Chappie 8: Work and plans of play

Jars and planes that keep us together


You realized that you had feelings more than that of a fan for Zelo, but it seemed that fate would not be working in your favor. Thinking about how you could feel this way after such a short amount of time, you chalk it up to your admiration for him that you already held. The ride to your hotel is silent as Ash focuses on driving and you stare blankly out the window, clearly this is not the best start to a vacation.

Distracting yourself from the tumultuous feelings swimming around your head, you focus on the Parisian buildings flashing by as the sun rises on a new day. Ash pulls up to a beautiful building and parks in front, “We are here, get your stuff out and put it on a trolley.” She instructs you moving to a valet with her keys in hand. You take the suitcases and multiple bags out of the rental car and onto a trolley one of the bell boys had left next to you as you had pulled up.

Clearly this is a classy place with the tall, fit bell boys and valets smartly uniformed and tending to every detail. You took note of how quickly everything was happening as Ash returned and instructed one of the uniformed boys to follow you inside. While she looked calm and comfortable in such an extravagant place, you squirmed internally as the doormen bowed their heads politely. Ash walked straight up to a polished desk with and even shinier woman sitting behind it with remarkably red lips and matching nails tapping away at a keyboard.

Bojour,” Ash greets as she quietly slides up to the desk, startling the woman from her task at hand.

Bonjour mademoiselle.” She responds after calming down, somehow Ash had a knack for sneaking up on people on accident. “How can I help you today?”

My name is Ashley Park, I have a reservation.” She states patiently, but you note her nap on the bus had done her no favors as her eyebrows are slightly furrowed and lips pursed.

After a moment of clacking those atrocious nails on her keyboard again she looks back at your sister “Of course, ma’am. Her are your keys and if there is anything I can do to make your stay more enjoyable please don’t hesitate to call this desk.” She offers a greasy smile and your keys to your sister who nods back and turns away. Clearly the woman had found out who your sister really is, and had been warned by a higher up that she was coming.

You both took the tenth floor accompanied by the bell boy who was shifting uncomfortably next to your sister, mistaking her sickness in the elevator for anger. He rushed out of the elevator and to one out of three doors on this floor. “Here you are ma’am” he said curtly standing by the door as she opens it.

Enjoy your stay” He says politely accepting the bills from Ash as she looks at him with a bored expression and a light smile. He rushes away looking confused.

This is too luxurious Ash, how can you afford this?” You ask looking around the suite, which in your opinion looked more like the room of a princess.

If you have forgotten, little sister, I work for the company that owns this hotel. I am pretty important I will have you know.” She said smirking at you. “Speaking of work, I need to go inspect the kitchen and restaurant for this hotel.

I knew there was a catch, we can have a dream vacation in France provided you work at the same time!” You cry pouting that she would be leaving you alone. “I thought you were getting away from work for five minutes! You never stop.

“I will be back in an hour or so. Get some rest, get washed and take a nap. Call me before you leave the room.” Ash brushes off your whining and walks into the bathroom to wash up and change into clean clothes. When she comes back out you are lounged on the day bed in the room’s pseudo living area, she looks clean and professional all signs of exhaustion washed off or made over.

If you get hungry call and I will grab something on my way back.” She called to you closing the door as she walked out. You grunt and allow yourself the nap she had told you to take, not bothering with a shower.


Ash knew her little sister was mad that she was attending to business when she had told her this would be their chance to relax from work and such. Unfortunately for both of them she had promised her boss to take a look at the set up in the several hotels set up in France. She has agreed on the condition that she could use this as her vacation and stay comfortably. Her boss being the kind and eccentric man he is agreed and sent her on her way glad to see the young workaholic take a break.

She felt bad leaving her sister alone, but it would not be long before she returned to the room to relax with Eri. For now she was grateful to have work to focus on so she could get the sound of a certain lead rappers rumbling baritone voice from her head. As she enters the restaurant she is greeted by the familiar smells and ambiance of fine dining that she had lived with for years now. The maitre’d approaches her and once they exchange formalities she is escorted to the kitchen that is humming with the clatter of prep. It was nice to be around a kitchen again, she could think clearly in one and it reminded her of why she had her walls up to begin with. It was so she could focus more on her career, people and relationships would have held her back.

