Chappie 14: Days and feelings build

Jars and planes that keep us together


3 days later (by some miraculous time travel)

You are sitting on the balcony of a room looking over the rolling hills of Bordeaux. The three days since your arrival in France had somehow passed in a jumbled up blur confusion and unexpected events, the most unexpected being the hand tangled in yours and the sleeping boy attached to it. You smile at Zelo as he moves to get more comfortable in the lounge chair next to yours; you poke his cheek to wake him up.

“What?” he grumbles sleepily, hooded eyes looking at you with hooded eyes. He grabs your finger that is still lightly poking his cheek and mimes a bite. “Stop poking me or you’ll lose your finger you baby bunny.”

You automatically blush as his hand moves to intertwine your fingers, his smile softening to a pleasant grin. Trying to ignore the sly boy next to you, you distract yourself with the sight of the rest of your group playing. The past few days were now a surreal blur from that one day in the hotel. For one, you had thought that would be the last you would see of the bubbly maknae of BAP, however he was now resting his head against your interlaced fingers babbling about some new dance he and Jong up were determined to do but could not quite get.

Three Days Ago

“Where are you going now?” Zelo asked as he follows you to the lobby helping with your bags.

We are going to a Villa in the country side, Ash is taking a break.” You smile at him when he grabs your bags an yo make your way slowly towards the lobby doors, the taxi and to never seeing him this close again. You slow your pace even more thinking about going back to being a regular fan, one that doesn’t eat waffles and play on bridges with him and your stomach is now in uncomfortable knots. Zelo stops and looks back at you with a questioning look as to why you had stopped walking.

“Are you okay Eri?” He asks leaning close to your face his warm breathe smelling sweet and bitter (like tomatoes?). You nod hesitantly, how could you say that you don’t want to leave? That you want to stay and spend another day with him? He would think you are crazy, a fan obsessed with him or something. But your heart was screaming to stay with him, that leaving him would be the biggest mistake ever.

“I don’t want you to go.” He whispers against your ear, his breathy words and warmth sending shivers down your spine. Closing your eyes to take a steady breathe you look up at his dark eyes and try your best to speak but your voice seemed to be caught in your throat. Giving up on speaking you close your mouth and just look at him for a while until you see Ash come from the elevator, face pale with traces of green from the ride down.

“Zelo…” Again you fail to say what you feel before you are surrounded by companions. “We have to go now.” With that you and your bags make it out the door and into the waiting car.


You look at Zelo again curiously, remembering his voice and words that had sent your heart rate so high that you had not been able to breathe for several minutes. Now here he was lounging in the beautiful villa, a pleasant breeze ruffling bright colored hair sending the candy color in even more disarray.

“Zelo, are you happy being here?” You ask suddenly, worried he was bored and wanted go play with the band somewhere else. Not that it could matter to you, because as his friend where you wanted to be didn’t seem as important to you anymore. He is looking at you with an expression you haven’t seen yet, but can assume is distress because his eyebrows are draw together and his lips form a tight frown.

“Why would I not be happy here you silly baby bunny?” he asks the concern edging his light words built the tension in your heart up. “I get to be with you. I told you I didn’t want you to go before, right? Well, do you want me to stay?”

You are taken aback by this question, not expecting him to have answered so seriously to your stupid question. Obviously you want him to stay with you, the fact that they had decided to tour france with the sisters had made you so ecstatic. Bu the asked that question as if he doubted you even wanted him around, his hand was now with drawn away and he sat farther from you assessing the situation.

“Of course, I want to be with you!” You are shouting at him angrily, suddenly standing in front of him. That he doubted how much you care about him hurt, but that is understandable after only four days, right?

He looks startled, staring at you as you huff angrily at his stupidity, or maybe your own stupidity. “In what world would I NOT want to be with you?! No matter what world, or where you are I will now always want to be with you stupid! I care about you so much and I can’t believe you would ever think I don’t want you!” You are shouting still as he sits before you frozen, eyes taking in the small furious bundle shaking in front of him.

“I-I-I am s-s-sorry.” He stammers, trying to process the words that had just been flung his way. “I just, I am so happy being with you. I want to know that you feel the same way. But, I guess I shouldn’t worry if you feel so strongly..”

You suddenly realize you have just practically confessed that you love him as more than a friend, more than an idol. In confusion and shock you are now running away from him in an attempt to run from your words.



Zelo’s heart was dealing with a lot right now. One moment it was beating calmly enjoying peace, the next it had clenched in fear and pain that she did not want him, then it was pounding harshly inside at her words. He sat in the same position until Himchan approached him to make sure he ate, at that moment his entire being seemed to snap back together. His heart, head and body all singing with energy and the knowledge that the one person that he wanted to be with the most in the world wants him the same way. He didn’t know if she cared for him as an idol, or a friend, but he cared for even more than he could in such a short time. “Hyung” Zelo whispered, surprised by his own feelings.

“Wassup Jello?” Himchan sang, sitting down with a gentle smile.

“I think-“ The younger began a strange look gracing his features. “I think I really, really like Eri-ah”

The boys words were faint and said so low Himchan was not sure he had heard right, but the pink blush spread across Zelo’s face told that it was indeed the words of a confession that had been whispered. Himchan immediately had to hold his self back from running to Bang to tell the good news of their baby Jello growing up and planning a party. “Is there something wrong with that Jello?”

“Uhm, no?” The boy pondered the question a moment longer then shook his head as if to confirm his answer even more.

“Then what are you going to do?” Himchan asked, trying to lead the maknae down the right path.

“I have no idea.” Zelo sighed ploppin his head onto his hands. “I don’t know if she feels the same way. But even if she does then would we even be together? Wouldn’t it hurt her and me to be a part from each other?”

“Hmm, you are very smart sometimes.” Himchan said looking at the younger trying not to pull him into a hug and tell him that it would be fine. “I think if you both really want to be together there is nothing in the world to stop you besides yourself. If you want a relationship with that girl, it will take work. You are both passionate and you are both hard working,  that can either get in the way or help. Just talk to her, work this out, okay?”

“Mmmh.”  Zelo nodded to his hyung, think on how to talk to Eri. It then hit him that she had completely bolted after she had screamed at him. “Where is she anyway?”

Hey guys! I hope you are okay with the time jump! :/

So, I am working a bit slower with school in full swing. However, I seem to be able to get a chapter done every few days, so I will do my best to make sure I am updating conveniently.....

Anyway, I love love love the support! It helps me get through the piles of work. That and the wonderful handsomeness of BAP.


Look at this handsome guy! He sit slike such a sir! xD

<3 <3 <3


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The pictures aren't mine, I found them on tumblr. This page is really great, it also connects to individual member pages!
So if you are looking for more cute pics and info about BAP then look here! :3
unnie i want to ask you something..where did you take all those picture??thay're so cute^^
Lol Daehyun and his food. XD
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This is slowly becoming my favorite story I look forward to every new chappie
woww you've put the picture^^awesome.___.