Chappie 20: Plans Overheard

Jars and planes that keep us together


There were several staring contests happening, one with the door of Bang Yongguk’s room and another right inside that door between the brunette and the phone sitting blank on his bed.

“Bang are you going to stare at the thing or use it to call someone?” Himchan growled from his position, sprawled across his own bed, annoyed at the physical tension growing in the room that was suffocating him. “I swear if you don’t pick the thing up and call her in the next ten seconds, you will have to look for it at the bottom of the ocean.”

“Fine!” He growled exasperated. “I will call her! What time is it back home?”

“I don’t know, it should be dinner time?” Himchan groaned. “Stop being such a pansy looking for excuses and call her!”


“Go somewhere else to do it though. I don’t want to be around when more of you emotions start pouring out. You are sappier than a tree! Ha ahahaha!” Himchan rolled over laughing at his own lame joke as Yongguk scowled at his best friend ripping the door open and stepping aside as two bodies flailed to the ground into the room.

“Haha, Hey there hyung!” Zelo called up to him sheepishly. “Could you do me this big favor, you see I need…”

“Not now. I’ll hang out with you guys later okay?” Bang interrupted him and hurried of on his own merry way, Eri and Zelo picking themselves up off the ground.

“Now what?” The candy haired teen asked the smaller girl who could only shrug in response.

“What do you two troublemakers need with that knuckle head?” Himchan drawled fiddling with his own phone, waiting for his own phone call from home.

“… hyung.” Zelo stuttered nervously, after receiving a nudge from his partner in crime however he bucked up his courage. “Well, do you know….do you know where Bang hyung is keeping Ash noonas special jelly?”

Himchan’s eyebrow arched at the question, seeing where this was going. “Did Daehyun put you up to this?”

“…”The two standing in the door way looked at each other and turned back to the bored commander. “neh.”

“I figured, we need to monitor what he eats….”Himchan trailed off as he stood and stretched and walked over to the very confused pair.

“Well what favor do you idiots owe him?”

“I want to go on a date with Eri, hyung promised to help us.” Zelo explained with a little pink crossing his cheeks causing Eri to blush too.

“Oh?” Now both of Himchan’s eyebrows were arched. “So you didn’t think to come to me? I see, well obviously my help is completely unnecessary.”

He turned away from them with a pout and huff. Eri jabbed her boyfriend in the side again, causing him to groan out loud. “Go ask for help! It’s your fault we went to the glutton in the first place!” She loud whispered up to him.

“Fine!” He growled shuffling over to Himchan. After watching the two bicker for several minutes and Zelo donning an indignant expression every minute or so , the younger was kneeling before the second eldest and begging for help.

“Well~” Himchan sang hooking his arms with the two teens. “I suppose I have nothing better to do~”

“Thank you very much Channie Oppa! You’re the best!” Eri sang back happily skipping with him down the hall, Zelo letting himself get dragged around.

“Oh, I know!” He chirped back to her, now excited to have something new to play with. Bang had gotten moody and was no longer any fun, once he was calm again he would be more fun to hang out with. Until then, Himchan would entertain his self with the young couple who were obviously just as happy to have his company. Behind him Zelo grunted unhappily doing his best to smile when Eri turned ot him with a blinding smile.


Ring Ring Ring

Ash jumped in her chair as her phone blared from the other side of the room, realizing what ringtone was beginning to play she stood and bolted to the phone. Unfortunately as she reached the table it lay on she tripped over her own feet and was sent flying to the floor phone in hand. Once she was flat on her back she answered the still ringing device breathless.

“Ash” Came the gravely reply through the phone, the deep voice sending a shiver down her spine. “Are you okay? You sound weird, are you sick?”

Ash giggled still a bit breathless into the phone, “No, I just tripped when I was trying to get my phone and fell down. The fall was rougher than you would think.”

His rough barking laughter sounded like thunder through the small device, his laughter making her smile widen as she sat up on her office floor. “You called…”

“Is it not a good time?” He asked suddenly “Are you at work?”

“yeah, but no. I am not doing anything at the moment. I should be eating luch but I took a nap by accident!”

“Haha, pabo! You aren’t sleeping well at night?” His playful tone sounded concerned, Ash’s heart clenching. “Make sure you sleep enough, and then you won’t be skipping meals. You’re feeding Sabe enough right? She is still growing-“

“Bang you are worse than a mother right now!” Ash chuckled into the phone she now cradled against her ear. His laughter echoed through the phone and barked into the empty room.

“Make sure you wash behind you ears and brush your teeth.” He cooed in a mock sing son voice that sent her into reeling laughter, causing her to gasp for breath once again.

