suddenly filled with fear.

“Mommy?” Yunho stood up and looked around. She was right behind him when they planted the flower together.

He ran into the house with his heart pounding faster. He was scared. He’s scared if his mother was not around. He had a bad feeling about it. As he ran, it felt like he was going through a different dimention.

In the hallway, there was no one. Yunho ran to the kitchen, wishing her mother was there. But when he got there, there was no one either. So he decided to take a look in his parents’ room. As he passed by his father’s work office, he heard his father arguing on the phone. He stopped by the door, hiding himself behind it.

He peered silently. His father was now crying. Even though he couldn’t hear the conversation clearly but as if he was being choked to death, his face stiffened when he heard his father stating that his mother had died.

Yunho froze there. His eyes were dead. His hands were still gripping on the edge of the door. He couldn’t breathe. Soon, he knew his tears began welling. His father was still talking when he noticed that his seven years old son was there, crying.

“Yunho!” He dropped the phone as he ran to him and hugged him tightly.




At once, Yunho was widely awake. His body was sweating hard. It wasn’t because of the heat, but because of the dream. He sighed deeply as he ran his fingers through his hair. Why did he has to dream like that? His heart was in pain to have such a dream. It was like his mother’s death was being summarized when he was trying not to remember a bit about it.

He couldn’t fall back to sleep. The dream was too much for him. It seemed that the dream had appeared because of the Carnation. It was his mother’s favorite and so, he had come to love it as well. The flower brought back memories; memories that he wanted to forget. So he wouldn’t get hurt.

Yunho crawled off of his bed and he went to the bathroom for a shower. He tried to get his head together while the cold water ran down his body. He lifted his head up with his eyes shut and let the water hit his face for a moment then he looked down and wiped his face.

After taking a shower, he dried himself and then he put on his grey sweatshirt and shorts. It was 12.15 AM when he left his apartment. When he reached the sidewalk, he started to jog. He hadn’t decided where to go but he just had to jog to let his stress out.

The night was calm. Since it was a little cloudy, there wasn’t a single star shining. Instead, the wind was blowing a little strong. Yunho kept going. He was still disturbed and he couldn’t get over his dream. His mother’s death left the deepest scar in his heart. No matter how hard he tried to face it, to leave it be, to forget it... He was never that strong.

He didn’t know how far he was right now to his apartment. He didn’t care. He laid down on a park bench. It was cold there but he was already numb. There were people walking around the park but he was already deaf. His senses had gone numb as well. He grunted and he shut his eyes.

At times like this, it was Si Yeon who would always caressed his cheek and comforted him, being another Si Yeon for him. Why isn’t she around? He thought to himself. Si Yeon would just be there even when he hadn't needed someone to talk to. Maybe this time would be different for him. Maybe he was being told to start facing everything alone. He rubbed his eyes, sighing wearily.

“Yunho? Are you okay?” In his head, it was faintly his mother’s voice. The way that voice called out to his name was almost the same. When he opened his eyes, he found Seohyun was looking at him. He quickly sat up on the bench and shook his head slightly.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He said quickly.

Seohyun stood facing him. Her eyes were examining his exhausted face.

“Are you sure?” She asked once again.

“Yeah.” He said, nodding slightly. “What are you doing here?”

“I couldn’t sleep. So I went to buy a cold coffee in the convenience store.”

Yunho could see it. She was holding them in her hands though it was barely seen if you didn’t take a close look since she was wearing a long sleeve t-shirt. Her hair was being pulled together into a ponytail. She looked so casual and naturally beautiful.

“Is this the area of your apartment then?” Yunho asked, scanning around the place now that he’s quite sober.

“Yes. Did you jog all the way here?” Seohyun tilted her head.

“Sort of. It wasn’t far from my place anyway.” Yunho tried to let out a smile but he just couldn’t do it.

“Can I sit?” asked Seohyun.

Yunho gave her a nod and then she sat next to him. She crossed her legs that were wrapped in leggings. Then she handed her coffee to Yunho.

“Here. I think you need it more than I do.” She smiled to him.

Yunho felt it again. The warmth that he used to feel. His eyes were locked on hers, again. He did realize it’s been more than once for them to lock their eyes on each other’s. Seohyun, too, realized it. But it was something that they could not explain.

