Chappie 4: Are we comfortable yet?

Jars and planes that keep us together


The thing about long plane rides is that they are exhausting. Add an emergency situation and now you are probably ready to pass out. Ash is a prime example of these effects, the fact that she sleeps on buses not really helping at all. So 15 minutes into their trip to the airport she could be seen head lolling forward eyes closed and body slouched. Fortunately or unfortunately for her, Yongguk had taken notice of his seat partners current state and uncomfortable position.

“If you sleep like that your neck will be in pain when you wake up.” He mumbled close to her ear, his voice sounding more like a growl. Mostly asleep she heard him and not realizing what she was doing snuggled into his arm. His eyes expanded and he stiffened at the intimate touch of a stranger, however when she snuggled into him again he softened and hesitantly draped his arm around her shoulders her head resting on his chest. He looked down at the woman sleeping against him and blushed.

Across the aisle Himchan and Jongup sat together observing the leader. Seeing such a tender expression on his best friends face made Himchan smile, it had been too long since they had relaxed even a little. Yongguk especially had made it a mission of sorts to make their group internationally recognized. It seemed to happen solely due to the music crazed rapper pushing them and pumping out music. Himchan had noticed however that the past year had been rough on the rapper. He was getting tired and need time to gather his energy. Manager hyung had agreed and when they asked their boss for three weeks vacation he seemed relieved to see the group slow down.

What really excited the raven haired second in command was how easily his best friend had agreed. Yongguk looked ready to keel over any day when Himchan had told him about the vacation time. He booked the tickets himself, with manager hyungs help. Now they could finally relax, which is what he watched Yongguk do as he drifted into his own dream land holding the woman closer to his chest. He had never seen him take so well to strangers especially a woman. But the short haired girl seemed trust worthy enough. She could have taken any chance and posted that the band was travelling in France, but all of the websites were clear of news for BAP.

He smiled again when the woman squirmied in her sleep gripping the front of Bang’s sweater and waking him up. The man looked down at her and chuckled her arm and closing his eyes, before Himchan took this chance to take his own nap something else caught his eye, the couple behind the two sleeping adults.

You were not usually this open with strangers, but you were tired and well, it’s Zelo. He was acting like a brat one minute and a sweetheart the next. But each time he said or did something to frustrate you into trying to ignore him he would flash a cheeky grin and tease you into laughing at his cute act.

Somehow he had managed to get a hold of your iPod and was currently nodding his head to one of your old favorites by 2ne1. You listened along with him letting him enjoy his self, you let sleep take control and started to drift off. 

Haha, a short chapter today, but Himchan and Jongup show up! :D 


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The pictures aren't mine, I found them on tumblr. This page is really great, it also connects to individual member pages!
So if you are looking for more cute pics and info about BAP then look here! :3
unnie i want to ask you something..where did you take all those picture??thay're so cute^^
Lol Daehyun and his food. XD
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This is slowly becoming my favorite story I look forward to every new chappie
woww you've put the picture^^awesome.___.