Not two seconds after she began cackling into the phone along with Bang her office door opened and revealed one of the company chiefs on her office floor giggling like a child to the brand new young executive. Taeyoung stood in shock at seeing an expression besides scowl on the face of his new mentor, and then tried moving to the room only trip over his feet and words.

Ash stood and pressed to phone between her shoulder and ear and dropped her wide grin to a smaller smile and motioned for him to sit, which he ignored staring at her. She glanced at him before continuing her conversation in Korean, the younger noted.

“I will talk to you later, I have to get back to work.” She told the person over the phone. The person on the other end was clearly a male from the deep baritone that rang from the receiver. The young CEO scowled, stupid woman talking to her boyfriend at work.

“Alright, you mother hen. Take care of Eri and the boys.” She said gently, continuing to ignore the boy slouching in the middle of the room.

When she hung up she turned to him and before she could say anything he asked her “Is that your husband? Boyfriend? Is Eri your kid or something, you have sons too? How old are you? I heard you have no personal life, how do you have kids?”

Ash sighed rubbing her right temple and scowled at him, her kind and open expression erased. “Okay, this is the last time we will ever talk about my personal life. Is that understood?”

He nodded for her to go on. “Alright kid, sit down.” He sat opposite form her as she settled into a love seat.

“I am in no way in any romantic relationship, I do not have children and I have never been married. Who I talk to on the phone is my own business. You may ask me questions in the next twenty seconds.” She looked at him calmly.

“Then who was the guy? Who is Eri? Why were you on the floor? Where are you from? I think that’s it…”He trailed off, trying to think of more questions for the elder.

“That guy was a good friend who is taking care of my sister, in France right now. I am from America. I was on the floor due to my own clumsiness and laziness.” She drawled her expression had gone from irate to bored now.

“Hmmm” The boy observed her for a moment. From shadowing her he knew what a formidable opponent she was in terms of intelligence and even strength. After he had barged into a meeting with an important and acted like a brat she had simply walked over to him and picked him up by the collar, throwing him effectively through the door and clear past the desk her secretary sat in. To have and personal information of the “ice queen” seemed surreal, to know this foreign side of the scary woman was strange. “Are you sure that guy isn’t your boyfriend? Sounded like a boyfriend.”

“We can’t have a relationship.”


“WE are both too serious about our careers, it would be tedious and I don’t want to be a burden to someone I care about.” Her tone flat, but her brow creased.

“Oh, well that’s lame. You like him?” Taeyoung asked her like she was an idiot.

“Yes, but that is irrelevant. Now can we discuss work?”

The pair dove straight into work, not noticing the phone on her desk still glowing with the in call signal.


Bang Yongguk for lack of better term was dumb struck, currently processing the conversation he had not meant to over hear. Nor was he meant to overhear it, Ash had probably assumed he would hang up and put down her phone. She liked him, enough to have thought about a relationship a step further than to what Bang had thought to. But she did not consider a relationship with him out of consideration for…him. For his career.

He put his phone down and settled down to think over this new information, not even noticing a parade of babbling people skipping past him. Not that the trio really noticed the man deep in his own thoughts.

Hey guys....long time no see I guess....I am so sorry. I have been kind of busy. I am sorry, I just got lazy to be honest. But I am all motivated and super excited ot do all of he things! So please don't hate me for dissapearing for a couple of days!!!

I know you guys are probably looking at the screen like...


So here are some little presents for my favourite readers ( that means all of you...:3)


Lol. Daehyun's singing face and Jungup being the cutest derp in the world. <3 <3 <3


Look how cute they are! Ugh. I will never look that good.....=.=
Okay, so these pictures....THEY ARE NOT MINE!!!!
They are all from the wonderful people at
This link leads to videos, info, interviews, pictures and gifs. Any and all info about BAP that you are unsure about....go here. Trust me it is GLORIOUS! xD
I digress.
OHMYGOSH! I almost forgot to mention that they are coming ot the states! That's right they are coming for K-con and guess where it is!
On the other side of the country from where I am .....=.=
Now I am sad and I must find a corner to curl up and die in to avoid hating everyone in California for having the opportunity to see my darling BAP live. 
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The pictures aren't mine, I found them on tumblr. This page is really great, it also connects to individual member pages!
So if you are looking for more cute pics and info about BAP then look here! :3
unnie i want to ask you something..where did you take all those picture??thay're so cute^^
Lol Daehyun and his food. XD
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This is slowly becoming my favorite story I look forward to every new chappie
woww you've put the picture^^awesome.___.