
Jars and planes that keep us together

There is a loud blaring ring next to your head, forcing your eyes open you look at your phone screen with blurred vision and see a message.
Wiping you r eyes, you see to who had the nerve to wake you up, your heart stopping when the name Zelo is flashing at you. You are
immediately sitting up and open the message.
Wake up! Come over to our room for breakfast! Daehyunie and Jae hyungs
are here too! Be here before the waffles are!
You sit stunned for a second then your stomach growls and you rush through the bathroom brushing your hair and teeth then out the door.
You don’t even bother with changing your pajamas or waking up Ash because both are pointless and would be a waist of time. You grab a
large jar from Ash’s suitcase however and make your way down the hall. Zelo opens the door with a smile on his face when he sees you. You do
your best not to fall over, seeing him this early can’t be healthy. “You woke me up.” You tell him as he leads you into the room.
“Sorry,” He chuckles rubbing the back of his neck. “But, you are here now so don’t be grumpy” He pokes your forehead. You share a mumbled ‘good morning’ with the other three and sit next to Jongup placing the jar on the table. Daehyun immediately grabs it inspecting it.
“Is the berry breakfast jam?”He asks warily giving you a dark look making you shiver.
“It is. I took it from Ash’s stash she tends to carry with her.” You explain, he is now opening it and sniffing it.
“It smells so good~” He coos to no one in particular. “Hey, if she has jars this size why do we only ever get the tiny ones?”
You look at the frustrated expression on his face and chuckle, “I actually asked her why she only gives you small jars. After I had
asked her why she sent them at all, she told me it is portion control.She was worried if she sent you sweets in large quantities she would
get in trouble for you gaining weight.”
They look at her with dumbstruck faces and Zelo bursts into a fit of laughter. Everyone is now looking at Daehyun who seems to be pouting
but has put his mask on. Youngjae pokes his side and receives a slapto his hand. “Stop pouting, it’s not like you gain weight any ways.”
“Don’t pout over silly things hyung, the waffles are here!” Zelo sayscheerfully. The waffles are brought into the room and Daehyun
begrudgingly joins the rest in eat breakfast and eventually is
stuffing his cheeks with usual enthusiasm.
Zelo looks over at you, causing your face to heat up even more. “I-is there something on my face?”
He chuckles and pats your head, “No, you just look like a cute bunny with your cheeks stuffed!” He chuckles at you, you fan your now
burning face as you turn away from his cute smile.
“Stop teasing her so early in the morning.” Youngjae reprimands him, swatting his shoulder across the table.
You curl into your chair comfortably to watch the group playfully make fun of each other, all of them looking different somehow. You suddenly
realize what it is that seems off.
“You all have bead head!” You blurt causing them to blush and laugh.
“Ah, yeah. Well now you have seen us before we have our preening done for the day.” Jongup chuckle playing with the ends of his own reddish
brown hair.
“It’s nice.” You mumble, embarrassed to have brought attention to something so silly.
“What about my bed hair?” Zelo asks leaning close to you.
“I-I-it looks like candy.” You say staring at his colorfull locks. “I really liked when your hair was pink though.” You mumble to yourself.
“Aww, but I didn’t like the pink. It made me look girly!” He whines.
“I think you look handsome.”You again mentally slap your self for not having more control over your own mouth.
“Ha, you think I am handsome!” He gloats, chin held high. You scowl at him, trying to keep you pink cheeks from turning red again.
The rest of the morning was peaceful; Yougjae and Daehyun had somehow managed to trick Jongup into giving them each half of his last waffle.
You suspect he was not really being tricked all that much, more taken advantage of. Zelo continued to provoke you; you are now convinced it
is his goal today to see you turn permanently red. When you return to your room, the bags are packed and Ash is dressed
but sleeping on the couch. You decide to follow her lead and get dressed quickly packing the remaining bag and setting it up by the
door, trying not to dwell on the candy haired guy who was now calling you friend. You go to wake your sister up but receive a cat like growl
as she bats you away and twists her body on the couch. A small cat is curled up in the crook of her neck softly purring.
“Ash, where did the kitten come from?” You ask loud enough for her to open an eye in irritation.
“I went to the market across the street and it followed me back here. The hotel staff told me to make sure she didn’t leave my side if I was
to keep her.” She groaned stretching, causing the kitten to wake up and stretch in a similar position.
“Stop picking up strays every time we go somewhere.” You reprimand her.
“But, I can take her home. My last cat passed over a year ago and it’s so lonely at home, plus look at her. She is practically domesticated
already.” She whines slightly “I don’t need to explain anything to you.”
“Ugh, you and your cats.” You say with a humph.
“Are you packed?” She asks allowing the kitten to climb onto her shoulder and make a perch of it.
“Yeah, I uhm, actually ate breakfast with part of BAP.” You tell her nervously “I gave them a jar of you breakfast syrup.”
“Oh, good. Then we can leave immediately. Go say goodbye, it’s rude after they just treated you to breakfast.” She instructs calling to have our bags taken to the car.

