Chappie 12: dinner

Jars and planes that keep us together


You and your sister started to prepare for dinner when you were interrupted by a knock at the door. Ash moved to open it as you continued to pick something to wear. You heard voices from your position in the bedroom and the sound of her laugh, wondering who was at the door you sneak out to see. You are surprised to see Zelo standing shyly in the doorway talking to Ash, you were going to go back to the room quickly but he looked back to you and your eyes locked, freezing you in your spot.

“Come in for a bit,” Ash inviting him in, she leads him to the couches set in front of the balcony overlooking the street below and the small market across the way. You are broken from your trance when Ash’s phone beeps. “Oh! Eri, it’s George. I can’t miss this call keep, Jello company. Sorry guys.”

She leaves the room with a grin, you roll your eyes at her giddy mood. She would do back flips through a ring of fire over a pool of acid for that boy (Not that you wouldn’t do the same). Zelo’s look of confusion making you grin as you take the seat next to him, you ask “What are you doing over here?”

“Well, hyung took my phone from me as punishment for going out today. He told me I could have it back if I got noona’s number.” He mumbled pouting slightly. You laugh, clutching your side at his unfortunate luck. “So who is this George and why was noona so excited to talk to them.”

You stop laughing and give him a mysterious look before deciding it was your turn to mess with the idol. Keeping a poker face you turn to him, “Do you remember what I said about her on the bus?”

He shakes his head, “Hehe, not really. I was kind of tired, it is already fuzzy.”

“Good,” You grin. “Well who do you think he is? He is a very important guy in our lives; noona has even canceled work plans when he asked her to. She doesn’t really do that for me unless I beg.”

His eyes are wider now as you watch him jump to conclusions in his own head. This same situation had actually caused most of your sister’s coworkers to believe she has a sweetheart back home. He opens and closes his mouth and finally forces out “Does noona love this guy?”

“Of course! We both care about him a lot.” You state with a sweet smile.

“You are involved with this guy too?!” He growls suddenly surprising you a bit.

“Aha, well it can’t be helped.” You say evenly, your heart pounding at the look in Zelo’s eyes. “Didn’t you say you wanted her number?”

He nods, staying silent as you write it down on a napkin and hand it to him laughing to yourself on the inside for the misunderstanding you had just caused. He stood quickly smiling through pursed lips and you both said a quick farewell. Once the door is closed you rush over to the couch and collapse laughing hard. When ash comes out of the bedroom she looks at you funny, “Did you want to say hi to George? He misses you a lot.”

“Nah, I will vidchat him later.” You say sighing after laughing so hard. “How is our baby?”

“Mad that you and I are on vacation without him.” She says a smile playing at the corner of . “What happened to Jello?”

“Oh, he just left. I gave him your number, if that’s okay?” You send her a grin, causing her to roll her eyes.

“I hope you didn’t give him any funny ideas. I think he genuinely likes being friends with you, so don’t ruin this by being yourself.” She said giving you a slight grin. You laugh at her and you both get ready for dinner, picking out your clothes and you let Ash play with your hair. Ever since she had cut her hair so  short she had taken to playing with your hair, at one point when you were not paying attention two weeks ago she had corn rowed your entire head, there were even beads tied to the bottom of each tiny braid. You had let it stay that way for three days before insisting to have her take it out, this resulted in your hair poofing out to an afro of sorts.

For today however, she had settled for arranging your long hair in loose curl with it all pulled to one side and over your shoulder by a pretty clip. Your dress a simple light blue strapless dress that hugs down your torso and spread out at your hips to half way down your thigh. Ash looks at you with a smile, a knowing look in her eyes.

“Don’t look at me like that.” You mumble shifting, you feel like you look so young next to her who is wearing a deep wine one shoulder dress, her hair tamed and make up simple. Her eyes soften, and she holds you in a hug before patting you head.

“You look adorable.”She grins at you, noting your uncomfortable atmosphere.

Zelo walked back to the room Yongguk and Himchan are sharing his face blank. When the door opened, he almost floated in and plopped onto the arm chair next to Himchan.

“What’s wrong Jello?” Himchan asked the maknae who was clearly deep in thought. “Did you not get it?”

“I –I got it. But-“ Zelo trailed off looking from Bang to the digits scrawled on the napkin clutched in his fist. “Hyung, do you like noona?”

The pair looked surprised by the younger’s frankness, Himchan burst into laughter as a deep red blush crept over his face and neck. “Yes, he fancies her Zelo, what’s the problem?” Himchan chuckled.

“Ah, well when I was over there she had to take a call from some guy named George. When I asked Eri-ah why she was so excited to talk to that guy, she told me that guy is really important to them.” Zelo explained. He looked a Yongguk, “What does that mean?”

Himchan sighed, “It means it doesn’t really matter what fate says on this matter or if Bang likes her.”

Yongguk’s brow furrowed at this statement. Zelo looked at his hyung with pity, “I’m sorry.” He mumbled.

Bang just pat his head and sent him to get ready for a dinner that the three of them now knew would most likely be awkward.

