Chapter 11

Pandora Box

“That’s all for today. Thank you for your cooperation.”

Yunho collected his papers then sat on the chair after everyone left the meeting room. He slightly rocked the chair as he was resting for a bit. After a few moments, he decided to go back to his office.

“Ah, you’re back.” Donghae rose from the sofa when Yunho walked into the room.

“What are you doing here?” He asked as he put down the papers on his desk.

“I’m bored. Let’s go somewhere tonight.”

“I can’t. I have to check on some documents.” Yunho sat on his chair and started typing something in his laptop.

“Aw, come on.” Donghae pouted as he sat in front of Yunho. “Let’s drink a little.”

“I can’t handle alcohol as good as you.” Yunho kept his eyes on the laptop.

“Ahaha. Right.” Donghae threw back his head, laughing. “Last time you’re drunk, you woke up in Seohyun’s house.”

“You saw?” Yunho glanced at him.

“Of course, I did.”

“Then, why aren’t you helping me?”

“When I saw you that night, I thought I should let you be and let her help you. I had a feeling that you two would turn out great. You should thank me.” He chuckled as he winked to him.

Yunho smirked slightly then he threw a pen to Donghae. “You rascal.”

“Ah!” He flinched when the pen hit his head. “But you two did turn out great!”

Yunho chuckled then he continued typing. “Fine. Let’s go for a drink tonight.”

“Yes! You’re the best!” Donghae chuckled as he tapped his palm against the desk several times.

Then they heard someone was opening the door. But Yunho didn’t turn his head from the laptop, he kept typing while Donghae looked from behind his shoulder and found In Gook whom he didn’t know yet.

Hyung.” In Gook called out as he walked in.

Hyung?” Donghae turned his head to Yunho who was already looking at In Gook.

“He’s my brother.” Yunho answered calmly.

“The child your father has been looking for?”

Yunho nodded to Donghae. “Are you here to see father?” He asked to In Gook.

“Yes, but he’s out at the moment so I decided to see you instead.” He said.

“What a nice brother.” Donghae muttered. “By the way, I’m Donghae. I’m your hyung’s bestfriend.”

Donghae rose from his chair and extended his hand.

“I’m In Gook.” He shook Donghae’s hand lightly then they let go.

“We’re going for a drink tonight. Do you drink well, In Gook?"

"Quite." He nodded slightly.

"Perfect! You should come with us." Donghae chuckled.

"Sure...if that's okay with hyung." He smiled as he glanced at Yunho.

The only Yunho did was going back to his work.

"That's a yes." Donghae nodded to In Gook.


"One shot!" Donghae cheered then he cleaned his glass quickly.

In Gook did the same but Yunho drank slowly. He shouldn't drink that fast if he didn't want to be drunk as fast. He put down his glass and sat calmly while Donghae and In Gook filled each other glass for another one shot.

"Hyung, let me fill your glass." In Gook said as he poured the drink.

"Thanks." Yunho didn't drink it right away. He his tablet and started to continue his work.

"Yah, Yunho. You're trying too hard." Donghae chuckled. "Drink up!"

"Drink up, hyung!" In Gook lifted Yunho's glass and gave it to him. "Let loose. Let loose."

"I will drink. Don't worry." Yunho chuckled as he put down his glass and focused on his tablet.

Donghae and In Gook didn't bother him any longer. They went on drinking and chatting. Once in a while, In Gook checked out on girls around them then exchanged thoughts with Donghae. In a short moment, they got comfortable and befriended each other while Yunho was still working. When the third bottle arrived, Yunho started to drink again. He turned off his tablet then he joined Donghae and In Gook who were miraculously still sober even though Donghae was starting to talk oddly.

"Hyung, drink a lot tonight." In Gook said then he drank from straight from the bottle.

"Slow down." Yunho warned him then he gulped down his drink.

"I like drinking this way. It's manly." In Gook chuckled. "Try it." He added as he opened another bottle for Yunho and gave it to him.

"Careful, Yunho. You might get drunk." Donghae smirked playfully.

"Ah, hyung isn't that weak. Right, hyung?"

The moment In Gook looked at Yunho, he was already putting his forehead on his palm. The bottle in his hand was half full.

