Chappie 18: Working on things

Jars and planes that keep us together

Aha, so I posted this without editing at all. So if you already read this, I have fixed it up a bit and changed lit bits and pieces....Enjoy :D

Once Ash had landed in Seoul, she had not turned her phone on until she was back in her apartment and unpacked. So it was not surprise that within seconds of turning on it buzzed with missed messages, what was unexpected was the ridiculous amount of text messages and voice messages that blew up the phone. Though she should have known better, leaving your younger sibling and whatever Yognguk was to her at this point on the other side of the world.

With a few hours left before her meeting she lounged on the couch and closed her eyes to rest for a minute, which turned into a peaceful nap.

She was walking around the trees hand in hand with Bang, his smile making her shiver with happiness. They stopped at the edge of a small lake and put down the basket and blankets in the flat area, they decided to go on a picnic while the rest of the group had woken up early and left without the two.

“Bang, help me lay out the blanket!” She called to the taller man who had been distracted by ducks floating past. He glanced over at her struggling with the blanket and grinned facing the ducks again, pretending to be enthralled by them. “Bang Yongguk! Don’t ignore me! Come over here and help me!”

“Wah! Ignore you? Never!” He strolled over and set the blanket on the ground, a sly grin on his face. “Who could ignore someone so loud?”

“Bwoh?! Loud? Did you just call me loud? You are the loud one, you sound like a train!” Ash yelled her face turning red and eyebrows scrunched. Bang laughed hard at this and poked her forehead stopping her temper in its track, he watched amused as her face went blank.

“Let’s enjoy the yummy lunch you made, hmmm?” He said pulling out Tupperware and utensils. She smiled at him, forgetting his teasing from a moment ago and happily took a roll from his grasp before he could take a bite. He immediately moved to grab it back, but in a moment of childishness she stuffed the roll in . Smiling with puffed cheeks she tried not to choke, as he rolled over laughing.

The afternoon was moving fast as they started talking, he went on a tirade about his childhood and brother when they happened upon the subject of family. He liked to go on about his school days when he played sports and tell stories of all the tournaments he won, sending her into a fit of giggles as he impersonated an announcer. Eventually the sun began setting and the pair sprawled across the blanket the small kitten curled between them. Half asleep Ash turned to see Bang looking at her with sleepy eyes. He opened his mouth and his gravelly voice asked “Did you ever name the cat?”

“Yes.” She said a little confused, how did he not know what the kitty was called? He spent most of his time with it, the little fluff ball was more attached to him than any of the others. “Sabre, but she like Sabe.”

“Hmm, Sabe. Saaaaaaabe.” As he lowly roared the cats name, the cat uncurled and looked at him. Mewling at him for a second and settling on his chest. “Haha. Sabe likes me better than you.”

“No she doesn’t, you just called her over pabo.” Ash grumbled looking even more tired than before, the corners of pulled up enough to assure him that she was still happy being with him. “Bang?”


“This is like a really good dream.” She whispered. He reached over and brushed the back of his fingers against her pale face chuckling. “I like this dream a lot.”

“Me too.” He mumbled and left his hand next to her head as their eyes closed. “I don’t want to wake up.”


But then she did, wakeup that is. Startled by her phone ringing across the room she rolled off the couch and stumbled to pick up the offending technology. “Yeoboseyo.” She grumbled seeing her boss on the caller ID.

“Get here in a half an hour.” He said gruffly, sounding stressed. “Some punk is causing trouble here, he keeps saying he rightfully owns the company blah blah blah. I need you here to take care of the geezers upstairs.”

“Neh. I will be there in fifteen minutes.” She stumble over to your suitcase and hang up the phone. She quickly change leaving bowls of food and water for Sabe. “Be good, make sure no one comes in, okay?”

“Meow!” She responds padding away indifferent to her owner, Ash sighed and locked the apartment.

It really was fifteen minutes before she was walking through the elevator doors, grumbling about elevators being a nuisance and the office being too loud. An assistant scurried over to her with a warm drink and pointed her to the office she was needed, towards the racket.

“PARK!” Her boss bellowed jumping happily from his seat. “Get over here and sit DOWN! I need you caught up before that brat grandson comes back.”

She strode over to her seat and started her discussion with her boss. The man was short and stout, had a tendency to get over excited and loud, but was an overall great person to work for. However, when he had to deal with difficult people he would rely on Ash, for the same reason she had been called back. When someone fought with him and they were wrong, he would start to throw things. She could tell the situation was dire when she noticed several pens (and was that a highlighter? How does one get a highlighter stuck in a wall?) lodged next to or in his door.

“Did you enjoy France?” He asked once she had calmed him down.Both sipping on steaming hot cups that had been brought with a plate of cookies by some new secretary, apparetnly the last one had quit (somethign about stressfull working conditions.....).