Slowly, Yunho extended his hand to take the coffee. Then the tip of their fingers met and their fingers started to intertwine. Once the coffee was in Yunho’s hand, Seohyun pulled her hand back and their fingers were now separated. Yunho held onto the coffee tightly, nearly squeezing it.

“Thanks.” He said finally. “I should stop troubling you, you know.” He chuckled. It was nothing he forced to happen. Somehow, he felt a little better to be able to chuckle.

Seohyun let out a small laugh.

“Probably.” She said with a smile.

Yunho watched her laughing and smiling and the warmth that surrounded him grew thicker. He started to feel much better.

He wasn’t being forced. He was under the control of his heart that’s been yearning for the warmth when he suddenly leaned in towards Seohyun and kissed her cheek gently.

Seohyun froze on her place. Her eyes followed Yunho’s movement as he pulled back. Yunho was as surprised as Seohyun, too. What he’d done could lead to something good or something bad depended on how he’d explain that to Seohyun.

“American does that to say thank you.” He felt stupid for saying that but he couldn’t say anything honest just yet. He’d gone on dates before but it was already quite a long time in the past. Recently, he hadn’t had the intention to be in a relationship. Even Si Yeon supported his decision.

“Oh...” A part of Seohyun was slightly hoping he wasn’t telling the truth but she couldn’t be so bold. “American style. Haha. I know that.” She said, hiding her hope under her friendly laugh.

“Are you hungry?” Yunho asked since his stomach started rumbling. He hadn’t eaten anything for dinner since he was having a mood swing even though he’s not a teenager anymore.

“A little.” Seohyun bit her lower lip.

“We should find something to eat then.”

Yunho stood up and he extended his hand to Seohyun. She held his hand and then he pulled her up gently. Once Seohyun was standing next to him, he let go of her hand and they left the park. He tried to avoid eye-contact with her as long as he could. Seohyun did the same thing, too. But it didn’t feel awkward. Yunho still had that warmth around him. Seohyun’s personality was warming, like his mother’s.

“What do you want to eat?” The both of them asked at the same time. For a short moment, their eyes met and they looked to the other direction. Having an eye-contact was really something they couldn't avoid. It was beyond their control.

“Is there any good restaurant around here?” asked Yunho quickly.

"Actually, yes. But I think it's closed by now."

"Tsk, that's too bad." He mumbled as he put his hands into his shorts' pocket. "Oh!" He looked down to his pocket, searching his for his wallet.

"What's wrong?" She cocked her eyebrows.

"I...uh..." He grinned as he let out a nervous chuckle. "I didn't bring my wallet."

She giggled. "I think I still have something to eat at my place. I don't think it's much though." She said. She hadn't had the chance to go to the grocery store to buy her daily needs.

"As long as there's something to eat." He chuckled quietly.

"Okay, then it's decided!" She exclaimed, followed by a soft laugh.

They didn't have to walk a long way from the park to Seohyun's apartment. Once they were inside, Yunho was no longer feeling unfamiliar with the place. The cream-colored wall; the paintings of various colors; and the flower decorations. It hadn't been long either since he the last -and the first time- he was here. Seohyun went to the fridge right away.

"I still have meat. Do you want to eat meat?" She asked as she put out a hunk of meat that was still wrapped in a styrofoam.

"Do you have ramen? I think I just want to eat ramen." He said, walking to her and helped her setting up the cookware and ingridients.

"I think I still have some." Seohyun opened the upper counter and grabbed two packs of instant ramen and then she handed them to him then she put back the meat into the fridge.

"I'll cook the ramen." Yunho said as he ripped open the plastic wrapper.

"No, I'll do it. You should sit down." Seohyun took the ramen from his hand.

"Wh-... No. I'll do it." He insisted, taking it back from her hand.

"Yunho..." She sighed. "I will do it." She snatched it away and then she slightly pushed Yunho to the back as she the stove.

"You're quite persistent." He cocked one of his eyebrows, folding his arms on his chest.

"I am." Seohyun stuck her tongue out playfully and then she put in their ramen.

Yunho leaned against the counter and rested his head against it, watching Seohyun carefully. She glanced slightly to Yunho and poked his shoulder.

