chappie 15: running around

Jars and planes that keep us together


Eri ran off the balcony and around the extensive grounds until she had reached an area that she did not recognize and slowed down panting and crouched to her knees. Her thoughts were still racing as she stared blankly at the sky, trying to figure out why she had run away.

The sound of people walking in the grove of trees around startled her from the tumultuous thoughts flooding her. She recognized one of the voices nearby as that of her sister and immediately moved to sit up. But the second voice froze her movement when her name was heard in a rumbling voice.

“Have you seen Eri?” The voice murmured to what she was assuming was her sister.

“No, is there something wrong?” Ash sounded concerned as she could be heard slowing her pace to a full stop.

“Zelo just called asking where she is.” A deep grumble responded, the name sending a shiver down Eri’s spine as she remained frozen in a crouch near a tree.

“Did something happen? Is she okay?” Ash now sounded very concerned, pacing around in a circle. Eri stood quietly and snuck away from the area   getting away from thoughts of Zelo.

Bang stared at the distressed woman pacing around him, wondering what would happen next. Not sure what to do next he grabbed her hand and started back the way they had come. Her expression had changed to one of confusion once the large warm hand had engulfed her own tightly balled fist, now being towed by the tall brunette.

“Bang?” Ash’s voice reached him, sounding soft and calm. He stopped and looked at her soft smile and started to release her hand only to be stopped by her smaller fingers weaving between his. “I think we should let Zelo and Eri work out their issues. It is a nice day let’s finish our walk. She couldn’t have gotten far from here anyway; it is mostly trees around the area.”

Her voice is soft and steady but her bright pink cheeks betrayed her feelings, causing his mind to go fuzzy and heart to pound. Bang’s head whipped around to look away from the woman in front of him. He tightened his grip on her hand and started move slowly in some direction, with no particular goal in mind. The only thing on his mind was the image of Ash, her hair was ruffled and cheeks a light pink, eyes green and shining with her full pink lips tilted to one side in a smile.

“You shouldn’t walk around making people feel like this.” He muttered to his self, rather than the calmly following woman behind him.

The moment her hand has been folded in his, Ash had lost any resistance to the warm feelings that had been slowly building inside. Suddenly they were washing through and over and around her, her mind filled with nothing but the determination to enjoy the warmth that was spreading from her fingertips to the rest of her. Somehow words were passing through and his hand was now gripping hers in such a gentle manner her knees was feeling uncharacteristically weak.

“Ash?” He asked suddenly turning to her, breaking any semblance of a thought she had mustered. “I am so glad it was you that fell through that plane. That it is you that sends us those gifts.”

“Bang…”Ash began, but the words were caught in . The unfamiliar painful tug causing her senses into suddenly snap back and her head to clear. The feelings she had never felt were now being driven to the farthest parts of her, trying to pull away in every way possible she slid her hand fron the tall rappers. She then frozen when she saw the pain cross his face at her retracting hand, a sharp ache wracked through her.

Before she could think any more on feelings or reality instincts kicked in and her arms flew forward and wrapped around his middle.


Zelo had not slowed his pace form the moment he had started his search. How a girl with legs half the size of his moved so quickly was beyond the boy. He held his phone to his ear once again as it dialed her number, ringing insistently. A sudden ringing could be heard to his right followed by a string of choice words and the sound of shuffling. This caused him to skid to a halt and quietly move to look around the tree, a sigh escaping him at the sight of a certain small blande crouched and fumbling with her phone that was still ringing.

“Eir..” He sighed, collapsing next to her frozen figure. “Please don’t run, Eri.”

He placed a hand on hers that were now still clutching the silent phone. She nods dumbly before dropping the phone and staring at the panting boy who is leaning on the tree next to her, his own hand drapped over both of hers.

“Zelo, about before….I –I have no idea what I was saying.” She stutters quickly, face red and hands shaking. He suddenly gripped her hands in one of his and leaned close to her face.

“Stop it. Are you saying you don’t like me?” She shook her head, eyes watery.

“Do you not want to be my friend anymore Eri?” He insisted.

“Of course not!” She hiccupped, then stopped breathing all together as he leaned his face into her ear and growled.

“Well I don’t think I want to be friends with you.”


Hey! :3 Another chappie! yay! Sorry this one is short, but I promise I am working on the next one and it will be here soon~

Gah, I am super tired so I am going ot curl up and nap, hopefully my roommate doesn't mind me sleeping for a bit longer xP

Thank goodness for long weekends! I hope if you like the story you comment or subscribe. <3<3<3

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The pictures aren't mine, I found them on tumblr. This page is really great, it also connects to individual member pages!
So if you are looking for more cute pics and info about BAP then look here! :3
unnie i want to ask you something..where did you take all those picture??thay're so cute^^
Lol Daehyun and his food. XD
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This is slowly becoming my favorite story I look forward to every new chappie
woww you've put the picture^^awesome.___.