She shrugged, “I would have enjoyed it more if I could have stayed. It is a good thing you called though, things were getting complicated.”

“Hmmm, sounds like you met someone.” He wiggled his bushy eyebrows at her, causing her to roll her eyes. “Is our ice princess cracking?”

“Ice princess? Is that what you all call me? Here I thought you all loved the help I give you, going out of my way to keep this place from burning down and all.” Ash huffed, smirking slightly at her boss. After working for the man for a few months they began to get along well, it was like talking to an old friend at this point.

“You know we would all die in a hole somewhere without you to drag us out. I was just wondering if you had a social life outside of work and your family. Seriously child? All you talk about besides work is your sister or brother. Have you ever interacted with someone romantically or do you not even know how?” He scoffed at her, now grinning that his comment had caught her off guard.

“I have too dated!” Ash was now indignant. “I just don’t see the point, what does this have to do with my trip anyway?!”

“Nothing.” He muttered, crossing his short arms in fake anger. after a moment of silence he continued their conversation. “You know my nephew was in France the same time, you probably didn’t see him though. If you did you would know.”

“Woah! Are you talking about your family ahjussi? How rare, I thought they just didn’t exist!” She gasped at him, mock surprise on her face.

“Yes, they are real. I just recently got in touch with my nephew and arranged for him to lodge in our hotels with his companions. He is such a good kid, taking care of his friends.” He grinned foolishly and she regret provoking him as he dove into tales of his nephew and his brother when they were younger, apparently they were twins. Her boss had just finished a gripping story of how his nephew had won the regional baseball tournament with his homerun hit when the door was slammed open.

“Ahjussi! I demand to speak to you about my shares!” A young man, maybe sixteen screeched as he stormed over to the two seated around the desk.

“Excuse me,” Ash interrupted the temper tantrum with a light cough and stood. She was several inches taller than him causing the boy to look slightly up at her. “We were in the middle of a conversation, now if you would please exit the room and announce yourself properly. I would very much like to hear what you have to say to my superior, once you have calmed down.”

The boy was in shock, he was the grandson of a tycoon. Not many people looked at him like he was a naughty teenager throwing a tantrum. So he listened to the scary woman and stepped back outside and closed the door. After waiting to be let back in by the very confused secretary he walked hesitantly to the two sitting casually.

“Introduce yourself, I am Ashley Park. I will be arranging for your acquisition of your grandfathers share. You will learn anything you need to about the trade form me.” She stated in a flat tone. His anger boiled again at her insolent behavior, who was this American to teach him of his company?

“Taeyoung, sit down before she makes you.” The bushy browed boss said tersely, a light chuckle in his voice despite his irritated expression. It was good to have his best employee back, no matter what she was always good at dealing with people with out making it complicated. She could cut someone down to size in a minute.

He nodded and sat, begrudgingly, and he learned from the scary witch things about the company he didn’t even think existed. Ash, however decided her return to Korea was proving to be a waste of time. All that had been accomplished with in the past few hours was a nice nap and her new inside knowledge of her boss’s nephew, what was his name? Was the name ever mentioned?


“Bang, did she call you back?” Himchan asked edgily, sitting out of the tense leaders reach.

“No.” was the reply. His fists clenched and unclenched as his emotions swung from stress to calm, trying to convince his self that he had no right ot be so upset about her sudden disappearance. 

“Well maybe she is really busy.” He offered.

“I would hope so!” Bang cried, frustrated at the thought she was avoiding him. “What would be the point of avoiding me? How does she know what I feel, Hmm? Maybe I can balance it all!”

And now he was broken, Himchan had just witnessed Bang Yongguk break. The rapper, compaser, leader, and friend he loved like a brother now looked like a teenager dealing with their first heartbreak. “She isn’t avoiding you, did you even listen to her message? She just wants you to think clearly. Maybe she wants to think too.”

Bang’s head lolled to the side as he slumped into the couch. “Himchan, what is the point?”

Oh gosh, here they go. Now he would have ot coach his best friend through the ‘angsty’ stage of this whole ordeal. He would have a word or two with Ash the next time they met, he pat Bang’s head and listened as the elder of the two rambled on topics that became more and more absurd as the conversation went on.

“Channie, can we go on a picnic? By the lake?” The lighter haired brunette asked, puppy eyes already in full effect making Himchan wince.

“Sure, buddy.” He said lightly. The next few days were going to be very different, very weird.


“Hey Jongup!”

“Yeah Jello?”

“Did you know that Eri is so small she could fit in my duffel bag?”

“… do you know that?”

“We got really bored when we were playing board games. Haha! Bored games!”

“….So, you stuffed your girlfriend into your duffel?”

“I guess when you put it that way…”

“So you’re not going to deny she is your girlfriend?”