"Geez, this rascal... He thinks this is a one shot." Donghae hissed then he leaned in to pat Yunho's head.

Yunho chuckled silently as he lifted his head. "I'm alright. I'm not drunk yet."

"I hope so."

Little by little, Yunho started to finish his first bottle and then he ordered another one. He didn't really know what he was drinking. He liked it anyway since it didn't get him drunk easily.

"Ah, I almost forgot to congratulate In Gook. Welcome!" Donghae lifted his bottle and toasted with them.

"Thanks, hyung." In Gook chuckled. "Is it true that dad was really determined to find me?"

"President Jung? Definitely." Donghae nodded.

"He felt guilty." Yunho said quietly.

"Guilty? Why?" In Gook looked to Yunho.

"He didn't know you were alive. As a father, he felt like he's responsible for what happened to you. That's why he treasures you so much. Before you, he had never been much of a father to me. You see how he is now."

"Sorry for that." In Gook pursed his lips together the he sipped on his drink.

"Eyy... Don't be like that. Thing are going well. There's no need to feel sorry." Donghae patted the shoulder of Yunho and In Gook. "Drink. Drink."

"You're right." Yunho nodded.

It was almost 11 P.M. when neither of them could drink another bottle. Donghae and Yunho were already resting their head on the table, drunk. While In Gook could still get a grip of himself even though he felt as drunk. Yunho sat up slowly and rubbed the back of his head, slightly grunting. Meanwhile, Donghae was still sipping on his drink.

"Yuri-ah... Yuri-ah..." Donghae chuckled.

"Who's Yuri?" In Gook scratched his head.

"She's the iest secretary. She works for the President."

"How do you know the President's secretary? She must be famous in the entire South Korea." In Gook chuckled.

"Idiot." Yunho smacked In Gook's head lightly. "He meant our father, not the President of South Korea."

"Ahh... My dad..." In Gook nodded absentmindedly. "Wait... My dad is the President of South Korea?"

Donghae and Yunho grumbled. Then they started drinking again.

"Ah... I have to go to a meeting." Yunho rose from his chair but then he tripped on his own foot and fell.

"Hyung!" In Gook grabbed Yunho's arm but rather than standing up, he fell down with Yunho.

"Aish... You guys don't even know how to fall down. I've never seen brothers so idiot like you two." Donghae chuckled.

"Don't act so high." Yunho pointed at him.

"I am high..." Donghae smiled foolishly.

"Waiter! I'm going home now." Yunho yelled as he pulled out a small notebook from his pocket and opened it. Then he ripped a paper and waved it. "Here's the money!"

In Gook looked up to the paper and snapped it. "Hyung! This isn't your money!"

The both of them looked at each other in silent.

"It's mine!" In Gook exclaimed then the both of them burst out in laughter.

"Ahhh! You guys are so frustrating! I'll pay. I'll pay." Donghae pulled out his wallet and took out all his money. "Waiter!"

The waiter approached them and quietly counting their bill then he took enough money for the payment. "Here's your change, Sir." He said as he gave Donghae back the rest of his money.

"Let's go home." Donghae rose from his chair and started walking to the door.

"Let's go. In Gook, drive for us." Yunho smiled as he stood up and followed Donghae.

"Ah, yes." In Gook nodded. When he was about to stand up, he noticed there was something on the floor. He giggled as he took it. "Money." Then he stood up and walked out with Donghae and Yunho.


Yunho felt heavy the moment he woke up. Once again he didn't wake up in his apartment but in his father's house. Yunho had thought they would be killed last night since In Gook drove so carelessly and he kept stepping on the gas when he laughed. Thankfully, the road was empty that night.

Yunho looked down and found his brother and Donghae were sleeping on him. He exhaled deeply as he threw his head back on the pillow. He remembered playing Apartment Game with them last night. He chuckled to think how silly they acted when they were drunk. Then he started to kick his feet and released himself from In Gook and Donghae. He sat up, folding his legs as he rubbed his face. He felt dizzy. He couldn't remember how much he drank last night. Probably more than two bottles.

Yunho heard his phone rang then he searched for it. He crawled down the bed and found his phone was laying under the bed. He crawled to it and picked it up.

