Chapter 14

Pandora Box

FINALLY IT'S HERE! I hope it doesn't . I try to make things still understandable even though you guys haven't been rereading the story. *sobs*

Words of apology:


In Gook read each line carefully. His eyes started to burn for focusing on the page he’s reading even though it hadn’t been an hour yet. He’s trying to figure out how he should make a use of the chloroform. He just wanted to knock President Jung out for a while and he surely didn’t want to kill him. He almost sniffed it deeply last night but he’s glad he stopped right away. From what he read, it would take around five minutes for the person to pass out after sniffing. He only needed to use a little of it. He didn’t want to cause any side-effects except passing out.

He looked up to the clock on the wall and checked out the time. It was almost midday which also meant it’s his father’s tea time.

“Can I mix it with his tea?” In Gook mumbled.

He gave it a thought.

“… Should I?” He mumbled again then he shook his head. “No. That might be too dangerous. Hmm… I think I can just spill it somewhere.” He shrugged as he closed all the windows on the computer and deleted the browser history.

He went to the kitchen and found the housemaid was about to deliver the tea.

Ahjumma, I’ll bring it to dad.” In Gook smiled brightly to her as he took the tray carefully.

“You don’t need to do it, Young Master.” She resisted.

“It’s alright. I need to see him anyway before he goes to the company.” He chuckled as he walked out of the kitchen.

He made his way to President Jung’s room carefully. His brain kept thinking, recollecting his plan in his head. He had decided to do this now and he had so little time. This chloroform thing might be discovered anytime soon.




“I need the file of Seo Yoo Jae. Please bring everything to my office. Everything.” Yunho hung the phone then he laid back on his chair.

His fingers were tapping the surface of the table calmly but his heart wasn’t at ease at all. In Gook being his brother was too perfect yet it was fishy, too. A funny, lively-spirited, kind brother with no flaws was too good to be true.

He could clearly remember the expression In Gook had when they met in the prison. He was surprised to death but Yunho wasn’t surprised at all. He’d been having bad thought of In Gook anyway. Also, with the photo album he had seen in Seohyun’s apartment, In Gook didn’t need to stay around any longer.

The memories flashed back to his mind; how he couldn’t react to what he had seen, how he wanted to make believe that it was not his mother’s sister whom had been taking care of Seohyun since she was saved from the womb. It was strange of how his heart didn’t – couldn’t – feel anything about it, like he had known all along that Seohyun was the person his father had been longing to find, to embrace.

He wanted to be angry, to scream his lungs out for he felt like the life he’d been living carefully had played a twisted game on him. It was unfair. The only he wished to do was to remove In Gook from his family.

There was a knock on the door.

“Come in.” said Yunho as he sat up straight.

A man of average built opened the door and walked to him as he handed the file he had to Yunho.

“Here is the file of Seo Yoo Jae, Sir. His background and his present issues are all in there.” He said.

“Alright. Thank you.” Yunho nodded to him as he took the file. “You may leave.”

Soon after his man left the office, Yunho opened the file and pulled out the paper inside it. He took a look at them, mostly just scanning through the pages for a while until he decided to just see who Seo Yoo Jae had in the family.

Then his grip tightened suddenly – almost crumpling the file –. He didn’t feel like breathing. He just wanted to bang his fist against the table and curse.

It took some time for him to get himself together after reading all that. At the very last bit of his patience, he just threw his fist on the table as he let go of the file and grunted. He knew he was too loud but he just couldn’t care less.

“Seo In Gook… you-…”

It was clear now. Everything was in place and Yunho was devastated.

Even though In Gook was born twenty five years ago, he wasn’t born in June. His family name was Seo but it wasn’t from his mother, it was his father’s. He’s a child with no mother but Yunho’s dad was looking for a child with no father.

Yunho shut his eyes and grunted even more.

It was painful for him to finally realizing that that moment he saw Seohyun’s family album, he was witnessing the story of his own biological sister that he once never knew existed.

It was stupid that he wanted to let it be.

It was outrageous to know that he’s loved his own sister as a woman.

No. It was more than that. It was every horrible feeling existed.

“Damn it!” He threw his fist one more time. This time, it was followed by the ringing of his phone.

“What?” He shot angrily.

“Sir, your father has been admitted to the hospital.” said the voice on the other line.




“Hey, Seohyun.” Leeteuk came up to her. “Have you prepared the bouquet for Si Yeon?”

“Yes, I have.” She nodded slightly then she brought the bouquet to Leeteuk with a smile. “There you go.”

“Beautiful!” He exclaimed. “Are you sure you don’t want to come?”

“Oh, come on.” Seohyun sighed. “It’s not like I don’t want to come. I have to look after the shop. Victoria is absent today.”