“Why would I lie to you?”

Jongup smiled and grabbed the younger into a bear hug. “Jello, you aren’t allowed to lie to me! Ever! Okay?”

“Yah! Hyung, It –gasp- is –wheeze- hard to –gasp- breathe!” Jello managed a sentence trying not to pass out in the embrace, immediately freed when the cheerful elder realized he might harm the younger.

“Sorry, I forget how strong I am sometimes.” Jong up said sheepishly. 

A weird sound form the corner with their luggage caught his attention immediately, the sound of a bag moving. Though there was no one near the pile, so the meant….it must be a GHOST!

Jongup immediately took action and ran over to the victim of a bag and began ping it to fall back as none other than Eri popped out. Hair a mess and face red with anger she launched herself at Zelo before either boy could react.

She pinned him to the floor and started ot lecture him on how to treat people and hwo putting them in your carryon luggage was not okay. Jongup quickly excused his self from the room, before he could also be pulled into a lecture from the wild eyed blonde girl who added a smack to Zelo’s shoulder every time she said the word ‘lock’ or ‘bag’.


“Eir, are you okay now?” Zelo asked as they walked to dinner quietly.

“Neh, I am not mad about the bag thing anymore. It is still really stupid though.” She pouted.

“Not about the bag….”Zelo trailed off, afraid tht if he brought up Ash, he would see Eri cry again. He was glad he was the reason for he smiles, but never wanted to be the cause of her tears. The thought alone caused him physical pain.

“Ah, well you are with me here. So I am happy about that, I will deal with…..I can deal with Ash with you here to cheer me up.” She attempted a smile, but it ended up being a grimace so she settled for a smaller smile.

He lit up at this and kissed the top of her head softly, then her forehead, then her nose, and finally she reached up and kissed him on the lips. They looked kind of awkward, him leaning down to her on tiptoes. But when she pressed herself against him and looped her arms around her neck he lifted her up slightly so she was then standing on his feet. The two kissed tenderly, warmth flowing through and around them in the hall as his arms held her tight and she gripped the front of his shirt. What had started as a soft sweet kiss had turned warm and intimate in seconds, causing the couple to part and gasp for air.

Zelo looked at her pink cheeks through hazy eyes and planted a loud kiss on her right cheek before nuzzling into her hair. He held her close like she was his favorite stuffed animal and would disappear if he didn’t hold her to him. She felt her heart pound so hard she was sure it could be heard throughout the villa.

“Zelo…”Eri’s voice was muffled from being pressed against his chest. He pulled away a bit and looked at her questioningly. “Hungry.”

With that the two pink faced teens made their way to dinner, in which Himchan looked stressed and Bang looked like he had never seen a chandelier bfore and was studying it like it was the most amazing thing to have ever been made. The rest of the group decided to ignore the eldest and the couple and made a game out of guessing what sound Bang would make when asked a question, for at this point in the day he had reverted to his brooding self and refused to use actual words.


23:00 Seoul, South Korea

Ash stumbled back into her apartment and didn’t even bother with the lights. She added more water to Sabe’s bowl and face planted into her bed, soon joined by the kitten lying next ot her head. She pulled out her cell and finally played the voice messages that waited all day for her.

The first few from Eri, the next from Himchan, the next form Zelo and then Yongguk. When it came to his message she didn’t even hear the words at first, just reveled in hearing his voice after such a difficult day. She then played the message again.

Ash…..It seems I didn’t catch you before your flight. I hope you and I can still talk after this week, I would really like that. Please call me when you get this, we will miss you here. Eri is so upset you left…..I’m sorry if…Gah, I hope I didn’t say anything wrong….”

His sentences were broken and strangled and the odd tone of his voice did something horrible to her heart. She played it again, and again, and again, until she fell asleep listening to his voice.

We will miss you

Miss you MISS YOU


Hello! I am super happy to see a new comment! x3

It motivated me enough to get this Chappie done, I kind of feel like I ramble a lot in it, I hope it isn't too bad. I am sleepy again. I think I will try to write in the afternoons from now on.....fix my sleep schedule a bit. :/


So, anyway....I saw this pic and imagined Himchan getting frustrated with a mopey Gukkie....


Doesn't he look so sassy?! xD I also really like that jacket....Oh, Channie. You are so cute. <3

I promise to update soon! Keep reading and if you like this story, please comment! Comments are like chocolate chip cookies for me! 

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The pictures aren't mine, I found them on tumblr. This page is really great, it also connects to individual member pages!
So if you are looking for more cute pics and info about BAP then look here! :3
unnie i want to ask you something..where did you take all those picture??thay're so cute^^
Lol Daehyun and his food. XD
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This is slowly becoming my favorite story I look forward to every new chappie
woww you've put the picture^^awesome.___.