"How's your head?" Si Yeon's voice was on the line.

"Dizzy." Yunho answered lazily.

"I know. Your father talked about you in the office today. My dad told me." She giggled.

"Father?" Yunho jumped then his head hit the bed hard, waking In Gook and Donghae instantly. Yunho crawled out from under the bed as he rubbed his head. "Ah, what time is it?"

"It's almost lunch time." She giggled again. "I'm almost there."

"There? Where?"

"Gosh. Just wait." She smiled to herself and hung up.

"Was it noona?" In Gook rolled on his back as he stretched his body.

"She's coming." Yunho said.

"Really!?" In Gook sat up then a bright smile came on his face. "I'm going to take a shower." He chuckled as he got off the bed then he fell down.

"Who is she?" Donghae grumbled as he rubbed his eyes.

"She's President Park's daughter." Yunho stood up as he put down his phone on the night stand then helped In Gook to stand up.

"I'm dead." Donghae's face filled with horror. "I can't be found slacking like this."

"Don't worry, hyung. I'll do the talk." In Gook winked to him then he went to the door. In Gook turned the handle and opened the door. His gaze fell on the tall and slim figure of Si Yeon. For one moment, In Gook couldn't get himself to breathe.

"Noona's beauty is breathtaking, isn't it?" Si Yeon smirked to him then she entered the room. "Oh. Who is this?" Si Yeon looked at Donghae who was crawling off of the bed.

"I'm Lee Donghae." He stood on his feet and bowed politely.

"Ah... Lee Donghae." Si Yeon repeated to herself then after she smiled to him, she looked at Yunho and In Gook. "I bring lunch for you guys. The maid hasn't cooked anything for lunch anyway. Come eat now. I'll be waiting in the dining room."

In Gook smiled as he breathed again then he hugged Si Yeon from behind. "Thank you, noona. You're the best."

"I am." She chuckled as she removed In Gook's arms gently. "Just not for some people." She added and then she left the room.

"You." In Gook mouthed as he pointed at Yunho then he followed Si Yeon to the dining room.

After a short silence, Yunho and Donghae started moving. They walked to the dining room. Si Yeon and In Gook were preparing the food, setting them on the table while the maid was preparing their drinks. Yunho sat on his usual seat as he watched Si Yeon. She used to sit next to him but now she sat next to In Gook while it was Donghae who sat next to him. After they all were seated, they started to fill their plate one by one and ate.

"Thank you again, noona." In Gook smiled to Si Yeon.

"Your eyes are gone when you smile." She giggled. "Cute."

In Gook froze while Yunho stared at Si Yeon as he kept chewing on his food. It was quite a quick result for Si Yeon saying nice things to In Gook. In Gook must had done something great the night he tried to soothe her.

"Excuse me, Young Master Yunho." The maid approached them and then she bowed. "There's a phone call from your father."

"Thank you." Yunho put down his chopsticks then he went to the phone in the living room. Once he got there, he picked up the phone. "Yes, father?"

"Yunho, you know that 'outcast' in our company? He's here and he's raging outside. You must come now and help me to get rid of him."

"I understand, father. I'll be there." Yunho hung up the phone and he rushed to the shower for a quick one then he got himself ready in his work suit.

"Donghae. Let's go. We have something to do at office. It's urgent." Yunho tapped his shoulder as he left to his car.

"Hyung, what's wrong?" In Gook looked puzzle but Yunho didn't say anything.

"Ah, yes." Donghae stood up then he bowed to Si Yeon before leaving. "Thank you for the meal."



The man screamed out his lungs. He pushed off everything in front of him; all the papers on the desk, the people who tried to stop him, everything. Everyone was staring at him with horror. They didn't want to come any closer.


He grabbed someone; a female employee who froze to her feet from the fright. He shook her body roughly.


"MR. YOO JAE!" Yunho shouted and the room became quiet.

The man, Yoo Jae, turned his head to Yunho. His face was once frustrated, depressed. Then it turned angry and he dashed to Yunho. He grabbed him by the shoulders.