“Right.” Leeteuk pursed his lips together.

“What’s with that?”

“Luna was right, you know. Si Yeon is never a woman to Yunho.”

Seohyun chuckled as she checked on some flowers around her. “You weren’t even there.”

“But she shared.” Leeteuk grinned.

Seohyun glanced at him briefly before turning back to the flowers.

“Fine.” Leeteuk sighed. “I know you’re just slightly disturbed by the situation. Obviously, once my cousin wakes up, you won’t even bring it up.”

No answer from Seohyun.

Leeteuk nodded lightly as he turned away and headed to the door.

He was about to turn the knob when Seohyun finally answered, “I’m not slightly disturbed.”

Leeteuk turned to her. Once again, there was a silence but Leeteuk waited patiently.

“I am highly disturbed and for some reason, I’m done playing the good girl.” She continued.

“Are you?” Leeteuk asked her calmly. He knew Seohyun so well that he was sure that Seohyun would always be the good girl no matter what happened.

She was always kind-hearted. I guess that’s the price to pay when you were raised without the love of a parent and Seohyun would make sure that other people were loved. She’d go far when it came to loving someone – anyone –.

Leeteuk approached her then he reached out his free hand and patted Seohyun on the head.

“You be a good girl while watching this shop for me.” Leeteuk smiled then he left the shop.

Seohyun watched him as he left. She let out a deep sigh.

Leeteuk really disliked it when Seohyun acted all strong and brave. He knew well that she’s nothing like that. He started up his car and drove to the hospital.


Once he got there, he got out of his car and went inside. He walked to the elevator with the flower bouquet in his left hand. As soon as the elevator arrived, he got in and pushed a button with number 3 on it. He stayed still, waiting for it to bring him up. Slowly, the elevator moved and went up. Again, he stayed still. For about less than one minute later, the elevator door opened and Leeteuk stepped out of it.

He was walking to Si Yeon’s room when he noticed there was a room guarded by two men in black suits, and Leeteuk somehow recognized them. He approached him.

“Good day, boys.” He greeted him casually. They were Yunho’s father’s bodyguards. “What are you doing in front of this room?”

“Boss is hospitalized in here.” One of them answered.

“What? President Jung is hospitalized?” Leeteuk asked in surprise as he peered into the room from the small glass on the door.

“Yes. He collapsed this morning while preparing to go to the office,” said the other one.

“Have Yunho or In Gook come?” asked Leeteuk.

“Both of them are here. But I think they both went to the rooftop earlier.”

“The rooftop?” Leeteuk cocked one of his eyebrows as he turned his head to the guard on his left. “Well,” he said then, “I’ll go see them later after dropping this bouquet. Nice talking to both of you.”

Leeteuk nodded to them and left. He had to ask to Yunho or In Gook later about the President rather than digging it from the bodyguards. Not cool.

He opened the door to Si Yeon’s room and found that his beautiful cousin was still unconscious. He sighed deeply as he walked towards the vase and replaced the flowers with the one he brought.

“Please wake up soon. You have to pay a visit to President Jung. He’s two rooms away from you.” He said.

He turned his head to Si Yeon.

“Don’t get too comfortable sleeping on that bed. I know you want to go home badly.” He chuckled then he dropped a kiss on Si Yeon’s forehead.

“I’d better join the boys on the rooftop.” Leeteuk mumbled to himself and then he walked out of the room.




Yunho paced his steps as he arrived at the hospital. Pacing up was not helping so he ran. He had a bad feeling about his father’s collapse. He didn’t want to think of it but he couldn’t help it. In Gook was with his father all the time, he could’ve done anything. In Gook was surely lying to get his revenge.

Yunho opened the door hurriedly. He saw his father, lying unconsciously on the hospital bed. Then he saw In Gook, standing next to the bed. Yunho’s heart was trembling. He’s upset and angry. He approached his “brother”.

“Come with me,” he glared at him, “now.”

Yunho walked away. In Gook seemed puzzled but he followed him anyway. Yunho walked rather fast as he lead In Gook to step on the stairs that soon brought them to the rooftop. Once the door behind them closed, Yunho turned around to face In Gook. His eyes were burning with anger. His jaw tightened and he clenched his hands into fists.

“What have you done?” Yunho asked, trying to sound calm.

“What do you mean? What have I done?” replied In Gook.

Yunho scoffed. “You think I don’t know?”

He walked slowly to In Gook.

“You think I don’t know what you might have done to my father?”

“What is it?” In Gook raised his voice. “And it’s our father, hyung. Our-…”

“MY father!” He shouted. “It’s my father and you are nothing to call him yours!”

In Gook got careful. Now he understood what’s going on here.

He stepped back slightly as he chuckled. “Hyung, did you do a background check on me?”