"What are you looking at?" She cocked her head arrogantly and then she laughed.

Yunho couldn't help but to laugh with her. He's glad that he had to meet her in such a depressing night. Whatever she did seemed funny for him. She did everything naturally.

"You remind me of my mother." He said after a while.

"I do? Does that mean I'm old?" Seohyun pressed her cheeks and showed her puppy eyes to him.

"Not that." Yunho smiled gently. "You laugh like her."

"Thank you. Your mother must be a nice person." She said, laughing softly then she continued stirring the ramen.

Yunho thought it would ruin the moment if he told her about his mother. He wouldn't try to bring it up anyway. She made him feel at ease when the dream about his mother upset him. Besides, he didn't want Seohyun to feel sorry for him. That was how it's always like. He told his story and everybody felt sorry for his lost. For being raised alone by only a father who he could barely love. He sighed.

"You look troubled since I found you at the park, you know." Seohyun glanced to him as she poured in the ramen to each bowl.

"Well... There's something." He lowered his head as he tucked his hands into his pocket. Then he looked up to her.

Seohyun's eyes were looking at him with a gentle, worrying him. He was taken aback by how similar their stare were. He shurgged and let out a laughter.

"It was something that happens in the office." He lied. Seohyun couldn't be troubled by him. She had to be where he could find himself again. Someone not to comfort him but to bring him back.

"I hope you can overcome the problem with the best solution." She smiled to him and then she brought their ramen to the table. "Let's eat now."

Yunho walked to the dining table and sat next to her. Seohyun gave him the chopsticks and then she went to get water for them to drink. Then she put a glass filled with water for Yunho and for herself. The both of them started to eat.

"Thanks for cooking." He said.

"It's nothing." She giggled and she continued eating.

During the meal, they talked about other stuffs; mostly about work. Seohyun told him that she'd always had huge interest in flowers and gardening. When she arrived in Seoul five years ago, she didn't know anyone at all. Luckily, she met Leeteuk when she attended one of his grand exhibition and because of their similar interest, Leeteuk hired her with the hope that she could be a trusted right-hand for him. As for Yunho, he also shared about his work; about how hard it was for him to finally reach his CEO chair. Since the beginning of his career, he wasn't chosen because he's the president's son but it was because he'd been working hard and he'd shown his capability to be a great leader.

After a long talk that did not bore either of them, they put down their chopsticks and brought their bowl to the sink. They shared the after work; Seohyun on cleaning the bowls and the cookware and Yunho on drying them and put them in their place. Once in a while, Seohyun splashed the water to Yunho and he attacked her back. The night was filled with Seohyun's melodious laugh and Yunho's playful side.

"We should stop now before we mess the whole place!" Yunho suggested as he held Seohyun's hands so she would stop splashing him.

"I know. I know." Seohyun laughed. Her laugh was amusing for Yunho. He shook his head slightly and let her hands go.

Yunho checked on the time and he was surprised to know it was already two in the morning. He didn't want to go back yet but he had to. There was a meeting that he had to lead tomorrow -today-.

"I should get going now." He said as he dried his hand with the small towel hanging next to the sink.

"Will you be alright?" She was worried. It was dangerous for someone to walk alone on the street at this time. Even she knew Yunho is a brave man, she just...worried.

He gave her a nod. "Of course I will."

Seohyun bit her lower lip for a while then she sighed. "Okay."

She escorted him to the door. Something told her to tell him to stay instead of going home and taking the risk of facing the empty street alone. But she's sure that Yunho would still answer that he would be alright.

"Have a safe walk." Seohyun smiled bitterly, still worried.

"Quit worrying." Yunho patted her head gently then smiled to her. He didn't want to leave her side. He had no other choice. If only she asked him to, he'd do it.

"Alright." She said quietly.

Yunho sighed. She didn't ask.

"I'll be going now." He said to her as he opened the door and walked out of her apartment room.

Seohyun's hand gripped the edge of the door, keeping it open. She watched him walking away. She's supposed to be closing her door by now and went to bed but she just stood still there. She blinked once. Yunho's figure was still in distance. Soon, he reached the corner and turned to the right then disappeared from her sight. She exhaled deeply. He had left.