Ash was excited as the two sisters ride down the elevator together, which gave Eri a bad feeling because Ash was never anything but unhappy in an elevator. The minute she stepped out it seemed she was on the other side of the lobby, Eri scurrying after her. The younger girl is stopped in her tracks when she sees six handsome and very dapper looking men standing casually ahead of them.

“Hey there!” Jongup calls, the first to notice Ash approaching them with a wide smile across her face. “Wow! You both look great! Thank you for inviting us, noona!”

Ash looks back at you with a twinkle in her eye and turns back to the guys. “Thank you. I am glad to have some company other than my sister.”

Eri snapped back to herself and joined the group trying to keep her eyes from wandering over Zelo who looked elegant and relaxed in black jeans, a white button up and blazer, all brought together by his signature chin mask making him look somewhat adorable. Blushing, Eri forgot all about her sisters jab from a moment before.

Zelo looked over the smaller girl and smiled at how lovely she looks, noting the slightly pink hue that was creeping up her cheeks as she looked anywhere but at him. He then noticed Yongguk being unusually quiet, looking over at Ash with a peculiar expression.

“Noona” He calls to her, interrupting her conversation with Daehyun about her jars.

“What’s up?” She asked turning to him as the group was led to a table in the middle of an extravagant restaurant.

“Well, I was wondering, who were you talking to in your room earlier? Eri-ah said he is important to you and I was just kind of curious, you don’t have to say anything.” He began to mumble the last bit as they sat, Zelo between the two girls. Yongguk sending him an odd look from across the table, the rest of the group shifting uncomfortably.

“Haha, it’s fine! I bet you Eri tried to sell you some story about him being the guy I love, right?” She chuckled at Zelo’s blush and Eri coughing into her water. “Well, he is. But it’s not what you think. Here is a picture of us together the last time I was in the states.”

She passed Zelo a picture from her wallet she had just pulled out, He was surprised by the image. It is of Ash holding a boy who could not be more than three in a park while Eri is blowing bubbles in their faces.

“Noona! Is he your son?!” Zelo gasped making both Eri and Ash burst into laughter. Zelo passed the picture to the other confused members.

“No! No, of course not! He is my half brother! I just dote on him a lot because I have always lived far from him. He lives with our dad and I don’t go home often.” She explained still laughing at his shocked face.

“He is so cute!” Cooed Himchan once he got his chance to see the picture. He turned to Yongguk and showed the picture. “Isn’t he precious?”

Yongguk gave him a gummy smile at the sight of the picture “He is. He has the same color eyes as you.”

He stares at Ash across the table for a moment, his smile growing when she blushed and looked away for a minute. She looked back up to see Bang’s steady gaze still on her and smiled at him “Well; now that is cleared up, can I ask why you picked Paris to vacation?”

“Well, we have been to a lot of different places and when we said we wanted to vacation manager hyung picked France.” Youngjae explained. Ash nodded ignoring the two younger people beside her who had somehow already started their own whispered conversation about something along the lines of school and classes that they both hated.

The remainder of the meal was spent in a pleasant atmosphere, Daehyun drawing Ash into an agreement of sending extra jars of certain snacks and Youngjae continuously reprimanding him for being impolite and inconveniencing her. Himchan and Yongguk chimed in to add to her list, by then she had pulled out a pad and pen chuckling and writing down each of their favorites.

You spent most of that night talking to Zelo and Jongup , the two sitting on either side of you. Zelo spent most of the time chattering about school, which it turns out you both had distaste for math and most of the teachers involved in it. Jongup had chimed in to ask what you did for fun, if you like to dance. When Ash had caught this she cut off her own conversation and turned to you with a smirk. “The only dance she can do is the chicken dance without looking like a broken puppet.”

With that statement she turned back around to leave you to the two dancers laughing as you felt a red blush take over your face. “I don’t dance that bad.” You mumble into your drink.

You quickly changed the subject and the night passed like a blur, so that before you knew it the guys were saying good night as Ash opened the room. You waited a moment and looked a t Zelo down the hall catching his eye; he smiles and sends you a wave. After blushing and feeling you heart rate skyrocket you send him a small wave back. You hear his laugh as you close the door and lean against it for support, you had never felt you heart beat so desperately against your chest. In fear that it might just jump out and run down the hall you grip the front of your chest the ringing in your ears making you dizzy. 

Okay.....So, this is actually my last night at home before I head off to school so I will have a hard tome updating over the next week. Hopefully I get a couple more chapters written and edited before I turn into a work crazed monster that never sleeps. Ahaha, no. That will probably not happen. Anyway, I just wanted it to be known that there may or may not be another update before next weekend. 

In other news, BAP was on The Show! Did anyone see them? 


They look very handsome here xD They are working hard so we should too, eh? 

Thank you for comments and subscriptions! If you haven't already done so, please do because I will absolutely love you for it! :3 

See you soon~

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The pictures aren't mine, I found them on tumblr. This page is really great, it also connects to individual member pages!
So if you are looking for more cute pics and info about BAP then look here! :3
unnie i want to ask you something..where did you take all those picture??thay're so cute^^
Lol Daehyun and his food. XD
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This is slowly becoming my favorite story I look forward to every new chappie
woww you've put the picture^^awesome.___.