Enjoying a pleasant talk with the general manager as she walked back into the hotel lobby, she took notes on the little details that her boss liked to see on the reports. This is how she was found, standing elegantly in the entrance to the dimly lit restaurant lounge, by the group of idols who had yet to say a word to one another. It is Youngjae who notices her, not recognizing her with her short hair combed into place and a very professional aura surrounding. He nudged the person closest to him, Daehyun as usual and pointed towards her for confirmation. The motion was not unnoticed by the rest of the group who also followed Youngjae’s gaze to see the young woman talk to the man in a uniform and watch as he scurries away looking a bit flustered.

It was Zelo who broke away from the group, excitedly shouting towards her “Noona!” his quick pace halted when she whipped her head to look at him a fierce look in her eyes confusing compared to her gentle eyes from before.

This does not go unnoticed by the other members who quickly gathered around a confused maknae. Her expression changed to a softer one and a small smile spreading on her face. “Hi Jello” She called fondly, brightening his mood.

“Noona, I can’t believe you are here! What are you doing?” He asked approaching her once again. The rest of BAP following, Bang trailing behind taking in the very different image of the girl he had met before.

“Well I was just working, but now I am going back to my room. I am guessing that you are all staying here too?” She explained closing her folder and shoving it into her bag. She smiled at the group again as they nodded to her question.

“Well, if you are all free tonight would you like to join me for dinner in this restaurant? My treat.” She offered heading to the stairs.

“Really noona? Would that be okay hyung?” Zelo asked Bang with puppy eyes, receiving a nod.

“Yay! We get to eat with noona!” He exclaimed “Oh! What about Eri-ah? Is she coming?”

“Neh. She is probably resting right now. She doesn’t deal with thunderstorms well. She was exhausted when we got here.” She says making her way to the stairs. “Have you checked in yet?”

“No, manager hyung is doing that now.” Himchan explains, a small smile gracing his lips as he observes his silent friend. He remembered the words he had told Bang in comfort, hoping the other did too. It really did seem that fate was pushing these girls into their path.

“Okay, well you guys get settled. You all look tired, meet me here around seven?” She asks before climbing up the stairs. They all nod receiving a smile and wave.

They all walk back to their manager who stood in front of the desk. “Wassup Hyung?” Himchan called cheerily to their irate manager who was glaring at the polished nervous looking woman handing him their keys. “I will be on the floor below you for a night. The fourth room on your floor is occupied.” He grumbled.

“I am so sorry for the inconvenience sirs.” She says sweetly, “But this room cannot be changed, the person staying there is a very important woman. She will be leaving tomorrow and we can adjust the rooms then.”

“It’s fine” Manager says with a sigh. The group walks away, the only one in a bad mood being the shorter man. “You can all go to your rooms, I am going to sleep. Call me if you need something.”

“Okay!” They all sing, Himchan turning suddenly and grabbing manager “Oh, hyung, we are eating dinner with a friend tonight at the restaurant downstairs. Is that okay?”

The manager nodded and struggled with his own luggage making his way towards his room. “Just don’t let anyone leak it that you are here!” He hollered as he walked into his room.


“Eri! I’m back! I ordered room service for 20 minutes from now.” Ash calls into the quiet suite. She kicked off her low heels and stumbled into the living area to find the younger girl curled into a ball on the couch. “Eri, wake up and take a shower then call Dad, he needs to know you are okay.” She shakes her sister.

“Mmm. What time is it?” Eri says sleepily wiping sleep from her face.

“Almost ten a.m. I ordered something for us to eat. Now go shower you smell like travel and call Dad, he must be feeling lonely by now.” Ash ordered as she organized their luggage in the room.

“Okay, okay. So what are we doing for the rest of today?” Eri asked grabbing clean clothes.

“Well we can look around the city, I have a friend we can visit and then we are eating dinner with…”Ash stops short deciding not to tell the girl about their dinner plans. It would be more entertaining to see he reaction.

“Are we eating with anyone?”

“Yes,  Some friends. You will enjoy yourself, don’t worry.” Ash reassures the younger before she disappears into the bathroom.

Dinner tonight would be interesting, at least for Ash it would.


Heehee, so I am getting the hang of this whole writing thing. I hope to get more chapters up quickly, but I am packing ot got to school so I may be a little slow with the updates. 

Thank you so so so so so so much for your comments! You are making my day! <3 <3 <3

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The pictures aren't mine, I found them on tumblr. This page is really great, it also connects to individual member pages!
So if you are looking for more cute pics and info about BAP then look here! :3
unnie i want to ask you something..where did you take all those picture??thay're so cute^^
Lol Daehyun and his food. XD
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This is slowly becoming my favorite story I look forward to every new chappie
woww you've put the picture^^awesome.___.