As Seohyun was about to close her door, she heard a stomping sound of running feet. She turned her head and right at the moment, Yunho hands cupped her face and pulled her face to his. He pressed his lips gently against Seohyun's lips and they were joined into a kiss.

Seohyun closed her eyes slowly as her hands automatically traced up to Yunho's shoulders, gripping them firmly. Yunho's lips felt warm as they pecked Seohyun's upper lip softly. Seohyun opened her eyes a little, feeling Yunho's hands were slowly sliding to her back, pulling her closer and kissed her deeper. Seohyun opened slightly as she threw her arms around Yunho's neck.

Yunho pushed her against the wall of the apartment's corridor carefully while his lips were still lingering with hers. Their nose touched as their head changing side. The kiss was pure and it wasn't lustful. Yunho could control himself not to do anything further than the kiss. What he couldn't tell her, he told her through the kiss that had completely drowned them into a deep indescribable feeling. Was it love? No one could tell yet.

Yunho finally pulled back. They were out of breath and their heart were pounding hard. Yunho brushed the back of his hand againts her cheek as their eyes stared into each other. Then he moved his hand to her lips, tracing the line with his fingers and he smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He whispered softly as he leaned in and kissed her forehead before leaving.

Seohyun put her hands on her chest, feeling her own heart that was moved by the kiss and her mind that had become somewhat clearer. Still, she didn't know of what to do the next time they'd meet. Yet it was something she's looking forward to.

Yunho's heart was still pounding as he left the apartment. He didn't care if it was reckless. He had to do it. He felt relieved after he did it. The taste of Seohyun's lips still lingered on his. He bit his lower lip softly and he chuckled softly. Somehow, he was looking forward to their next meeting.


Another long post! :O

I didn't realize that I was writing this long hehe^^

If the kiss wasn't so satisfying, I'm deeply sorry~ I'm not experienced in writing a kiss scene *bows*

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sorry for the long post~


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Chapter 15: From the earlier chapters, I already had the feeling that YunSeo are siblings, but I think there's still another twist in this story... I still have to hear the side of yunho's aunt before I can fully accept YunSeo's relationship... But still, I'm still hoping for YunSeo to be together in the end, not as siblings but lovers
Eycha_sk11 #2
Chapter 15: Why my yunseo, siblings ? Sobbs yunho, you shouldn't think like that!! Think that seobb should die with your mother... are you really loves her ??!! If seobb know,... hmm

Thanks for update author-nim !!! Update soon fighting !!!!
tinhnghichbe #3
Chapter 14: Even though I like YunSeo as a couple
I still think that it is better if they are siblings :(
Yunho hurts Seohyun without knowing it. And he just realize it when InGook told him. It means that he doesnt really care abt Seo lately
I dont think Seo will be happy if she's with Yunho. He is always thinking about SiYeon
Even thought he said that he loves Seohyun and believes it, it doesnt mean that his heart really loves Seohyun. He doesnt know his heart yet
I have the feeling that Seo will give up her love on Yunho; however, when SiYeon wakes up, she wont accept Yunho because Seo is so nice to her and she doesnt want to hurt Seo as she did before
I hope there will be another guy in this story, so that Seo wont hurt that much when she knows that she is her lover's sister
Chapter 13: I feels like Seohyun is actually giving Yunho back to siyeon , hopes she wakes up soon ! And don't make YunSeo Siblings
koreanchick #5
Chapter 13: NOOOOO please dont make seohyun and yunho siblings!!!! YOU SHOULD MAKE SIYEON AND YUNHO SIBLINGS!!!!
Chapter 13: Yunho is really something...
I have a feeling that Seohyun will finish her relationship with Yunho after Siyeon wake up....
So who is Yunho's real sibling..?
Author-nim, Please don't make Yunseo siblings T_T
Eycha_sk11 #7
Chapter 13: Seriously yunho, are you sharing ur heart for two womens ?!!

I knew it ! In gook is really something ! He's too nice from the beginning !
cherishyberry #8
Chapter 13: there's still possibility seohyun is yunho's sister omgosh!
marquez #9
Chapter 12: well, what happen to yunseo, after seohyun was slap, that's it