“Did you do a background check on me?” Yunho got closer to In Gook.

“What’s the point of asking when we both have known the truth, huh?” Before In Gook could say anything more, Yunho threw his fist against his face and knocked him to the side. In Gook fell on the ground. He flinched from the pain stinging on his left cheek. He chuckled as he got up. “You seriously are a hot-headed man like your father.”

“It’s not like I’m doing this for no reason!” Yunho hit him again, harder this time.

In Gook was pushed back and landed against the wall next to the door. He clenched his teeth. Then he wiped the blood from the corner of his lips.

“Your father shouldn’t have done it, you know. He shouldn’t have out-casted my father! He’s innocent!” In Gook was back on his feet and he dashed to Yunho as he flung his fist towards him. It was so sudden that Yunho couldn’t dodge it and In Gook hit him on his stomach.

Yunho hugged his stomach. “Even if your father is, are you now?” He stood straight and threw another hit towards In Gook.

In Gook barely survived the fist and he was punched on his stomach as well. He coughed.

“You’re not even innocent, hyung.” He mumbled.

“What did you just say?” Yunho looked at him. He couldn’t hear him clear.

In Gook looked up to him. Blood was slowly flowing to his jaw as he breathed from his mouth. “Do you think having a romantic affair with your sister by blood is innocent?” He scoffed. “That’s the most disgusting thing and surely will be a shame for the family. Well, shame is your family’s pride, anyway.” He chuckled. “And going through my background, doesn’t it feel like you just open a Pandora box? Slowly your world is broken by the bad things you don’t intend to discover.”

Yunho froze on his feet. His eyes locked on In Gook’s. “How-…”

“How do I know everything?” asked In Gook. “Just like you, I also did a background check before I pretend to be your brother and knocked the President out with chloroform, hyung. I checked on Seohyun first, hoping she won’t have known of the Jungs. But, how surprising… the siblings are together as a man and a woman.”

“You bastard!” Yunho shouted. He couldn’t hold himself anymore. He couldn’t control. He let his hands move by themselves, landing them on every inch of In Gook. He was angry at him and he was angry at himself. He wished he had never known any of this bitter reality. The worst thing was that he wished Seohyun had died with his mother, that she had never been born.

“Just die.”


I'm not sure how the feedback of this long awaited chapter will be, since I also kind of rushing while writing this *sobs*

It's been so long and most of you seem to dislike the idea of YunSeo as sibling, so I'm not very confident.

Thank you for reading and this story is coming to an end.

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Thank you!
sorry for the long post~


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Chapter 15: From the earlier chapters, I already had the feeling that YunSeo are siblings, but I think there's still another twist in this story... I still have to hear the side of yunho's aunt before I can fully accept YunSeo's relationship... But still, I'm still hoping for YunSeo to be together in the end, not as siblings but lovers
Eycha_sk11 #2
Chapter 15: Why my yunseo, siblings ? Sobbs yunho, you shouldn't think like that!! Think that seobb should die with your mother... are you really loves her ??!! If seobb know,... hmm

Thanks for update author-nim !!! Update soon fighting !!!!
tinhnghichbe #3
Chapter 14: Even though I like YunSeo as a couple
I still think that it is better if they are siblings :(
Yunho hurts Seohyun without knowing it. And he just realize it when InGook told him. It means that he doesnt really care abt Seo lately
I dont think Seo will be happy if she's with Yunho. He is always thinking about SiYeon
Even thought he said that he loves Seohyun and believes it, it doesnt mean that his heart really loves Seohyun. He doesnt know his heart yet
I have the feeling that Seo will give up her love on Yunho; however, when SiYeon wakes up, she wont accept Yunho because Seo is so nice to her and she doesnt want to hurt Seo as she did before
I hope there will be another guy in this story, so that Seo wont hurt that much when she knows that she is her lover's sister
Chapter 13: I feels like Seohyun is actually giving Yunho back to siyeon , hopes she wakes up soon ! And don't make YunSeo Siblings
koreanchick #5
Chapter 13: NOOOOO please dont make seohyun and yunho siblings!!!! YOU SHOULD MAKE SIYEON AND YUNHO SIBLINGS!!!!
Chapter 13: Yunho is really something...
I have a feeling that Seohyun will finish her relationship with Yunho after Siyeon wake up....
So who is Yunho's real sibling..?
Author-nim, Please don't make Yunseo siblings T_T
Eycha_sk11 #7
Chapter 13: Seriously yunho, are you sharing ur heart for two womens ?!!

I knew it ! In gook is really something ! He's too nice from the beginning !
cherishyberry #8
Chapter 13: there's still possibility seohyun is yunho's sister omgosh!
marquez #9
Chapter 12: well, what happen to yunseo, after seohyun was slap, that's it