Bang Yongguk will admit to not being very good at waking up. Most dayshe was working late into the night or making sure the other five were taken care of. So, this opportunity to sleep in was greatly taken advantage of, that is until the horrid Kim Himchan decided to bounce
him awake.
“Ugh, get off this bad before I hurl on you, all your bouncing is making me sick.” The now grumpy, but well rested Yongguk growl in a crackling deep morning voice.
“Well, I just thought I would wake you up so you could say goodbye to Ash. She is leaving right now.” Himchan said lightly, leaving the
room. Bang immediately shot past the snickering raven and yanked open the door to see the door opposite his opening and the woman he was hoping to see step out to the hall. He immediately joined her in the hall and took note of how cute she looked in simple jeans and a cardigan. He then noticed the small cat curled around her neck and stared dumbfounded.
“You have a cat on your shoulder.” He stated gruffly, looking at her face.
She is blushing furiously and looking anywhere but at him, he realized he quite liked the pink tint on her cheeks “And you have no shirt.”
He looks down at his own apparel and notes that he did not take the time to change into clothing before running out of the room. “ah, well. Yes, I am not wearing a shirt.”
Thankfully Himchan joined them, handing Bang a black tank which the other quickly slipped on.
“So you really do have a tattoo.” Ash observed as he turned his torso slightly to dress. For some reason this made the rapper blush and
simply nod.
“Can I ask about why there is a kitten on your shoulder?” He changed the subject.
“She just kind of followed me this morning. Would you like to hold her, she is very friendly.” She explained holding the kitten out to
him. He took the tiny cat in one hand and scratched behind her ear earning a sweet mewling sound.
“Aww. She is so cute, what a sweety!” Himchan exclaimed leaning over Yongguk to watch the kitten play with his thumb.
“I am bringing her home with me. Since I am alone most of the time it is nice to have someone to come home to.” Ash said cheerfully, fondly
watching the smiling Yongguk play with the kitten and desperately trying not to think about his abs.

Hey! I'm back with another chapter! YAY! xD

So I am finally settled at school and my classes are done for the week, shich means more chappies are to come. As for what The Show is, it is a music show and I know the have episodes on Viki, so if you are interestes I would reccomend watching it. They have lives of different groups apparently and it is pretty cool. 

Anyway, I am super tired from all of the work and moving in so I am going to take a serious power nap! x3

Thank you for the support! <3<3

Please comment and subscribe if you like the story, if you have any ideas or dritcism please comment! I would love to know what you think of it! 


Look at these handsome boys! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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The pictures aren't mine, I found them on tumblr. This page is really great, it also connects to individual member pages!
So if you are looking for more cute pics and info about BAP then look here! :3
unnie i want to ask you something..where did you take all those picture??thay're so cute^^
Lol Daehyun and his food. XD
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This is slowly becoming my favorite story I look forward to every new chappie
woww you've put the picture^^awesome.___.