"IT IS NOT ME! IT'S NOT..." He slowly fell on his knees and hugged Yunho's leg. ""

Yunho shook him off then he looked down to him. "Mr. Yoo Jae, you've been outcasted from this company. Whatever you have to say right now is not for us to hear nor to care. You know there's nothing to trust about you at this moment. You've put this company's finance at stake. Therefore, you shouldn't be lowering yourself or risking your status. Aren't we nice enough by only outcasting you?"


"That's enough, Mr. Yoo Jae. One more word from you and that's it." Yunho scanned the room and sighed. "You've caused quite a mess here. What should I do about you?"

"Yunho..." He sobbed. "I didn't do it. It wasn't me..."

"We've looked through every papers, every details and it's all leading us to you. We've checked your bank account and it holds the precise amount of the money that had been taken from the company. Clear enough. Yet you're here, telling everyone that it wasn't you. Even worse, half of the money was being used. Again. Isn't it relieving enough that you're only being outcasted?" Yunho pursed his lips together. "Until the financial balance of this company is restored, you are prohibited to enter this building. Since we have our limits, don't test our patience ever again."

Yoo Jae's face stiffened as he heard words by words that came from Yunho's lips. He lowered his head and he supported his body with his hands. He stayed on the floor. Yunho sighed deeply then he turned around and walked away. He rubbed his forehead, drowned in his thoughts and the dizziness that still hung in there.

Yoo Jae slammed his fists against the cold floor. In a split second, his roar was heard. He screamed in despair, crying out his disappointment. He looked around like a crazy person, he's not in his right mind anymore. Suddenly, he grabbed the vase next to him and he dashed towards Yunho.

"Hyung! Be careful!"

"Yunho! No!"

Yunho lifted his head and turned around. He felt a sudden strong push on his body, strong enough to make him fall back. Was it painful? He couldn't tell.



After a long time waiting to write again, here I am :D

I hope everyone is still interested in Pandora Box!

Thank you :*

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sorry for the long post~


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Chapter 15: From the earlier chapters, I already had the feeling that YunSeo are siblings, but I think there's still another twist in this story... I still have to hear the side of yunho's aunt before I can fully accept YunSeo's relationship... But still, I'm still hoping for YunSeo to be together in the end, not as siblings but lovers
Eycha_sk11 #2
Chapter 15: Why my yunseo, siblings ? Sobbs yunho, you shouldn't think like that!! Think that seobb should die with your mother... are you really loves her ??!! If seobb know,... hmm

Thanks for update author-nim !!! Update soon fighting !!!!
tinhnghichbe #3
Chapter 14: Even though I like YunSeo as a couple
I still think that it is better if they are siblings :(
Yunho hurts Seohyun without knowing it. And he just realize it when InGook told him. It means that he doesnt really care abt Seo lately
I dont think Seo will be happy if she's with Yunho. He is always thinking about SiYeon
Even thought he said that he loves Seohyun and believes it, it doesnt mean that his heart really loves Seohyun. He doesnt know his heart yet
I have the feeling that Seo will give up her love on Yunho; however, when SiYeon wakes up, she wont accept Yunho because Seo is so nice to her and she doesnt want to hurt Seo as she did before
I hope there will be another guy in this story, so that Seo wont hurt that much when she knows that she is her lover's sister
Chapter 13: I feels like Seohyun is actually giving Yunho back to siyeon , hopes she wakes up soon ! And don't make YunSeo Siblings
koreanchick #5
Chapter 13: NOOOOO please dont make seohyun and yunho siblings!!!! YOU SHOULD MAKE SIYEON AND YUNHO SIBLINGS!!!!
Chapter 13: Yunho is really something...
I have a feeling that Seohyun will finish her relationship with Yunho after Siyeon wake up....
So who is Yunho's real sibling..?
Author-nim, Please don't make Yunseo siblings T_T
Eycha_sk11 #7
Chapter 13: Seriously yunho, are you sharing ur heart for two womens ?!!

I knew it ! In gook is really something ! He's too nice from the beginning !
cherishyberry #8
Chapter 13: there's still possibility seohyun is yunho's sister omgosh!
marquez #9
Chapter 12: well, what happen to yunseo, after seohyun was slap, that's it