Chappie 3: On a bus

Jars and planes that keep us together


Ash took immense pleasure in watching her sister squirm. Seeing her face such a consistent shade of red on her naturally pink cheeks nearly sent her into a fit of giggles. She made sure not to draw attention to herself as she observed her sister, glad to see that she had calmed down after the plane catastrophe. For now at least, surely the shock would wear off eventually and the younger girl would dissolve into a fluffy ball of sobs.

She liked seeing her sister talk so casually with someone after her last heartbreak, especially considering said man was her favorite idol. Ash smirked when the subject of bias came up, now she would get a kick out of watching Eri try to avoid letting the young rapper the he was hers. When he leaned towards her she pretended to be surprised by his question, “Who is Eri’s bias?” A sly grin plastered on his face.

“Well, she is sitting next to him.” Ash said with a wink. He grinned and leaned back. Ash took this as a sign that things were going well behind her, and just as she was settling in her seat she was joined by a stranger flopping down beside her. She immediately recognized the seat intruder and smiled shyly.

“Hey stranger!” She greeted him and his charming gummy smile. He then donned a cheeky grin and took in the woman in front of him.

She was clearly tired, but lively eyes shone back at him with a friendly but cold air. He had never seen anyone quiet like her, very short dark blonde hair and bright blue green eyes that had traces of, yellow? No gold and her lips! Why was he focusing on these little details on a stranger, not that she is extraordinarily good looking. He just hadn’t seen someone like her and it excited him. 

“Hello flying girl.” He greeted with a chuckle. “I see there is something entertaining behind us.”

“Aha, you noticed the cuties behind me did you? I figure it is entertaining enough watching their reactions. Honestly, how can she blush so much?” Ash giggled, thinking about her little sister turning into a tomato behind her.

“I think he likes that her face looks like a cherry tomato” the rapper mumbled, looking at her with sly eyes.

“Probably.” She burst laughing at the comment. She could barely believe the handsome, famous and talent man sitting next to her had just made a joke about her sister being embarrassed.

“I don’t think he is any better, he looks ready to burst with excitement. He is like a puppy!” she quipped.

“Haha. Yeah.” He laughed lightly. A sudden silence falling between them as the bus finally began its journey.

“Thank you again. You really saved me, I don’t know what would have happened if…” she trailed off thinking of her dreadful fate without Bang Yong guk.

“You don’t have to thank me so much. I should thank you for not posting anything on the fancafe!” He retorted.

“Ah, but I don’t really know what the official site is. So, maybe you are just lucky to find the one fan who is not on that site.” She grinned.

“Well there is facebook or twitter. Don’t pretend you don’t have either.” He retorted

“Neh. I do have both, you forgot Tumblr and AFF. But why would I post on there? You guys must be on vacation, it would be rude and disrespectful to interrupt and more so than I have been already.” Ash curtly replied with sincere eyes.

“Thank you, by the way. I am Bang Yogguk-imnida. It is very nice to meet you.”

“Hehe, Ashley Park-imnida. The pleasure is mine. It’s not everyday I am face to face with my favorite hip hop group.”

Yog guk grinned, “You ARE a baby.”

“Of course, but you should invest in better disguises. I recognized you immediately.”

“Aha, well you can blame Himchannie. He thought this would be comfortable and hide our faces.”

“You just look really sketchy.”

“I know, his intentions were good though.”

“So what are you doing in France Yongguk-sshi?”

“Vacation, like you said. You can call me oppa, you know. Don’t all the babies call us oppa?”

“Haha, but we have just met. It’s a bit forward to call you oppa without your permission.”

“Well you have it, unless you are my noona?” He cocked a brow at her, sure that she was younger than him.

There was suddenly a head between them and Zelo added “Ash noona is only two years older than me. So she can call you oppa!” He slid back to his seat giggleing at his own naughtiness and continued to listen to music with a very sleepy Eri.

Ash groaned at the gleam that appeared in the fierce rapper. “Go on, say it”

*le sigh* she looked up at his excited face and blushed slightly “Bang Yongguk oppa”

His deep voice erupted in a harsh laugh his gummy smile blinding the poor girl in front of him. The ride would be long for Ash, considering Yongguk had found a new play thing.

Lots of chapters today! I hope readers are enjoying! Thank you sooooo much for subscribing, you made me super happy! <3 <3 <3 :D

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The pictures aren't mine, I found them on tumblr. This page is really great, it also connects to individual member pages!
So if you are looking for more cute pics and info about BAP then look here! :3
unnie i want to ask you something..where did you take all those picture??thay're so cute^^
Lol Daehyun and his food. XD
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This is slowly becoming my favorite story I look forward to every new chappie
woww you've put the picture^^awesome.___.